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** @file vpmainwindow.h
** @author Roman Telezhynskyi <dismine(at)>
** @date 16 2, 2020
** @brief
** @copyright
** This source code is part of the Valentina project, a pattern making
** program, whose allow create and modeling patterns of clothing.
** Copyright (C) 2020 Valentina project
** <> All Rights Reserved.
** Valentina is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** Valentina is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with Valentina. If not, see <>.
#include <QMainWindow>
#include <QMessageBox>
#include <QDoubleSpinBox>
#include <QPointer>
#include "../vmisc/def.h"
#include "vpcarrousel.h"
#include "vpmaingraphicsview.h"
#include "vplayout.h"
#include "vppiece.h"
#include "../vlayout/vlayoutpiece.h"
#include "vpcommandline.h"
#include "../vlayout/vlayoutdef.h"
namespace Ui
class VPMainWindow;
class VPMainWindow : public QMainWindow
explicit VPMainWindow(const VPCommandLinePtr &cmd, QWidget *parent = nullptr);
virtual ~VPMainWindow();
* @brief LoadFile Loads the layout file of given path in m_layout.
* This function doesn't update the gui.
* @param path path to layout
* @return true if success
bool LoadFile(QString path);
* @brief SaveFile Saves the current layout to the layout file of given path
* @param path path to layout file
* @return true if success
bool SaveFile(const QString &path);
* @brief ImportRawLayouts The function imports the raw layouts of given paths
* @param rawLayouts paths of the layouts to import
void ImportRawLayouts(const QStringList &rawLayouts);
* @brief InitZoom Initialises the zoom to fit best
void InitZoom();
public slots:
* @brief on_actionNew_triggered When the menu action File > New
* is triggered
void on_actionNew_triggered();
enum { MaxRecentFiles = 5 };
virtual void closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event) override;
Ui::VPMainWindow *ui;
VPCarrousel *m_carrousel{nullptr};
VPMainGraphicsView *m_graphicsView{nullptr};
VPCommandLinePtr m_cmd;
VPLayout *m_layout{nullptr};
QList<VPPiece *>m_selectedPieces{QList<VPPiece *>()};
* @brief spin box with the scale factor of the graphic view
QPointer<QDoubleSpinBox> m_doubleSpinBoxScale{nullptr};
* @brief mouseCoordinate pointer to label who show mouse coordinate.
QLabel* m_mouseCoordinate{nullptr};
* @brief CreatePiece creates a piece from the given VLayoutPiece data
* @param rawPiece the raw piece data
VPPiece* CreatePiece(const VLayoutPiece &rawPiece);
* @brief InitMenuBar Inits the menu bar (File, Edit, Help ...)
void InitMenuBar();
* @brief InitProperties Init the properties
void InitProperties();
* @brief InitPropertyTabCurrentPiece Inits the current piece tab in the properties
void InitPropertyTabCurrentPiece();
* @brief InitPropertyTabCurrentSheet Inits the current sheet tab in the properties;
void InitPropertyTabCurrentSheet();
* @brief InitPropertyTabLayout Inits the layout tab in the properties
void InitPropertyTabLayout();
* @brief InitPropertyTabTiles Inits the tiles tab in the properties
void InitPropertyTabTiles();
* @brief InitCarrousel Inits the carrousel
void InitCarrousel();
* @brief InitMainGraphics Initialises the puzzle main graphics
void InitMainGraphics();
* @brief InitToolBar Initialises the tool bar
void InitZoomToolBar();
* @brief SetPropertiesData Sets the values of UI elements
* in all the property tabs to the values saved in m_layout
void SetPropertiesData();
* @brief SetPropertyTabCurrentPieceData Sets the values of UI elements
* in the Current Piece Tab to the values saved in m_layout
void SetPropertyTabCurrentPieceData();
* @brief SetPropertyTabSheetData Sets the values of UI elements
* in the Sheet Tab to the values saved in focused sheet
void SetPropertyTabSheetData();
* @brief SetPropertyTabTilesData Sets the values of UI elements
* in the Tiles Tab to the values saved in m_layout
void SetPropertyTabTilesData();
* @brief SetPropertyTabLayoutData Sets the values of UI elements
* in the Layout Tab to the values saved in m_layout
void SetPropertyTabLayoutData();
* @brief SetDoubleSpinBoxValue sets the given spinbox to the given value.
* the signals are blocked before changing the value and unblocked after
* @param spinBox pointer to spinbox
* @param value spinbox value
void SetDoubleSpinBoxValue(QDoubleSpinBox *spinBox, qreal value);
* @brief SetCheckBoxValue sets the given checkbox to the given value.
* the signals are blocked before changing the value and unblocked after
* @param checkbox pointer to checkbox
* @param value checkbox value
void SetCheckBoxValue(QCheckBox *checkbox, bool value);
void ReadSettings();
void WriteSettings();
bool MaybeSave();
private slots:
* @brief on_actionOpen_triggered When the menu action File > Open is
* triggered.
* The slot is automatically connected through name convention.
void on_actionOpen_triggered();
* @brief on_actionSave_triggered When the menu action File > Save is
* triggered.
* The slot is automatically connected through name convention.
void on_actionSave_triggered();
* @brief on_actionSaveAs_triggered When the menu action File > Save As
* is triggered.
* The slot is automatically connected through name convention.
void on_actionSaveAs_triggered();
* @brief on_actionImportRawLayout_triggered When the menu action
* File > Import Raw Layout is triggered.
* The slot is automatically connected through name convention.
void on_actionImportRawLayout_triggered();
* @brief on_actionCloseLayout_triggered When the menu action
* File > Close Layout is triggered.
* The slot is automatically connected through name convention.
void on_actionCloseLayout_triggered();
* @brief on_actionAboutQt_triggered When the menu action Help > About Qt
* is triggered.
* The slot is automatically connected through name convention.
void on_actionAboutQt_triggered();
* @brief on_actionAboutPuzzle_triggered When the menu action Help > About Puzzle
* is triggered.
* The slot is automatically connected through name convention.
void on_actionAboutPuzzle_triggered();
* @brief on_comboBoxLayoutUnit_currentIndexChanged When the unit is changed in
* the layout property tab.
* The slot is automatically connected through name convention.
* @param index the index of the selected unit
void on_comboBoxLayoutUnit_currentIndexChanged(int index);
* @brief on_comboBoxLayoutTemplate_currentIndexChanged When the template is
* changed in the layout property tab.
* The slot is automatically connected through name convention.
* @param index the index of the selected templated
void on_comboBoxSheetTemplate_currentIndexChanged(int index);
* @brief on_SheetSizeChanged When the width or the length has been changed in
* the sheet property tab
void on_SheetSizeChanged();
* @brief on_SheetOrientationChanged When one of the radio boxes for the sheet
* orientation has been clicked
void on_SheetOrientationChanged();
* @brief on_pushButtonLayoutRemoveUnusedLength_clicked When the button
* "Remove unused length" in the sheet property tab is clicked.
* The slot is automatically connected through name convention.
void on_pushButtonSheetRemoveUnusedLength_clicked();
* @brief on_SheetMarginChanged When one of the margin values has been changed
* in the sheet property tab.
void on_SheetMarginChanged();
* @brief LayoutFollowGrainlineChanged When one of the radio boxes for the
* "Follow grainline" has been clicked in the sheet property tab.
void on_SheetFollowGrainlineChanged();
* @brief on_doubleSpinBoxLayoutPiecesGap_valueChanged When the "pieces gap"
* value is changed in the layout property tab.
* The slot is automatically connected through name convention.
* @param value the new value of the pieces gap
void on_doubleSpinBoxSheetPiecesGap_valueChanged(double value);
* @brief on_TilesSizeChanged When the width or the length has been changed in
* the tiles property tab
void on_TilesSizeChanged();
* @brief on_TilesOrientationChanged When one of the radio boxes for the tiles
* orientation has been clicked
void on_TilesOrientationChanged();
* @brief on_TilesMarginChanged When one of the margin values has been changed
* in the tiles property tab.
void on_TilesMarginChanged();
* @brief on_checkBoxTilesShowTiles_toggled When the checkbox "show tiles" is
* clicked
* @param checked´
void on_checkBoxTilesShowTiles_toggled(bool checked);
* @brief on_checkBoxLayoutWarningPiecesSuperposition_toggled When the
* "Warning when pieces superposition" checkbox value in the layout
* property tab is toggled.
* The slot is automatically connected through name convention.
* @param checked the new checked value
void on_checkBoxLayoutWarningPiecesSuperposition_toggled(bool checked);
* @brief on_checkBoxLayoutWarningPiecesOutOfBound_toggled When the
* "Warning when pieces out of bound" checkbox value in the layout property
* tab is toggled.
* The slot is automatically connected through name convention.
* @param checked the new checked value
void on_checkBoxLayoutWarningPiecesOutOfBound_toggled(bool checked);
* @brief on_checkBoxLayoutStickyEdges_toggled When the "Sticky edges"
* checkbox value in the layout property tab is toggled.
* The slot is automatically connected through name convention.
* @param checked the new checked value
void on_checkBoxSheetStickyEdges_toggled(bool checked);
* @brief on_pushButtonLayoutExport_clicked When the button
* "Export layout" in the layout property is clicked.
* The slot is automatically connected through name convention.
void on_pushButtonSheetExport_clicked();
* @brief on_checkBoxCurrentPieceShowSeamline_toggled When the
* "Show seamline" checkbox value in the current piece tab is toggled.
* The slot is automatically connected through name convention.
* @param checked the new checked value
void on_checkBoxCurrentPieceShowSeamline_toggled(bool checked);
* @brief on_checkBoxCurrentPieceMirrorPiece_toggled When the
* "Mirror piece" checkbox in the current piece tab is toggled.
* The slot is automatically connected through name convention.
* @param checked the new checked value
void on_checkBoxCurrentPieceMirrorPiece_toggled(bool checked);
* @brief on_doubleSpinBoxCurrentPieceAngle_valueChanged When the
* "Current Piece Angle" value in the current piece property is changed
* The slot is automatically connected through name convention.
* @param value the new angle value
void on_doubleSpinBoxCurrentPieceAngle_valueChanged(double value);
* @brief on_CurrentPiecePositionChanged When the positionX or the positionY
* is changed in the current piece tab
void on_CurrentPiecePositionEdited();
* @brief CarrouselLocationChanged When the piece carrousel's location
* has been changed
* @param area The new area where the piece carrousel has been placed
void on_CarrouselLocationChanged(Qt::DockWidgetArea area);
* @brief on_PieceSelectionChanged When the piece selection has changed
void on_PieceSelectionChanged();
* @brief on_PiecePositionChanged When the current piece position has changed
void on_PiecePositionChanged();
* @brief on_PieceRotationChanged When the current piece rotation has changed
void on_PieceRotationChanged();
* @brief on_ScaleChanged When the scale of the graphic view is changed
void on_ScaleChanged(qreal scale);
* @brief mouseMove save mouse position and show user.
* @param scenePos position mouse.
void on_MouseMoved(const QPointF &scenePos);