2023-01-11 14:02:35 +02:00

39 lines
1.2 KiB

import qbs.FileInfo
VApp {
Depends { name: "freedesktop2" }
Depends { name: "tenv" }
version: "0.7.52"
install: true
installDir: buildconfig.installAppPath
installDebugInformation: true
Properties {
// Breakpoints do not work if debug the app inside of bundle. In debug mode we turn off creating a bundle.
// Probably it will breake some dependencies. Version for Mac designed to work inside an app bundle.
condition: qbs.targetOS.contains("macos") && qbs.buildVariant == "debug"
bundle.isBundle: false
Properties {
condition: buildconfig.enableAppImage && qbs.targetOS.contains("unix") && !qbs.targetOS.contains("macos")
cpp.dynamicLibraries: ["icudata", "icui18n", "icuuc"]
Group {
name: "freedesktop"
prefix: FileInfo.joinPaths(project.sourceDirectory, "dist", FileInfo.pathSeparator())
files: [
product.targetName + ".desktop"
freedesktop2.desktopKeys: ({
'Exec': FileInfo.joinPaths(qbs.installPrefix,
product.targetName) + ' %F',
'X-Application-Version': product.version,