/************************************************************************ ** ** @file vpointfproperty.cpp ** @author Roman Telezhynskyi ** @date 27 8, 2014 ** ** @brief ** @copyright ** All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials ** are made available under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License ** (LGPL) version 2.1 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at ** http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html ** ** This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ** Lesser General Public License for more details. ** *************************************************************************/ #include "vpointfproperty.h" using namespace VPE; #include #include #include #include #include "../vproperty_p.h" #include "vnumberproperty.h" class QPointF; VPE::VPointFProperty::VPointFProperty(const QString &name) : VProperty(name, QVariant::PointF) { d_ptr->VariantValue.setValue(0); d_ptr->VariantValue.convert(QVariant::PointF); VDoubleProperty* tmpX = new VDoubleProperty("X"); addChild(tmpX); tmpX->setUpdateBehaviour(true, false); VDoubleProperty* tmpY = new VDoubleProperty("Y"); addChild(tmpY); tmpY->setUpdateBehaviour(true, false); setValue(QPointF()); } QVariant VPointFProperty::data(int column, int role) const { if (column == DPC_Data && Qt::DisplayRole == role) { return getPointF(); } else return VProperty::data(column, role); } Qt::ItemFlags VPointFProperty::flags(int column) const { if (column == DPC_Name || column == DPC_Data) { return Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable; } else return Qt::NoItemFlags; } QPointF VPointFProperty::getPointF() const { QPointF tmpValue; if (d_ptr->Children.count() < 2) { return tmpValue; } tmpValue.setX(d_ptr->Children.at(0)->getValue().toDouble()); tmpValue.setY(d_ptr->Children.at(1)->getValue().toDouble()); return tmpValue; } void VPointFProperty::setPointF(const QPointF &point) { setPointF(point.x(), point.y()); } void VPointFProperty::setPointF(qreal x, qreal y) { if (d_ptr->Children.count() < 2) { return; } QVariant tmpX(x); tmpX.convert(QVariant::Double); QVariant tmpY(y); tmpY.convert(QVariant::Double); d_ptr->Children.at(0)->setValue(tmpX); d_ptr->Children.at(1)->setValue(tmpY); } QString VPointFProperty::type() const { return "pointF"; } VProperty *VPointFProperty::clone(bool include_children, VProperty *container) const { if (!container) { container = new VPointFProperty(getName()); if (!include_children) { QList tmpChildren = container->getChildren(); foreach(VProperty* tmpChild, tmpChildren) { container->removeChild(tmpChild); delete tmpChild; } } } return VProperty::clone(false, container); // Child } void VPointFProperty::setValue(const QVariant &value) { QPointF tmpPoint = value.toPointF(); setPointF(tmpPoint); } QVariant VPointFProperty::getValue() const { QPointF tmpValue = getPointF(); return QString("%1,%2").arg(QString::number(tmpValue.x()), QString::number(tmpValue.y())); }