/************************************************************************ ** ** @file def.cpp ** @author Roman Telezhynskyi ** @date 11 6, 2015 ** ** @brief ** @copyright ** This source code is part of the Valentina project, a pattern making ** program, whose allow create and modeling patterns of clothing. ** Copyright (C) 2015 Valentina project ** All Rights Reserved. ** ** Valentina is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** Valentina is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with Valentina. If not, see . ** *************************************************************************/ #include "def.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "vabstractapplication.h" #if QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 11, 0) # include "vdatastreamenum.h" #endif #include "../ifc/exception/vexception.h" const qreal defCurveApproximationScale = 0.5; const qreal minCurveApproximationScale = 0.2; const qreal maxCurveApproximationScale = 10.0; const int minLabelFontSize = 5; const int maxLabelFontSize = 100; //functions const QString degTorad_F = QStringLiteral("degTorad"); const QString radTodeg_F = QStringLiteral("radTodeg"); const QString sin_F = QStringLiteral("sin"); const QString cos_F = QStringLiteral("cos"); const QString tan_F = QStringLiteral("tan"); const QString asin_F = QStringLiteral("asin"); const QString acos_F = QStringLiteral("acos"); const QString atan_F = QStringLiteral("atan"); const QString sinh_F = QStringLiteral("sinh"); const QString cosh_F = QStringLiteral("cosh"); const QString tanh_F = QStringLiteral("tanh"); const QString asinh_F = QStringLiteral("asinh"); const QString acosh_F = QStringLiteral("acosh"); const QString atanh_F = QStringLiteral("atanh"); const QString sinD_F = QStringLiteral("sinD"); const QString cosD_F = QStringLiteral("cosD"); const QString tanD_F = QStringLiteral("tanD"); const QString asinD_F = QStringLiteral("asinD"); const QString acosD_F = QStringLiteral("acosD"); const QString atanD_F = QStringLiteral("atanD"); const QString log2_F = QStringLiteral("log2"); const QString log10_F = QStringLiteral("log10"); const QString log_F = QStringLiteral("log"); const QString ln_F = QStringLiteral("ln"); const QString exp_F = QStringLiteral("exp"); const QString sqrt_F = QStringLiteral("sqrt"); const QString sign_F = QStringLiteral("sign"); const QString rint_F = QStringLiteral("rint"); const QString r2cm_F = QStringLiteral("r2cm"); const QString csrCm_F = QStringLiteral("csrCm"); const QString csrInch_F = QStringLiteral("csrInch"); const QString abs_F = QStringLiteral("abs"); const QString min_F = QStringLiteral("min"); const QString max_F = QStringLiteral("max"); const QString sum_F = QStringLiteral("sum"); const QString avg_F = QStringLiteral("avg"); const QString fmod_F = QStringLiteral("fmod"); const QStringList builInFunctions = QStringList() << degTorad_F << radTodeg_F << sin_F << cos_F << tan_F << asin_F << acos_F << atan_F << sinh_F << cosh_F << tanh_F << asinh_F << acosh_F << atanh_F << sinD_F << cosD_F << tanD_F << asinD_F << acosD_F << atanD_F << log2_F << log10_F << log_F << ln_F << exp_F << sqrt_F << sign_F << rint_F << r2cm_F << csrCm_F << csrInch_F << abs_F << min_F << max_F << sum_F << avg_F << fmod_F; const QString pl_size = QStringLiteral("size"); const QString pl_height = QStringLiteral("height"); const QString pl_date = QStringLiteral("date"); const QString pl_time = QStringLiteral("time"); const QString pl_patternName = QStringLiteral("patternName"); const QString pl_patternNumber = QStringLiteral("patternNumber"); const QString pl_author = QStringLiteral("author"); const QString pl_customer = QStringLiteral("customer"); const QString pl_userMaterial = QStringLiteral("userMaterial"); const QString pl_pExt = QStringLiteral("pExt"); const QString pl_pFileName = QStringLiteral("pFileName"); const QString pl_mFileName = QStringLiteral("mFileName"); const QString pl_mExt = QStringLiteral("mExt"); const QString pl_pLetter = QStringLiteral("pLetter"); const QString pl_pAnnotation = QStringLiteral("pAnnotation"); const QString pl_pOrientation = QStringLiteral("pOrientation"); const QString pl_pRotation = QStringLiteral("pRotation"); const QString pl_pTilt = QStringLiteral("pTilt"); const QString pl_pFoldPosition = QStringLiteral("pFoldPosition"); const QString pl_pName = QStringLiteral("pName"); const QString pl_pQuantity = QStringLiteral("pQuantity"); const QString pl_mFabric = QStringLiteral("mFabric"); const QString pl_mLining = QStringLiteral("mLining"); const QString pl_mInterfacing = QStringLiteral("mInterfacing"); const QString pl_mInterlining = QStringLiteral("mInterlining"); const QString pl_wCut = QStringLiteral("wCut"); const QString pl_wOnFold = QStringLiteral("wOnFold"); const QStringList labelTemplatePlaceholders = QStringList() << pl_size << pl_height << pl_date << pl_time << pl_patternName << pl_patternNumber << pl_author << pl_customer << pl_userMaterial << pl_pExt << pl_pFileName << pl_mFileName << pl_mExt << pl_pLetter << pl_pAnnotation << pl_pOrientation << pl_pRotation << pl_pTilt << pl_pFoldPosition << pl_pName << pl_pQuantity << pl_mFabric << pl_mLining << pl_mInterfacing << pl_mInterlining << pl_wCut << pl_wOnFold; const QString cursorArrowOpenHand = QStringLiteral("://cursor/cursor-arrow-openhand.png"); const QString cursorArrowCloseHand = QStringLiteral("://cursor/cursor-arrow-closehand.png"); const QString unitMM = QStringLiteral("mm"); const QString unitCM = QStringLiteral("cm"); const QString unitINCH = QStringLiteral("inch"); const QString unitPX = QStringLiteral("px"); const QString valentinaNamespace = QStringLiteral("valentina"); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QPixmap QPixmapFromCache(const QString &pixmapPath) { QPixmap pixmap; if (not QPixmapCache::find(pixmapPath, &pixmap)) { pixmap = QPixmap(pixmapPath); QPixmapCache::insert(pixmapPath, pixmap); } return pixmap; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SetItemOverrideCursor(QGraphicsItem *item, const QString &pixmapPath, int hotX, int hotY) { #ifndef QT_NO_CURSOR SCASSERT(item != nullptr) item->setCursor(QCursor(QPixmapFromCache(pixmapPath), hotX, hotY)); #else Q_UNUSED(item) Q_UNUSED(pixmapPath) Q_UNUSED(hotX) Q_UNUSED(hotY) #endif } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QStringList SupportedLocales() { const QStringList locales = QStringList() << QStringLiteral("ru_RU") << QStringLiteral("uk_UA") << QStringLiteral("de_DE") << QStringLiteral("cs_CZ") << QStringLiteral("he_IL") << QStringLiteral("fr_FR") << QStringLiteral("it_IT") << QStringLiteral("nl_NL") << QStringLiteral("id_ID") << QStringLiteral("es_ES") << QStringLiteral("fi_FI") << QStringLiteral("en_US") << QStringLiteral("en_CA") << QStringLiteral("en_IN") << QStringLiteral("ro_RO") << QStringLiteral("zh_CN") << QStringLiteral("pt_BR") << QStringLiteral("el_GR") << QStringLiteral("pl_PL"); return locales; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @brief strippedName the function call around curFile to exclude the path to the file. * @param fullFileName full path to the file. * @return file name. */ QString StrippedName(const QString &fullFileName) { return QFileInfo(fullFileName).fileName(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QString RelativeMPath(const QString &patternPath, const QString &absoluteMPath) { if (patternPath.isEmpty() || absoluteMPath.isEmpty()) { return absoluteMPath; } if (QFileInfo(absoluteMPath).isRelative()) { return absoluteMPath; } return QFileInfo(patternPath).absoluteDir().relativeFilePath(absoluteMPath); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QString AbsoluteMPath(const QString &patternPath, const QString &relativeMPath) { if (patternPath.isEmpty() || relativeMPath.isEmpty()) { return relativeMPath; } if (QFileInfo(relativeMPath).isAbsolute()) { return relativeMPath; } return QFileInfo(QFileInfo(patternPath).absoluteDir(), relativeMPath).absoluteFilePath(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QSharedPointer PreparePrinter(const QPrinterInfo &info, QPrinter::PrinterMode mode) { QPrinterInfo tmpInfo = info; if(tmpInfo.isNull() || tmpInfo.printerName().isEmpty()) { const QStringList list = QPrinterInfo::availablePrinterNames(); if(list.isEmpty()) { return QSharedPointer(); } else { tmpInfo = QPrinterInfo::printerInfo(list.first()); } } auto printer = QSharedPointer(new QPrinter(tmpInfo, mode)); printer->setResolution(static_cast(PrintDPI)); return printer; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QMarginsF GetMinPrinterFields(const QSharedPointer &printer) { QPageLayout layout = printer->pageLayout(); layout.setUnits(QPageLayout::Millimeter); const QMarginsF minMargins = layout.minimumMargins(); QMarginsF min; min.setLeft(UnitConvertor(minMargins.left(), Unit::Mm, Unit::Px)); min.setRight(UnitConvertor(minMargins.right(), Unit::Mm, Unit::Px)); min.setTop(UnitConvertor(minMargins.top(), Unit::Mm, Unit::Px)); min.setBottom(UnitConvertor(minMargins.bottom(), Unit::Mm, Unit::Px)); return min; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QMarginsF GetPrinterFields(const QSharedPointer &printer) { if (printer.isNull()) { return QMarginsF(); } qreal left = 0; qreal top = 0; qreal right = 0; qreal bottom = 0; printer->getPageMargins(&left, &top, &right, &bottom, QPrinter::Millimeter); // We can't use Unit::Px because our dpi in most cases is different QMarginsF def; def.setLeft(UnitConvertor(left, Unit::Mm, Unit::Px)); def.setRight(UnitConvertor(right, Unit::Mm, Unit::Px)); def.setTop(UnitConvertor(top, Unit::Mm, Unit::Px)); def.setBottom(UnitConvertor(bottom, Unit::Mm, Unit::Px)); return def; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QPixmap darkenPixmap(const QPixmap &pixmap) { QImage img = pixmap.toImage().convertToFormat(QImage::Format_ARGB32); const int imgh = img.height(); const int imgw = img.width(); for (int y = 0; y < imgh; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < imgw; ++x) { int h, s, v; QRgb pixel = img.pixel(x, y); const int a = qAlpha(pixel); QColor hsvColor(pixel); hsvColor.getHsv(&h, &s, &v); s = qMin(100, s * 2); v = v / 2; hsvColor.setHsv(h, s, v); pixel = hsvColor.rgb(); img.setPixel(x, y, qRgba(qRed(pixel), qGreen(pixel), qBlue(pixel), a)); } } return QPixmap::fromImage(img); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ShowInGraphicalShell(const QString &filePath) { #ifdef Q_OS_MAC QStringList args; args << "-e"; args << "tell application \"Finder\""; args << "-e"; args << "activate"; args << "-e"; args << "select POSIX file \""+filePath+"\""; args << "-e"; args << "end tell"; QProcess::startDetached("osascript", args); #elif defined(Q_OS_WIN) QProcess::startDetached(QString("explorer /select, \"%1\"").arg(QDir::toNativeSeparators(filePath))); #else const QString app = "xdg-open %d"; QString cmd; for (int i = 0; i < app.size(); ++i) { QChar c = app.at(i); if (c == QLatin1Char('%') && i < app.size()-1) { c = app.at(++i); QString s; if (c == QLatin1Char('d')) { s = QLatin1Char('"') + QFileInfo(filePath).path() + QLatin1Char('"'); } else if (c == QLatin1Char('%')) { s = c; } else { s = QLatin1Char('%'); s += c; } cmd += s; continue; } cmd += c; } QProcess::startDetached(cmd); #endif } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool IsOptionSet(int argc, char *argv[], const char *option) { for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { if (!qstrcmp(argv[i], option)) { return true; } } return false; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // See issue #624. https://bitbucket.org/dismine/valentina/issues/624 void InitHighDpiScaling(int argc, char *argv[]) { /* For more info see: http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/highdpi.html */ if (IsOptionSet(argc, argv, qPrintable(QLatin1String("--") + LONG_OPTION_NO_HDPI_SCALING))) { #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 6, 0) QCoreApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_DisableHighDpiScaling); #else qputenv("QT_DEVICE_PIXEL_RATIO", QByteArray("1")); #endif } else { #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 6, 0) QApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_EnableHighDpiScaling); // DPI support #else qputenv("QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR", QByteArray("1")); #endif } } const QString strOne = QStringLiteral("one"); const QString strTwo = QStringLiteral("two"); const QString strThree = QStringLiteral("three"); Q_GLOBAL_STATIC_WITH_ARGS(const QString, strTMark, (QLatin1String("tMark"))) Q_GLOBAL_STATIC_WITH_ARGS(const QString, strVMark, (QLatin1String("vMark"))) Q_GLOBAL_STATIC_WITH_ARGS(const QString, strVMark2, (QLatin1String("vMark2"))) Q_GLOBAL_STATIC_WITH_ARGS(const QString, strUMark, (QLatin1String("uMark"))) Q_GLOBAL_STATIC_WITH_ARGS(const QString, strBoxMark, (QLatin1String("boxMark"))) //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QString PassmarkLineTypeToString(PassmarkLineType type) { switch(type) { case PassmarkLineType::OneLine: return strOne; case PassmarkLineType::TwoLines: return strTwo; case PassmarkLineType::ThreeLines: return strThree; case PassmarkLineType::TMark: return *strTMark; case PassmarkLineType::VMark: return *strVMark; case PassmarkLineType::VMark2: return *strVMark2; case PassmarkLineType::UMark: return *strUMark; case PassmarkLineType::BoxMark: return *strBoxMark; default: break; } return strOne; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PassmarkLineType StringToPassmarkLineType(const QString &value) { const QStringList values{strOne, strTwo, strThree, *strTMark, *strVMark, *strVMark2, *strUMark, *strBoxMark}; switch(values.indexOf(value)) { case 0: // strOne return PassmarkLineType::OneLine; case 1: // strTwo return PassmarkLineType::TwoLines; case 2: // strThree return PassmarkLineType::ThreeLines; case 3: // strTMark return PassmarkLineType::TMark; case 4: // strVMark return PassmarkLineType::VMark; case 5: // strVMark2 return PassmarkLineType::VMark2; case 6: // strUMark return PassmarkLineType::UMark; case 7: // strBoxMark return PassmarkLineType::BoxMark; default: break; } return PassmarkLineType::OneLine; } const QString strStraightforward = QStringLiteral("straightforward"); const QString strBisector = QStringLiteral("bisector"); const QString strIntersection = QStringLiteral("intersection"); const QString strIntersectionOnlyLeft = QStringLiteral("intersectionLeft"); const QString strIntersectionOnlyRight = QStringLiteral("intersectionRight"); const QString strIntersection2 = QStringLiteral("intersection2"); const QString strIntersection2OnlyLeft = QStringLiteral("intersection2Left"); const QString strIntersection2OnlyRight = QStringLiteral("intersection2Right"); const QString strTypeIncrement = QStringLiteral("increment"); const QString strTypeSeparator = QStringLiteral("separator"); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QString PassmarkAngleTypeToString(PassmarkAngleType type) { switch(type) { case PassmarkAngleType::Straightforward: return strStraightforward; case PassmarkAngleType::Bisector: return strBisector; case PassmarkAngleType::Intersection: return strIntersection; case PassmarkAngleType::IntersectionOnlyLeft: return strIntersectionOnlyLeft; case PassmarkAngleType::IntersectionOnlyRight: return strIntersectionOnlyRight; case PassmarkAngleType::Intersection2: return strIntersection2; case PassmarkAngleType::Intersection2OnlyLeft: return strIntersection2OnlyLeft; case PassmarkAngleType::Intersection2OnlyRight: return strIntersection2OnlyRight; default: break; } return strStraightforward; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PassmarkAngleType StringToPassmarkAngleType(const QString &value) { const QStringList values = QStringList() << strStraightforward << strBisector << strIntersection << strIntersectionOnlyLeft << strIntersectionOnlyRight << strIntersection2 << strIntersection2OnlyLeft << strIntersection2OnlyRight; switch(values.indexOf(value)) { case 0: return PassmarkAngleType::Straightforward; case 1: return PassmarkAngleType::Bisector; case 2: return PassmarkAngleType::Intersection; case 3: return PassmarkAngleType::IntersectionOnlyLeft; case 4: return PassmarkAngleType::IntersectionOnlyRight; case 5: return PassmarkAngleType::Intersection2; case 6: return PassmarkAngleType::Intersection2OnlyLeft; case 7: return PassmarkAngleType::Intersection2OnlyRight; default: break; } return PassmarkAngleType::Straightforward; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unit StrToUnits(const QString &unit) { const QStringList units = QStringList() << unitMM << unitCM << unitINCH << unitPX; Unit result = Unit::Cm; switch (units.indexOf(unit)) { case 0:// mm result = Unit::Mm; break; case 2:// inch result = Unit::Inch; break; case 3:// px result = Unit::Px; break; case 1:// cm default: result = Unit::Cm; break; } return result; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @brief UnitsToStr translate unit to string. * * This method used when need write unit in xml file and for showing unit in dialogs. * @param unit curent unit * @param translate true if need show translated name. Default value false. * @return string reprezantation for unit. */ QString UnitsToStr(const Unit &unit, const bool translate) { QString result; switch (unit) { case Unit::Mm: translate ? result = QObject::tr("mm") : result = unitMM; break; case Unit::Inch: translate ? result = QObject::tr("inch") : result = unitINCH; break; case Unit::Px: translate ? result = QObject::tr("px") : result = unitPX; break; case Unit::Cm: default: translate ? result = QObject::tr("cm") : result = unitCM; break; } return result; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void InitLanguages(QComboBox *combobox) { SCASSERT(combobox != nullptr) combobox->clear(); QStringList fileNames; QDirIterator it(qApp->translationsPath(), QStringList("valentina_*.qm"), QDir::Files, QDirIterator::Subdirectories); while (it.hasNext()) { it.next(); fileNames.append(it.fileName()); } bool englishUS = false; const QString en_US = QStringLiteral("en_US"); for (auto locale : fileNames) { // get locale extracted by filename "valentina_de_De.qm" locale.truncate(locale.lastIndexOf('.')); // "valentina_de_De" locale.remove(0, locale.indexOf('_') + 1); // "de_De" if (not englishUS) { englishUS = (en_US == locale); } QLocale loc = QLocale(locale); QString lang = loc.nativeLanguageName(); QIcon ico(QString("%1/%2.png").arg("://flags", QLocale::countryToString(loc.country()))); combobox->addItem(ico, lang, locale); } if (combobox->count() == 0 || not englishUS) { // English language is internal and doens't have own *.qm file. QIcon ico(QString("%1/%2.png").arg("://flags", QLocale::countryToString(QLocale::UnitedStates))); QString lang = QLocale(en_US).nativeLanguageName(); combobox->addItem(ico, lang, en_US); } // set default translators and language checked qint32 index = combobox->findData(qApp->Settings()->GetLocale()); if (index != -1) { combobox->setCurrentIndex(index); } } const quint32 CustomSARecord::streamHeader = 0xEBFF7586; // CRC-32Q string "CustomSARecord" const quint16 CustomSARecord::classVersion = 1; // Friend functions //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QDataStream &operator<<(QDataStream &out, const CustomSARecord &record) { out << CustomSARecord::streamHeader << CustomSARecord::classVersion; // Added in classVersion = 1 out << record.startPoint; out << record.path; out << record.endPoint; out << record.reverse; out << record.includeType; // Added in classVersion = 2 return out; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QDataStream &operator>>(QDataStream &in, CustomSARecord &record) { quint32 actualStreamHeader = 0; in >> actualStreamHeader; if (actualStreamHeader != CustomSARecord::streamHeader) { QString message = QCoreApplication::tr("CustomSARecord prefix mismatch error: actualStreamHeader = 0x%1 " "and streamHeader = 0x%2") .arg(actualStreamHeader, 8, 0x10, QChar('0')) .arg(CustomSARecord::streamHeader, 8, 0x10, QChar('0')); throw VException(message); } quint16 actualClassVersion = 0; in >> actualClassVersion; if (actualClassVersion > CustomSARecord::classVersion) { QString message = QCoreApplication::tr("CustomSARecord compatibility error: actualClassVersion = %1 and " "classVersion = %2") .arg(actualClassVersion).arg(CustomSARecord::classVersion); throw VException(message); } in >> record.startPoint; in >> record.path; in >> record.endPoint; in >> record.reverse; in >> record.includeType; // if (actualClassVersion >= 2) // { // } return in; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QString IncrementTypeToString(IncrementType type) { switch(type) { case IncrementType::Increment: return strTypeIncrement; case IncrementType::Separator: return strTypeSeparator; default: break; } return strTypeIncrement; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IncrementType StringToIncrementType(const QString &value) { const QStringList values { strTypeIncrement, strTypeSeparator }; switch(values.indexOf(value)) { case 0: return IncrementType::Increment; case 1: return IncrementType::Separator; default: break; } return IncrementType::Increment; }