/************************************************************************ ** ** @file vposition.cpp ** @author Roman Telezhynskyi ** @date 20 1, 2015 ** ** @brief ** @copyright ** This source code is part of the Valentina project, a pattern making ** program, whose allow create and modeling patterns of clothing. ** Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Valentina project ** All Rights Reserved. ** ** Valentina is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** Valentina is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with Valentina. If not, see . ** *************************************************************************/ #include "vposition.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../vmisc/def.h" #include "../vmisc/vmath.h" #if QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 12, 0) #include "../vmisc/backport/qscopeguard.h" #else #include #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VPosition::VPosition(const VPositionData &data, std::atomic_bool *stop, bool saveLength) : QRunnable(), m_bestResult(VBestSquare(data.gContour.GetSize(), saveLength, data.isOriginPaperOrientationPortrait)), m_data(data), stop(stop), angle_between(0) { if (m_data.rotationNumber > 360 || m_data.rotationNumber < 1) { m_data.rotationNumber = 2; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VPosition::run() { if (stop->load()) { return; } try { FindBestPosition(); } catch (const VException &e) { m_bestResult.TerminatedByException(QStringLiteral("%1\n\n%2").arg(e.ErrorMessage(), e.DetailedInformation())); return; } catch (std::exception& e) { m_bestResult.TerminatedByException(QString::fromLatin1(e.what())); return; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VBestSquare VPosition::getBestResult() const { return m_bestResult; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VBestSquare VPosition::ArrangeDetail(const VPositionData &data, std::atomic_bool *stop, bool saveLength) { VBestSquare bestResult(data.gContour.GetSize(), saveLength, data.isOriginPaperOrientationPortrait); if (stop->load()) { return bestResult; } // First need set size of paper if (data.gContour.GetHeight() <= 0 || data.gContour.GetWidth() <= 0) { return bestResult; } const VLayoutPiece detail = data.detail; const int detailEdgesCount = detail.LayoutEdgesCount(); if (detailEdgesCount < 3 || detail.DetailEdgesCount() < 3) { return bestResult;//Not enough edges } QScopedPointer thread_pool(new QThreadPool()); QVector threads; auto Cleanup = qScopeGuard([&threads] { Q_ASSERT(not threads.isEmpty()); qDeleteAll(threads.begin(), threads.end()); }); for (int j=1; j <= data.gContour.GlobalEdgesCount(); ++j) { QCoreApplication::processEvents(); for (int i=1; i<= detailEdgesCount; ++i) { VPositionData linkedData = data; linkedData.i = i; linkedData.j = j; auto *thread = new VPosition(linkedData, stop, saveLength); thread->setAutoDelete(false); threads.append(thread); thread_pool->start(thread); } } Q_ASSERT(not threads.isEmpty()); // Wait for done do { QCoreApplication::processEvents(); QThread::msleep(250); } while(thread_pool->activeThreadCount() > 0 && not stop->load()); if (stop->load()) { return bestResult; } for (auto &thread : threads) { bestResult.NewResult(thread->getBestResult()); } return bestResult; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VPosition::SaveCandidate(VBestSquare &bestResult, const VLayoutPiece &detail, int globalI, int detJ, BestFrom type) { if (bestResult.IsSaveLength()) { m_data.gContour.CeateEmptySheetContour(); } QVector newGContour = m_data.gContour.UniteWithContour(detail, globalI, detJ, type); newGContour.append(newGContour.first()); const QSizeF size = QPolygonF(newGContour).boundingRect().size(); const QRectF boundingRect = detail.DetailBoundingRect(); const qreal depthPosition = m_data.isOriginPaperOrientationPortrait ? boundingRect.y() : boundingRect.x(); const qreal sidePosition = m_data.isOriginPaperOrientationPortrait ? boundingRect.x() : boundingRect.y(); VBestSquareResData data; data.bestSize = size; data.globalI = globalI; // Edge of global contour data.detJ = detJ; // Edge of detail data.resMatrix = detail.GetMatrix(); // Matrix for rotation and translation detail data.resMirror = detail.IsMirror(); data.type = type; data.depthPosition = depthPosition; data.sidePosition = sidePosition; bestResult.NewResult(data); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool VPosition::CheckCombineEdges(VLayoutPiece &detail, int j, int &dEdge) { const QLineF globalEdge = m_data.gContour.GlobalEdge(j); bool flagMirror = false; bool flagSquare = false; CombineEdges(detail, globalEdge, dEdge); CrossingType type = CrossingType::Intersection; if (not detail.IsForceFlipping() && SheetContains(detail.DetailBoundingRect())) { if (not m_data.gContour.GetContour().isEmpty()) { type = Crossing(detail); } else { type = CrossingType::NoIntersection; } } switch (type) { case CrossingType::EdgeError: return false; case CrossingType::Intersection: detail.Mirror(globalEdge); flagMirror = true; break; case CrossingType::NoIntersection: flagSquare = true; break; default: break; } if (flagMirror && not detail.IsForbidFlipping()) { if (m_data.gContour.GetContour().isEmpty()) { dEdge = detail.DetailEdgeByPoint(globalEdge.p2()); } else { dEdge = detail.LayoutEdgeByPoint(globalEdge.p2()); } if (dEdge <= 0) { return false; } CrossingType type = CrossingType::Intersection; if (SheetContains(detail.DetailBoundingRect())) { type = Crossing(detail); } switch (type) { case CrossingType::EdgeError: return false; case CrossingType::Intersection: flagSquare = false; break; case CrossingType::NoIntersection: flagSquare = true; break; default: break; } } return flagSquare; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool VPosition::CheckRotationEdges(VLayoutPiece &detail, int j, int dEdge, qreal angle) const { const QLineF globalEdge = m_data.gContour.GlobalEdge(j); bool flagSquare = false; if (detail.IsForceFlipping()) { detail.Mirror(not m_data.followGrainline ? globalEdge : QLineF(10, 10, 10, 100)); } RotateEdges(detail, globalEdge, dEdge, angle); CrossingType type = CrossingType::Intersection; if (SheetContains(detail.DetailBoundingRect())) { type = Crossing(detail); } switch (type) { case CrossingType::EdgeError: return false; case CrossingType::Intersection: flagSquare = false; break; case CrossingType::NoIntersection: flagSquare = true; break; default: break; } return flagSquare; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VPosition::RotateOnAngle(qreal angle) { // We should use copy of the detail. VLayoutPiece workDetail = m_data.detail; if (CheckRotationEdges(workDetail, m_data.j, m_data.i, angle)) { SaveCandidate(m_bestResult, workDetail, m_data.j, m_data.i, BestFrom::Rotation); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VPosition::CrossingType VPosition::Crossing(const VLayoutPiece &detail) const { if (m_data.positionsCache.isEmpty()) { return CrossingType::NoIntersection; } const QVector layoutPoints = detail.GetLayoutAllowancePoints(); const QRectF layoutBoundingRect = VLayoutPiece::BoundingRect(layoutPoints); const QPainterPath layoutAllowancePath = VLayoutPiece::PainterPath(layoutPoints); const QVector contourPoints = detail.IsSeamAllowance() && not detail.IsSeamAllowanceBuiltIn() ? detail.GetMappedSeamAllowancePoints() : detail.GetMappedContourPoints(); const QRectF detailBoundingRect = VLayoutPiece::BoundingRect(contourPoints); const QPainterPath contourPath = VLayoutPiece::PainterPath(contourPoints); for(auto &position : m_data.positionsCache) { if (position.boundingRect.intersects(layoutBoundingRect) || position.boundingRect.contains(detailBoundingRect)) { if (position.layoutAllowancePath.contains(contourPath) || position.layoutAllowancePath.intersects(layoutAllowancePath)) { return CrossingType::Intersection; } } } return CrossingType::NoIntersection; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool VPosition::SheetContains(const QRectF &rect) const { const QRectF bRect(-accuracyPointOnLine, -accuracyPointOnLine, m_data.gContour.GetWidth()+accuracyPointOnLine, m_data.gContour.GetHeight()+accuracyPointOnLine); return bRect.contains(rect); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VPosition::CombineEdges(VLayoutPiece &detail, const QLineF &globalEdge, int dEdge) { QLineF detailEdge; if (m_data.gContour.GetContour().isEmpty()) { detailEdge = detail.DetailEdge(dEdge); } else { detailEdge = detail.LayoutEdge(dEdge); } // Find distance between two edges for two begin vertex. const qreal dx = globalEdge.x2() - detailEdge.x2(); const qreal dy = globalEdge.y2() - detailEdge.y2(); detailEdge.translate(dx, dy); // Use values for translate detail edge. angle_between = globalEdge.angleTo(detailEdge); // Seek angle between two edges. // Now we move detail to position near to global contour edge. detail.Translate(dx, dy); if (not qFuzzyIsNull(angle_between) || not qFuzzyCompare(angle_between, 360)) { detail.Rotate(detailEdge.p2(), -angle_between); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VPosition::RotateEdges(VLayoutPiece &detail, const QLineF &globalEdge, int dEdge, qreal angle) const { QLineF detailEdge; if (m_data.gContour.GetContour().isEmpty()) { detailEdge = detail.DetailEdge(dEdge); } else { detailEdge = detail.LayoutEdge(dEdge); } // Find distance between two edges for two begin vertex. const qreal dx = globalEdge.x2() - detailEdge.x2(); const qreal dy = globalEdge.y2() - detailEdge.y2(); detailEdge.translate(dx, dy); // Use values for translate detail edge. // Now we move detail to position near to global contour edge. detail.Translate(dx, dy); detail.Rotate(globalEdge.p2(), angle); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VPosition::Rotate(int number) { const qreal step = 360/number; qreal startAngle = 0; if (VFuzzyComparePossibleNulls(angle_between, 360)) { startAngle = step; } for (qreal angle = startAngle; angle < 360; angle = angle+step) { if (stop->load()) { return; } RotateOnAngle(angle); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VPosition::FollowGrainline() { if (stop->load()) { return; } QLineF detailGrainline(10, 10, 100, 10); detailGrainline.setAngle(m_data.detail.GrainlineAngle()); if (m_data.detail.IsForceFlipping()) { VLayoutPiece workDetail = m_data.detail; // We need copy for temp change workDetail.Mirror(not m_data.followGrainline ? m_data.gContour.GlobalEdge(m_data.j) : QLineF(10, 10, 10, 100)); detailGrainline = workDetail.GetMatrix().map(detailGrainline); } const qreal angle = detailGrainline.angleTo(FabricGrainline()); if (m_data.detail.GrainlineArrowType() == ArrowType::atBoth || m_data.detail.GrainlineArrowType() == ArrowType::atFront) { RotateOnAngle(angle); } if (m_data.detail.GrainlineArrowType() == ArrowType::atBoth || m_data.detail.GrainlineArrowType() == ArrowType::atRear) { RotateOnAngle(angle+180); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VPosition::FindBestPosition() { if (not m_data.followGrainline || not m_data.detail.IsGrainlineEnabled()) { // We should use copy of the detail. VLayoutPiece workDetail = m_data.detail; int dEdge = m_data.i;// For mirror detail edge will be different if (CheckCombineEdges(workDetail, m_data.j, dEdge)) { SaveCandidate(m_bestResult, workDetail, m_data.j, dEdge, BestFrom::Combine); } if (m_data.rotate) { Rotate(m_data.rotationNumber); } } else { FollowGrainline(); } }