#------------------------------------------------- # # Project created by QtCreator 2014-12-10T17:53:37 # #------------------------------------------------- # File with common stuff for whole project include(../../../Valentina.pri) # Library work with xml. QT += xml xmlpatterns printsupport # We don't need gui library. QT -= gui # Name of library TARGET = ifc # Internal Format Converter # We want create library TEMPLATE = lib CONFIG += \ staticlib \# Making static library c++11 # We use C++11 standard # Use out-of-source builds (shadow builds) CONFIG -= debug_and_release debug_and_release_target include(ifc.pri) # This is static library so no need in "make install" # directory for executable file DESTDIR = bin # files created moc MOC_DIR = moc # objecs files OBJECTS_DIR = obj # Resource files. This files will be included in binary. RESOURCES += \ schema.qrc # Schemas for validation xml files. # Set using ccache. Function enable_ccache() defined in Valentina.pri. $$enable_ccache() # Set precompiled headers. Function set_PCH() defined in Valentina.pri. $$set_PCH() CONFIG(debug, debug|release){ # Debug mode unix { #Turn on compilers warnings. *-g++{ QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += \ # Key -isystem disable checking errors in system headers. -isystem "$${OUT_PWD}/$${MOC_DIR}" \ $$GCC_DEBUG_CXXFLAGS # See Valentina.pri for more details. } clang*{ QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += \ # Key -isystem disable checking errors in system headers. -isystem "$${OUT_PWD}/$${MOC_DIR}" \ $$CLANG_DEBUG_CXXFLAGS # See Valentina.pri for more details. } } else { *-g++{ QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += $$GCC_DEBUG_CXXFLAGS # See Valentina.pri for more details. } } }else{ # Release mode !unix:*-g++{ QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -fno-omit-frame-pointer # Need for exchndl.dll } !macx:!win32-msvc*{ # Turn on debug symbols in release mode on Unix systems. # On Mac OS X temporarily disabled. TODO: find way how to strip binary file. QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_RELEASE += -g -gdwarf-3 QMAKE_CFLAGS_RELEASE += -g -gdwarf-3 QMAKE_LFLAGS_RELEASE = } }