TMainWindow 0 0 1463 899 :/tapeicon/64x64/logo.png:/tapeicon/64x64/logo.png 0 0 0 0 <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:18pt;">Select New to create a measurement file.</span></p></body></html> Qt::AlignCenter 0 0 0 :/tapeicon/16x16/measurement.png:/tapeicon/16x16/measurement.png Measurements 0 0 <html><head/><body><p>Search history <span style=" color:#888a85;">%1</span></p></body></html> ../valentina/dialogs../valentina/dialogs Alt+Down true Search true Qt::Vertical 0 results Qt::Vertical 24 24 14 false true <html><head/><body><p>Match Case <span style=" color:#888a85;">%1</span></p></body></html> Cc Alt+C true false 24 24 14 true <html><head/><body><p>Match words <span style=" color:#888a85;">%1</span></p></body></html> W Alt+W true 0 0 24 24 14 true <html><head/><body><p>Match with regular expressions <span style=" color:#888a85;">%1</span></p></body></html> .* Alt+X true false 24 24 14 true <html><head/><body><p>Use unicode properties <span style=" color:#888a85;">%1</span></p><p><br/><span style=" color:#888a85;">The meaning of the \w, \d, etc., character classes, as well as the meaning of their counterparts (\W, \D, etc.), is changed from matching ASCII characters only to matching any character with the corresponding Unicode property. For instance, \d is changed to match any character with the Unicode Nd (decimal digit) property; \w to match any character with either the Unicode L (letter) or N (digit) property, plus underscore, and so on. This option corresponds to the /u modifier in Perl regular expressions.</span></p></body></html> U Alt+U true Qt::Vertical false <html><head/><body><p>Find Previous <span style=" color:#888a85;">%1</span></p></body></html> ../valentina/dialogs../valentina/dialogs Shift+F3 false <html><head/><body><p>Find Next %1</p></body></html> ../valentina/dialogs../valentina/dialogs F3 false Qt::Vertical 0 2 true QAbstractItemView::SelectRows true Name Full name Calculated value Formula Base value Shift A Shift B Shift C Correction true 0 2 Details Details 9 false Move measurement top .. false Move measurement up .. false Move measurement down .. false Move measurement bottom .. Qt::Horizontal 40 20 false Delete measurement .. QFormLayout::ExpandingFieldsGrow Units: false 0 0 Name: false Measurement's name in a formula Measurement's name in a formula. Calculated value: Calculated value Formula: false 0 0 16777215 28 true false 18 18 0 0 <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html> ../../libs/vtools/dialogs/support../../libs/vtools/dialogs/support 16 16 true false Function Wizard :/icon/light/24x24/fx.png:/icon/light/24x24/fx.png 24 24 Base value: false -10000.000000000000000 10000.000000000000000 Shift A false -10000.000000000000000 10000.000000000000000 Shift B false -10000.000000000000000 10000.000000000000000 Shift C false -10000.000000000000000 10000.000000000000000 Correction: false -10000.000000000000000 10000.000000000000000 Full name: false Measurement's human-readable name. Description: false 0 1 0 28 Dimension: false 0 0 Select one of the dimensions to later use the measurement value in piece label .. Information QFormLayout::ExpandingFieldsGrow Type: Measurement type Path: 0 0 false background: transparent; false true Path to the measurement file false 0 0 Show in Explorer PM system: false 0 0 0 0 0 0 Base Values: Qt::AlignLeading|Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignVCenter Customer name: false 0 0 Customer's name Birth date: false 0 0 124 0 yyyy-MM-dd true 0 1800 1 1 Gender: false 0 0 Email: false 0 0 Customer's email address Notes: false 0 1 QFrame::Box QFrame::Sunken 1 A Base B Base C Base 0 0 1463 22 &File &Window &Help &Measurements true Menu Qt::ToolButtonTextUnderIcon TopToolBarArea false Gradation false Qt::AllToolBarAreas false BottomToolBarArea false 1 0 QDockWidget::DockWidgetClosable|QDockWidget::DockWidgetMovable Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea|Qt::RightDockWidgetArea Measurement diagram 2 1 0 0 0 <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:340pt;">?</span></p><p align=\"center\">Unknown measurement</p></body></html> false .. &Open individual … QAction::NoRole false .. &Save QAction::NoRole false .. Save &As … QAction::NoRole .. &Quit QAction::QuitRole About &Qt QAction::AboutQtRole .. &About Tape QAction::AboutRole .. &New QAction::NoRole false :/tapeicon/24x24/red_plus.png:/tapeicon/24x24/red_plus.png Add known QAction::NoRole false :/tapeicon/24x24/orange_plus.png:/tapeicon/24x24/orange_plus.png Add custom QAction::NoRole true false :/tapeicon/24x24/padlock_opened.png:/tapeicon/24x24/padlock_opened.png Read only QAction::NoRole .. Open multisize … QAction::NoRole .. Open template QAction::NoRole Database Show information about all known measurement QAction::NoRole Preferences QAction::PreferencesRole false Import from a pattern QAction::NoRole Create from existing … Create from existing file QAction::NoRole false Export to CSV QAction::NoRole false Import from CSV Import from CSV QAction::NoRole true true :/tapeicon/light/24x24/mannequin.png:/tapeicon/light/24x24/mannequin.png Measurement diagram QAction::NoRole false false Export to individual Export to individual measurements false QAction::NoRole true Use full circumference false false Restrict second dimension false QAction::ApplicationSpecificRole false Restrict third dimension false QAction::ApplicationSpecificRole false Dimension labels false false Restrict first dimension false QAction::ApplicationSpecificRole false :/tapeicon/24x24/separator.png:/tapeicon/24x24/separator.png Add separator false Dimension custom names false VPlainTextEdit QPlainTextEdit
actionMeasurementDiagram toggled(bool) dockWidgetDiagram setVisible(bool) -1 -1 1187 457 dockWidgetDiagram visibilityChanged(bool) actionMeasurementDiagram setChecked(bool) 1187 464 -1 -1