MainWindow 0 0 1100 700 Valentina :/icon/64x64/icon64x64.png:/icon/64x64/icon64x64.png true 1 0 140 0 10 Export details skiping the Layout stage 6 0 0 127 358 0 0 Tools for creating points. :/icon/16x16/toolsectionpoint.png:/icon/16x16/toolsectionpoint.png Point Point QFormLayout::AllNonFixedFieldsGrow false Point at distance along line ... :/toolicon/32x32/along_line.png:/toolicon/32x32/along_line.png 32 32 true false Point along perpendicular ... :/toolicon/32x32/normal.png:/toolicon/32x32/normal.png 32 32 true false Point along bisector ... :/toolicon/32x32/bisector.png:/toolicon/32x32/bisector.png 32 32 true false Special point on shoulder ... :/toolicon/32x32/shoulder.png:/toolicon/32x32/shoulder.png 32 32 true false Point at intersection of arc and line ... :/toolicon/32x32/point_of_contact.png:/toolicon/32x32/point_of_contact.png 32 32 true false Triangle tool ... :/toolicon/32x32/triangle.png:/toolicon/32x32/triangle.png 32 32 true false Point from X and Y of two other points ... :/toolicon/32x32/point_of_intersection.png:/toolicon/32x32/point_of_intersection.png 32 32 true false Perpendicular point along line ... :/toolicon/32x32/height.png:/toolicon/32x32/height.png 32 32 true false Point intersect line and axis ... :/toolicon/32x32/line_intersect_axis.png:/toolicon/32x32/line_intersect_axis.png 32 32 true false Tool pointer ... :/icon/32x32/arrow_cursor.png:/icon/32x32/arrow_cursor.png 32 32 true false Point at distance and angle ... :/toolicon/32x32/segment.png:/toolicon/32x32/segment.png 32 32 true false Midpoint between two points ... :/toolicon/32x32/midpoint.png:/toolicon/32x32/midpoint.png 32 32 true 0 0 140 110 0 0 Tools for creating lines. :/icon/16x16/toolsectionline.png:/icon/16x16/toolsectionline.png Line Line false Tool pointer ... :/icon/32x32/arrow_cursor.png:/icon/32x32/arrow_cursor.png 32 32 true false Line between points ... :/toolicon/32x32/line.png:/toolicon/32x32/line.png 32 32 true false Point at line intersection ... :/toolicon/32x32/intersect.png:/toolicon/32x32/intersect.png 32 32 true 0 0 140 248 0 0 Tools for creating curves. :/icon/16x16/toolsectioncurve.png:/icon/16x16/toolsectioncurve.png Curve Curve false Segmenting a simple curve ... :/toolicon/32x32/spline_cut_point.png:/toolicon/32x32/spline_cut_point.png 32 32 true false Curve tool which uses point as control handle ... :/toolicon/32x32/cubic_bezier.png:/toolicon/32x32/cubic_bezier.png 32 32 true false Curved path ... :/toolicon/32x32/splinePath.png:/toolicon/32x32/splinePath.png 32 32 true false Segment a curved path ... :/toolicon/32x32/splinePath_cut_point.png:/toolicon/32x32/splinePath_cut_point.png 32 32 true false ... :/toolicon/32x32/cubic_bezier_path.png:/toolicon/32x32/cubic_bezier_path.png 32 32 true false Point intersection curves ... :/toolicon/32x32/intersection_curves.png:/toolicon/32x32/intersection_curves.png 32 32 true false Point intersect curve and axis ... :/toolicon/32x32/curve_intersect_axis.png:/toolicon/32x32/curve_intersect_axis.png 32 32 true false Tool pointer ... :/icon/32x32/arrow_cursor.png:/icon/32x32/arrow_cursor.png 32 32 true false Simple curve ... :/toolicon/32x32/spline.png:/toolicon/32x32/spline.png 32 32 true 0 0 140 248 0 0 Tools for creating arcs. :/icon/16x16/toolsectionarc.png:/icon/16x16/toolsectionarc.png Arc Arc false Arc ... :/toolicon/32x32/arc.png:/toolicon/32x32/arc.png 32 32 true false Segment an arc ... :/toolicon/32x32/arc_cut.png:/toolicon/32x32/arc_cut.png 32 32 true false Point intersect arc and axis ... :/toolicon/32x32/arc_intersect_axis.png:/toolicon/32x32/arc_intersect_axis.png 32 32 true false Point of intersection arcs ... :/toolicon/32x32/point_of_intersection_arcs.png:/toolicon/32x32/point_of_intersection_arcs.png 32 32 true false Point of intersection circles ... :/toolicon/32x32/point_of_intersection_circles.png:/toolicon/32x32/point_of_intersection_circles.png 32 32 true false Point from circle and tangent ... :/toolicon/32x32/point_from_circle_and_tangent.png:/toolicon/32x32/point_from_circle_and_tangent.png 32 32 true false Point from arc and tangent ... :/toolicon/32x32/point_from_arc_and_tangent.png:/toolicon/32x32/point_from_arc_and_tangent.png 32 32 true false Arc with given length ... :/toolicon/32x32/arc_with_length.png:/toolicon/32x32/arc_with_length.png 32 32 true false Tool pointer ... :/icon/32x32/arrow_cursor.png:/icon/32x32/arrow_cursor.png 32 32 true 0 0 140 104 0 0 Tools for creating elliptical arcs. :/icon/16x16/toolsectionelarc.png:/icon/16x16/toolsectionelarc.png Elliptical Arc Elliptical Arc false Tool pointer ... :/icon/32x32/arrow_cursor.png:/icon/32x32/arrow_cursor.png 32 32 true false Elliptical Arc ... :/toolicon/32x32/el_arc.png:/toolicon/32x32/el_arc.png 32 32 true 0 0 140 328 :/icon/16x16/operations.png:/icon/16x16/operations.png Operations Operations false Tool pointer ... :/icon/32x32/arrow_cursor.png:/icon/32x32/arrow_cursor.png 32 32 true false Create new group ... :/toolicon/32x32/group_plus.png:/toolicon/32x32/group_plus.png 32 32 true false Rotate objects ... :/toolicon/32x32/rotation.png:/toolicon/32x32/rotation.png 32 32 true false Flipping objects by line ... :/toolicon/32x32/flipping_line.png:/toolicon/32x32/flipping_line.png 32 32 true false Flipping objects by axis ... :/toolicon/32x32/flipping_axis.png:/toolicon/32x32/flipping_axis.png 32 32 true false Move objects ... :/toolicon/32x32/move.png:/toolicon/32x32/move.png 32 32 true false True darts ... :/toolicon/32x32/true_darts.png:/toolicon/32x32/true_darts.png 32 32 true 0 0 140 196 0 0 Tools for creating details. :/icon/16x16/toolsectiondetail.png:/icon/16x16/toolsectiondetail.png Detail Detail false Tool pointer ... :/icon/32x32/arrow_cursor.png:/icon/32x32/arrow_cursor.png 32 32 true false Seam allowance tool ... :/toolicon/32x32/new_detail.png:/toolicon/32x32/new_detail.png 32 32 true false Union tool ... :/toolicon/32x32/union.png:/toolicon/32x32/union.png 32 32 true false Internal path tool ... :/toolicon/32x32/path.png:/toolicon/32x32/path.png 32 32 true false Pin tool ... :/toolicon/32x32/pin.png:/toolicon/32x32/pin.png 32 32 true false Insert node tool ... :/toolicon/32x32/insert_node.png:/toolicon/32x32/insert_node.png 32 32 true false ... :/icon/32x32/export_to_picture_document.png:/icon/32x32/export_to_picture_document.png 32 32 true 0 0 140 328 :/icon/16x16/toolsectionlayout.png:/icon/16x16/toolsectionlayout.png Layout Layout QFormLayout::AllNonFixedFieldsGrow false Create new Layout Settings .. 32 32 true false Export original layout ... :/icon/32x32/export_to_picture_document.png:/icon/32x32/export_to_picture_document.png 32 32 true false 5 0 Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOn Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOn 0 0 1100 25 &File Layout &Help &Pattern piece Measurements Window History Mode 10 Toolbar files Qt::ToolButtonTextUnderIcon TopToolBarArea false true 10 ToolBar modes Qt::ToolButtonTextUnderIcon TopToolBarArea false true 10 Toolbar pattern Qt::ToolButtonTextUnderIcon TopToolBarArea false 10 Toolbar options Qt::ToolButtonTextUnderIcon BottomToolBarArea false true 10 Toolbar tools Qt::ToolButtonTextUnderIcon TopToolBarArea false 125 41 Tool options 2 QDockWidget::NoDockWidgetFeatures Qt::RightDockWidgetArea Layout pages 2 0 0 QFrame::StyledPanel QFrame::Sunken true false 150 200 QListView::Static QListView::TopToBottom QListView::Adjust 10 QListView::IconMode true Group 2 .. New &New Create a new pattern Ctrl+N QAction::NoRole .. Open &Open Open file with pattern QAction::NoRole false .. Save &Save Save pattern Ctrl+S QAction::NoRole false .. Save &As... Save not yet saved pattern Ctrl+Shift+S QAction::NoRole true true false :/icon/32x32/draw.png:/icon/32x32/draw.png Draw <html><head/><body><p>Mode for working with pattern pieces. These pattern pieces are base for going to the next stage &quot;Details mode&quot;. Before you will be able to enable the &quot;Details mode&quot; need create at least one detail.</p></body></html> Ctrl+W QAction::NoRole true false :/icon/32x32/kontur.png:/icon/32x32/kontur.png Details <html><head/><body><p>Mode for working with details. Before you will be able to enable the &quot;Details mode&quot; need create at least one detail on the stage &quot;Draw mode&quot;. Details created on this stage will be used for creating a layout. </p></body></html> Ctrl+E QAction::NoRole true true :/icon/32x32/arrow_cursor.png:/icon/32x32/arrow_cursor.png Pointer Pointer tools false :/icon/32x32/new_draw.png:/icon/32x32/new_draw.png New pattern piece Add new pattern piece Ctrl+Shift+N QAction::NoRole false :/icon/32x32/option_draw.png:/icon/32x32/option_draw.png Config pattern piece Change the label of pattern piece QAction::NoRole true false :/icon/32x32/table.png:/icon/32x32/table.png Variables Table Contains information about increments and internal variables Ctrl+T QAction::NoRole true false :/icon/32x32/history.png:/icon/32x32/history.png History Ctrl+H QAction::NoRole true false :/icon/32x32/layout.png:/icon/32x32/layout.png Layout <html><head/><body><p>Mode for creating a layout of details. This mode avaliable if was created at least one detail on the stage &quot;Details mode&quot;. The layout can be exported to your prefered file format and saved to your harddirve.</p></body></html> Ctrl+L QAction::NoRole About &Qt QAction::AboutQtRole .. &About Valentina QAction::AboutRole .. E&xit Exit the application Ctrl+Q QAction::QuitRole Preferences QAction::PreferencesRole Pattern properties QAction::NoRole false .. Zoom in zoom in QAction::NoRole false .. Zoom out Zoom out QAction::NoRole false .. Original zoom Original zoom QAction::NoRole false .. Zoom fit best Ctrl+= QAction::NoRole Report Bug... Report bug QAction::NoRole Close pattern Close pattern Close pattern QAction::NoRole .. Wiki Show online help QAction::NoRole false Last Tool Activate last used tool again L QAction::NoRole true false Show Curve Details Show/hide control points and curve direction F2 QAction::NoRole false .. Print Print an original layout false .. Print tiled PDF Split and print a layout into smaller pages (for regular printers) false .. Print preview Print preview original layout false .. Preview tiled PDF Print preview tiled layout false :/icon/32x32/export_to_picture_document.png:/icon/32x32/export_to_picture_document.png Export As... Export original layout false Load Individual Load Individual measurements file QAction::NoRole false Load Multisize Load Multisize Load multisize measurements file QAction::NoRole Open Tape Open Tape app for creating or editing measurements file QAction::NoRole false Edit Current Edit linked to the pattern measurements QAction::NoRole false :/icon/32x32/syncM.png:/icon/32x32/syncM.png Sync Synchronize linked to the pattern measurements after change QAction::NoRole false Unload Current Unload measurements if they were not used in a pattern file QAction::NoRole Forum QAction::NoRole Export increments to CSV QAction::NoRole Zoom fit best current zoom fit best current pattern piece Ctrl+M QAction::NoRole Label template editor VMainGraphicsView QGraphicsView