/************************************************************************ ** ** @file vprintlayout.cpp ** @author Roman Telezhynskyi ** @date 22 12, 2020 ** ** @brief ** @copyright ** This source code is part of the Valentina project, a pattern making ** program, whose allow create and modeling patterns of clothing. ** Copyright (C) 2020 Valentina project ** All Rights Reserved. ** ** Valentina is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** Valentina is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with Valentina. If not, see . ** *************************************************************************/ #include "vprintlayout.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "dialogs/dialoglayoutscale.h" #include "../vmisc/vabstractvalapplication.h" #include "dialogs/vabstractlayoutdialog.h" #include "vposter.h" #include "../vformat/vwatermark.h" #include "../ifc/xml/vwatermarkconverter.h" #include "../ifc/exception/vexception.h" #include "../vmisc/vmath.h" namespace { //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- auto FindPageSizeId(QSizeF size) -> QPageSize::PageSizeId { auto TestSize = [size](float width, float height) { return size == QSizeF(width, height) || size == QSizeF(height, width); }; constexpr int A0Width = 841; constexpr int A0Height = 1189; if (TestSize(A0Width, A0Height)) { return QPageSize::A0; } constexpr int A1Width = 594; constexpr int A1Height = 841; if (TestSize(A1Width, A1Height)) { return QPageSize::A1; } constexpr int A2Width = 420; constexpr int A2Height = 594; if (TestSize(A2Width, A2Height)) { return QPageSize::A2; } constexpr int A3Width = 297; constexpr int A3Height = 420; if (TestSize(A3Width, A3Height)) { return QPageSize::A3; } constexpr int A4Width = 210; constexpr int A4Height = 297; if (TestSize(A4Width, A4Height)) { return QPageSize::A4; } constexpr float LegalWidth = 215.9F; constexpr float LegalHeight = 355.6F; if (TestSize(LegalWidth, LegalHeight)) { return QPageSize::Legal; } constexpr float LetterWidth = 215.9F; constexpr float LetterHeight = 279.4F; if (TestSize(LetterWidth, LetterHeight)) { return QPageSize::Letter; } return QPageSize::Custom; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q_REQUIRED_RESULT auto PreparePrinter( const QPrinterInfo &info, QPrinter::PrinterMode mode = QPrinter::ScreenResolution) -> QSharedPointer; auto PreparePrinter(const QPrinterInfo &info, QPrinter::PrinterMode mode) -> QSharedPointer { QPrinterInfo tmpInfo = info; if(tmpInfo.isNull() || tmpInfo.printerName().isEmpty()) { const QStringList list = QPrinterInfo::availablePrinterNames(); if(list.isEmpty()) { return QSharedPointer(); } tmpInfo = QPrinterInfo::printerInfo(list.first()); } auto printer = QSharedPointer(new QPrinter(tmpInfo, mode)); printer->setResolution(static_cast(PrintDPI)); return printer; } } // namespace //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VPrintLayout::VPrintLayout(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) {} //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VPrintLayout::~VPrintLayout() { qDeleteAll(m_layoutScenes); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VPrintLayout::PrintTiled() { m_isTiled = true; PrintLayout(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VPrintLayout::PrintOrigin() { if (not IsPagesUniform()) { qCritical()<(PrintDPI)); PrintPages(&printer); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VPrintLayout::CleanLayout() { qDeleteAll(m_layoutScenes); m_layoutScenes.clear(); m_layoutPapers.clear(); m_layoutShadows.clear(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VPrintLayout::PrintLayout() { if (m_isLayoutStale) { if (ContinueIfLayoutStale(m_parentWidget) == QMessageBox::No) { return; } } // display print dialog and if accepted print QPrinterInfo info = QPrinterInfo::printerInfo(m_layoutPrinterName); if(info.isNull() || info.printerName().isEmpty()) { info = QPrinterInfo::defaultPrinter(); } QSharedPointer printer = PreparePrinter(info, QPrinter::HighResolution); if (printer.isNull()) { qCritical("%s\n\n%s", qUtf8Printable(tr("Print error")), qUtf8Printable(tr("Cannot proceed because there are no available printers in your system."))); return; } { DialogLayoutScale layoutScale(m_isTiled, m_parentWidget); layoutScale.SetXScale(1); layoutScale.SetYScale(1); layoutScale.exec(); m_xscale = layoutScale.GetXScale(); m_yscale = layoutScale.GetYScale(); } SetPrinterSettings(printer.data(), PrintType::PrintNative); QPrintDialog dialog(printer.data(), m_parentWidget); // If only user couldn't change page margins we could use method setMinMax(); dialog.setOption(QPrintDialog::PrintCurrentPage, false); if (dialog.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { printer->setResolution(static_cast(PrintDPI)); PrintPages(printer.data()); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VPrintLayout::PrintPreview() { if (m_isLayoutStale) { if (ContinueIfLayoutStale(m_parentWidget) == QMessageBox::No) { return; } } QPrinterInfo info = QPrinterInfo::printerInfo(m_layoutPrinterName); if(info.isNull() || info.printerName().isEmpty()) { info = QPrinterInfo::defaultPrinter(); } QSharedPointer printer = PreparePrinter(info); if (printer.isNull()) { qCritical("%s\n\n%s", qUtf8Printable(tr("Print error")), qUtf8Printable(tr("Cannot proceed because there are no available printers in your system."))); return; } { DialogLayoutScale layoutScale(m_isTiled, m_parentWidget); layoutScale.SetXScale(1); layoutScale.SetYScale(1); layoutScale.exec(); m_xscale = layoutScale.GetXScale(); m_yscale = layoutScale.GetYScale(); } SetPrinterSettings(printer.data(), PrintType::PrintPreview); printer->setResolution(static_cast(PrintDPI)); // display print preview dialog QPrintPreviewDialog preview(printer.data()); connect(&preview, &QPrintPreviewDialog::paintRequested, this, &VPrintLayout::PrintPages); preview.exec(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VPrintLayout::PrintPages(QPrinter *printer) { QPainter painter; if (not painter.begin(printer)) { // failed to open file qCritical() << tr("Failed to open file, is it writable?"); return; } painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, true); painter.setPen(QPen(Qt::black, VAbstractApplication::VApp()->Settings()->WidthMainLine(), Qt::SolidLine, Qt::RoundCap, Qt::RoundJoin)); painter.setBrush ( QBrush ( Qt::NoBrush ) ); int count = 0; QSharedPointer> poster; QSharedPointer posterazor; if (m_isTiled) { // when isTiled, the landscape tiles have to be rotated, because the pages // stay portrait in the pdf if(m_tiledPDFOrientation == PageOrientation::Landscape) { const int angle = -90; painter.rotate(angle); painter.translate(-ToPixel(printer->pageRect(QPrinter::Millimeter).height(), Unit::Mm), 0); } poster = QSharedPointer>(new QVector()); posterazor = QSharedPointer(new VPoster(printer)); for (int i=0; i < m_layoutScenes.size(); ++i) { auto *paper = qgraphicsitem_cast(m_layoutPapers.at(i)); if (paper != nullptr) { QRectF paperRect = paper->rect(); QSizeF image(paperRect.width() * m_xscale, paperRect.height() * m_yscale); *poster += posterazor->Calc(image.toSize(), i, m_tiledPDFOrientation); } } count = poster->size(); } else { count = m_layoutScenes.size(); } // Handle the fromPage(), toPage(), supportsMultipleCopies(), and numCopies() values from QPrinter. int firstPage = printer->fromPage() - 1; if (firstPage >= count) { return; } if (firstPage == -1) { firstPage = 0; } int lastPage = printer->toPage() - 1; if (lastPage == -1 || lastPage >= count) { lastPage = count - 1; } const int numPages = lastPage - firstPage + 1; int copyCount = 1; if (not printer->supportsMultipleCopies()) { copyCount = printer->copyCount(); } VWatermarkData data = WatermarkData(); // Here we try understand difference between printer's dpi and our. // Get printer rect acording to our dpi. const QRectF printerPageRect(0, 0, ToPixel(printer->pageRect(QPrinter::Millimeter).width(), Unit::Mm), ToPixel(printer->pageRect(QPrinter::Millimeter).height(), Unit::Mm)); const QRect pageRect = printer->pageLayout().paintRectPixels(printer->resolution()); const double xscale = pageRect.width() / printerPageRect.width(); const double yscale = pageRect.height() / printerPageRect.height(); for (int i = 0; i < copyCount; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < numPages; ++j) { if (i != 0 || j != 0) { if (not printer->newPage()) { qCritical() << tr("Failed in flushing page to disk, disk full?"); return; } } int index; if (printer->pageOrder() == QPrinter::FirstPageFirst) { index = firstPage + j; } else { index = lastPage - j; } int paperIndex = -1; m_isTiled ? paperIndex = static_cast(poster->at(index).index) : paperIndex = index; auto *paper = qgraphicsitem_cast(m_layoutPapers.at(paperIndex)); if (paper != nullptr) { QVector posterData; if (m_isTiled) { // Draw tile posterData = posterazor->Tile(paper, poster->at(index), m_layoutScenes.size(), data, m_watermarkPath); } PreparePaper(paperIndex); // Render QRectF source; m_isTiled ? source = poster->at(index).rect : source = paper->rect(); qreal x; qreal y; if(printer->fullPage()) { QPageLayout layout = printer->pageLayout(); layout.setUnits(QPageLayout::Millimeter); QMarginsF printerMargins = layout.margins(); x = qFloor(ToPixel(printerMargins.left(), Unit::Mm)); y = qFloor(ToPixel(printerMargins.top(), Unit::Mm)); } else { x = 0; y = 0; } QRectF target(x * xscale, y * yscale, source.width() * xscale, source.height() * yscale); m_layoutScenes.at(paperIndex)->render(&painter, target, source, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio); if (m_isTiled) { // Remove borders qDeleteAll(posterData); } // Restore RestorePaper(paperIndex); } } } painter.end(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VPrintLayout::SetPrinterSettings(QPrinter *printer, PrintType printType, const QString &filePath) { SCASSERT(printer != nullptr) printer->setCreator(QGuiApplication::applicationDisplayName() + QChar(QChar::Space) + QCoreApplication::applicationVersion()); printer->setPageOrientation(m_isLayoutPortrait ? QPageLayout::Portrait : QPageLayout::Landscape); SetPrinterPageSize(printer); printer->setFullPage(m_ignorePrinterMargins); SetPrinterPrinterMargins(printer); SetPrinterOutputFileName(printer, printType, filePath); printer->setDocName(filePath.isEmpty() ? DocName() : QFileInfo(filePath).baseName()); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VPrintLayout::SetPrinterPrinterMargins(QPrinter *printer) { SCASSERT(printer != nullptr) QMarginsF printerMargins; if (not m_isTiled) { printerMargins = QMarginsF(UnitConvertor(m_layoutMargins, Unit::Px, Unit::Mm)); } else { if(m_tiledPDFOrientation == PageOrientation::Landscape) { // because when painting we have a -90rotation in landscape mode, // see function PrintPages. printerMargins = QMarginsF(m_tiledMargins.bottom(), m_tiledMargins.left(), m_tiledMargins.top(), m_tiledMargins.right()); } else { printerMargins = m_tiledMargins; } } const bool success = printer->setPageMargins(printerMargins, QPageLayout::Millimeter); if (not success) { qWarning() << tr("Cannot set printer margins"); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VPrintLayout::SetPrinterOutputFileName(QPrinter *printer, PrintType printType, const QString &filePath) { SCASSERT(printer != nullptr) switch(printType) { case PrintType::PrintPDF: { const QString outputFileName = filePath.isEmpty() ? QDir::homePath() + QDir::separator() + DocName() : filePath; printer->setOutputFileName(outputFileName + QStringLiteral(".pdf")); #ifdef Q_OS_MAC printer->setOutputFormat(QPrinter::NativeFormat); #else printer->setOutputFormat(QPrinter::PdfFormat); #endif break; } case PrintType::PrintNative: printer->setOutputFileName(QString());//Disable printing to file if was enabled. printer->setOutputFormat(QPrinter::NativeFormat); break; case PrintType::PrintPreview: /*do nothing*/ default: break; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VPrintLayout::SetPrinterPageSize(QPrinter *printer) { SCASSERT(printer != nullptr) if (not m_isTiled) { qreal width = FromPixel(m_layoutPaperSize.width(), Unit::Mm); qreal height = FromPixel(m_layoutPaperSize.height(), Unit::Mm); if (m_isAutoCropLength || m_isUnitePages) { auto *paper = qgraphicsitem_cast(m_layoutPapers.at(0)); if (paper != nullptr) { if (m_isLayoutPortrait) { height = FromPixel(paper->rect().height() + m_layoutMargins.top() + m_layoutMargins.bottom(), Unit::Mm); } else { width = FromPixel(paper->rect().width() + m_layoutMargins.left() + m_layoutMargins.right(), Unit::Mm); } } } if (m_isAutoCropWidth) { auto *paper = qgraphicsitem_cast(m_layoutPapers.at(0)); if (paper != nullptr) { if (m_isLayoutPortrait) { width = FromPixel(paper->rect().width() + m_layoutMargins.left() + m_layoutMargins.right(), Unit::Mm); } else { height = FromPixel(paper->rect().height() + m_layoutMargins.top() + m_layoutMargins.bottom(), Unit::Mm); } } } QSizeF size = QSizeF(width, height); if (not m_isLayoutPortrait) { size.transpose(); // QPrinter reverse this for landscape orientation } const QPageSize::PageSizeId pSZ = FindPageSizeId(size); if (pSZ == QPageSize::Custom) { if (not printer->setPageSize(QPageSize(size, QPageSize::Millimeter))) { qWarning() << tr("Cannot set custom printer page size"); } } else { if (not printer->setPageSize(QPageSize(pSZ))) { qWarning() << tr("Cannot set printer page size"); } } } else { if (not printer->setPageSize(QPageSize(m_tiledPDFPaperSize, QPageSize::Millimeter))) { qWarning() << tr("Cannot set printer tiled page size"); } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- auto VPrintLayout::DocName() const -> QString { return not m_fileName.isEmpty() ? m_fileName : tr("unamed"); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VPrintLayout::PreparePaper(int index) const { auto *paper = qgraphicsitem_cast(m_layoutPapers.at(index)); if (paper != nullptr) { QBrush brush(Qt::white); m_layoutScenes.at(index)->setBackgroundBrush(brush); m_layoutShadows.at(index)->setVisible(false); const float thinPen = 0.1F; paper->setPen(QPen(Qt::white, thinPen, Qt::NoPen));// border } QTransform matrix; matrix.scale(m_xscale, m_yscale); QList paperDetails = m_layoutDetails.at(index); for (auto *detail : paperDetails) { QTransform m = detail->transform(); m *= matrix; detail->setTransform(m); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VPrintLayout::RestorePaper(int index) const { auto *paper = qgraphicsitem_cast(m_layoutPapers.at(index)); if (paper != nullptr) { // Restore paper->setPen(QPen(Qt::black, 1)); QBrush brush(Qt::gray); m_layoutScenes.at(index)->setBackgroundBrush(brush); m_layoutShadows.at(index)->setVisible(true); } QTransform matrix; matrix.scale(1./m_xscale, 1./m_yscale); QList paperDetails = m_layoutDetails.at(index); for (auto *detail : paperDetails) { QTransform m = detail->transform(); m *= matrix; detail->setTransform(m); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- auto VPrintLayout::IsPagesUniform() const -> bool { if (m_layoutPapers.size() < 2) { return true; } auto *paper = qgraphicsitem_cast(m_layoutPapers.at(0)); SCASSERT(paper != nullptr) return std::all_of(m_layoutPapers.begin(), m_layoutPapers.end(), [paper](QGraphicsItem *paperItem) { auto *p = qgraphicsitem_cast(paperItem); SCASSERT(p != nullptr) return paper->rect() == p->rect(); }); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- auto VPrintLayout::IsPagesFit(QSizeF printPaper) const -> bool { // On previous stage already was checked if pages have uniform size // Enough will be to check only one page auto *p = qgraphicsitem_cast(m_layoutPapers.at(0)); SCASSERT(p != nullptr) const QSizeF pSize = p->rect().size(); return pSize.height() <= printPaper.height() && pSize.width() <= printPaper.width(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- auto VPrintLayout::WatermarkData() const -> VWatermarkData { VWatermarkData data; if (m_isTiled && not m_watermarkPath.isEmpty()) { try { VWatermarkConverter converter(m_watermarkPath); VWatermark watermark; watermark.setXMLContent(converter.Convert()); data = watermark.GetWatermark(); if (not data.path.isEmpty()) { // Clean previous cache QPixmapCache::remove(AbsoluteMPath(m_watermarkPath, data.path)); } } catch (VException &e) { const QString errorMsg = tr("File error.\n\n%1\n\n%2").arg(e.ErrorMessage(), e.DetailedInformation()); VAbstractApplication::VApp()->IsPedantic() ? throw VException(errorMsg) : qWarning() << VAbstractValApplication::warningMessageSignature + errorMsg; } } return data; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- auto VPrintLayout::ContinueIfLayoutStale(QWidget *parent) -> int { if (VAbstractApplication::VApp()->IsAppInGUIMode()) { QMessageBox msgBox(parent); msgBox.setIcon(QMessageBox::Question); msgBox.setWindowTitle(tr("The layout is stale.")); msgBox.setText(tr("The layout was not updated since last pattern modification. Do you want to continue?")); msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Yes|QMessageBox::No); msgBox.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox::No); const int width = 500; auto* horizontalSpacer = new QSpacerItem(width, 0, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Expanding); auto* layout = qobject_cast(msgBox.layout()); SCASSERT(layout != nullptr) layout->addItem(horizontalSpacer, layout->rowCount(), 0, 1, layout->columnCount()); return msgBox.exec(); } return QMessageBox::Yes; }