/************************************************************************ ** ** @file vtextgraphicsitem.cpp ** @author Bojan Kverh ** @date June 16, 2016 ** ** @brief ** @copyright ** This source code is part of the Valentina project, a pattern making ** program, whose allow create and modeling patterns of clothing. ** Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Valentina project ** All Rights Reserved. ** ** Valentina is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** Valentina is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with Valentina. If not, see . ** *************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../ifc/exception/vexception.h" #include "../vformat/vsinglelineoutlinechar.h" #include "../vmisc/compatibility.h" #include "../vmisc/def.h" #include "../vmisc/literals.h" #include "../vmisc/svgfont/svgdef.h" #include "../vmisc/svgfont/vsvgfont.h" #include "../vmisc/svgfont/vsvgfontdatabase.h" #include "../vmisc/vabstractvalapplication.h" #include "vtextgraphicsitem.h" namespace { constexpr qreal resizeSquare = MmToPixel(3.); constexpr qreal rotateCircle = MmToPixel(2.); constexpr int rotateRect = 60; constexpr int rotateArc = 50; constexpr qreal minW = MmToPixel(4.) + resizeSquare; constexpr qreal minH = MmToPixel(4.) + resizeSquare; constexpr int activeZ = 10; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @brief GetBoundingRect calculates the bounding box around rectBB rectangle, rotated around its center by dRot degrees * @param rectBB rectangle of interest * @param dRot rectangle rotation * @return bounding box around rectBB rotated by dRot */ auto GetBoundingRect(const QRectF &rectBB, qreal dRot) -> QRectF { std::array apt = {rectBB.topLeft(), rectBB.topRight(), rectBB.bottomLeft(), rectBB.bottomRight()}; QPointF ptCenter = rectBB.center(); qreal dX1 = 0; qreal dX2 = 0; qreal dY1 = 0; qreal dY2 = 0; double dAng = qDegreesToRadians(dRot); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { QPointF pt = apt.at(i) - ptCenter; qreal dX = pt.x() * cos(dAng) + pt.y() * sin(dAng); qreal dY = -pt.x() * sin(dAng) + pt.y() * cos(dAng); if (i == 0) { dX1 = dX2 = dX; dY1 = dY2 = dY; } else { if (dX < dX1) { dX1 = dX; } else if (dX > dX2) { dX2 = dX; } if (dY < dY1) { dY1 = dY; } else if (dY > dY2) { dY2 = dY; } } } QRectF rect; rect.setTopLeft(ptCenter + QPointF(dX1, dY1)); rect.setWidth(dX2 - dX1); rect.setHeight(dY2 - dY1); return rect; } } // namespace //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @brief VTextGraphicsItem::VTextGraphicsItem constructor * @param pParent pointer to the parent item */ VTextGraphicsItem::VTextGraphicsItem(ItemType type, QGraphicsItem *pParent) : VPieceItem(pParent), m_itemType(type) { m_inactiveZ = 2; SetSize(minW, minH); setZValue(m_inactiveZ); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @brief VTextGraphicsItem::SetFont sets the item font * @param fnt font to be used in item */ void VTextGraphicsItem::SetFont(const QFont &fnt) { m_tm.SetFont(fnt); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VTextGraphicsItem::SetSVGFontFamily(const QString &fntFamily) { m_tm.SetSVGFontFamily(fntFamily); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VTextGraphicsItem::SetSVGFontPointSize(int pointSize) { m_tm.SetSVGFontPointSize(pointSize); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @brief VTextGraphicsItem::paint redraws the item content * @param painter pointer to the QPainter in use * @param option pointer to the object containing the actual label rectangle * @param widget not used */ void VTextGraphicsItem::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget) { Q_UNUSED(widget) Q_UNUSED(option) painter->fillRect(m_rectBoundingBox, QColor(251, 251, 175, 128 /*50% opacity*/)); painter->setRenderHints(QPainter::Antialiasing | QPainter::TextAntialiasing); painter->setPen(Qt::black); PaintLabel(painter); // now draw the features specific to non-normal modes if (m_eMode != mNormal) { // outline the rectangle painter->setPen(QPen(Qt::black, 2, Qt::DashLine)); painter->drawRect(boundingRect().adjusted(1, 1, -1, -1)); if (m_eMode != mRotate) { // draw the resize square painter->setPen(Qt::black); painter->setBrush(Qt::black); painter->drawRect(m_rectResize.adjusted(-1, -1, -1, -1)); if (m_eMode == mResize) { // draw the resize diagonal lines painter->drawLine(1, 1, qFloor(m_rectBoundingBox.width()) - 1, qFloor(m_rectBoundingBox.height()) - 1); painter->drawLine(1, qFloor(m_rectBoundingBox.height()) - 1, qFloor(m_rectBoundingBox.width()) - 1, 1); } } else { // in rotate mode, draw the circle in the middle painter->setPen(Qt::black); painter->setBrush(Qt::black); painter->drawEllipse(QPointF(m_rectBoundingBox.width() / 2, m_rectBoundingBox.height() / 2), rotateCircle, rotateCircle); if (m_rectBoundingBox.width() > minW * 3 && m_rectBoundingBox.height() > minH * 3) { painter->setPen(QPen(Qt::black, 3)); painter->setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); // and then draw the arc in each of the corners int iTop = rotateRect - rotateArc; int iLeft = rotateRect - rotateArc; int iRight = qRound(m_rectBoundingBox.width()) - rotateRect; int iBottom = qRound(m_rectBoundingBox.height()) - rotateRect; painter->drawArc(iLeft, iTop, rotateArc, rotateArc, 180 * 16, -90 * 16); painter->drawArc(iRight, iTop, rotateArc, rotateArc, 90 * 16, -90 * 16); painter->drawArc(iLeft, iBottom, rotateArc, rotateArc, 270 * 16, -90 * 16); painter->drawArc(iRight, iBottom, rotateArc, rotateArc, 0 * 16, -90 * 16); } } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @brief VTextGraphicsItem::SetSize Tries to set the label size to (fW, fH). If any of those is too small, the label * size does not change. * @param fW label width * @param fH label height */ void VTextGraphicsItem::SetSize(qreal fW, qreal fH) { prepareGeometryChange(); m_rectBoundingBox.setTopLeft(QPointF(0, 0)); m_rectBoundingBox.setWidth(fW); m_rectBoundingBox.setHeight(fH); m_rectResize.setTopLeft(QPointF(fW - resizeSquare, fH - resizeSquare)); m_rectResize.setWidth(resizeSquare); m_rectResize.setHeight(resizeSquare); setTransformOriginPoint(m_rectBoundingBox.center()); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @brief VTextGraphicsItem::Update sets the correct size and font size and redraws the label */ void VTextGraphicsItem::Update() { CorrectLabel(); UpdateBox(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @brief VTextGraphicsItem::IsContained checks if the bounding box around rotated rectBB is contained in * the parent. If that is not the case, it calculates the amount of movement needed to put it inside the parent * and write it into dX, dY * @param rectBB bounding box in question * @param dRot bounding box rotation in degrees * @param dX horizontal translation needed to put the box inside parent item * @param dY vertical translation needed to put the box inside parent item * @return true, if rectBB is contained in parent item and false otherwise */ auto VTextGraphicsItem::IsContained(QRectF rectBB, qreal dRot, qreal &dX, qreal &dY) const -> bool { QRectF rectParent = parentItem()->boundingRect(); rectBB = GetBoundingRect(rectBB, dRot); dX = 0; dY = 0; if (not rectParent.contains(rectBB)) { if (rectParent.left() - rectBB.left() > fabs(dX)) { dX = rectParent.left() - rectBB.left(); } else if (rectBB.right() - rectParent.right() > fabs(dX)) { dX = rectParent.right() - rectBB.right(); } if (rectParent.top() - rectBB.top() > fabs(dY)) { dY = rectParent.top() - rectBB.top(); } else if (rectBB.bottom() - rectParent.bottom() > fabs(dY)) { dY = rectParent.bottom() - rectBB.bottom(); } return false; } return true; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @brief VTextGraphicsItem::UpdateData Updates the detail label * @param qsName name of detail * @param data reference to VPatternPieceData */ void VTextGraphicsItem::UpdateData(const QString &qsName, const VPieceLabelData &data, const VContainer *pattern) { m_tm.Update(qsName, data, pattern); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @brief VTextGraphicsItem::UpdateData Updates the pattern label * @param pDoc pointer to the pattern object */ void VTextGraphicsItem::UpdateData(VAbstractPattern *pDoc, const VContainer *pattern) { m_tm.Update(pDoc, pattern); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @brief VTextGraphicsItem::GetTextLines returns the number of lines of text to show * @return number of lines of text */ auto VTextGraphicsItem::GetTextLines() const -> vsizetype { return m_tm.GetSourceLinesCount(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VTextGraphicsItem::SetPieceName(const QString &name) { m_pieceName = name; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @brief VTextGraphicsItem::GetFontSize returns the currently used text base font size * @return current text base font size */ auto VTextGraphicsItem::GetFontSize() const -> int { return m_tm.GetFont().pixelSize(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @brief VTextGraphicsItem::mousePressEvent handles left button mouse press events * @param pME pointer to QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent object */ void VTextGraphicsItem::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *pME) { if (pME->button() == Qt::LeftButton && pME->type() != QEvent::GraphicsSceneMouseDoubleClick && (flags() & QGraphicsItem::ItemIsMovable)) { if (m_moveType == NotMovable) { pME->ignore(); return; } pME->accept(); // record the parameters of the mouse press. Specially record the position // of the press as the origin for the following operations m_ptStartPos = pos(); m_ptStart = pME->scenePos(); m_szStart = m_rectBoundingBox.size(); m_ptRotCenter = mapToParent(m_rectBoundingBox.center()); m_dAngle = GetAngle(mapToParent(pME->pos())); m_dRotation = rotation(); // in rotation mode, do not do any changes here, because user might want to // rotate the label more. if ((m_moveType & AllModifications) == AllModifications) { AllUserModifications(pME->pos()); setZValue(activeZ); Update(); } else if (m_moveType & IsRotatable) { if (m_moveType & IsResizable) { AllUserModifications(pME->pos()); } else if (m_moveType & IsMovable) { UserRotateAndMove(); } else { m_eMode = mRotate; SetItemOverrideCursor(this, cursorArrowCloseHand, 1, 1); } setZValue(activeZ); Update(); } else if (m_moveType & IsResizable) { if (m_moveType & IsRotatable) { AllUserModifications(pME->pos()); } else if (m_moveType & IsMovable) { UserMoveAndResize(pME->pos()); } setZValue(activeZ); Update(); } else if (m_moveType & IsMovable) { if (m_moveType & IsRotatable) { UserRotateAndMove(); } else if (m_moveType & IsResizable) { UserMoveAndResize(pME->pos()); } else { m_eMode = mMove; SetItemOverrideCursor(this, cursorArrowCloseHand, 1, 1); } setZValue(activeZ); Update(); } else { pME->ignore(); } } else { pME->ignore(); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @brief VTextGraphicsItem::mouseMoveEvent handles mouse move events * @param pME pointer to QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent object */ void VTextGraphicsItem::mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *pME) { if (m_eMode == mMove && m_moveType & IsMovable) { MoveLabel(pME); } else if (m_eMode == mResize && m_moveType & IsResizable) { ResizeLabel(pME); } else if (m_eMode == mRotate && m_moveType & IsRotatable) { RotateLabel(pME); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @brief VTextGraphicsItem::mouseReleaseEvent handles left button mouse release events * @param pME pointer to QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent object */ void VTextGraphicsItem::mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *pME) { if (pME->button() != Qt::LeftButton) { return; } // restore the cursor if ((m_eMode == mMove || m_eMode == mRotate || m_eMode == mResize) && (flags() & QGraphicsItem::ItemIsMovable)) { SetItemOverrideCursor(this, cursorArrowOpenHand, 1, 1); } double dDist = fabs(pME->scenePos().x() - m_ptStart.x()) + fabs(pME->scenePos().y() - m_ptStart.y()); // determine if this was just press/release (bShort == true) or user did some operation between press and // release bool bShort = (dDist < 2); if (m_eMode == mMove || m_eMode == mResize) { // if user just pressed and released the button, we must switch the mode to rotate // but if user did some operation (move/resize), emit the proper signal and update the label if (bShort) { if (m_bReleased && m_moveType & IsRotatable) { m_eMode = mRotate; UpdateBox(); } } else if (m_eMode == mMove && m_moveType & IsMovable) { emit SignalMoved(pos()); UpdateBox(); } else if (m_moveType & IsResizable) { emit SignalResized(m_rectBoundingBox.width()); Update(); } } else { // in rotate mode, if user did just press/release, switch to move mode if (bShort && (m_moveType & IsMovable || m_moveType & IsResizable)) { m_eMode = mMove; } else if (m_moveType & IsRotatable) { // if user rotated the item, emit proper signal and update the label emit SignalRotated(rotation()); } UpdateBox(); } m_bReleased = true; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @brief VTextGraphicsItem::hoverMoveEvent checks if cursor has to be changed * @param pHE pointer to the scene hover event */ void VTextGraphicsItem::hoverMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *pHE) { if (m_eMode == mResize && m_moveType & IsResizable) { if (m_rectResize.contains(pHE->pos())) { setCursor(Qt::SizeFDiagCursor); } else { SetItemOverrideCursor(this, cursorArrowOpenHand, 1, 1); } } VPieceItem::hoverMoveEvent(pHE); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VTextGraphicsItem::hoverEnterEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *pME) { if (flags() & QGraphicsItem::ItemIsMovable) { SetItemOverrideCursor(this, cursorArrowOpenHand, 1, 1); } VPieceItem::hoverEnterEvent(pME); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @brief VTextGraphicsItem::UpdateBox redraws the label content */ void VTextGraphicsItem::UpdateBox() { update(m_rectBoundingBox); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @brief VTextGraphicsItem::UpdateFont sets the text font size, so that the entire text will * just fit into the label bounding box */ void VTextGraphicsItem::CorrectLabel() { qreal dX; qreal dY; QRectF rectBB; rectBB.setTopLeft(pos()); rectBB.setSize(m_rectBoundingBox.size()); if (not IsContained(rectBB, rotation(), dX, dY)) { // put the label inside the pattern setPos(pos().x() + dX, pos().y() + dY); } UpdateBox(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VTextGraphicsItem::AllUserModifications(const QPointF &pos) { if (m_eMode != mRotate) { UserMoveAndResize(pos); } else { SetItemOverrideCursor(this, cursorArrowCloseHand, 1, 1); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VTextGraphicsItem::UserRotateAndMove() { if (m_eMode != mRotate) { m_eMode = mMove; } SetItemOverrideCursor(this, cursorArrowCloseHand, 1, 1); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VTextGraphicsItem::UserMoveAndResize(const QPointF &pos) { if (m_rectResize.contains(pos)) { m_eMode = mResize; setCursor(Qt::SizeFDiagCursor); } else { m_eMode = mMove; // block later if need SetItemOverrideCursor(this, cursorArrowCloseHand, 1, 1); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VTextGraphicsItem::MoveLabel(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *pME) { const QPointF ptDiff = pME->scenePos() - m_ptStart; // in move mode move the label along the mouse move from the origin QPointF pt = m_ptStartPos + ptDiff; QRectF rectBB; rectBB.setTopLeft(pt); rectBB.setWidth(m_rectBoundingBox.width()); rectBB.setHeight(m_rectBoundingBox.height()); // before moving label to a new position, check if it will still be inside the parent item qreal dX; qreal dY; if (not IsContained(rectBB, rotation(), dX, dY)) { pt.setX(pt.x() + dX); pt.setY(pt.y() + dY); } setPos(pt); UpdateBox(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VTextGraphicsItem::ResizeLabel(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *pME) { QLineF vectorDiff(m_ptStart, pME->scenePos()); vectorDiff.setAngle(vectorDiff.angle() + m_dRotation); const QPointF ptDiff = vectorDiff.p2() - m_ptStart; // in resize mode, resize the label along the mouse move from the origin QPointF pt; QSizeF sz; if (m_moveType & IsMovable) { const qreal newWidth = m_szStart.width() + ptDiff.x(); const qreal newHeight = m_szStart.height() + ptDiff.y(); if (newWidth <= minW || newHeight <= minH) { return; } pt = m_ptStartPos; sz = QSizeF(newWidth, newHeight); } else { const qreal newWidth = m_szStart.width() + ptDiff.x() * 2.0; const qreal newHeight = m_szStart.height() + ptDiff.y() * 2.0; if (newWidth <= minW || newHeight <= minH) { return; } pt = QPointF(m_ptRotCenter.x() - newWidth / 2.0, m_ptRotCenter.y() - newHeight / 2.0); sz = QSizeF(m_szStart.width() + ptDiff.x() * 2.0, m_szStart.height() + ptDiff.y() * 2.0); } QRectF rectBB; rectBB.setTopLeft(pt); rectBB.setSize(sz); // before resizing the label to a new size, check if it will still be inside the parent item qreal dX; qreal dY; if (IsContained(rectBB, rotation(), dX, dY)) { if (not(m_moveType & IsMovable)) { setPos(pt); } } else { return; } SetSize(sz.width(), sz.height()); Update(); emit SignalShrink(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VTextGraphicsItem::RotateLabel(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *pME) { // if the angle from the original position is small (0.5 degrees), just remeber the new angle // new angle will be the starting angle for rotation if (fabs(m_dAngle) < 0.01) { m_dAngle = GetAngle(mapToParent(pME->pos())); return; } QRectF rectBB; rectBB.setTopLeft(m_ptStartPos); rectBB.setWidth(m_rectBoundingBox.width()); rectBB.setHeight(m_rectBoundingBox.height()); // calculate the angle difference from the starting angle double dAng = qRadiansToDegrees(GetAngle(mapToParent(pME->pos())) - m_dAngle); // check if the rotated label will be inside the parent item and then rotate it qreal dX; qreal dY; if (IsContained(rectBB, m_dRotation + dAng, dX, dY)) { setRotation(m_dRotation + dAng); Update(); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VTextGraphicsItem::PaintLabel(QPainter *painter) { VCommonSettings *settings = VAbstractApplication::VApp()->Settings(); if (settings->GetSingleLineFonts()) { PaintLabelSVGFont(painter); } else { PaintLabelOutlineFont(painter); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VTextGraphicsItem::PaintLabelOutlineFont(QPainter *painter) { const QRectF boundingRect = this->boundingRect(); const int iW = qFloor(boundingRect.width()); QFont fnt = m_tm.GetFont(); const QVector labelLines = m_tm.GetLabelSourceLines(iW, fnt); VCommonSettings *settings = VAbstractApplication::VApp()->Settings(); bool textAsPaths = settings->GetSingleStrokeOutlineFont(); // draw text lines qreal iY = 0; qreal penWidth = VAbstractApplication::VApp()->Settings()->WidthHairLine(); if (textAsPaths) { QPen pen = painter->pen(); pen.setCapStyle(Qt::RoundCap); pen.setJoinStyle(Qt::RoundJoin); pen.setWidthF(penWidth); painter->setPen(pen); iY += penWidth * 2; } painter->setClipRect(boundingRect); for (const auto &tl : labelLines) { fnt.setPointSize(m_tm.GetFont().pointSize() + tl.m_iFontSize); fnt.setBold(tl.m_bold); fnt.setItalic(tl.m_italic); VSingleLineOutlineChar corrector(fnt); if (!corrector.IsPopulated()) { corrector.LoadCorrections(settings->GetPathFontCorrections()); } QString qsText = tl.m_qsText; QFontMetrics fm(fnt); qreal lineHeight = fm.height(); if (iY + lineHeight > boundingRect.height()) { lineHeight = boundingRect.height() - iY; } if (textAsPaths) { QString qsText = tl.m_qsText; qreal dX = 0; if (tl.m_eAlign == 0 || (tl.m_eAlign & Qt::AlignLeft) > 0) { dX = 0; } else if ((tl.m_eAlign & Qt::AlignHCenter) > 0) { dX = (boundingRect.width() - TextWidth(fm, qsText)) / 2; } else if ((tl.m_eAlign & Qt::AlignRight) > 0) { dX = boundingRect.width() - TextWidth(fm, qsText); } QPainterPath path; int w = 0; for (auto c : qAsConst(qsText)) { path.addPath(corrector.DrawChar(w, static_cast(fm.ascent()), c)); w += TextWidth(fm, c); } QTransform matrix; matrix.translate(dX, iY); path = matrix.map(path); painter->save(); painter->setBrush(QBrush(Qt::NoBrush)); painter->drawPath(path); painter->restore(); } else { painter->save(); painter->setFont(fnt); painter->drawText(QRectF(0, iY, iW, lineHeight * 2), static_cast(tl.m_eAlign), qsText); painter->restore(); } // check if the next line will go out of bounds qreal nextStep = textAsPaths ? iY + fm.height() + penWidth * 2 : iY + fm.height(); if (nextStep > boundingRect.height()) { NotEnoughSpace(); break; } iY = nextStep + m_tm.GetSpacing(); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VTextGraphicsItem::PaintLabelSVGFont(QPainter *painter) { VSvgFontDatabase *db = VAbstractApplication::VApp()->SVGFontDatabase(); VSvgFontEngine engine = db->FontEngine(m_tm.GetSVGFontFamily(), SVGFontStyle::Normal, SVGFontWeight::Normal, m_tm.GetSVGFontPointSize()); VSvgFont svgFont = engine.Font(); if (!svgFont.IsValid()) { QString errorMsg = tr("Invalid SVG font '%1'. Fallback to outline font.").arg(svgFont.Name()); VAbstractApplication::VApp()->IsPedantic() ? throw VException(errorMsg) : qWarning() << VAbstractValApplication::warningMessageSignature + errorMsg; PaintLabelOutlineFont(painter); return; } qreal penWidth = VAbstractApplication::VApp()->Settings()->WidthHairLine(); QPen pen = painter->pen(); pen.setCapStyle(Qt::RoundCap); pen.setJoinStyle(Qt::RoundJoin); pen.setWidthF(penWidth); painter->setPen(pen); const QRectF boundingRect = this->boundingRect().adjusted(-penWidth, -penWidth, -penWidth, -penWidth); const qreal iW = boundingRect.width(); const QVector labelLines = m_tm.GetLabelSourceLines(qFloor(iW), svgFont, penWidth / 2); // draw text lines qreal iY = 0; for (const auto &tl : labelLines) { VSvgFont lineFont = svgFont; lineFont.SetBold(tl.m_bold); lineFont.SetItalic(tl.m_italic); lineFont.SetPointSize(svgFont.PointSize() + tl.m_iFontSize); engine = db->FontEngine(lineFont); QString qsText = tl.m_qsText; qreal lineHeight = engine.FontHeight() + painter->pen().widthF() * 2; if (iY + lineHeight > boundingRect.height()) { lineHeight = boundingRect.height() - iY; } engine.Draw(painter, QRectF(0, iY, iW, lineHeight), qsText, tl.m_eAlign); // check if the next line will go out of bounds qreal nextStep = iY + engine.FontHeight() + painter->pen().widthF() * 2; if (nextStep > boundingRect.height()) { NotEnoughSpace(); break; } iY = nextStep + m_tm.GetSpacing(); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VTextGraphicsItem::NotEnoughSpace() const { QString errorMsg; switch (m_itemType) { case PatternLabel: errorMsg = tr("Piece '%1'. Not enough space for pattern info label.").arg(m_pieceName); break; case PieceLabel: errorMsg = tr("Piece '%1'. Not enough space for piece info label.").arg(m_pieceName); break; case Unknown: default: errorMsg = tr("Piece '%1'. Not enough space for label.").arg(m_pieceName); break; }; VAbstractApplication::VApp()->IsPedantic() ? throw VException(errorMsg) : qWarning() << VAbstractValApplication::warningMessageSignature + errorMsg; }