/************************************************************************ ** ** @file venumproperty.cpp ** @author hedgeware ** @date ** ** @brief ** @copyright ** All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials ** are made available under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License ** (LGPL) version 2.1 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at ** http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html ** ** This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ** Lesser General Public License for more details. ** *************************************************************************/ #include "venumproperty.h" #include "../vproperty_p.h" #include #include using namespace VPE; VEnumProperty::VEnumProperty(const QString& name) : VProperty(name, QVariant::Int), EnumerationLiterals() { VProperty::d_ptr->VariantValue = 0; VProperty::d_ptr->VariantValue.convert(QVariant::Int); } //! Get the data how it should be displayed QVariant VEnumProperty::data (int column, int role) const { if (EnumerationLiterals.empty()) { return QVariant(); } int tmpIndex = VProperty::d_ptr->VariantValue.toInt(); if (tmpIndex < 0 || tmpIndex >= EnumerationLiterals.count()) { tmpIndex = 0; } if (column == DPC_Data && Qt::DisplayRole == role) { return EnumerationLiterals.at(tmpIndex); } else if (column == DPC_Data && Qt::EditRole == role) { return tmpIndex; } else return VProperty::data(column, role); } //! Returns an editor widget, or NULL if it doesn't supply one QWidget* VEnumProperty::createEditor(QWidget * parent, const QStyleOptionViewItem& options, const QAbstractItemDelegate* delegate) { Q_UNUSED(options); Q_UNUSED(delegate); QComboBox* tmpEditor = new QComboBox(parent); tmpEditor->clear(); tmpEditor->setLocale(parent->locale()); tmpEditor->addItems(EnumerationLiterals); tmpEditor->setCurrentIndex(VProperty::d_ptr->VariantValue.toInt()); connect(tmpEditor, static_cast(&QComboBox::currentIndexChanged), this, &VEnumProperty::currentIndexChanged); VProperty::d_ptr->editor = tmpEditor; return VProperty::d_ptr->editor; } //! Gets the data from the widget QVariant VEnumProperty::getEditorData(const QWidget *editor) const { const QComboBox* tmpEditor = qobject_cast(editor); if (tmpEditor) { return tmpEditor->currentIndex(); } return QVariant(0); } //! Sets the enumeration literals void VEnumProperty::setLiterals(const QStringList& literals) { EnumerationLiterals = literals; } //! Get the settings. This function has to be implemented in a subclass in order to have an effect QStringList VEnumProperty::getLiterals() const { return EnumerationLiterals; } //! Sets the value of the property void VEnumProperty::setValue(const QVariant& value) { int tmpIndex = value.toInt(); if (tmpIndex < 0 || tmpIndex >= EnumerationLiterals.count()) { tmpIndex = 0; } VProperty::d_ptr->VariantValue = tmpIndex; VProperty::d_ptr->VariantValue.convert(QVariant::Int); if (VProperty::d_ptr->editor != nullptr) { setEditorData(VProperty::d_ptr->editor); } } QString VEnumProperty::type() const { return "enum"; } VProperty* VEnumProperty::clone(bool include_children, VProperty* container) const { return VProperty::clone(include_children, container ? container : new VEnumProperty(getName())); } void VEnumProperty::setSetting(const QString& key, const QVariant& value) { if (key == "literals") { setLiterals(value.toString().split(";;")); } } QVariant VEnumProperty::getSetting(const QString& key) const { if (key == "literals") { return getLiterals().join(";;"); } else return VProperty::getSetting(key); } QStringList VEnumProperty::getSettingKeys() const { return QStringList("literals"); } void VEnumProperty::currentIndexChanged(int index) { Q_UNUSED(index) UserChangeEvent *event = new UserChangeEvent(); QCoreApplication::postEvent ( VProperty::d_ptr->editor, event ); }