/************************************************************************ ** ** @file tst_tslocaletranslation.cpp ** @author Roman Telezhynskyi ** @date 17 2, 2018 ** ** @brief ** @copyright ** This source code is part of the Valentina project, a pattern making ** program, whose allow create and modeling patterns of clothing. ** Copyright (C) 2018 Valentina project ** All Rights Reserved. ** ** Valentina is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** Valentina is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with Valentina. If not, see . ** *************************************************************************/ #include "tst_tslocaletranslation.h" #include //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TST_TSLocaleTranslation::TST_TSLocaleTranslation(const QString &locale, QObject *parent) : TST_AbstractTranslation(parent), m_locale(locale) {} //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void TST_TSLocaleTranslation::CheckPlaceMarkerExist_data() { QTest::addColumn("source"); QTest::addColumn("translation"); const QString filename = QString("valentina_%1.ts").arg(m_locale); const QDomNodeList messages = LoadTSFile(filename); if (messages.isEmpty()) { QFAIL("Can't begin test."); } for (qint32 i = 0, num = messages.size(); i < num; ++i) { const QDomElement message = messages.at(i).toElement(); if (message.isNull() == false) { const QString source = message.firstChildElement(TagSource).text(); if (source.isEmpty()) { continue; } const QDomElement translationTag = message.firstChildElement(TagTranslation); if (translationTag.hasAttribute(AttrType)) { const QString attrVal = translationTag.attribute(AttrType); if (attrVal == AttrValVanished || attrVal == AttrValUnfinished || attrVal == AttrValObsolete) { continue; } } const QString translation = translationTag.text(); if (translation.isEmpty()) { continue; } const QString message = QString("File '%1'. Check place holder source message '%2'").arg(filename, source); QTest::newRow(qUtf8Printable(message)) << source << translation; } else { const QString message = QString("File '%2'. Message %1 is null.").arg(i).arg(filename); QFAIL(qUtf8Printable(message)); } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void TST_TSLocaleTranslation::CheckPlaceMarkerExist() { QFETCH(QString, source); QFETCH(QString, translation); int sourceMarkCount = 0; int translationMarkCount = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= 99; ++i) { const QString marker = QLatin1String("%") + QString().setNum(i); const bool sourceMark = source.indexOf(marker) != -1; if (sourceMark) { ++sourceMarkCount; if (sourceMarkCount != i) { const QString message = QString("In source string '%1' was missed place marker ") .arg(source) + QLatin1String("'%") + QString().setNum(sourceMarkCount) + QLatin1String("'."); QFAIL(qUtf8Printable(message)); } } const bool translationMark = translation.indexOf(marker) != -1; if (translationMark) { ++translationMarkCount; if (translationMarkCount != i) { const QString message = QString("In translation string '%1' was missed place marker ") .arg(translation) + QLatin1String("'%") + QString().setNum(translationMarkCount) + QLatin1String("'."); QFAIL(qUtf8Printable(message)); } } if (sourceMark != translationMark) { const QString message = QString("Compare to source string in the translation string '%1' was missed place marker ") .arg(translation) + QLatin1String("'%") + QString().setNum(sourceMarkCount) + QLatin1String("'."); QFAIL(qUtf8Printable(message)); } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void TST_TSLocaleTranslation::TestPunctuation_data() { QTest::addColumn("locale"); QTest::addColumn("source"); QTest::addColumn("translation"); const QString filename = QString("valentina_%1.ts").arg(m_locale); const QDomNodeList messages = LoadTSFile(filename); if (messages.isEmpty()) { QFAIL("Can't begin test."); } for (qint32 i = 0, num = messages.size(); i < num; ++i) { const QDomElement message = messages.at(i).toElement(); if (message.isNull() == false) { const QString source = message.firstChildElement(TagSource).text(); if (source.isEmpty()) { continue; } const QDomElement translationTag = message.firstChildElement(TagTranslation); if (translationTag.hasAttribute(AttrType)) { const QString attrVal = translationTag.attribute(AttrType); if (attrVal == AttrValVanished || attrVal == AttrValUnfinished || attrVal == AttrValObsolete) { continue; } } const QString translation = translationTag.text(); if (translation.isEmpty()) { continue; } const QString message = QString("File '%1'.").arg(filename); QTest::newRow(qUtf8Printable(message)) << m_locale << source << translation; } else { const QString message = QString("File '%2'. Message %1 is null.").arg(i).arg(filename); QFAIL(qUtf8Printable(message)); } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void TST_TSLocaleTranslation::TestPunctuation() { QFETCH(QString, locale); QFETCH(QString, source); QFETCH(QString, translation); static const QStringList punctuation{ QChar('.'), QChar(':'), QChar(QChar::Space), QChar('\n'), QChar('!'), QChar('?'), QChar(';'), QChar(0x2026)//… }; bool testFail = false; const QChar cSource = source.at(source.length()-1); QChar cPunctuation = cSource; const QChar cTranslation = translation.at(translation.length()-1); if (punctuation.contains(cSource)) { if (not translation.endsWith(cSource)) { testFail = true; if (locale == QLatin1String("el_GR") // Greek question mark // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Question_mark#Greek_question_mark && (cSource == QLatin1Char('?') && cTranslation == QLatin1Char(';'))) { testFail = false; } else if (locale == QLatin1String("zh_CN") // Beside usage similar to that of English, the colon has other functions. Several compatibility // forms for Chinese and Japanese typography are encoded in Unicode. // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colon_(punctuation)#Usage_in_other_languages && (cSource == QLatin1Char(':') && cTranslation == QString(":"))) { testFail = false; } } } else { if (punctuation.contains(cTranslation)) { cPunctuation = cTranslation; testFail = true; } } if (testFail) { const QString message = QString("Translation string does not end with the same punctuation character '%1' or " "vice versa. ").arg(cPunctuation) + QString("Original name:'%1'").arg(source) + QString(", translated name:'%1'").arg(translation); QFAIL(qUtf8Printable(message)); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void TST_TSLocaleTranslation::TestHTMLTags_data() { QTest::addColumn("source"); QTest::addColumn("translation"); const QString filename = QString("valentina_%1.ts").arg(m_locale); const QDomNodeList messages = LoadTSFile(filename); if (messages.isEmpty()) { QFAIL("Can't begin test."); } for (qint32 i = 0, num = messages.size(); i < num; ++i) { const QDomElement message = messages.at(i).toElement(); if (message.isNull() == false) { const QString source = message.firstChildElement(TagSource).text(); if (source.isEmpty()) { continue; } const QDomElement translationTag = message.firstChildElement(TagTranslation); if (translationTag.hasAttribute(AttrType)) { const QString attrVal = translationTag.attribute(AttrType); if (attrVal == AttrValVanished || attrVal == AttrValUnfinished || attrVal == AttrValObsolete) { continue; } } const QString translation = translationTag.text(); if (translation.isEmpty()) { continue; } const QString message = QString("File '%1'.").arg(filename); QTest::newRow(qUtf8Printable(message)) << source << translation; } else { const QString message = QString("File '%2'. Message %1 is null.").arg(i).arg(filename); QFAIL(qUtf8Printable(message)); } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void TST_TSLocaleTranslation::TestHTMLTags() { QFETCH(QString, source); QFETCH(QString, translation); static const QStringList tags = QStringList() << QLatin1String("p") << QLatin1String("html") << QLatin1String("body"); static const QString pattern("{1}.*>"); for (auto &tag : tags) { const QRegularExpression openRegex(QLatin1String("<") + tag + pattern, QRegularExpression::DotMatchesEverythingOption); if (source.contains(openRegex)) { const int countOpenTag = source.count(openRegex); const QRegularExpression closeRegex(QLatin1String("'. ").arg(tag) + QString("Original name:'%1'").arg(source) + QString(", translated name:'%1'").arg(translation); QFAIL(qUtf8Printable(message)); } } } }