#include "vemptyproperty.h" using namespace VPE; VEmptyProperty::VEmptyProperty(const QString& name) : VProperty(name, QVariant::Invalid) { } VEmptyProperty::VEmptyProperty(VPropertyPrivate *d) : VProperty(d) { } VEmptyProperty::~VEmptyProperty() { // } //! Get the data how it should be displayed QVariant VEmptyProperty::data (int column, int role) const { if(column == DPC_Data && (Qt::DisplayRole == role || Qt::EditRole == role)) return QVariant(); else if(role == Qt::BackgroundRole) return QBrush(QColor(217,217,217)); else if(role == Qt::FontRole) { QFont tmpFont; tmpFont.setBold(true); return tmpFont; } else return VProperty::data(column, role); } //! Returns an editor widget, or NULL if it doesn't supply one QWidget* VEmptyProperty::createEditor(QWidget * parent, const QStyleOptionViewItem& options, const QAbstractItemDelegate* delegate) { Q_UNUSED(options); Q_UNUSED(parent); Q_UNUSED(delegate); return NULL; } //! Gets the data from the widget QVariant VEmptyProperty::getEditorData(QWidget* editor) const { Q_UNUSED(editor); return QVariant(); } //! Returns item flags Qt::ItemFlags VEmptyProperty::flags(int column) const { Q_UNUSED(column); return Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable; } QString VEmptyProperty::type() const { return "empty"; } VProperty* VEmptyProperty::clone(bool include_children, VProperty* container) const { return VProperty::clone(include_children, container ? container : new VEmptyProperty(getName())); }