MainWindow 0 0 1100 700 Valentina :/icon/64x64/icon64x64.png:/icon/64x64/icon64x64.png 1 1 150 0 1 0 0 150 150 0 0 Tools for creating points. Point false Point at distance and angle ... :/icon/32x32/segment.png:/icon/32x32/segment.png 32 32 true false Special point on shoulder. ... :/icon/32x32/shoulder.png:/icon/32x32/shoulder.png 32 32 true false Point at intersection of arc and line. ... :/icon/32x32/point_of_contact.png:/icon/32x32/point_of_contact.png 32 32 true false Point along bisector ... :/icon/32x32/bisector.png:/icon/32x32/bisector.png 32 32 true false Point along perpendicular ... :/icon/32x32/normal.png:/icon/32x32/normal.png 32 32 true false Point at distance along line ... :/icon/32x32/along_line.png:/icon/32x32/along_line.png 32 32 true false Perpendicular point along line ... :/icon/32x32/height.png:/icon/32x32/height.png 32 32 true false Tool triangle. ... :/icon/32x32/triangle.png:/icon/32x32/triangle.png 32 32 true false Tool to make point from x & y of two other points. ... :/icon/32x32/point_of_intersection.png:/icon/32x32/point_of_intersection.png 32 32 true 0 0 150 58 0 0 Tools for creating lines. Line false Point at line intersection ... :/icon/32x32/intersect.png:/icon/32x32/intersect.png 32 32 true false Line between points ... :/icon/32x32/line.png:/icon/32x32/line.png 32 32 true 0 0 150 104 0 0 Tools for creating curves. Curve false Curve tool. ... :/icon/32x32/spline.png:/icon/32x32/spline.png 32 32 true false Tool for path curve. ... :/icon/32x32/splinePath.png:/icon/32x32/splinePath.png 32 32 true false Tool segment a pathed curve. ... :/icon/32x32/splinePath_cut_point.png:/icon/32x32/splinePath_cut_point.png 32 32 true false Tool for segmenting a curve. ... :/icon/32x32/spline_cut_point.png:/icon/32x32/spline_cut_point.png 32 32 true 0 0 150 58 0 0 Tools for creating arcs. Arc false Arc tool. ... :/icon/32x32/arc.png:/icon/32x32/arc.png 32 32 true false Cut arc tool. ... :/icon/32x32/arc_cut.png:/icon/32x32/arc_cut.png 32 32 true 0 0 150 58 0 0 Tools for creating details. Detail Tool new detail. ... :/icon/32x32/new_detail.png:/icon/32x32/new_detail.png 32 32 true false Tool for union two details. ... :/icon/32x32/union.png:/icon/32x32/union.png 32 32 true false Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOn Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOn 0 0 1100 25 &File &Help &Pattern piece Measurements Toolbar files TopToolBarArea false true ToolBar modes TopToolBarArea false Toolbar pattern TopToolBarArea false Toolbar options BottomToolBarArea false Toolbar tools TopToolBarArea false New &New Create a new pattern Ctrl+N Open &Open Open file with pattern false Save &Save Save pattern Ctrl+S false Save &As... Save not yet saved pattern Ctrl+Shift+S true true false :/icon/32x32/draw.png:/icon/32x32/draw.png Draw Draw mode Ctrl+W true false :/icon/32x32/kontur.png:/icon/32x32/kontur.png Details Details mode Ctrl+E true true :/icon/32x32/arrow_cursor.png:/icon/32x32/arrow_cursor.png Pointer tools Pointer tools :/icon/32x32/new_draw.png:/icon/32x32/new_draw.png New pattern piece Add new pattern piece Ctrl+Shift+N :/icon/32x32/option_draw.png:/icon/32x32/option_draw.png Change the label of pattern piece Change the label of pattern piece true :/icon/32x32/table.png:/icon/32x32/table.png Table of variables Tables of variables Ctrl+T true :/icon/32x32/history.png:/icon/32x32/history.png History Ctrl+H :/icon/32x32/layout.png:/icon/32x32/layout.png Export pattern (layout) Create layout Ctrl+L About &Qt &About Valentina E&xit Exit the application Ctrl+Q Preferences Pattern properties false Zoom In zoom in false Zoom Out Zoom out Edit pattern XML code false ZoomOriginal false ZoomFitBest VMainGraphicsView QGraphicsView
toolButtonEndLine toolButtonAlongLine toolButtonBisector toolButtonNormal toolButtonShoulderPoint toolButtonPointOfContact toolButtonLine toolButtonLineIntersect toolButtonSpline toolButtonSplinePath toolButtonArc toolButtonNewDetail