There are some steps required to create your own docker image. 1. Have a Docker hub account, 2. Install package on 64 bit system. 3. Create a Dockerfile. You will find one in this directory. 4. Build the image from Dockerfile. 5. Login on Docker hub 6. Push the image to Docker hub. 7. Specify the image in your bitbucket-pipelines.yml file 1 Docker hub account Well, sign up here =) 2 Install docker sudo apt-get install 3 Create Dockerfile Find example in this directory. 4 Build docker image In the same directory as you have your Dockerfile, run command: sudo docker build -t yourdockerusername/imagename . 5 Login on Docker hub Before publishing you must login on Docker hub sudo docker login 6 Push image to Docker hub Run command sudo docker push yourdockerusername/imagename 7 Specify the image in your bitbucket-pipelines.yml file As documented here: You can use your image on a top level as well as on a specific step like this. image: yourdockerusername/imagename