/************************************************************************ ** ** @file vdrawtool.h ** @author Roman Telezhynskyi ** @date November 15, 2013 ** ** @brief ** @copyright ** This source code is part of the Valentina project, a pattern making ** program, whose allow create and modeling patterns of clothing. ** Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Valentina project ** All Rights Reserved. ** ** Valentina is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** Valentina is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with Valentina. If not, see . ** *************************************************************************/ #ifndef VDRAWTOOL_H #define VDRAWTOOL_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../ifc/exception/vexceptionbadid.h" #include "../vinteractivetool.h" #include "../vmisc/vabstractapplication.h" #include "../vmisc/def.h" #include "../vwidgets/vmaingraphicsscene.h" #include "../vwidgets/vmaingraphicsview.h" #include "../vdatatool.h" #include "../vgeometry/vpointf.h" template class QSharedPointer; /** * @brief The VDrawTool abstract class for all draw tool. */ class VDrawTool : public VInteractiveTool { Q_OBJECT public: VDrawTool(VAbstractPattern *doc, VContainer *data, quint32 id, QObject *parent = nullptr); virtual ~VDrawTool() Q_DECL_EQ_DEFAULT; QString getLineType() const; virtual void SetTypeLine(const QString &value); virtual bool IsLabelVisible(quint32 id) const; signals: void ChangedToolSelection(bool selected, quint32 object, quint32 tool); public slots: virtual void ShowTool(quint32 id, bool enable); virtual void ChangedActivDraw(const QString &newName); void ChangedNameDraw(const QString &oldName, const QString &newName); virtual void EnableToolMove(bool move); virtual void Disable(bool disable, const QString &namePP)=0; virtual void DetailsMode(bool mode); protected slots: virtual void ShowContextMenu(QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent *event, quint32 id=NULL_ID)=0; protected: enum class RemoveOption : bool {Disable = false, Enable = true}; enum class Referens : bool {Follow = true, Ignore = false}; /** @brief nameActivDraw name of tool's pattern peace. */ QString nameActivDraw; /** @brief typeLine line type. */ QString m_lineType; void AddToCalculation(const QDomElement &domElement); void AddDependence(QList &list, quint32 objectId) const; /** @brief SaveDialog save options into file after change in dialog. */ virtual void SaveDialog(QDomElement &domElement, QList &oldDependencies, QList &newDependencies)=0; virtual void SaveDialogChange(const QString &undoText = QString()) Q_DECL_FINAL; virtual void AddToFile() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; void SaveOption(QSharedPointer &obj); virtual void SaveOptions(QDomElement &tag, QSharedPointer &obj); virtual QString MakeToolTip() const; bool CorrectDisable(bool disable, const QString &namePP) const; void ReadAttributes(); virtual void ReadToolAttributes(const QDomElement &domElement)=0; virtual void ChangeLabelVisibility(quint32 id, bool visible); template void ContextMenu(QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent *event, quint32 itemId = NULL_ID, const RemoveOption &showRemove = RemoveOption::Enable, const Referens &ref = Referens::Follow); template void ShowItem(Item *item, quint32 id, bool enable); template QString ObjectName(quint32 id) const; template static void InitDrawToolConnections(VMainGraphicsScene *scene, T *tool); private: Q_DISABLE_COPY(VDrawTool) }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template /** * @brief ContextMenu show context menu for tool. * @param event context menu event. * @param itemId id of point. 0 if not a point * @param showRemove true - tool enable option delete. * @param ref true - do not ignore referens value. */ void VDrawTool::ContextMenu(QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent *event, quint32 itemId, const RemoveOption &showRemove, const Referens &ref) { SCASSERT(event != nullptr) if (m_suppressContextMenu) { return; } qCDebug(vTool, "Creating tool context menu."); QMenu menu; QAction *actionOption = menu.addAction(QIcon::fromTheme("preferences-other"), tr("Options")); // add the menu "add to group" to the context menu QMap groupsNotContainingItem = doc->GetGroupsContainingItem(this->getId(), itemId, false); QActionGroup* actionsAddToGroup = new QActionGroup(this); if(not groupsNotContainingItem.empty()) { QMenu *menuAddToGroup = menu.addMenu(QIcon::fromTheme("list-add"), tr("Add to group")); QStringList list = QStringList(groupsNotContainingItem.values()); list.sort(Qt::CaseInsensitive); for(int i=0; iaddAction(list[i]); actionsAddToGroup->addAction(actionAddToGroup); actionAddToGroup->setData(groupsNotContainingItem.key(list[i])); } } // add the menu "remove from group" to the context menu QMap groupsContainingItem = doc->GetGroupsContainingItem(this->getId(), itemId, true); QActionGroup* actionsRemoveFromGroup = new QActionGroup(this); if(not groupsContainingItem.empty()) { QMenu *menuRemoveFromGroup = menu.addMenu(QIcon::fromTheme("list-remove"), tr("Remove from group")); QStringList list = QStringList(groupsContainingItem.values()); list.sort(Qt::CaseInsensitive); for(int i=0; iaddAction(list[i]); actionsRemoveFromGroup->addAction(actionRemoveFromGroup); actionRemoveFromGroup->setData(groupsContainingItem.key(list[i])); } } QAction *actionShowLabel = menu.addAction(tr("Show label")); actionShowLabel->setCheckable(true); if (itemId != NULL_ID) { actionShowLabel->setChecked(IsLabelVisible(itemId)); } else { actionShowLabel->setVisible(false); } QAction *actionRemove = menu.addAction(QIcon::fromTheme("edit-delete"), tr("Delete")); if (showRemove == RemoveOption::Enable) { if (ref == Referens::Follow) { if (_referens > 1) { qCDebug(vTool, "Remove disabled. Tool has childern."); actionRemove->setEnabled(false); } else { qCDebug(vTool, "Remove enabled. Tool has not childern."); actionRemove->setEnabled(true); } } else { qCDebug(vTool, "Remove enabled. Ignore referens value."); actionRemove->setEnabled(true); } } else { qCDebug(vTool, "Remove disabled."); actionRemove->setEnabled(false); } QAction *selectedAction = menu.exec(event->screenPos()); if(selectedAction == nullptr) { return; } else if (selectedAction == actionOption) { qCDebug(vTool, "Show options."); emit qApp->getSceneView()->itemClicked(nullptr); m_dialog = QSharedPointer(new Dialog(getData(), m_id, qApp->getMainWindow())); m_dialog->setModal(true); connect(m_dialog.data(), &DialogTool::DialogClosed, this, &VDrawTool::FullUpdateFromGuiOk); connect(m_dialog.data(), &DialogTool::DialogApplied, this, &VDrawTool::FullUpdateFromGuiApply); this->setDialog(); m_dialog->show(); } else if (selectedAction == actionRemove) { qCDebug(vTool, "Deleting tool."); DeleteToolWithConfirm(); // do not catch exception here return; //Leave this method immediately after call!!! } else if (selectedAction == actionShowLabel) { ChangeLabelVisibility(itemId, selectedAction->isChecked()); } else if (selectedAction->actionGroup() == actionsAddToGroup) { quint32 groupId = selectedAction->data().toUInt(); doc->AddItemToGroup(this->getId(), itemId, groupId); } else if (selectedAction->actionGroup() == actionsRemoveFromGroup) { quint32 groupId = selectedAction->data().toUInt(); doc->RemoveItemFromGroup(this->getId(), itemId, groupId); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template /** * @brief ShowItem highlight tool. * @param item tool. * @param id object id in container. * @param enable enable or disable highlight. */ void VDrawTool::ShowItem(Item *item, quint32 id, bool enable) { SCASSERT(item != nullptr) if (id == item->m_id) { ShowVisualization(enable); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template /** * @brief ObjectName get object (point, curve, arc) name. * @param id object id in container. */ QString VDrawTool::ObjectName(quint32 id) const { try { return data.GeometricObject(id)->name(); } catch (const VExceptionBadId &e) { qCDebug(vTool, "Error! Couldn't get object name by id = %s. %s %s", qUtf8Printable(QString().setNum(id)), qUtf8Printable(e.ErrorMessage()), qUtf8Printable(e.DetailedInformation())); return QString(QString());// Return empty string for property browser } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template void VDrawTool::InitDrawToolConnections(VMainGraphicsScene *scene, T *tool) { SCASSERT(scene != nullptr) SCASSERT(tool != nullptr) QObject::connect(tool, &T::ChoosedTool, scene, &VMainGraphicsScene::ChoosedItem); QObject::connect(tool, &T::ChangedToolSelection, scene, &VMainGraphicsScene::SelectedItem); QObject::connect(scene, &VMainGraphicsScene::DisableItem, tool, &T::Disable); QObject::connect(scene, &VMainGraphicsScene::EnableToolMove, tool, &T::EnableToolMove); QObject::connect(scene, &VMainGraphicsScene::CurveDetailsMode, tool, &T::DetailsMode); QObject::connect(scene, &VMainGraphicsScene::ItemSelection, tool, &T::ToolSelectionType); } #endif // VDRAWTOOL_H