/************************************************************************ ** ** @file dialogtoolbox.cpp ** @author Roman Telezhynskyi ** @date 25 1, 2019 ** ** @brief ** @copyright ** This source code is part of the Valentina project, a pattern making ** program, whose allow create and modeling patterns of clothing. ** Copyright (C) 2019 Valentina project ** All Rights Reserved. ** ** Valentina is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** Valentina is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with Valentina. If not, see . ** *************************************************************************/ #include "dialogtoolbox.h" #include "../vmisc/def.h" #include "../vmisc/vabstractapplication.h" #include "../vpatterndb/calculator.h" #include "../vpatterndb/vcontainer.h" #include "../vpatterndb/vpiecenode.h" #include "../vgeometry/vpointf.h" #include "../vpatterndb/variables/vcurvelength.h" #include "../ifc/exception/vexceptionbadid.h" #include "../vpatterndb/vcontainer.h" #include "../vgeometry/vellipticalarc.h" #include "../vgeometry/varc.h" #include "../vgeometry/vcubicbezier.h" #include "../vgeometry/vcubicbezierpath.h" #include "../vgeometry/vspline.h" #include "../vgeometry/vsplinepath.h" #include "../qmuparser/qmudef.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include const QColor errorColor = Qt::red; namespace { const int dialogMaxFormulaHeight = 80; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- auto DoublePoint(const VPieceNode &firstNode, const VPieceNode &secondNode, const VContainer *data, QString &error) -> bool { if (firstNode.GetTypeTool() == Tool::NodePoint && not (firstNode.GetId() == NULL_ID) && secondNode.GetTypeTool() == Tool::NodePoint && not (secondNode.GetId() == NULL_ID)) { QSharedPointer firstPoint; QSharedPointer secondPoint; try { firstPoint = data->GeometricObject(firstNode.GetId()); secondPoint = data->GeometricObject(secondNode.GetId()); } catch(const VExceptionBadId &) { return false; } // don't ignore the same point twice if (firstNode.GetId() == secondNode.GetId()) { error = QObject::tr("Point '%1' repeats twice").arg(firstPoint->name()); return true; } // The same point, but different modeling objects if (firstPoint->getIdObject() != NULL_ID && secondPoint->getIdObject() != NULL_ID && firstPoint->getMode() == Draw::Modeling && secondPoint->getMode() == Draw::Modeling && firstPoint->getIdObject() == secondPoint->getIdObject()) { error = QObject::tr("Point '%1' repeats twice").arg(firstPoint->name()); return true; } // But ignore the same coordinate if a user wants if (not firstNode.IsCheckUniqueness() || not secondNode.IsCheckUniqueness()) { return false; } bool sameCoordinates = VFuzzyComparePoints(firstPoint->toQPointF(), secondPoint->toQPointF()); if (sameCoordinates) { error = QObject::tr("Points '%1' and '%2' have the same coordinates.") .arg(firstPoint->name(), secondPoint->name()); } return sameCoordinates; } return false; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- auto DoubleCurve(const VPieceNode &firstNode, const VPieceNode &secondNode, const VContainer *data, QString &error) -> bool { if (firstNode.GetTypeTool() != Tool::NodePoint && not (firstNode.GetId() == NULL_ID) && secondNode.GetTypeTool() != Tool::NodePoint && not (secondNode.GetId() == NULL_ID)) { QSharedPointer curve1; QSharedPointer curve2; try { curve1 = data->GetGObject(firstNode.GetId()); curve2 = data->GetGObject(secondNode.GetId()); } catch (const VExceptionBadId &) { return false; } // don't ignore the same curve twice if (firstNode.GetId() == secondNode.GetId()) { error = QObject::tr("Leave only one copy of curve '%1'").arg(curve1->name()); return true; } // The same curve, but different modeling objects if (curve1->getMode() == Draw::Modeling && curve2->getMode() == Draw::Modeling && curve1->getIdObject() != NULL_ID && curve2->getIdObject() != NULL_ID && curve1->getIdObject() == curve2->getIdObject()) { error = QObject::tr("Leave only one copy of curve '%1'").arg(curve1->name()); return true; } } return false; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template auto CurveAliases(const QString &alias1, const QString &alias2) -> QPair { T curve1; curve1.SetAliasSuffix(alias1); T curve2; curve2.SetAliasSuffix(alias2); return qMakePair(curve1.GetAlias(), curve2.GetAlias()); } } // namespace //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- auto RowNode(QListWidget *listWidget, int i) -> VPieceNode { SCASSERT(listWidget != nullptr); if (i < 0 || i >= listWidget->count()) { return VPieceNode(); } const QListWidgetItem *rowItem = listWidget->item(i); SCASSERT(rowItem != nullptr); return qvariant_cast(rowItem->data(Qt::UserRole)); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void MoveCursorToEnd(QPlainTextEdit *plainTextEdit) { SCASSERT(plainTextEdit != nullptr) QTextCursor cursor = plainTextEdit->textCursor(); cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::End, QTextCursor::MoveAnchor); plainTextEdit->setTextCursor(cursor); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void DeployFormula(QDialog *dialog, QPlainTextEdit *formula, QPushButton *buttonGrowLength, int formulaBaseHeight) { // cppcheck-suppress unknownMacro SCASSERT(dialog != nullptr) SCASSERT(formula != nullptr) SCASSERT(buttonGrowLength != nullptr) const QTextCursor cursor = formula->textCursor(); //Before deploy ned to release dialog size //I don't know why, but don't need to fixate again. //A dialog will be lefted fixated. That's what we need. dialog->setMaximumSize(QSize(QWIDGETSIZE_MAX, QWIDGETSIZE_MAX)); dialog->setMinimumSize(QSize(0, 0)); if (formula->height() < dialogMaxFormulaHeight) { formula->setFixedHeight(dialogMaxFormulaHeight); //Set icon from theme (internal for Windows system) buttonGrowLength->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("go-next"), QIcon(":/icons/win.icon.theme/16x16/actions/go-next.png"))); } else { formula->setFixedHeight(formulaBaseHeight); //Set icon from theme (internal for Windows system) buttonGrowLength->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("go-down"), QIcon(":/icons/win.icon.theme/16x16/actions/go-down.png"))); } // I found that after change size of formula field, it was filed for angle formula, field for formula became black. // This code prevent this. dialog->setUpdatesEnabled(false); dialog->repaint(); dialog->setUpdatesEnabled(true); formula->setFocus(); formula->setTextCursor(cursor); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- auto FilterObject(QObject *object, QEvent *event) -> bool { if (QPlainTextEdit *plainTextEdit = qobject_cast(object)) { if (event->type() == QEvent::KeyPress) { QKeyEvent *keyEvent = static_cast(event); if ((keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Period) && (keyEvent->modifiers() & Qt::KeypadModifier)) { if (VAbstractApplication::VApp()->Settings()->GetOsSeparator()) { plainTextEdit->insertPlainText(LocaleDecimalPoint(QLocale())); } else { plainTextEdit->insertPlainText(LocaleDecimalPoint(QLocale::c())); } return true; } } } return false; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- auto EvalToolFormula(QDialog *dialog, const FormulaData &data, bool &flag) -> qreal { SCASSERT(data.labelResult != nullptr) SCASSERT(data.labelEditFormula != nullptr) qreal result = INT_MIN;//Value can be 0, so use max imposible value if (data.formula.isEmpty()) { flag = false; ChangeColor(data.labelEditFormula, errorColor); data.labelResult->setText(QObject::tr("Error") + " (" + data.postfix + ")"); data.labelResult->setToolTip(QObject::tr("Empty formula")); } else { try { // Translate to internal look. QString formula = VAbstractApplication::VApp() ->TrVars()->FormulaFromUser(data.formula, VAbstractApplication::VApp()->Settings()->GetOsSeparator()); QScopedPointer cal(new Calculator()); result = cal->EvalFormula(data.variables, formula); if (qIsInf(result) || qIsNaN(result)) { flag = false; ChangeColor(data.labelEditFormula, errorColor); data.labelResult->setText(QObject::tr("Error") + " (" + data.postfix + ")"); data.labelResult->setToolTip(QObject::tr("Invalid result. Value is infinite or NaN. Please, check " "your calculations.")); } else { //if result equal 0 if (data.checkZero && qFuzzyIsNull(result)) { flag = false; ChangeColor(data.labelEditFormula, errorColor); data.labelResult->setText(QObject::tr("Error") + " (" + data.postfix + ")"); data.labelResult->setToolTip(QObject::tr("Value can't be 0")); } else if (data.checkLessThanZero && result < 0) { flag = false; ChangeColor(data.labelEditFormula, errorColor); data.labelResult->setText(QObject::tr("Error") + " (" + data.postfix + ")"); data.labelResult->setToolTip(QObject::tr("Value can't be less than 0")); } else { data.labelResult->setText(VAbstractApplication::VApp() ->LocaleToString(result) + QChar(QChar::Space) + data.postfix); flag = true; ChangeColor(data.labelEditFormula, OkColor(dialog)); data.labelResult->setToolTip(QObject::tr("Value")); } } } catch (qmu::QmuParserError &e) { data.labelResult->setText(QObject::tr("Error") + " (" + data.postfix + ")"); flag = false; ChangeColor(data.labelEditFormula, errorColor); data.labelResult->setToolTip(QObject::tr("Parser error: %1").arg(e.GetMsg())); qDebug() << "\nMath parser error:\n" << "--------------------------------------\n" << "Message: " << e.GetMsg() << "\n" << "Expression: " << e.GetExpr() << "\n" << "--------------------------------------"; } } return result; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ChangeColor(QWidget *widget, const QColor &color) { SCASSERT(widget != nullptr) QPalette palette = widget->palette(); palette.setColor(QPalette::Active, widget->foregroundRole(), color); palette.setColor(QPalette::Inactive, widget->foregroundRole(), color); widget->setPalette(palette); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- auto OkColor(QWidget *widget) -> QColor { SCASSERT(widget != nullptr); return widget->palette().color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::WindowText); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CheckPointLabel(QDialog *dialog, QLineEdit* edit, QLabel *labelEditNamePoint, const QString &pointName, const VContainer *data, bool &flag) { SCASSERT(dialog != nullptr) SCASSERT(edit != nullptr) SCASSERT(labelEditNamePoint != nullptr) const QString name = edit->text(); QRegularExpression rx(NameRegExp()); if (name.isEmpty() || (pointName != name && not data->IsUnique(name)) || not rx.match(name).hasMatch()) { flag = false; ChangeColor(labelEditNamePoint, errorColor); } else { flag = true; ChangeColor(labelEditNamePoint, OkColor(dialog)); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- auto FindNotExcludedNodeDown(QListWidget *listWidget, int candidate) -> int { SCASSERT(listWidget != nullptr); int index = -1; if (candidate < 0 || candidate >= listWidget->count()) { return index; } int i = candidate; VPieceNode rowNode; do { const QListWidgetItem *rowItem = listWidget->item(i); SCASSERT(rowItem != nullptr); rowNode = qvariant_cast(rowItem->data(Qt::UserRole)); if (not rowNode.IsExcluded()) { index = i; } ++i; } while (rowNode.IsExcluded() && i < listWidget->count()); return index; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- auto FindNotExcludedNodeUp(QListWidget *listWidget, int candidate) -> int { SCASSERT(listWidget != nullptr); int index = -1; if (candidate < 0 || candidate >= listWidget->count()) { return index; } int i = candidate; VPieceNode rowNode; do { const QListWidgetItem *rowItem = listWidget->item(i); SCASSERT(rowItem != nullptr); rowNode = qvariant_cast(rowItem->data(Qt::UserRole)); if (not rowNode.IsExcluded()) { index = i; } --i; } while (rowNode.IsExcluded() && i > -1); return index; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- auto FirstPointEqualLast(QListWidget *listWidget, const VContainer *data, QString &error) -> bool { SCASSERT(listWidget != nullptr); if (listWidget->count() > 1) { const VPieceNode topNode = RowNode(listWidget, FindNotExcludedNodeDown(listWidget, 0)); const VPieceNode bottomNode = RowNode(listWidget, FindNotExcludedNodeUp(listWidget, listWidget->count()-1)); return DoublePoint(topNode, bottomNode, data, error); } return false; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- auto DoublePoints(QListWidget *listWidget, const VContainer *data, QString &error) -> bool { SCASSERT(listWidget != nullptr); for (int i=0, sz = listWidget->count()-1; i bool { SCASSERT(listWidget != nullptr); for (int i=0, sz = listWidget->count()-1; i bool { SCASSERT(listWidget != nullptr); QSet pointLabels; int countPoints = 0; for (int i=0; i < listWidget->count(); ++i) { const QListWidgetItem *rowItem = listWidget->item(i); SCASSERT(rowItem != nullptr); const auto rowNode = qvariant_cast(rowItem->data(Qt::UserRole)); if (rowNode.GetTypeTool() == Tool::NodePoint && not rowNode.IsExcluded()) { ++countPoints; pointLabels.insert(rowNode.GetId()); } } return countPoints == pointLabels.size(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- auto DialogWarningIcon() -> QString { const QIcon icon = QIcon::fromTheme("dialog-warning", QIcon(":/icons/win.icon.theme/16x16/status/dialog-warning.png")); const QPixmap pixmap = icon.pixmap(QSize(16, 16)); QByteArray byteArray; QBuffer buffer(&byteArray); pixmap.save(&buffer, "PNG"); return QStringLiteral(" "); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- auto NodeFont(QFont font, bool nodeExcluded) -> QFont { font.setPointSize(12); font.setWeight(QFont::Bold); font.setStrikeOut(nodeExcluded); return font; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CurrentCurveLength(vidtype curveId, VContainer *data) { SCASSERT(data != nullptr) VCurveLength *length = nullptr; try { const QSharedPointer curve = data->GeometricObject(curveId); length = new VCurveLength(curveId, curveId, curve.data(), *data->GetPatternUnit()); } catch (const VExceptionBadId &) { length = new VCurveLength(); } SCASSERT(length != nullptr) length->SetName(currentLength); data->AddVariable(length); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SetTabStopDistance(QPlainTextEdit *edit, int tabWidthChar) { SCASSERT(edit != nullptr) const auto fontMetrics = edit->fontMetrics(); const QString testString(" "); #if QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 10, 0) const int single_char_width = fontMetrics.width(testString); edit->setTabStopWidth(tabWidthChar * single_char_width); #else // compute the size of a char in double-precision static constexpr int bigNumber = 1000; // arbitrary big number. const int many_char_width = TextWidth(fontMetrics, testString.repeated(bigNumber)); const double singleCharWidthDouble = many_char_width / double(bigNumber); // set the tab stop with double precision edit->setTabStopDistance(tabWidthChar * singleCharWidthDouble); #endif } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- auto LineColor(int size, const QString &color) -> QIcon { // On Mac pixmap should be little bit smaller. #if defined(Q_OS_MAC) size -= 2; // Two pixels should be enough. #endif //defined(Q_OS_MAC) QPixmap pix(size, size); pix.fill(QColor(color)); return QIcon(pix); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QT_WARNING_PUSH QT_WARNING_DISABLE_GCC("-Wswitch-default") auto SegmentAliases(GOType curveType, const QString &alias1, const QString &alias2) -> QPair { switch(curveType) { case GOType::EllipticalArc: return CurveAliases(alias1, alias2); case GOType::Arc: return CurveAliases(alias1, alias2); case GOType::CubicBezier: return CurveAliases(alias1, alias2); case GOType::Spline: return CurveAliases(alias1, alias2); case GOType::CubicBezierPath: return CurveAliases(alias1, alias2); case GOType::SplinePath: return CurveAliases(alias1, alias2); case GOType::Point: case GOType::PlaceLabel: case GOType::Unknown: Q_UNREACHABLE(); break; } return {}; } QT_WARNING_POP //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- auto GetNodeName(const VContainer *data, const VPieceNode &node, bool showPassmarkDetails) -> QString { const QSharedPointer obj = data->GetGObject(node.GetId()); QString name = obj->ObjectName(); if (node.GetTypeTool() != Tool::NodePoint) { if (node.GetReverse()) { name = QStringLiteral("- ") + name; } } else { if (showPassmarkDetails && node.IsPassmark()) { switch(node.GetPassmarkLineType()) { case PassmarkLineType::OneLine: name += QLatin1Char('|'); break; case PassmarkLineType::TwoLines: name += QLatin1String("||"); break; case PassmarkLineType::ThreeLines: name += QLatin1String("|||"); break; case PassmarkLineType::TMark: name += QStringLiteral("┴"); break; case PassmarkLineType::VMark: name += QStringLiteral("⊼"); break; case PassmarkLineType::VMark2: name += QStringLiteral("⊽"); break; case PassmarkLineType::UMark: name += QStringLiteral("⋃"); break; case PassmarkLineType::BoxMark: name += QStringLiteral("⎕"); break; default: break; } } if (not node.IsCheckUniqueness()) { name = QLatin1Char('[') + name + QLatin1Char(']'); } if (not node.IsTurnPoint()) { name += QStringLiteral(" ⦿"); } } return name; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- auto FindNotExcludedPointDown(QListWidget *listWidget, int start) -> int { SCASSERT(listWidget != nullptr); int index = -1; if (start < 0 || start >= listWidget->count()) { return index; } int i = start; int count = 0; do { const QListWidgetItem *rowItem = listWidget->item(i); SCASSERT(rowItem != nullptr); auto rowNode = qvariant_cast(rowItem->data(Qt::UserRole)); if (not rowNode.IsExcluded() && rowNode.GetTypeTool() == Tool::NodePoint && rowNode.GetId() != NULL_ID) { index = i; break; } ++i; if (i >= listWidget->count()) { i = 0; } ++count; } while (count < listWidget->count()); return index; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- auto FindNotExcludedCurveDown(QListWidget *listWidget, int start) -> int { SCASSERT(listWidget != nullptr); int index = -1; if (start < 0 || start >= listWidget->count()) { return index; } int i = start; int count = 0; do { const QListWidgetItem *rowItem = listWidget->item(i); SCASSERT(rowItem != nullptr); auto rowNode = qvariant_cast(rowItem->data(Qt::UserRole)); if (not rowNode.IsExcluded() && rowNode.GetTypeTool() != Tool::NodePoint && rowNode.GetId() != NULL_ID) { index = i; break; } ++i; if (i >= listWidget->count()) { i = 0; } ++count; } while (count < listWidget->count()); return index; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- auto InvalidSegment(QListWidget *listWidget, const VContainer *data, QString &error) -> bool { SCASSERT(listWidget != nullptr); for (int index=0; index < listWidget->count(); ++index) { int firstCurveIndex = -1; int pointIndex = -1; int secondCurveIndex = -1; auto FindPair = [listWidget, &firstCurveIndex, &pointIndex, &secondCurveIndex]( int start) { for (int i=start; i < listWidget->count(); ++i) { firstCurveIndex = FindNotExcludedCurveDown(listWidget, i); if (firstCurveIndex == -1) { continue; } pointIndex = FindNotExcludedPointDown(listWidget, firstCurveIndex+1); if (pointIndex == -1) { continue; } secondCurveIndex = FindNotExcludedCurveDown(listWidget, pointIndex+1); if (secondCurveIndex == -1 || firstCurveIndex == secondCurveIndex) { continue; } return true; } return false; }; if (not FindPair(index)) { continue; } const VPieceNode firstCurveNode = RowNode(listWidget, firstCurveIndex); const VPieceNode secondCurveNode = RowNode(listWidget, secondCurveIndex); QString errorDoubleCurve; if (not DoubleCurve(firstCurveNode, secondCurveNode, data, errorDoubleCurve)) { continue; } const VPieceNode pointNode = RowNode(listWidget, pointIndex); if (pointNode.GetId() == NULL_ID) { continue; } try { const QSharedPointer curve1 = data->GeometricObject(firstCurveNode.GetId()); const QSharedPointer point = data->GeometricObject(pointNode.GetId()); error = QObject::tr("Point '%1' does not lie on a curve '%2'").arg(point->name(), curve1->name()); bool validSegment = curve1->IsPointOnCurve(point->toQPointF()); if (not validSegment) { return true; } } catch (const VExceptionBadId &) { continue; } } return false; }