/************************************************************************ ** ** @file vganalyticsworker.cpp ** @author Roman Telezhynskyi ** @date 26 6, 2023 ** ** @brief ** @copyright ** This source code is part of the Valentina project, a pattern making ** program, whose allow create and modeling patterns of clothing. ** Copyright (C) 2023 Valentina project ** All Rights Reserved. ** ** Valentina is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** Valentina is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with Valentina. If not, see . ** *************************************************************************/ #include "vganalyticsworker.h" #include "vganalytics.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include const QLatin1String VGAnalyticsWorker::dateTimeFormat("yyyy,MM,dd-hh:mm::ss:zzz"); namespace { constexpr int fourHours = 4 * 60 * 60 * 1000; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VGAnalyticsWorker::VGAnalyticsWorker(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), m_logLevel(VGAnalytics::Error) { m_appName = QCoreApplication::applicationName(); m_appVersion = QCoreApplication::applicationVersion(); m_request.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader, "application/json; charset=utf-8"); m_request.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::UserAgentHeader, GetUserAgent()); m_guiLanguage = QLocale::system().name().toLower().replace(QChar('_'), QChar('-')); QScreen *screen = QGuiApplication::primaryScreen(); QSize size = screen->size(); m_screenResolution = QStringLiteral("%1x%2").arg(size.width()).arg(size.height()); m_screenScaleFactor = screen->logicalDotsPerInchX() / 96.0; m_timer.setInterval(m_timerInterval); connect(&m_timer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &VGAnalyticsWorker::PostMessage); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VGAnalyticsWorker::Enable(bool state) { // state change to the same is not valid. if (m_isEnabled == state) { return; } m_isEnabled = state; if (m_isEnabled) { // enable -> start doing things :) m_timer.start(); } else { // disable -> stop the timer m_timer.stop(); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VGAnalyticsWorker::LogMessage(enum VGAnalytics::LogLevel level, const QString &message) const { if (m_logLevel > level) { return; } qDebug() << "[Analytics]" << message; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Try to gain information about the system where this application * is running. It needs to get the name and version of the operating * system, the language and screen resolution. * All this information will be send in POST messages. * @return agent A QString with all the information formatted for a POST message. */ auto VGAnalyticsWorker::GetUserAgent() const -> QString { return QStringLiteral("%1/%2").arg(m_appName, m_appVersion); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * The message queue contains a list of QueryBuffer object. * QueryBuffer holds a QUrlQuery object and a QDateTime object. * These both object are freed from the buffer object and * inserted as QString objects in a QList. * @return dataList The list with concartinated queue data. */ auto VGAnalyticsWorker::PersistMessageQueue() -> QList { QList dataList; dataList.reserve(m_messageQueue.size() * 2); for (const auto &buffer : m_messageQueue) { dataList << QJsonDocument(buffer.postQuery).toJson(); dataList << buffer.time.toString(dateTimeFormat); } return dataList; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Reads persistent messages from a file. * Gets all message data as a QList. * Two lines in the list build a QueryBuffer object. */ void VGAnalyticsWorker::ReadMessagesFromFile(const QList &dataList) { QListIterator iter(dataList); while (iter.hasNext()) { QString queryString = iter.next(); QString dateString = iter.next(); QDateTime dateTime = QDateTime::fromString(dateString, dateTimeFormat); QueryBuffer buffer; QJsonDocument jsonDocument = QJsonDocument::fromJson(queryString.toUtf8()); if (jsonDocument.isNull()) { qDebug() << "===> please check the string " << queryString.toUtf8(); } QJsonObject jsonObject = jsonDocument.object(); buffer.postQuery = jsonObject; buffer.time = dateTime; m_messageQueue.enqueue(buffer); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Takes a QUrlQuery object and wrapp it together with * a QTime object into a QueryBuffer struct. These struct * will be stored in the message queue. */ void VGAnalyticsWorker::EnqueQueryWithCurrentTime(const QJsonObject &query) { QueryBuffer buffer; buffer.postQuery = query; buffer.time = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); m_messageQueue.enqueue(buffer); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * This function is called by a timer interval. * The function tries to send a messages from the queue. * If message was successfully send then this function * will be called back to send next message. * If message queue contains more than one message then * the connection will kept open. * The message POST is asyncroniously when the server * answered a signal will be emitted. */ auto VGAnalyticsWorker::PostMessage() -> QNetworkReply * { if (m_messageQueue.isEmpty()) { // queue empty -> try sending later m_timer.start(); return nullptr; } // queue has messages -> stop timer and start sending m_timer.stop(); QString connection = QStringLiteral("close"); if (m_messageQueue.count() > 1) { connection = QLatin1String("keep-alive"); } QueryBuffer buffer = m_messageQueue.head(); QDateTime sendTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); qint64 timeDiff = buffer.time.msecsTo(sendTime); if (timeDiff > fourHours) { // too old. m_messageQueue.dequeue(); return PostMessage(); } QByteArray requestJson = QJsonDocument(buffer.postQuery).toJson(QJsonDocument::Compact); m_request.setRawHeader("Connection", connection.toUtf8()); m_request.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentLengthHeader, requestJson.length()); if (m_measurementId.isEmpty()) { LogMessage(VGAnalytics::Error, QStringLiteral("google analytics measurement id was not set!")); } if (m_apiSecret.isEmpty()) { LogMessage(VGAnalytics::Error, QStringLiteral("google analytics api seceret was not set!")); } QString requestUrl = QStringLiteral("https://www.google-analytics.com/mp/collect?measurement_id=%1&api_secret=%2"); requestUrl = requestUrl.arg(m_measurementId, m_apiSecret); m_request.setUrl(QUrl(requestUrl)); LogMessage(VGAnalytics::Debug, "GA Query string = " + requestJson); // Create a new network access manager if we don't have one yet if (networkManager == nullptr) { networkManager = new QNetworkAccessManager(this); } QNetworkReply *reply = networkManager->post(m_request, requestJson); connect(reply, &QNetworkReply::finished, this, &VGAnalyticsWorker::PostMessageFinished); return reply; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * NetworkAccsessManager has finished to POST a message. * If POST message was successfully send then the message * query should be removed from queue. * SIGNAL "postMessage" will be emitted to send next message * if there is any. * If message couldn't be send then next try is when the * timer emits its signal. */ void VGAnalyticsWorker::PostMessageFinished() { auto *reply = qobject_cast(sender()); int httpStausCode = reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute).toInt(); if (httpStausCode < 200 || httpStausCode > 299) { LogMessage(VGAnalytics::Error, QStringLiteral("Error posting message: %1").arg(reply->errorString())); // An error ocurred. Try sending later. m_timer.start(); return; } LogMessage(VGAnalytics::Debug, QStringLiteral("Message sent")); m_messageQueue.dequeue(); PostMessage(); reply->deleteLater(); }