/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2013 Valentina project All Rights Reserved. ** ** This file is part of Valentina. ** ** Tox is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** Tox is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with Valentina. If not, see . ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "vdomdocument.h" #include #include "tools/drawTools/drawtools.h" #include "tools/nodeDetails/nodedetails.h" #include "tools/modelingTools/modelingtools.h" #include "tools/vtooldetail.h" #include "options.h" #include "container/calculator.h" #include "geometry/vsplinepoint.h" #include "exception/vexceptionwrongparameterid.h" #include "exception/vexceptionconversionerror.h" #include "exception/vexceptionemptyparameter.h" #include "exception/vexceptionbadid.h" #include "exception/vexceptionobjecterror.h" #include "exception/vexceptionuniqueid.h" #include VDomDocument::VDomDocument(VContainer *data, QComboBox *comboBoxDraws, Draw::Draws *mode) : QDomDocument(), map(QHash()), nameActivDraw(QString()), data(data), tools(QHash()), history(QVector()), cursor(0), comboBoxDraws(comboBoxDraws), mode(mode){ } VDomDocument::VDomDocument(const QString& name, VContainer *data, QComboBox *comboBoxDraws, Draw::Draws *mode) : QDomDocument(name), map(QHash()), nameActivDraw(QString()), data(data), tools(QHash()), history(QVector()), cursor(0), comboBoxDraws(comboBoxDraws), mode(mode){ } VDomDocument::VDomDocument(const QDomDocumentType& doctype, VContainer *data, QComboBox *comboBoxDraws, Draw::Draws *mode) : QDomDocument(doctype), map(QHash()), nameActivDraw(QString()), data(data), tools(QHash()), history(QVector()), cursor(0), comboBoxDraws(comboBoxDraws), mode(mode){ } VDomDocument::~VDomDocument(){ } QDomElement VDomDocument::elementById(const QString& id){ if (map.contains(id)) { QDomElement e = map[id]; if (e.parentNode().nodeType() != QDomNode::BaseNode) { return e; } map.remove(id); } bool res = this->find(this->documentElement(), id); if (res) { return map[id]; } return QDomElement(); } bool VDomDocument::find(QDomElement node, const QString& id){ if (node.hasAttribute("id")) { QString value = node.attribute("id"); this->map[value] = node; if (value == id) { return true; } } for (qint32 i=0; ifind(n.toElement(), id); if (res) { return true; } } } return false; } void VDomDocument::CreateEmptyFile(){ QDomElement domElement = this->createElement("lekalo"); this->appendChild(domElement); QDomNode xmlNode = this->createProcessingInstruction("xml", "version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\""); this->insertBefore(xmlNode, this->firstChild()); QDomElement incrElement = this->createElement("increments"); domElement.appendChild(incrElement); } bool VDomDocument::CheckNameDraw(const QString& name) const{ Q_ASSERT_X(!name.isEmpty(), "CheckNameDraw", "name draw is empty"); QDomNodeList elements = this->documentElement().elementsByTagName( "draw" ); if(elements.size() == 0){ return false; } for ( qint32 i = 0; i < elements.count(); i++ ){ QDomElement elem = elements.at( i ).toElement(); if(!elem.isNull()){ QString fieldName = elem.attribute( "name" ); if ( fieldName == name ){ return true; } } } return false; } bool VDomDocument::appendDraw(const QString& name){ Q_ASSERT_X(!name.isEmpty(), "appendDraw", "name draw is empty"); if(name.isEmpty()){ return false; } if(CheckNameDraw(name)== false){ QDomElement rootElement = this->documentElement(); QDomElement drawElement = this->createElement("draw"); QDomAttr drawAttr = this->createAttribute("name"); drawAttr.setValue(name); drawElement.setAttributeNode(drawAttr); QDomElement calculationElement = this->createElement("calculation"); QDomElement modelingElement = this->createElement("modeling"); QDomElement pathsElement = this->createElement("details"); drawElement.appendChild(calculationElement); drawElement.appendChild(modelingElement); drawElement.appendChild(pathsElement); rootElement.appendChild(drawElement); if(nameActivDraw.isEmpty()){ SetActivDraw(name); } else { ChangeActivDraw(name); } return true; } else { return false; } return false; } void VDomDocument::ChangeActivDraw(const QString& name, Document::Documents parse){ Q_ASSERT_X(!name.isEmpty(), "ChangeActivDraw", "name draw is empty"); if(CheckNameDraw(name) == true){ this->nameActivDraw = name; if(parse == Document::FullParse){ emit ChangedActivDraw(name); } } } bool VDomDocument::SetNameDraw(const QString& name){ Q_ASSERT_X(!name.isEmpty(), "SetNameDraw", "name draw is empty"); QString oldName = nameActivDraw; QDomElement element; if(GetActivDrawElement(element)){ nameActivDraw = name; element.setAttribute("name", nameActivDraw); emit haveChange(); emit ChangedNameDraw(oldName, nameActivDraw); return true; } else { qWarning()<<"Can't find activ draw"<nameActivDraw = name; } QString VDomDocument::GetNameActivDraw() const{ return nameActivDraw; } bool VDomDocument::GetActivDrawElement(QDomElement &element){ if(!nameActivDraw.isEmpty()){ QDomNodeList elements = this->documentElement().elementsByTagName( "draw" ); if(elements.size() == 0){ return false; } for ( qint32 i = 0; i < elements.count(); i++ ){ element = elements.at( i ).toElement(); if(!element.isNull()){ QString fieldName = element.attribute( "name" ); if ( fieldName == nameActivDraw ){ return true; } } } } return false; } bool VDomDocument::GetActivCalculationElement(QDomElement &element){ bool ok = GetActivNodeElement("calculation", element); if(ok){ return true; } else { return false; } } bool VDomDocument::GetActivModelingElement(QDomElement &element){ bool ok = GetActivNodeElement("modeling", element); if(ok){ return true; } else { return false; } } bool VDomDocument::GetActivDetailsElement(QDomElement &element){ bool ok = GetActivNodeElement("details", element); if(ok){ return true; } else { return false; } } bool VDomDocument::GetActivNodeElement(const QString& name, QDomElement &element){ Q_ASSERT_X(!name.isEmpty(), "GetActivNodeElement", "name draw is empty"); QDomElement drawElement; bool drawOk = this->GetActivDrawElement(drawElement); if(drawOk == true){ QDomNodeList listElement = drawElement.elementsByTagName(name); if(listElement.size() == 0 || listElement.size() > 1){ return false; } element = listElement.at( 0 ).toElement(); if(!element.isNull()){ return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } void VDomDocument::Parse(Document::Documents parse, VMainGraphicsScene *sceneDraw, VMainGraphicsScene *sceneDetail){ Q_CHECK_PTR(sceneDraw); Q_CHECK_PTR(sceneDetail); if(parse == Document::FullParse){ TestUniqueId(); data->Clear(); nameActivDraw.clear(); sceneDraw->clear(); sceneDetail->clear(); comboBoxDraws->clear(); tools.clear(); cursor = 0; } data->ClearLengthLines(); data->ClearLengthArcs(); data->ClearLengthSplines(); data->ClearLineAngles(); history.clear(); QDomElement rootElement = this->documentElement(); QDomNode domNode = rootElement.firstChild(); while(!domNode.isNull()){ if(domNode.isElement()){ QDomElement domElement = domNode.toElement(); if(!domElement.isNull()){ if(domElement.tagName()=="draw"){ if(parse == Document::FullParse){ if(nameActivDraw.isEmpty()){ SetActivDraw(domElement.attribute("name")); } else { ChangeActivDraw(domElement.attribute("name")); } comboBoxDraws->addItem(domElement.attribute("name")); } else { ChangeActivDraw(domElement.attribute("name"), Document::LiteParse); } ParseDrawElement(sceneDraw, sceneDetail, domElement, parse); } if(domElement.tagName()=="increments"){ ParseIncrementsElement(domElement); } } } domNode = domNode.nextSibling(); } } QHash *VDomDocument::getTools(){ return &tools; } QVector *VDomDocument::getHistory(){ return &history; } void VDomDocument::ParseIncrementsElement(const QDomNode &node){ QDomNode domNode = node.firstChild(); while(!domNode.isNull()){ if(domNode.isElement()){ QDomElement domElement = domNode.toElement(); if(!domElement.isNull()){ if(domElement.tagName() == "increment"){ qint64 id = GetParametrId(domElement); QString name = GetParametrString(domElement, "name"); qreal base = GetParametrDouble(domElement, "base"); qreal ksize = GetParametrDouble(domElement, "ksize"); qreal kgrowth = GetParametrDouble(domElement, "kgrowth"); QString desc = GetParametrString(domElement, "description"); data->UpdateId(id); data->AddIncrementTableRow(name, VIncrementTableRow(id, base, ksize, kgrowth, desc)); } } } domNode = domNode.nextSibling(); } } qint64 VDomDocument::GetParametrId(const QDomElement &domElement) const{ Q_ASSERT_X(!domElement.isNull(), Q_FUNC_INFO, "domElement is null"); qint64 id = GetParametrLongLong(domElement, "id"); if(id <= 0){ throw VExceptionWrongParameterId(tr("Got wrong parameter id. Need only id > 0."), domElement); } return id; } qint64 VDomDocument::GetParametrLongLong(const QDomElement &domElement, const QString &name) const{ Q_ASSERT_X(!name.isEmpty(), Q_FUNC_INFO, "name of parametr is empty"); Q_ASSERT_X(!domElement.isNull(), Q_FUNC_INFO, "domElement is null"); bool ok = false; QString parametr = GetParametrString(domElement, name); qint64 id = parametr.toLongLong(&ok); if(ok == false){ throw VExceptionConversionError(tr("Can't convert toLongLong parameter"), name); } return id; } QString VDomDocument::GetParametrString(const QDomElement &domElement, const QString &name) const{ Q_ASSERT_X(!name.isEmpty(), Q_FUNC_INFO, "name of parametr is empty"); Q_ASSERT_X(!domElement.isNull(), Q_FUNC_INFO, "domElement is null"); QString parameter = domElement.attribute(name, ""); if(parameter.isEmpty()){ throw VExceptionEmptyParameter(tr("Got empty parameter"), name, domElement); } return parameter; } qreal VDomDocument::GetParametrDouble(const QDomElement &domElement, const QString &name) const{ Q_ASSERT_X(!name.isEmpty(), Q_FUNC_INFO, "name of parametr is empty"); Q_ASSERT_X(!domElement.isNull(), Q_FUNC_INFO, "domElement is null"); bool ok = false; QString parametr = GetParametrString(domElement, name); qreal param = parametr.toDouble(&ok); if(ok == false){ throw VExceptionConversionError(tr("Can't convert toDouble parameter"), name); } return param; } void VDomDocument::TestUniqueId() const{ QVector vector; CollectId(this->documentElement(), vector); } void VDomDocument::CollectId(QDomElement node, QVector &vector) const{ if (node.hasAttribute("id")) { qint64 id = GetParametrId(node); if(vector.contains(id)){ throw VExceptionUniqueId(tr("This id is not unique."), node); } vector.append(id); } for (qint32 i=0; iClearObject(); ParseDrawMode(sceneDraw, sceneDetail, domElement, parse, Draw::Calculation); } if(domElement.tagName() == "modeling"){ ParseDrawMode(sceneDraw, sceneDetail, domElement, parse, Draw::Modeling); } if(domElement.tagName() == "details"){ ParseDetails(sceneDetail, domElement, parse); } } } domNode = domNode.nextSibling(); } } void VDomDocument::ParseDrawMode(VMainGraphicsScene *sceneDraw, VMainGraphicsScene *sceneDetail, const QDomNode& node, const Document::Documents &parse, Draw::Draws mode){ Q_CHECK_PTR(sceneDraw); Q_CHECK_PTR(sceneDetail); VMainGraphicsScene *scene = 0; if(mode == Draw::Calculation){ scene = sceneDraw; } else { scene = sceneDetail; } QDomNodeList nodeList = node.childNodes(); qint32 num = nodeList.size(); for(qint32 i = 0; i < num; ++i){ QDomElement domElement = nodeList.at(i).toElement(); if(!domElement.isNull()){ if(domElement.tagName() == "point"){ ParsePointElement(scene, domElement, parse, domElement.attribute("type", ""), mode); continue; } if(domElement.tagName() == "line"){ ParseLineElement(scene, domElement, parse, mode); continue; } if(domElement.tagName() == "spline"){ ParseSplineElement(scene, domElement, parse, domElement.attribute("type", ""), mode); continue; } if(domElement.tagName() == "arc"){ ParseArcElement(scene, domElement, parse, domElement.attribute("type", ""), mode); continue; } } } } void VDomDocument::ParseDetailElement(VMainGraphicsScene *sceneDetail, const QDomElement &domElement, const Document::Documents &parse){ Q_CHECK_PTR(sceneDetail); Q_ASSERT_X(!domElement.isNull(), Q_FUNC_INFO, "domElement is null"); try{ VDetail detail; VDetail oldDetail; qint64 id = GetParametrId(domElement); detail.setName(GetParametrString(domElement, "name")); detail.setMx(toPixel(GetParametrDouble(domElement, "mx"))); detail.setMy(toPixel(GetParametrDouble(domElement, "my"))); QDomNodeList nodeList = domElement.childNodes(); qint32 num = nodeList.size(); for(qint32 i = 0; i < num; ++i){ QDomElement element = nodeList.at(i).toElement(); if(!element.isNull()){ if(element.tagName() == "node"){ qint64 id = GetParametrLongLong(element, "idObject"); Tool::Tools tool; Draw::Draws mode; NodeDetail::NodeDetails nodeType = NodeDetail::Contour; QString t = GetParametrString(element, "type"); if(t == "NodePoint"){ tool = Tool::NodePoint; VPointF point = data->GetModelingPoint(id); mode = point.getMode(); oldDetail.append(VNodeDetail(point.getIdObject(), tool, mode, NodeDetail::Contour)); } else if(t == "NodeArc"){ tool = Tool::NodeArc; VArc arc = data->GetModelingArc(id); mode = arc.getMode(); oldDetail.append(VNodeDetail(arc.getIdObject(), tool, mode, NodeDetail::Contour)); } else if(t == "NodeSpline"){ tool = Tool::NodeSpline; VSpline spl = data->GetModelingSpline(id); mode = spl.getMode(); oldDetail.append(VNodeDetail(spl.getIdObject(), tool, mode, NodeDetail::Contour)); } else if(t == "NodeSplinePath"){ tool = Tool::NodeSplinePath; VSplinePath splPath = data->GetModelingSplinePath(id); mode = splPath.getMode(); oldDetail.append(VNodeDetail(splPath.getIdObject(), tool, mode, NodeDetail::Contour)); } else if(t == "AlongLineTool"){ tool = Tool::AlongLineTool; } else if(t == "ArcTool"){ tool = Tool::ArcTool; } else if(t == "BisectorTool"){ tool = Tool::BisectorTool; } else if(t == "EndLineTool"){ tool = Tool::EndLineTool; } else if(t == "LineIntersectTool"){ tool = Tool::LineIntersectTool; } else if(t == "LineTool"){ tool = Tool::LineTool; } else if(t == "NormalTool"){ tool = Tool::NormalTool; } else if(t == "PointOfContact"){ tool = Tool::PointOfContact; } else if(t == "ShoulderPointTool"){ tool = Tool::ShoulderPointTool; } else if(t == "SplinePathTool"){ tool = Tool::SplinePathTool; } else if(t == "SplineTool"){ tool = Tool::SplineTool; } detail.append(VNodeDetail(id, tool, mode, nodeType)); } } } VToolDetail::Create(id, detail, sceneDetail, this, data, parse, Tool::FromFile); } catch(const VExceptionBadId &e){ VExceptionObjectError excep(tr("Error creating or updating detail"), domElement); excep.AddMoreInformation(e.ErrorMessage()); throw excep; } } void VDomDocument::ParseDetails(VMainGraphicsScene *sceneDetail, const QDomElement &domElement, const Document::Documents &parse){ Q_CHECK_PTR(sceneDetail); Q_ASSERT_X(!domElement.isNull(), Q_FUNC_INFO, "domElement is null"); QDomNode domNode = domElement.firstChild(); while(!domNode.isNull()){ if(domNode.isElement()){ QDomElement domElement = domNode.toElement(); if(!domElement.isNull()){ if(domElement.tagName() == "detail"){ ParseDetailElement(sceneDetail, domElement, parse); } } } domNode = domNode.nextSibling(); } } void VDomDocument::ParsePointElement(VMainGraphicsScene *scene, const QDomElement& domElement, const Document::Documents &parse, const QString& type, Draw::Draws mode){ Q_CHECK_PTR(scene); Q_ASSERT_X(!domElement.isNull(), Q_FUNC_INFO, "domElement is null"); Q_ASSERT_X(!type.isEmpty(), Q_FUNC_INFO, "type of point is empty"); if(type == "single"){ try{ qint64 id = GetParametrId(domElement); QString name = GetParametrString(domElement, "name"); qreal x = toPixel(GetParametrDouble(domElement, "x")); qreal y = toPixel(GetParametrDouble(domElement, "y")); qreal mx = toPixel(GetParametrDouble(domElement, "mx")); qreal my = toPixel(GetParametrDouble(domElement, "my")); data->UpdatePoint(id, VPointF(x, y, name, mx, my)); VDrawTool::AddRecord(id, Tool::SinglePointTool, this); if(parse != Document::FullParse){ UpdateToolData(id, data); } if(parse == Document::FullParse){ VToolSinglePoint *spoint = new VToolSinglePoint(this, data, id, Tool::FromFile); Q_CHECK_PTR(spoint); scene->addItem(spoint); connect(spoint, &VToolSinglePoint::ChoosedTool, scene, &VMainGraphicsScene::ChoosedItem); tools[id] = spoint; } return; } catch(const VExceptionBadId &e){ VExceptionObjectError excep(tr("Error creating or updating single point"), domElement); excep.AddMoreInformation(e.ErrorMessage()); throw excep; } } if(type == "endLine"){ try{ qint64 id = GetParametrId(domElement); QString name = GetParametrString(domElement, "name"); qreal mx = toPixel(GetParametrDouble(domElement, "mx")); qreal my = toPixel(GetParametrDouble(domElement, "my")); QString typeLine = GetParametrString(domElement, "typeLine"); QString formula = GetParametrString(domElement, "length"); qint64 basePointId = GetParametrLongLong(domElement, "basePoint"); qreal angle = GetParametrDouble(domElement, "angle"); if(mode == Draw::Calculation){ VToolEndLine::Create(id, name, typeLine, formula, angle, basePointId, mx, my, scene, this, data, parse, Tool::FromFile); } else { VModelingEndLine::Create(id, name, typeLine, formula, angle, basePointId, mx, my, this, data, parse, Tool::FromFile); } return; } catch(const VExceptionBadId &e){ VExceptionObjectError excep(tr("Error creating or updating point of end line"), domElement); excep.AddMoreInformation(e.ErrorMessage()); throw excep; } } if(type == "alongLine"){ try{ qint64 id = GetParametrId(domElement); QString name = GetParametrString(domElement, "name"); qreal mx = toPixel(GetParametrDouble(domElement, "mx")); qreal my = toPixel(GetParametrDouble(domElement, "my")); QString typeLine = GetParametrString(domElement, "typeLine"); QString formula = GetParametrString(domElement, "length"); qint64 firstPointId = GetParametrLongLong(domElement, "firstPoint"); qint64 secondPointId = GetParametrLongLong(domElement, "secondPoint"); if(mode == Draw::Calculation){ VToolAlongLine::Create(id, name, typeLine, formula, firstPointId, secondPointId, mx, my, scene, this, data, parse, Tool::FromFile); } else { VModelingAlongLine::Create(id, name, typeLine, formula, firstPointId, secondPointId, mx, my, this, data, parse, Tool::FromFile); } return; } catch(const VExceptionBadId &e){ VExceptionObjectError excep(tr("Error creating or updating point along line"), domElement); excep.AddMoreInformation(e.ErrorMessage()); throw excep; } } if(type == "shoulder"){ try{ qint64 id = GetParametrId(domElement); QString name = GetParametrString(domElement, "name"); qreal mx = toPixel(GetParametrDouble(domElement, "mx")); qreal my = toPixel(GetParametrDouble(domElement, "my")); QString typeLine = GetParametrString(domElement, "typeLine"); QString formula = GetParametrString(domElement, "length"); qint64 p1Line = GetParametrLongLong(domElement, "p1Line"); qint64 p2Line = GetParametrLongLong(domElement, "p2Line"); qint64 pShoulder = GetParametrLongLong(domElement, "pShoulder"); if(mode == Draw::Calculation){ VToolShoulderPoint::Create(id, formula, p1Line, p2Line, pShoulder, typeLine, name, mx, my, scene, this, data, parse, Tool::FromFile); } else { VModelingShoulderPoint::Create(id, formula, p1Line, p2Line, pShoulder, typeLine, name, mx, my, this, data, parse, Tool::FromFile); } return; } catch(const VExceptionBadId &e){ VExceptionObjectError excep(tr("Error creating or updating point of shoulder"), domElement); excep.AddMoreInformation(e.ErrorMessage()); throw excep; } } if(type == "normal"){ try{ qint64 id = GetParametrId(domElement); QString name = GetParametrString(domElement, "name"); qreal mx = toPixel(GetParametrDouble(domElement, "mx")); qreal my = toPixel(GetParametrDouble(domElement, "my")); QString typeLine = GetParametrString(domElement, "typeLine"); QString formula = GetParametrString(domElement, "length"); qint64 firstPointId = GetParametrLongLong(domElement, "firstPoint"); qint64 secondPointId = GetParametrLongLong(domElement, "secondPoint"); qreal angle = GetParametrDouble(domElement, "angle"); if(mode == Draw::Calculation){ VToolNormal::Create(id, formula, firstPointId, secondPointId, typeLine, name, angle, mx, my, scene, this, data, parse, Tool::FromFile); } else { VModelingNormal::Create(id, formula, firstPointId, secondPointId, typeLine, name, angle, mx, my, this, data, parse, Tool::FromFile); } return; } catch(const VExceptionBadId &e){ VExceptionObjectError excep(tr("Error creating or updating point of normal"), domElement); excep.AddMoreInformation(e.ErrorMessage()); throw excep; } } if(type == "bisector"){ try{ qint64 id = GetParametrId(domElement); QString name = GetParametrString(domElement, "name"); qreal mx = toPixel(GetParametrDouble(domElement, "mx")); qreal my = toPixel(GetParametrDouble(domElement, "my")); QString typeLine = GetParametrString(domElement, "typeLine"); QString formula = GetParametrString(domElement, "length"); qint64 firstPointId = GetParametrLongLong(domElement, "firstPoint"); qint64 secondPointId = GetParametrLongLong(domElement, "secondPoint"); qint64 thirdPointId = GetParametrLongLong(domElement, "thirdPoint"); if(mode == Draw::Calculation){ VToolBisector::Create(id, formula, firstPointId, secondPointId, thirdPointId, typeLine, name, mx, my, scene, this, data, parse, Tool::FromFile); } else { VModelingBisector::Create(id, formula, firstPointId, secondPointId, thirdPointId, typeLine, name, mx, my, this, data, parse, Tool::FromFile); } return; } catch(const VExceptionBadId &e){ VExceptionObjectError excep(tr("Error creating or updating point of bisector"), domElement); excep.AddMoreInformation(e.ErrorMessage()); throw excep; } } if(type == "lineIntersect"){ try{ qint64 id = GetParametrId(domElement); QString name = GetParametrString(domElement, "name"); qreal mx = toPixel(GetParametrDouble(domElement, "mx")); qreal my = toPixel(GetParametrDouble(domElement, "my")); qint64 p1Line1Id = GetParametrLongLong(domElement, "p1Line1"); qint64 p2Line1Id = GetParametrLongLong(domElement, "p2Line1"); qint64 p1Line2Id = GetParametrLongLong(domElement, "p1Line2"); qint64 p2Line2Id = GetParametrLongLong(domElement, "p2Line2"); if(mode == Draw::Calculation){ VToolLineIntersect::Create(id, p1Line1Id, p2Line1Id, p1Line2Id, p2Line2Id, name, mx, my, scene, this, data, parse, Tool::FromFile); } else { VModelingLineIntersect::Create(id, p1Line1Id, p2Line1Id, p1Line2Id, p2Line2Id, name, mx, my, this, data, parse, Tool::FromFile); } return; } catch(const VExceptionBadId &e){ VExceptionObjectError excep(tr("Error creating or updating point of lineintersection"), domElement); excep.AddMoreInformation(e.ErrorMessage()); throw excep; } } if(type == "pointOfContact"){ try{ qint64 id = GetParametrId(domElement); QString name = GetParametrString(domElement, "name"); qreal mx = toPixel(GetParametrDouble(domElement, "mx")); qreal my = toPixel(GetParametrDouble(domElement, "my")); QString radius = GetParametrString(domElement, "radius"); qint64 center = GetParametrLongLong(domElement, "center"); qint64 firstPointId = GetParametrLongLong(domElement, "firstPoint"); qint64 secondPointId = GetParametrLongLong(domElement, "secondPoint"); if(mode == Draw::Calculation){ VToolPointOfContact::Create(id, radius, center, firstPointId, secondPointId, name, mx, my, scene, this, data, parse, Tool::FromFile); } else { VModelingPointOfContact::Create(id, radius, center, firstPointId, secondPointId, name, mx, my, this, data, parse, Tool::FromFile); } return; } catch(const VExceptionBadId &e){ VExceptionObjectError excep(tr("Error creating or updating point of contact"), domElement); excep.AddMoreInformation(e.ErrorMessage()); throw excep; } } if(type == "modeling"){ try{ qint64 id = GetParametrId(domElement); qint64 idObject = GetParametrLongLong(domElement, "idObject"); QString tObject = GetParametrString(domElement, "typeObject"); VPointF point; Draw::Draws typeObject; if(tObject == "Calculation"){ typeObject = Draw::Calculation; point = data->GetPoint(idObject ); } else { typeObject = Draw::Modeling; point = data->GetModelingPoint(idObject); } qreal mx = toPixel(GetParametrDouble(domElement, "mx")); qreal my = toPixel(GetParametrDouble(domElement, "my")); data->UpdateModelingPoint(id, VPointF(point.x(), point.y(), point.name(), mx, my, typeObject, idObject )); VNodePoint::Create(this, data, id, idObject, mode, parse, Tool::FromFile); return; } catch(const VExceptionBadId &e){ VExceptionObjectError excep(tr("Error creating or updating modeling point"), domElement); excep.AddMoreInformation(e.ErrorMessage()); throw excep; } } } void VDomDocument::ParseLineElement(VMainGraphicsScene *scene, const QDomElement &domElement, const Document::Documents &parse, Draw::Draws mode){ Q_CHECK_PTR(scene); Q_ASSERT_X(!domElement.isNull(), Q_FUNC_INFO, "domElement is null"); try{ qint64 id = GetParametrId(domElement); qint64 firstPoint = GetParametrLongLong(domElement, "firstPoint"); qint64 secondPoint = GetParametrLongLong(domElement, "secondPoint"); if(mode == Draw::Calculation){ VToolLine::Create(id, firstPoint, secondPoint, scene, this, data, parse, Tool::FromFile); } else { VModelingLine::Create(id, firstPoint, secondPoint, this, data, parse, Tool::FromFile); } } catch(const VExceptionBadId &e){ VExceptionObjectError excep(tr("Error creating or updating line"), domElement); excep.AddMoreInformation(e.ErrorMessage()); throw excep; } } void VDomDocument::ParseSplineElement(VMainGraphicsScene *scene, const QDomElement &domElement, const Document::Documents &parse, const QString &type, Draw::Draws mode){ Q_CHECK_PTR(scene); Q_ASSERT_X(!domElement.isNull(), Q_FUNC_INFO, "domElement is null"); Q_ASSERT_X(!type.isEmpty(), Q_FUNC_INFO, "type of spline is empty"); if(type == "simple"){ try{ qint64 id = GetParametrId(domElement); qint64 point1 = GetParametrLongLong(domElement, "point1"); qint64 point4 = GetParametrLongLong(domElement, "point4"); qreal angle1 = GetParametrDouble(domElement, "angle1"); qreal angle2 = GetParametrDouble(domElement, "angle2"); qreal kAsm1 = GetParametrDouble(domElement, "kAsm1"); qreal kAsm2 = GetParametrDouble(domElement, "kAsm2"); qreal kCurve = GetParametrDouble(domElement, "kCurve"); if(mode == Draw::Calculation){ VToolSpline::Create(id, point1, point4, kAsm1, kAsm2, angle1, angle2, kCurve, scene, this, data, parse, Tool::FromFile); } else { VModelingSpline::Create(id, point1, point4, kAsm1, kAsm2, angle1, angle2, kCurve, this, data, parse, Tool::FromFile); } return; } catch(const VExceptionBadId &e){ VExceptionObjectError excep(tr("Error creating or updating simple curve"), domElement); excep.AddMoreInformation(e.ErrorMessage()); throw excep; } } if(type == "path"){ try{ qint64 id = GetParametrId(domElement); qreal kCurve = GetParametrDouble(domElement, "kCurve"); VSplinePath path(data->DataPoints(), kCurve); QDomNodeList nodeList = domElement.childNodes(); qint32 num = nodeList.size(); for(qint32 i = 0; i < num; ++i){ QDomElement element = nodeList.at(i).toElement(); if(!element.isNull()){ if(element.tagName() == "pathPoint"){ qreal kAsm1 = GetParametrDouble(element, "kAsm1"); qreal angle = GetParametrDouble(element, "angle"); qreal kAsm2 = GetParametrDouble(element, "kAsm2"); qint64 pSpline = GetParametrLongLong(element, "pSpline"); VSplinePoint splPoint(pSpline, kAsm1, angle, kAsm2); path.append(splPoint); if(parse == Document::FullParse){ IncrementReferens(pSpline); } } } } if(mode == Draw::Calculation){ VToolSplinePath::Create(id, path, scene, this, data, parse, Tool::FromFile); } else { VModelingSplinePath::Create(id, path, this, data, parse, Tool::FromFile); } return; } catch(const VExceptionBadId &e){ VExceptionObjectError excep(tr("Error creating or updating curve path"), domElement); excep.AddMoreInformation(e.ErrorMessage()); throw excep; } } if(type == "modelingSpline"){ try{ qint64 id = GetParametrId(domElement); qint64 idObject = GetParametrLongLong(domElement, "idObject"); QString tObject = GetParametrString(domElement, "typeObject"); VSpline spl; Draw::Draws typeObject; if(tObject == "Calculation"){ typeObject = Draw::Calculation; spl = data->GetSpline(idObject); } else { typeObject = Draw::Modeling; spl = data->GetModelingSpline(idObject); } spl.setMode(typeObject); spl.setIdObject(idObject); data->UpdateModelingSpline(id, spl); VNodeSpline::Create(this, data, id, idObject, mode, parse, Tool::FromFile); return; } catch(const VExceptionBadId &e){ VExceptionObjectError excep(tr("Error creating or updating modeling simple curve"), domElement); excep.AddMoreInformation(e.ErrorMessage()); throw excep; } } if(type == "modelingPath"){ try{ qint64 id = GetParametrId(domElement); qint64 idObject = GetParametrLongLong(domElement, "idObject"); QString tObject = GetParametrString(domElement, "typeObject"); VSplinePath path; Draw::Draws typeObject; if(tObject == "Calculation"){ typeObject = Draw::Calculation; path = data->GetSplinePath(idObject); } else { typeObject = Draw::Modeling; path = data->GetModelingSplinePath(idObject); } path.setMode(typeObject); path.setIdObject(idObject); data->UpdateModelingSplinePath(id, path); VNodeSplinePath::Create(this, data, id, idObject, mode, parse, Tool::FromFile); return; } catch(const VExceptionBadId &e){ VExceptionObjectError excep(tr("Error creating or updating modeling curve path"), domElement); excep.AddMoreInformation(e.ErrorMessage()); throw excep; } } } void VDomDocument::ParseArcElement(VMainGraphicsScene *scene, const QDomElement &domElement, const Document::Documents &parse, const QString &type, Draw::Draws mode){ Q_CHECK_PTR(scene); Q_ASSERT_X(!domElement.isNull(), Q_FUNC_INFO, "domElement is null"); Q_ASSERT_X(!type.isEmpty(), Q_FUNC_INFO, "type of spline is empty"); if(type == "simple"){ try{ qint64 id = GetParametrId(domElement); qint64 center = GetParametrLongLong(domElement, "center"); QString radius = GetParametrString(domElement, "radius"); QString f1 = GetParametrString(domElement, "angle1"); QString f2 = GetParametrString(domElement, "angle2"); if(mode == Draw::Calculation){ VToolArc::Create(id, center, radius, f1, f2, scene, this, data, parse, Tool::FromFile); } else { VModelingArc::Create(id, center, radius, f1, f2, this, data, parse, Tool::FromFile); } return; } catch(const VExceptionBadId &e){ VExceptionObjectError excep(tr("Error creating or updating simple arc"), domElement); excep.AddMoreInformation(e.ErrorMessage()); throw excep; } } if(type == "modeling"){ try{ qint64 id = GetParametrId(domElement); qint64 idObject = GetParametrLongLong(domElement, "idObject"); QString tObject = GetParametrString(domElement, "typeObject"); VArc arc; Draw::Draws typeObject; if(tObject == "Calculation"){ typeObject = Draw::Calculation; arc = data->GetArc(idObject); } else { typeObject = Draw::Modeling; arc = data->GetModelingArc(idObject); } arc.setMode(typeObject); arc.setIdObject(idObject); data->UpdateModelingArc(id, arc); VNodeArc::Create(this, data, id, idObject, mode, parse, Tool::FromFile); return; } catch(const VExceptionBadId &e){ VExceptionObjectError excep(tr("Error creating or updating modeling arc"), domElement); excep.AddMoreInformation(e.ErrorMessage()); throw excep; } } } void VDomDocument::FullUpdateTree(){ VMainGraphicsScene *scene = new VMainGraphicsScene(); Q_CHECK_PTR(scene); try{ data->ClearObject(); Parse(Document::LiteParse, scene, scene); } catch (const std::bad_alloc &) { delete scene; QMessageBox msgBox; msgBox.setWindowTitle(tr("Error!")); msgBox.setText(tr("Error parsing file.")); msgBox.setInformativeText("std::bad_alloc"); msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Ok); msgBox.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox::Ok); msgBox.setIcon(QMessageBox::Warning); msgBox.exec(); return; } catch(...){ delete scene; throw; } delete scene; setCurrentData(); emit FullUpdateFromFile(); emit haveChange(); } void VDomDocument::haveLiteChange(){ emit haveChange(); } void VDomDocument::ShowHistoryTool(qint64 id, Qt::GlobalColor color, bool enable){ emit ShowTool(id, color, enable); } qint64 VDomDocument::getCursor() const{ return cursor; } void VDomDocument::setCursor(const qint64 &value){ cursor = value; emit ChangedCursor(cursor); } void VDomDocument::setCurrentData(){ if(*mode == Draw::Calculation){ QString nameDraw = comboBoxDraws->itemText(comboBoxDraws->currentIndex()); if(nameActivDraw != nameDraw){ nameActivDraw = nameDraw; qint64 id = 0; if(history.size() == 0){ return; } for(qint32 i = 0; i < history.size(); ++i){ VToolRecord tool = history.at(i); if(tool.getNameDraw() == nameDraw){ id = tool.getId(); } } if(id == 0){ VToolRecord tool = history.at(history.size()-1); id = tool.getId(); if(id == 0){ return; } } if(tools.size() > 0){ VDataTool *vTool = tools.value(id); data->setData(vTool->getData()); } } } } void VDomDocument::AddTool(const qint64 &id, VDataTool *tool){ Q_ASSERT_X(id > 0, Q_FUNC_INFO, "id <= 0"); Q_CHECK_PTR(tool); tools.insert(id, tool); } void VDomDocument::UpdateToolData(const qint64 &id, VContainer *data){ Q_ASSERT_X(id > 0, Q_FUNC_INFO, "id <= 0"); Q_CHECK_PTR(data); VDataTool *tool = tools.value(id); Q_CHECK_PTR(tool); tool->VDataTool::setData(data); } void VDomDocument::IncrementReferens(qint64 id) const{ Q_ASSERT_X(id > 0, Q_FUNC_INFO, "id <= 0"); VDataTool *tool = tools.value(id); Q_CHECK_PTR(tool); tool->incrementReferens(); } void VDomDocument::DecrementReferens(qint64 id) const{ Q_ASSERT_X(id > 0, Q_FUNC_INFO, "id <= 0"); VDataTool *tool = tools.value(id); Q_CHECK_PTR(tool); tool->decrementReferens(); }