VTranslateMeasurements height Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! altura Height: Total Full measurement name. Altura: Total Vertical distance from crown of head to floor. Full measurement description. Distância vertical do topo da cabeça ao chão. height_neck_back Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! Altura_pescoço_costas Height: Neck Back Full measurement name. Altura: Pescoço Costas Vertical distance from the Neck Back (cervicale vertebra) to the floor. Full measurement description. Distância vertical entre percoço costas (vértebra cervical) e o chão. height_scapula Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! Altura_escápula Height: Scapula Full measurement name. Altura: Escápula Vertical distance from the Scapula (Blade point) to the floor. Full measurement description. Distância vertical entre a Escápula (ponto saliente) ao chão. height_armpit Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! altura_axila Height: Armpit Full measurement name. Altura: Axila Vertical distance from the Armpit to the floor. Full measurement description. Distância vertical entre a axila e o chão. height_waist_side Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! altura_lateral_cintura Height: Waist Side Full measurement name. Altura: Lateral da cintura Vertical distance from the Waist Side to the floor. Full measurement description. Distância vertical entre a lateral da cintura e o chão. height_hip Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! altura_quadril Height: Hip Full measurement name. Altura: Quadril Vertical distance from the Hip level to the floor. Full measurement description. Distância vertical do quadril ao chão. height_gluteal_fold Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! altura_dobra_quadril Height: Gluteal Fold Full measurement name. Altura: Dobra do Quadril Vertical distance from the Gluteal fold, where the Gluteal muscle meets the top of the back thigh, to the floor. Full measurement description. distância vertical da dobra do quadril, região onde os glúteos encontram a parte superior das costas da coxa, até o chão. height_knee Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! altura_joelho Height: Knee Full measurement name. Altura: Joelho. Vertical distance from the fold at the back of the Knee to the floor. Full measurement description. Distância vertical da dobra traseira do joelho ao chão. height_calf Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! altura_panturrilha Height: Calf Full measurement name. Altura: Panturrilha Vertical distance from the widest point of the calf to the floor. Full measurement description. Distância vertical entre a maior circunferência da panturrilha e o chão. height_ankle_high Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! altura_superior_tornozelo Height: Ankle High Full measurement name. Altura: Topo do Tornozelo Vertical distance from the deepest indentation of the back of the ankle to the floor. Full measurement description. Distância vertical a partir do recuo mais profundo da parte de trás do tornozelo para o chão. height_ankle Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! altura_tornozelo Height: Ankle Full measurement name. Altura: Tornozelo Vertical distance from point where the front leg meets the foot to the floor. Full measurement description. Distância vertical do ponto onde a parte frontal da perna encontra o pé , até o chão. height_highhip Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! altura_pequeno_quadril Height: Highhip Full measurement name. Altura: Pequeno Quadril Vertical distance from the Highhip level, where front abdomen is most prominent, to the floor. Full measurement description. Distância vertical entre o pequeno quadril, onde a parte frontal do abdomem é mais proeminente, até o chão. height_waist_front Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! altura_frontal_cintura Height: Waist Front Full measurement name. Altura: Frontal da Cintura Vertical distance from the Waist Front to the floor. Full measurement description. Distância vertical entre a parte frontal da cintura e o chão. height_bustpoint Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! altura_bico_peito Height: Bustpoint Full measurement name. Altura: Bico do Peito Vertical distance from Bustpoint to the floor. Full measurement description. Distância vertical entre o bico do peito e o chão. height_shoulder_tip Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! altura_ponta_do_ombro Height: Shoulder Tip Full measurement name. Altura: Ponta do Ombro Vertical distance from the Shoulder Tip to the floor. Full measurement description. Distância vertical entre a ponta do ombro e o chão. height_neck_front Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! altura_frontal_pescoço Height: Neck Front Full measurement name. Altura: Frontal do Pescoço Vertical distance from the Neck Front to the floor. Full measurement description. Distância vertical entre a parte frontal do pescoço e o chão. height_neck_side Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! altura_lado_pescoço Height: Neck Side Full measurement name. Altura: Lado do Pescoço Vertical distance from the Neck Side to the floor. Full measurement description. Distância vertical entre o lado do pescoço e o chão. height_neck_back_to_knee Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! altura_pescoço_costa_para_joelho Height: Neck Back to Knee Full measurement name. Altura: Pescoço Costa para Joelho Vertical distance from the Neck Back (cervicale vertebra) to the fold at the back of the knee. Full measurement description. Distância vertical a partir da Pescoço Costa (vértebra cervical) para a dobra na parte de trás do joelho. height_waist_side_to_knee Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! altura_lado_cintura_para_joelho Height: Waist Side to Knee Full measurement name. Altura: Cintura Lado para Joelho Vertical distance from the Waist Side to the fold at the back of the knee. Full measurement description. Distância vertical a partir da Cintura Lado para a dobra na parte de trás do joelho. height_waist_side_to_hip Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! altura_cintura_lado_para_quadril Height: Waist Side to Hip Full measurement name. Altura: Cintura Lado para Quadril Vertical distance from the Waist Side to the Hip level. Full measurement description. Distância vertical entre Cintura Lado e nível do quadril. height_knee_to_ankle Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! altura_joelho_para_tornozelo Height: Knee to Ankle Full measurement name. Altura: joelho ao tornozelo Vertical distance from the fold at the back of the knee to the point where the front leg meets the top of the foot. Full measurement description. Distância vertical entre a dobra na parte de trás do joelho e o ponto onde a perna encontra o topo dianteiro do pé . height_neck_back_to_waist_side Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! altura_pescoço_costas_ao_lado_cintura Height: Neck Back to Waist Side Full measurement name. Altura: Pescoço Costas ao Lado Cintura Vertical distance from Neck Back to Waist Side. ('Height: Neck Back' - 'Height: Waist Side'). Full measurement description. Distância Vertical do Pescoço Costas ao Lado Cintura. ('Altura: Pescoço Costas' - 'Altura: Lado Cintura'). width_shoulder Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! largura_ombro Width: Shoulder Full measurement name. Largura: Ombro Horizontal distance from Shoulder Tip to Shoulder Tip. Full measurement description. Distância Horizontal de Ombro a Ombro width_bust Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! largura_busto Width: Bust Full measurement name. Largura: Busto Horizontal distance from Bust Side to Bust Side. Full measurement description. Distância Horizontal do Busto lado a lado width_waist Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! largura_cintura Width: Waist Full measurement name. Largura: Cintura Horizontal distance from Waist Side to Waist Side. Full measurement description. Distância Horizontal da cintura de lado a lado width_hip Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! largura_quadril Width: Hip Full measurement name. Largura: Quadril Horizontal distance from Hip Side to Hip Side. Full measurement description. Distância Horizontal do Quadril de lado a lado width_abdomen_to_hip Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! largura_abdômen_ao_quadril Width: Abdomen to Hip Full measurement name. Largura: Abdômen para Quadril Horizontal distance from the greatest abdomen prominence to the greatest hip prominence. Full measurement description. Distância horizontal entre a maior proeminência do abdome para a maior proeminência do quadril. indent_neck_back Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! recuo_pescoço_costa Indent: Neck Back Full measurement name. Identação: Pescoço Costa Horizontal distance from Scapula (Blade point) to the Neck Back. Full measurement description. Distância horizontal entre a omoplata (Ponto de lâmina) e o Pescoço Costa. indent_waist_back Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! identação_cintura_costa Indent: Waist Back Full measurement name. Identação: Cintura Costa Horizontal distance between a flat stick, placed to touch Hip and Scapula, and Waist Back. Full measurement description. Distância horizontal entre uma linha plana, tocando o Quadril e Omoplata e Cintura Costa. indent_ankle_high Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! identação_tornozelo_alto Indent: Ankle High Full measurement name. Identação: Tornozelo Alto Horizontal Distance betwee a flat stick, placed perpendicular to Heel, and the greatest indentation of Ankle. Full measurement description. Distância horizontal entre uma linha plana, colocada perpendicular ao calcanhar e o maior recuo do tornozelo. hand_palm_length Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! mão_palma_comprimento Hand: Palm length Full measurement name. Mão: Palma Comprimento Length from Wrist line to base of middle finger. Full measurement description. Comprimento da linha do pulso à base do dedo médio. hand_length Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! mão_comprimento Hand: Length Full measurement name. Mão: Comprimento Length from Wrist line to end of middle finger. Full measurement description. Comprimento da linha do pulso ao final do dedo do meio. hand_palm_width Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! mão_palma_largura Hand: Palm width Full measurement name. Mão: Palma Largura Measure where Palm is widest. Full measurement description. Medida onde a palma é mais ampla. hand_palm_circ Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! mão_palma_cŕculo Hand: Palm circumference Full measurement name. Mão: Palma Circunferência Circumference where Palm is widest. Full measurement description. Circunferência onde a Palma é mais ampla. hand_circ Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! mão_circunferência Hand: Circumference Full measurement name. Mão: Circunferência Tuck thumb toward smallest finger, bring fingers close together. Measure circumference around widest part of hand. Full measurement description. Incline o polegar em direção do dedo mínimo, coloque os dedos juntos. Medida da circunferência em torno da parte mais larga da mão. foot_width Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! pé_largura Foot: Width Full measurement name. Pé: Largura Measure at widest part of foot. Full measurement description. Medida da parte mais larga do pé. foot_length Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! pé_comprimento Foot: Length Full measurement name. Pé: Comprimento Measure from back of heel to end of longest toe. Full measurement description. Medida da parte de trás do calcanhar até o final do dedo mais longo. foot_circ Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! circunferência_pé Foot: Circumference Full measurement name. Pé: Circunferência Measure circumference around widest part of foot. Full measurement description. Medida da circunferência em torno da parte mais larga do pé. foot_instep_circ Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! pé_peito_do_pé_circunferência Foot: Instep circumference Full measurement name. Pé: Peito do pé circunferência Measure circumference at tallest part of instep. Full measurement description. Medida da circunferência na parte mais alta do peito do pé. head_circ Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! cabeça_circunferência Head: Circumference Full measurement name. Cabeça: Cicunferência Measure circumference at largest level of head. Full measurement description. Medida da circunferência no maior nível de cabeça. head_length Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! cabeça_comprimento Head: Length Full measurement name. Cabeça: Comprimento Vertical distance from Head Crown to bottom of jaw. Full measurement description. Distância vertical entre a Cabeça Coroa ao final do maxilar. head_depth Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! cabeça_profundidade Head: Depth Full measurement name. Cabeça: Profundidade Horizontal distance from front of forehead to back of head. Full measurement description. Distância horizontal entre a frente da testa a parte de trás da cabeça. head_width Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! cabeça_largura Head: Width Full measurement name. Cabeça: Largura Horizontal distance from Head Side to Head Side, where Head is widest. Full measurement description. Distância horizontal entre Lado a Lado da Cabeça, onde a Cabeça é mais ampla. head_crown_to_neck_back Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! cabaça_coroa_para_pescoço_costa Head: Crown to Neck Back Full measurement name. Cabeça: Coroa para Pescoço Costa Vertical distance from Crown to Neck Back. ('Height: Total' - 'Height: Neck Back'). Full measurement description. Distância vertical entre a Coroa e Pescoço Costa. ('Altura: Total' - 'Altura: Pescoço Costa'). head_chin_to_neck_back Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! cabeça_queixo_para_pescoço_costa Head: Chin to Neck Back Full measurement name. Cabeça: Queixo para Pescoço Costa Vertical distance from Chin to Neck Back. ('Height' - 'Height: Neck Back' - 'Head: Length') Full measurement description. Distância vertical entre o Queixo e Pescoço Costa. ('Altura' - 'Altura: Pescoço Costa' - 'Cabeça: Comprimento') neck_mid_circ Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! pescoço_meio_circunferência Neck circumference, midsection Full measurement name. Pescoço circunferência, parte do meio Circumference of Neck midsection, about halfway between jaw and torso. Full measurement description. Circunferência do meio do Pescoço, a meio caminho entre maxilar e tronco. neck_circ Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! pescoço_circunferência Neck circumference Full measurement name. Pescoço circunferência Neck circumference at base of Neck, touching Neck Back, Neck Sides, and Neck Front. Full measurement description. Circunferência do pescoço na base do pescoço, tocando Pescoço Costa, Pescoço Lados e Pescoço Frente. highbust_circ Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! busto_alto_circunferência Highbust circumference Full measurement name. Busto alto circunferência Circumference at Highbust, following shortest distance between Armfolds across chest, high under armpits. Full measurement description. Circunferência no busto alto, seguindo a distância mais curta entre dobra do braço através do peito, alto sob axilas. bust_circ Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! busto_circunferência Bust circumference Full measurement name. Busto circunferência Circumference around Bust, parallel to floor. Full measurement description. Circunferência em torno do Busto, paralelo ao chão. lowbust_circ Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! busto_baixo_circunferência Lowbust circumference Full measurement name. Busto baixo circunferência Circumference around LowBust under the breasts, parallel to floor. Full measurement description. Circunferência em torno de Busto baixo sob os seios, paralelo ao chão. rib_circ Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! costela_circunferência Rib circumference Full measurement name. Costela cicunferência Circumference around Ribs at level of the lowest rib at the side, parallel to floor. Full measurement description. Circunferência em torno das costelas no nível da costela lateral mais baixa, paralelo ao chão. waist_circ Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! cintura_circunferência Waist circumference Full measurement name. Cintura circunferência highhip_circ Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! quadril_alto_circunferência Highhip circumference Full measurement name. Quadril alto circunferência Circumference around Waist, following natural contours. Waists are typically higher in back. Full measurement description. Circunferência em torno da cintura, seguindo os contornos naturais. Cinturas são tipicamente mais elevadas na parte de trás. height_waist_back Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! altura_cintura_costa Height: Waist Back Full measurement name. Altura: Cintura Costa Vertical height from Waist Back to floor. ('Height: Waist Front'' - 'Leg: Crotch to floor''). Full measurement description. Altura vertical entre Cintura Costa para o chão. ('Altura: Cintura Frente" - 'Perna: Entreperna para o chão"). Horizontal Distance between a flat stick, placed perpendicular to Heel, and the greatest indentation of Ankle. Full measurement description. Distância horizontal entre uma linha plana, colocada perpendicular ao calcanhar e o maior recuo do tornozelo. Circumference around Highhip, where Abdomen protrusion is greatest, parallel to floor. Full measurement description. Circunferência em torno de Quadril alto, onde a protrusão do Abdômen é maior, paralela ao chão. hip_circ Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! quadril_circunferência Hip circumference Full measurement name. Quadril circunferência Circumference around Hip where Hip protrusion is greatest, parallel to floor. Full measurement description. Circunferência em torno do Quadril, onde a protrusão do Quadril é maior, paralela ao chão. neck_arc_f Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! pescoço_arco_f Neck arc, front Full measurement name. Pescoço arco, frente From Neck Side to Neck Side through Neck Front. Full measurement description. De lado a lado do pescoço através da parte Pescoço Frente. highbust_arc_f Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! busto_alto_arco_f Highbust arc, front Full measurement name. Busto alto arco, frente From Highbust Side (Armpit) to HIghbust Side (Armpit) across chest. Full measurement description. Do Busto alto lado (axila) ao Busto alto lado (axila) através do tórax. bust_arc_f Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! busto_arco_f Bust arc, front Full measurement name. Busto arco, frente From Bust Side to Bust Side across chest. Full measurement description. Do Busto lado ao Busto lado através do tórax. size Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! tamanho Size Full measurement name. Tamanho Same as bust_arc_f. Full measurement description. O mesmo que busto_arco_f. lowbust_arc_f Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! busto_baixo_arco_f Lowbust arc, front Full measurement name. Busto baixo arco, frente From Lowbust Side to Lowbust Side across front. Full measurement description. Do Busto baixo Lado ao Busto baixo Lado através da frente. rib_arc_f Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! costela_arco_f Rib arc, front Full measurement name. Costela arco, frente From Rib Side to Rib Side, across front. Full measurement description. De Costela Lado a Costela Lado, através da frente. waist_arc_f Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! cintura_arco_f Waist arc, front Full measurement name. Cintura arco, frente From Waist Side to Waist Side across front. Full measurement description. De Cintura Lado a Cintura Lado através da frente. highhip_arc_f Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! quadril_alto_arco_f Highhip arc, front Full measurement name. Quadril alto arco, frente From Highhip Side to Highhip Side across front. Full measurement description. De Quadril alto Lado a Quadril alto Lado através da frente. hip_arc_f Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! quadril_arco_f Hip arc, front Full measurement name. Quadril arco, frente From Hip Side to Hip Side across Front. Full measurement description. De Quadril Lado a Quadril Lado através da frente. neck_arc_half_f Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! pescoço_arco_metade_f Neck arc, front, half Full measurement name. Pescoço arco, frente, metade Half of 'Neck arc, front'. ('Neck arc, front' / 2). Full measurement description. Metade do 'Pescoço arco, frente'. ('Pescoço arco, frente' / 2). highbust_arc_half_f Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! busto_alto_arco_metade_f Highbust arc, front, half Full measurement name. Arco do Busto Alto, frente, metade Half of 'Highbust arc, front'. From Highbust Front to Highbust Side. ('Highbust arc, front' / 2). Full measurement description. Metade do 'Busto alto arco, frente'. De Busto alto Frente para Busto alto Lado. ('Busto alto arco, frente' / 2). bust_arc_half_f Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! busto_arco_metade_f Bust arc, front, half Full measurement name. Busto arco, frente, metade Half of 'Bust arc, front'. ('Bust arc, front'/2). Full measurement description. Metade do 'Busto arco, frente'. ('Busto arco, frente'/2). lowbust_arc_half_f Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! busto_baixo_arco_metade_f Lowbust arc, front, half Full measurement name. Busto baixo arco, frente, metade Half of 'Lowbust arc, front'. ('Lowbust Arc, front' / 2). Full measurement description. Metade do 'Busto baixo arco, frente'. ('Busto baixo Arco, frente' / 2). rib_arc_half_f Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! costela_arco_metade_f Rib arc, front, half Full measurement name. Costela arco, frente, metade Half of 'Rib arc, front'. ('Rib Arc, front' / 2). Full measurement description. Metade de 'Costela arco, frente'. ('Costela Arco, frente' / 2). waist_arc_half_f Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! cintura_arco_metade_f Waist arc, front, half Full measurement name. Cintura arco, frente, metade Half of 'Waist arc, front'. ('Waist arc, front' / 2). Full measurement description. Metade da 'Cintura arco, frente'. ('Cintura arco, frente' / 2). highhip_arc_half_f Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! quadril_alto_arco_metade_f Highhip arc, front, half Full measurement name. Quadril alto arco, frente, metade Half of 'Highhip arc, front'. ('Highhip arc, front' / 2). Full measurement description. Metade de 'Quadril alto arco, frente'. ('Quadril alto arco, frente' / 2). hip_arc_half_f Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! quadril_arco_metade_f Hip arc, front, half Full measurement name. Quadril arco, frente, metade Half of 'Hip arc, front'. ('Hip arc, front' / 2). Full measurement description. Metade de 'Quadril arco, frente'. ('Quadril arco, frente' / 2). neck_arc_b Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! pescoço_arco_c Neck arc, back Full measurement name. Pescoço arco, costa From Neck Side to Neck Side across back. ('Neck circumference' - 'Neck arc, front'). Full measurement description. De Pescoço Lado para Pescoço Lado através das costas. ('Pescoço circunferência' - 'Pescoço arco, frente'). highbust_arc_b Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! busto_alto_arco_c Highbust arc, back Full measurement name. Busto alto arco, costa From Highbust Side to Highbust Side across back. ('Highbust circumference' - 'Highbust arc, front'). Full measurement description. De Busto alto Lado a Busto alto Lado através das costas. ('Busto alto circunferência' - 'Busto alto arco, frente'). bust_arc_b Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! busto_arco_c Bust arc, back Full measurement name. Busto arco, costa From Bust Side to Bust Side across back. ('Bust circumference' - 'Bust arc, front'). Full measurement description. De Busto Lado a Busto Lado através das costas. ('Busto circunferência' - 'Busto arco, frente'). lowbust_arc_b Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! busto_baixo_arco_c Lowbust arc, back Full measurement name. Busto baixo arco, costa From Lowbust Side to Lowbust Side across back. ('Lowbust circumference' - 'Lowbust arc, front'). Full measurement description. De Busto baixo Lado a Busto baixo Lado através das costas. ('Busto baixo circunferência' - 'Busto baixo arco, frente'). rib_arc_b Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! costela_arco_c Rib arc, back Full measurement name. Costela arco, costa From Rib Side to Rib side across back. ('Rib circumference' - 'Rib arc, front'). Full measurement description. De Costela Lado a Costela Lado através das costas. ('Costela circunferência' - 'Costela arco, frente'). waist_arc_b Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! cintura_arco_c Waist arc, back Full measurement name. Cintura arco, costa From Waist Side to Waist Side across back. ('Waist circumference' - 'Waist arc, front'). Full measurement description. De Cintura Lado a Cintura Lado através das costas. ('Cintura circunferência' - 'Cintura arco, frente'). highhip_arc_b Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! quadril_alto_arco_c Highhip arc, back Full measurement name. Quadril alto arco, costa From Highhip Side to Highhip Side across back. ('Highhip circumference' - 'Highhip arc, front'). Full measurement description. De Quadril alto Lado a Quadril alto Lado através das costas. ('Quadril alto circunferência' - 'Quadril alto arco, frente'). hip_arc_b Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! quadril_arco_c Hip arc, back Full measurement name. Quadril arco, costa From Hip Side to Hip Side across back. ('Hip circumference' - 'Hip arc, front'). Full measurement description. De Lado do Quadril ao outro Lado do Quadril através da costa. ('Circunferência do Quadril' - 'Arco do Quadril, frente'). neck_arc_half_b Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! metade_arco_pescoço_c Neck arc, back, half Full measurement name. Arco do Pescoço, costas, metade Half of 'Neck arc, back'. ('Neck arc, back' / 2). Full measurement description. Metade do 'Arco do Pescoço, costas'. ('Arco do Pescoço, costas' / 2). highbust_arc_half_b Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! metade_arco_busto_alto_c Highbust arc, back, half Full measurement name. Arco do Busto Alto, costas, metade Half of 'Highbust arc, back'. From Highbust Back to Highbust Side. ('Highbust arc, back' / 2). Full measurement description. Metade do 'Busto alto arco, costa'. De Busto alto Costa para Busto alto Lado. ('Busto alto arco, costa' / 2). bust_arc_half_b Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! metade_arco_busto_c Bust arc, back, half Full measurement name. Arco do Busto, costas, metade Half of 'Bust arc, back'. ('Bust arc, back' / 2). Full measurement description. Metade do 'Arco do Busto, costas'. ('Arco do Busto, costas' / 2). lowbust_arc_half_b Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! metade_arco_busto_baixo_c Lowbust arc, back, half Full measurement name. Arco do Busto Baixo, costas, metade Half of 'Lowbust Arc, back'. ('Lowbust arc, back' / 2). Full measurement description. Metade do 'Arco do Busto Baixo, costas'. ('Arco do Busto Baixo, costas' / 2). rib_arc_half_b Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! metade_arco_costela_c Rib arc, back, half Full measurement name. Arco da Costela, costas, metade Half of 'Rib arc, back'. ('Rib arc, back' / 2). Full measurement description. Metade do 'Arco da Costela, costas'. ('Arco da Costela, costas' / 2). waist_arc_half_b Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! metade_arco_cintura_c Waist arc, back, half Full measurement name. Arco da Cintura, costas, metade Half of 'Waist arc, back'. ('Waist arc, back' / 2). Full measurement description. Metade do 'Arco da Cintura, costas'. ('Arco da Cintura, costas' / 2). highhip_arc_half_b Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! metade_arco_quadril_alto_c Highhip arc, back, half Full measurement name. Arco do Quadril Alto, costas, metade Half of 'Highhip arc, back'. From Highhip Back to Highbust Side. ('Highhip arc, back'/ 2). Full measurement description. Metade do 'Arco do Quadril, Costa'. Do Quadril Alto Costas para o Lado do Busto Alto. ('Arco do Quadril, costas' / 2). hip_arc_half_b Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! metade_arco_quadril_c Hip arc, back, half Full measurement name. Arco do Quadril, costas, metade Half of 'Hip arc, back'. ('Hip arc, back' / 2). Full measurement description. Metade de 'Arco do Quadril, costas'. ('Arco do Quadril, costas' / 2). hip_with_abdomen_arc_f Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! arco_quadril_com_abdômen_f Hip arc with Abdomen, front Full measurement name. Arco do Quadril com Abdômen, frente Curve stiff paper around front of abdomen, tape at sides. Measure from Hip Side to Hip Side over paper across front. Full measurement description. Curva papel rígido em frente ao abdômen, fita adesiva nos lados. Medida do Lado do Quadril ao outro Lado do Quadril sobre o papel na frente. body_armfold_circ Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! circunferência_corpo_dobra_do_braço Body circumference at Armfold level Full measurement name. Circunferência do Corpo no nível da Dobra do Braço Measure around arms and torso at Armfold level. Full measurement description. Medida em torno de braços e torso no nível da Dobra do Braço. body_bust_circ Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! circunferência_corpo_busto Body circumference at Bust level Full measurement name. Circunferência do Corpo no nível do Busto Measure around arms and torso at Bust level. Full measurement description. Medida em torno de braços e tronco no nível do Busto. body_torso_circ Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! circunferência_corpo_tronco Body circumference of full torso Full measurement name. Circunferência do Corpo do tronco completo Circumference around torso from mid-shoulder around crotch back up to mid-shoulder. Full measurement description. hip_circ_with_abdomen Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! circunferência_quadril_com_abdômen Hip circumference, including Abdomen Full measurement name. Circunferência do Quadril, incluindo o Abdômen Measurement at Hip level, including the depth of the Abdomen. (Hip arc, back + Hip arc with abdomen, front). Full measurement description. Medida no nível do Quadril, incluindo a profundidade do Abdômen. (Arco do Quadril, costas + Arco do Quadril com abdômen, frente). neck_front_to_waist_f Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! frente_pescoço_para_cintura_f Neck Front to Waist Front Full measurement name. Frente do Pescoço para Frente da Cintura From Neck Front, over tape between Breastpoints, down to Waist Front. Full measurement description. Da Frente do Pescoço, sobre a linha entre os Ápices dos Seios, até a Frente da Cintura. neck_front_to_waist_flat_f Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! frente_pescoço_para_cintura_plana_f Neck Front to Waist Front flat Full measurement name. Frente do Pescoço para Frente da Cintura plana From Neck Front down between breasts to Waist Front. Full measurement description. Da Frente do Pescoço descendo entre os seios até a Frente da Cintura. armpit_to_waist_side Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! axila_para_lado_cintura Armpit to Waist Side Full measurement name. Axila para o Lado da Cintura From Armpit down to Waist Side. Full measurement description. Da Axila descendo até o Lado da Cintura. shoulder_tip_to_waist_side_f Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! ombro_ponta_para_cintura_lado_f Shoulder Tip to Waist Side, front Full measurement name. Ombro Ponta para Cintura Lado, frente From Shoulder Tip, curving around Armscye Front, then down to Waist Side. Full measurement description. Do Ombro Ponta, curvando-se em torno da Cava Frente, descendo a Cintura Lado. neck_side_to_waist_f Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! lado_pescoço_para_cintura_f Neck Side to Waist level, front Full measurement name. Pescoço Lado para o nível Cintura, frente From Neck Side straight down front to Waist level. Full measurement description. Do Pescoço Lado em frente direita ao nível da Cintura. neck_side_to_waist_bustpoint_f Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! pescoço_lado_para_cintura_ápice_do_seio_f Neck Side to Waist level, through Bustpoint Full measurement name. Pescoço Lado ao nível da Cintura, passando pelo ápice do seio From Neck Side over Bustpoint to Waist level, forming a straight line. Full measurement description. Do Pescoço Lado sobre o Ápice do Seio ao nível da Cintura, formando uma linha reta. neck_front_to_highbust_f Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! pescoço_frente_para_busto_alto_f Neck Front to Highbust Front Full measurement name. Pescoço Frente para Busto Alto Frente Neck Front down to Highbust Front. Full measurement description. Pescoço Frente descendo para Busto Alto Frente. highbust_to_waist_f Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! busto_alto_para_cintura_f Highbust Front to Waist Front Full measurement name. Busto Alto Frente para Cintura Frente From Highbust Front to Waist Front. Use tape to bridge gap between Bustpoints. ('Neck Front to Waist Front' - 'Neck Front to Highbust Front'). Full measurement description. Do Busto Alto Frente para Cintura Frente. Usar fita métrica para limitar o espaço entre os Ápices dos Seios. neck_front_to_bust_f Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! pescoço_frente_para_busto_f Neck Front to Bust Front Full measurement name. Frente do Pescoço para Frente do Busto From Neck Front down to Bust Front. Requires tape to cover gap between Bustpoints. Full measurement description. Do Pescoço Frente descendo para Busto Frente. Requer fita métrica para cobrir o espaço entre Ápices dos Seios. bust_to_waist_f Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! busto_para_cintura_f Bust Front to Waist Front Full measurement name. Frente do Busto para Frente da Cintura From Bust Front down to Waist level. ('Neck Front to Waist Front' - 'Neck Front to Bust Front'). Full measurement description. Do Busto Frente descendo para o nível da Cintura. ('Pescoço Frente para Cintura Frente' - 'Pescoço Frente para Busto Frente'). lowbust_to_waist_f Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! Lowbust Front to Waist Front Full measurement name. Baixo Busto Frente para Cintura Frente From Lowbust Front down to Waist Front. Full measurement description. De Baixo Busto Frente descendo para Cintura Frente. rib_to_waist_side Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! costela_para_cintura_side Rib Side to Waist Side Full measurement name. Costela Lado para Cintura Lado From lowest rib at side down to Waist Side. Full measurement description. Da costela mais baixa do lado descendo para Cintura Lado. shoulder_tip_to_armfold_f Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! ombro_ponta_para_dobra_do_braço_f Shoulder Tip to Armfold Front Full measurement name. Ombro Ponta para Dobra do Braço Frente. From Shoulder Tip around Armscye down to Armfold Front. Full measurement description. Da Ponta do Ombro ao redor da Cava descendo para Dobra do Braço Frente. neck_side_to_bust_f Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! pescoço_lado_para_busto_f Neck Side to Bust level, front Full measurement name. Pescoço Lado para nível do Busto, frente From Neck Side straight down front to Bust level. Full measurement description. De Pescoço Lado frente direto para o nível do Busto. neck_side_to_highbust_f Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! pescoço_lado_para_busto_alto_f Neck Side to Highbust level, front Full measurement name. Pescoço Lado para o nível do Busto Alto, frente From Neck Side straight down front to Highbust level. Full measurement description. Do Pescoço Lado frente direto para o nível do Busto Alto. shoulder_center_to_highbust_f Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! ombro_centro_para_busto_alto_f Shoulder center to Highbust level, front Full measurement name. Ombro centro para o nível do Busto Alto, frente From mid-Shoulder down front to Highbust level, aimed at Bustpoint. Full measurement description. Do meio Ombro frente direto para o nível do Busto Alto, visando o Ápice do Seio. shoulder_tip_to_waist_side_b Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! Ombro_ponta_para_cintura_lado_b Shoulder Tip to Waist Side, back Full measurement name. Ombro Ponta para Cintura Lado, costa From Shoulder Tip, curving around Armscye Back, then down to Waist Side. Full measurement description. Da ponto do Ombro, curvando-se em torno da Cava Costa, em seguida descendo para Cintura Lado. neck_side_to_waist_b Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! pescoço_lado_para_cintura_b Neck Side to Waist level, back Full measurement name. Lado do Pescoço para o nível da Cintura, costas From Neck Side straight down back to Waist level. Full measurement description. Do Pescoço Lado descendo direto pela costa para o nível da Cintura. neck_back_to_waist_b Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! pescoço_costa_para_cintura_b Neck Back to Waist Back Full measurement name. Pescoço Costa para Cintura Costa From Neck Back down to Waist Back. Full measurement description. Do Pescoço Costa descendo para Cintura Costa. neck_side_to_waist_scapula_b Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! pescoço_lado_para_cintura_omoplata_c Neck Side to Waist level, through Scapula Full measurement name. Pescoço Lado para nível da Cintura, através da Omoplata From Neck Side across Scapula down to Waist level, forming a straight line. Full measurement description. Do Pescoço Lado através da Escápula até o nível da Cintura, formando uma linha reta. neck_back_to_highbust_b Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! pescoço_costa_para_busto_alto_c Neck Back to Highbust Back Full measurement name. Pescoço Costa para Busto Alto Costa From Neck Back down to Highbust Back. Full measurement description. Do Pescoço Alto descendo para Busto Alto Costa. highbust_to_waist_b Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! busto_alto_pata_cintura_c Highbust Back to Waist Back Full measurement name. Busto Alto Costa para Cintura Costa From Highbust Back down to Waist Back. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Highbust Back'). Full measurement description. De Busto Alto Costa descendo para Cintura Costa. ('Pescoço Costa para Cintura Costa' - 'Pescoço Costa para Busto Alto Costa'). neck_back_to_bust_b Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! pescoço_costa_para_busto_c Neck Back to Bust Back Full measurement name. Pescoço Costa para Busto Costa From Neck Back down to Bust Back. Full measurement description. Do Pescoço Costa descendo para Busto Costa. bust_to_waist_b Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! busto_para_cintura_c Bust Back to Waist Back Full measurement name. Busto Costa para Cintura Costa From Bust Back down to Waist level. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Bust Back'). Full measurement description. Do Busto Costa descendo para o nível da Cintura. ('Pescoço Costa para Cintura Costa' - 'Pescoço Costa para Busto Costa'). lowbust_to_waist_b Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! busto_baixo_para_cintura_c Lowbust Back to Waist Back Full measurement name. Busto Baixo para Cintura Costa From Lowbust Back down to Waist Back. Full measurement description. De Busto Baixo Costa descendo para Cintura Costa. shoulder_tip_to_armfold_b Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! ombro_ponta_para_dobra_do_braço_c Shoulder Tip to Armfold Back Full measurement name. Ombro Ponta para Dobra do Braço Costa From Shoulder Tip around Armscye down to Armfold Back. Full measurement description. Do Ombro Ponta em torno da Cava descendo para Dobra de Braço Costa. neck_side_to_bust_b Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! pescoço_lado_para_busto_c Neck Side to Bust level, back Full measurement name. Pescoço Lado para nível do Busto, costa From Neck Side straight down back to Bust level. Full measurement description. Do Pescoço Lado em linha reta na costa para o nível do Busto. neck_side_to_highbust_b Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! pescoço_lado_para_busto_alto_c Neck Side to Highbust level, back Full measurement name. Pescoço Lado para nível do Busto Alto, costa From Neck Side straight down back to Highbust level. Full measurement description. Do Pescoço Lado em linha reta na costa para nível do Busto Alto. shoulder_center_to_highbust_b Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! ombro_centro_para_busto_alto_c Shoulder center to Highbust level, back Full measurement name. Ombro centro para o nível do Busto Alto, costa From mid-Shoulder down back to Highbust level, aimed through Scapula. Full measurement description. Do Ombro meio descendo para Busto Alto, visando atraves da Omoplata waist_to_highhip_f Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! cintura_para_quadril_alto_f Waist Front to Highhip Front Full measurement name. Cintura Frente para Quadril Alto Frente From Waist Front to Highhip Front. Full measurement description. Da Cintura Frente para Quadril Alto Frente. waist_to_hip_f Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! cintura_para_quadril_f Waist Front to Hip Front Full measurement name. Cintura Frente para Quadril Frente From Waist Front to Hip Front. Full measurement description. Da Frente da Cintura para a Frente do Quadril. waist_to_highhip_side Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! cintura_para_quadril_alto_lado Waist Side to Highhip Side Full measurement name. Cintura Lado para Quadril Alto Lado From Waist Side to Highhip Side. Full measurement description. Da Cintura Lado para Quadril Lado. waist_to_highhip_b Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! cintura_para_quadril_alto_c Waist Back to Highhip Back Full measurement name. Cintura Costa para Quadril Alto Costa From Waist Back down to Highhip Back. Full measurement description. Da Cintura Costa descendo para Quadril Alto Costa. waist_to_hip_b Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! cintura_para_quadril_c Waist Back to Hip Back Full measurement name. Cintura Costa para Quadril Costa From Waist Back down to Hip Back. Requires tape to cover the gap between buttocks. Full measurement description. Da Cintura Costa descendo para Quadril Costa. Requer fita métrica para cobrir o espaço entre as nádegas. waist_to_hip_side Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! cintura_para_quadril_lado Waist Side to Hip Side Full measurement name. Cintura Lado para Quadril Lado From Waist Side to Hip Side. Full measurement description. Da Cintura Lado para Quadril Lado. shoulder_slope_neck_side_angle Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! ombro_inclinação_pescoço_lado_ângulo Shoulder Slope Angle from Neck Side Full measurement name. Ângulo de Inclinação do Ombro do Pescoço Lado Angle formed by line from Neck Side to Shoulder Tip and line from Neck Side parallel to floor. Full measurement description. Ângulo formado pela linha do Pescoço Lado para Ombro Ponta e linha do Pescoço Lado paralelo ao chão. shoulder_slope_neck_side_length Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! ombro_inclinação_pescoço_lado_comprimento Shoulder Slope length from Neck Side Full measurement name. Comprimento da Inclinação do Ombro para Pescoço Lado Vertical distance between Neck Side and Shoulder Tip. Full measurement description. Distância vertical entre o Pescoço Lado e Ombro Ponta. shoulder_slope_neck_back_angle Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! ombro_inclinação_pescoço_costa_ângulo Shoulder Slope Angle from Neck Back Full measurement name. Ângulo de Inclinação do Ombro para Pescoço Costa Angle formed by line from Neck Back to Shoulder Tip and line from Neck Back parallel to floor. Full measurement description. Ângulo formado pela linha do Pescoço Costa para Ombro Ponta e linha do Pescoço Costa paralelo ao chão. shoulder_slope_neck_back_height Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! ombro_inclinação_pescoço_costa_altura Shoulder Slope length from Neck Back Full measurement name. Comprimento da Inclinação do Ombro para Pescoço Costa Vertical distance between Neck Back and Shoulder Tip. Full measurement description. Distância vertical entre o Pescoço Costa e Ombro Ponta. shoulder_slope_shoulder_tip_angle Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! ombro_inclinação_ombro_ponta_ângulo Shoulder Slope Angle from Shoulder Tip Full measurement name. Ângulo da Inclinação do Ombro para Ombro Ponta Angle formed by line from Neck Side to Shoulder Tip and vertical line at Shoulder Tip. Full measurement description. Ângulo formado por linha do Pescoço Lado para Ombro Ponta e linha vertical no Ombro Ponto. neck_back_to_across_back Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! pescoço_costa_para_a_costa Neck Back to Across Back Full measurement name. Pescoço Costa para a Costa From neck back, down to level of Across Back measurement. Full measurement description. Do Pescoço Costa, descendo para o nível da medida Entre Costa. across_back_to_waist_b Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! entre_costa_para_cintura_c Across Back to Waist back Full measurement name. Entre Costa para Cintura Costa From middle of Across Back down to Waist back. Full measurement description. Do meio do Entre Costa descendo para Cintura Costa. shoulder_length Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! ombro_comprimento Shoulder length Full measurement name. Ombro Comprimento From Neck Side to Shoulder Tip. Full measurement description. Do Pescoço Lado para Ombro Ponta. shoulder_tip_to_shoulder_tip_f Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! ombro_ponta_para_ombro_ponta_f Shoulder Tip to Shoulder Tip, front Full measurement name. Ombro Ponta para Ombro Ponta, frente From Shoulder Tip to Shoulder Tip, across front. Full measurement description. Do Ombro Ponta para Ombro Ponta, através da frente. across_chest_f Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! sobre_peito_f Across Chest Full measurement name. Sobre o Peito From Armscye to Armscye at narrowest width across chest. Full measurement description. De Cava para Cava na largura mais estreita através do peito. armfold_to_armfold_f Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! dobra_do_braço_para_dobra_do_braço_f Armfold to Armfold, front Full measurement name. Dobra do Braço para Dobra do Braço, frente From Armfold to Armfold, shortest distance between Armfolds, not parallel to floor. Full measurement description. De Dobra do Braço para Dobra de Braço, a menor distância entre as Dobras dos Braços, não paralela ao chão shoulder_tip_to_shoulder_tip_half_f Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! ombro_ponta_para_ombro_ponta_metade_f Shoulder Tip to Shoulder Tip, front, half Full measurement name. Ponta do Ombro para Ponta do Ombro, frente, metade Half of' Shoulder Tip to Shoulder tip, front'. ('Shoulder Tip to Shoulder Tip, front' / 2). Full measurement description. Metade do 'Ombro Ponta para Ombro Ponta, frente'. ('Ombro Ponta para Ombro Ponta, frente' / 2). across_chest_half_f Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! Across Chest, half Full measurement name. Sobre o Peito, metade Half of 'Across Chest'. ('Across Chest' / 2). Full measurement description. Metade de 'Sobre o Peito'. ('Sobre o Peito' / 2). shoulder_tip_to_shoulder_tip_b Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! ombro_ponta_para_ombro_ponta_c Shoulder Tip to Shoulder Tip, back Full measurement name. Ombro Ponta para Ombro Ponta, costa From Shoulder Tip to Shoulder Tip, across the back. Full measurement description. Do Ombro Ponto para Ombro Ponta, através da costa. across_back_b Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! sobre_costa_c Across Back Full measurement name. Sobre a Costa From Armscye to Armscye at the narrowest width of the back. Full measurement description. De Cava para Cava na largura mais estreita da costa. armfold_to_armfold_b Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! dobra_do_braço_para_dobra_do_braço_c Armfold to Armfold, back Full measurement name. Dobra do Braço para Dobra do Braço, costa From Armfold to Armfold across the back. Full measurement description. Da Dobra do Braço para Dobra do Braço através da costa. shoulder_tip_to_shoulder_tip_half_b Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! ombro_ponta_para_ombro_ponta_metade_c Shoulder Tip to Shoulder Tip, back, half Full measurement name. Ombro Ponta para Ombro Ponta, costa, metade Half of 'Shoulder Tip to Shoulder Tip, back'. ('Shoulder Tip to Shoulder Tip, back' / 2). Full measurement description. Metade do 'Ombro Ponta para Ombro Ponta, costa'. ('Ombro Ponta para Ombro Ponta, costa' / 2). across_back_half_b Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! sobre_costa_metade_c Across Back, half Full measurement name. Sobre a Costa, metade Half of 'Across Back'. ('Across Back' / 2). Full measurement description. Metade de 'Sobre a Costa'. ('Sobre a Costa' / 2). neck_front_to_shoulder_tip_f Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! pescoço_frente_para_ombro_ponta_f Neck Front to Shoulder Tip Full measurement name. Pescoço Frente para Ombro Ponta From Neck Front to Shoulder Tip. Full measurement description. Do Pescoço Frente para Ombro Ponta. neck_back_to_shoulder_tip_b Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! pescoço_costa_para_ombro_ponta_c Neck Back to Shoulder Tip Full measurement name. Pescoço Costas para a Ponta do Ombro From Neck Back to Shoulder Tip. Full measurement description. De Pescoço Costa para Ombro Ponta. neck_width Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! pescoço_largura Neck Width Full measurement name. Largura do Pescoço Measure between the 'legs' of an unclosed necklace or chain draped around the neck. Full measurement description. Medida entre as 'pernas' de um colar de não fechado ou colar envolto em torno do pescoço. bustpoint_to_bustpoint Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! ápice_do_seio_para_ápice_do_seio Bustpoint to Bustpoint Full measurement name. Ápice do Seio para Ápice do Seio From Bustpoint to Bustpoint. Full measurement description. Do Ápice do Seio para Ápice do Seio bustpoint_to_neck_side Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! ápice_do_seio_para_pescoço_lado Bustpoint to Neck Side Full measurement name. Ápice do Seio para Pescoço Lado From Neck Side to Bustpoint. Full measurement description. Do Pescoço Lado para Ápice do Seio. bustpoint_to_lowbust Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! ápice_do_seio_para_busto_baixo Bustpoint to Lowbust Full measurement name. Ápice do Seio para Busto Baixo From Bustpoint down to Lowbust level, following curve of bust or chest. Full measurement description. Do Ápice do Seio descendo para o nível do Busto Baixo, seguindo a curva do busto ou peito. bustpoint_to_waist Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! ápice_do_seio_para_cintura Bustpoint to Waist level Full measurement name. Ápice do Seio para o nível da Cintura From Bustpoint to straight down to Waist level, forming a straight line (not curving along the body). Full measurement description. Do Ápice do Seio descendo diretamente para o nível da Cintura, formando uma linha reta (não curvando ao longo do corpo). bustpoint_to_bustpoint_half Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! ápice_do_seio_para_ápice_do_seio_metade Bustpoint to Bustpoint, half Full measurement name. Ápice do Seio para Ápice do seio, metade Half of 'Bustpoint to Bustpoint'. ('Bustpoint to Bustpoint' / 2). Full measurement description. Metade do 'Ápice do Seio para Ápice do Seio'. ('Ápice do Seio para Ápice do Seio' / 2). bustpoint_neck_side_to_waist Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! ápice_do_seio_pescoço_lado_para_cintura Bustpoint, Neck Side to Waist level Full measurement name. Ápice do Seio, Pescoço Lado para Cintura From Neck Side to Bustpoint, then straight down to Waist level. ('Neck Side to Bustpoint' + 'Bustpoint to Waist level'). Full measurement description. Do Pescoço Lado para Ápice do Seio, em seguida, em direção ao nível da Cintura. ('Pescoço Lado para Ápice do Seio' + 'Ápice do Seio para o nível da Cintura'). bustpoint_to_shoulder_tip Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! ápice_do_seio_para_ombro_ponta Bustpoint to Shoulder Tip Full measurement name. Ápice do Seio para Ombro Ponta From Bustpoint to Shoulder tip. Full measurement description. Do Ápice do Seio para Ombro Ponta bustpoint_to_waist_front Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! ápice_do_seio_para_cintura_frente Bustpoint to Waist Front Full measurement name. Ápice do Seio para Cintura Frente From Bustpoint to Waist Front, in a straight line, not following the curves of the body. Full measurement description. Do Ápice do Busto para Cintura Frente, em linha reta, não seguindo as curvas do corpo. bustpoint_to_bustpoint_halter Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! ápice_do_seio_para_ápice_do_seio_cabresto Bustpoint to Bustpoint Halter Full measurement name. Ápice do Seio para Ápice do Seio Cabresto From Bustpoint around Neck Back down to other Bustpoint. Full measurement description. Do Ápice do Seio em torno do Pescoço Costa descendo para o outro lado do Ápice do Seio. bustpoint_to_shoulder_center Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! ápice_do_seio_para_ombro_centro Bustpoint to Shoulder Center Full measurement name. Ápice do Seio para Ombro Centro From center of Shoulder to Bustpoint. Full measurement description. Do centro do Ombro para Ápice do Seio. shoulder_tip_to_waist_front Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! ombroo_ponta_para_cintura_frente Shoulder Tip to Waist Front Full measurement name. Ombro Ponta para Cintura Frente From Shoulder Tip diagonal to Waist Front. Full measurement description. Da diagonal do Ombro Ponta para Cintura Frente. neck_front_to_waist_side Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! pescoço_frente_para_cintura_lado Neck Front to Waist Side Full measurement name. Pescoço Frente para Cintura Lado From Neck Front diagonal to Waist Side. Full measurement description. Da diagonal do Pescoço Frente para Cintura Lado. neck_side_to_waist_side_f Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! pescoço_lado_para_cintura_lado_f Neck Side to Waist Side, front Full measurement name. Pesoço Lado From Neck Side diagonal across front to Waist Side. Full measurement description. Da diagonal do Pescoço Lado em frente a Cintura Lado. shoulder_tip_to_waist_back Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! ombro_ponta_para_cintura_costa Shoulder Tip to Waist Back Full measurement name. Ombro Ponta para Cintura Costa From Shoulder Tip diagonal to Waist Back. Full measurement description. Da diagonal do Ombro Ponta para Cintura Costa. shoulder_tip_to_waist_b_1in_offset Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! ombro_ponta_para_c_1_deslocamento Shoulder Tip to Waist Back, with 1in (2.54cm) offset Full measurement name. Ombro Ponta para Cintura Costa, com 1 polegada (2.54cm) de deslocamento Mark 1in (2.54cm) outward from Waist Back along Waist level. Measure from Shoulder Tip diagonal to mark. Full measurement description. Marcar 1 polegada (2.54cm) para fora da Cintura Costa ao longo do nível da Cintura. Medir da diagonal do Ombro Ponta para marcar. neck_back_to_waist_side Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! pescoço_costa_para_cintura_lado Neck Back to Waist Side Full measurement name. Pescoço Costa para Cintura Lado From Neck Back diagonal across back to Waist Side. Full measurement description. Da diagonal do Pescoço Costa até a Cintura Lado. neck_side_to_waist_side_b Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! pescoço_lado_para_cintura_lado_c Neck Side to Waist Side, back Full measurement name. Pescoço Lado para Cintura Lado, costa From Neck Side diagonal across back to Waist Side. Full measurement description. Da diagonal do Pescoço Lado até a Cintura Lado. neck_side_to_armfold_f Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! pescoço_lado_para_dobra_do_braço_f Neck Side to Armfold Front Full measurement name. Pescoço Lado para Dobra do Braço Frente From Neck Side diagonal to Armfold Front. Full measurement description. Da diagonal do Pescoço Lado para Dobra do Braço Frente. neck_side_to_armpit_f Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! pescoço_lado_para_axila_f Neck Side to Highbust Side, front Full measurement name. Pescoço Lado para Busto Alto Lado, frente From Neck Side diagonal across front to Highbust Side (Armpit). Full measurement description. Da diagonal do Pescoço Lado através da frente do Busto Alto Lado (Axila). neck_side_to_bust_side_f Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! pescoço_lado_busto_lado_f Neck Side to Bust Side, front Full measurement name. Pescoço Lado para busto Lado, frente Neck Side diagonal across front to Bust Side. Full measurement description. Diagonal do Pescoço Lado até a frente do Busto Lado. neck_side_to_armfold_b Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! pescoço_lado_para_dobra_do_braço_c Neck Side to Armfold Back Full measurement name. Pescoço Lado para Dobra do Braço Lado From Neck Side diagonal to Armfold Back. Full measurement description. Da diagonal do Pescoço Lado para Dobra do Braço Costa. neck_side_to_armpit_b Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! pescoço_lado_para_axila_c Neck Side to Highbust Side, back Full measurement name. Lateral do Pescoço para a Lateral do Busto Alto, costas From Neck Side diagonal across back to Highbust Side (Armpit). Full measurement description. Da diagonal do Pescoço Lado através das costas para Busto Alto Lado (Axila). neck_side_to_bust_side_b Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! pescoço_lado_para_busto_lado_c Neck Side to Bust Side, back Full measurement name. Pescoço Lado para Busto Lado, costa Neck Side diagonal across back to Bust Side. Full measurement description. Diagonal do Pescoço Lado através da costa até Busto Lado. arm_shoulder_tip_to_wrist_bent Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! braço_ombro_ponta_para_pulso_curvado Arm: Shoulder Tip to Wrist, bent Full measurement name. Braço: Ombro Ponto para Pulso, curvado Bend Arm, measure from Shoulder Tip around Elbow to radial Wrist bone. Full measurement description. Braço curvado, medida do Ombro Ponta em torno do Cotovelo para o osso radial do Pulso. arm_shoulder_tip_to_elbow_bent Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! braço_ombro_ponta_para_cotovelo_curvado Arm: Shoulder Tip to Elbow, bent Full measurement name. Braço: Ombro Ponta para Cotovelo, curvado Bend Arm, measure from Shoulder Tip to Elbow Tip. Full measurement description. Braço Curvado, medida do Ombro Ponta para Cotovelo Ponta. arm_elbow_to_wrist_bent Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! braço_cotovelo_para_pulso_curvado Arm: Elbow to Wrist, bent Full measurement name. Braço: Cotovelo para Pulso, curvado Elbow tip to wrist. ('Arm: Shoulder Tip to Wrist, bent' - 'Arm: Shoulder Tip to Elbow, bent'). Full measurement description. Cotovelo Ponta para Pulso. ('Braço: Ombro Ponta para Pulso, curvado' - 'Braço: Ombro Ponta para Cotovelo, curvado'). arm_elbow_circ_bent Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! braço_cotovelo_circunferência_curvado Arm: Elbow circumference, bent Full measurement name. Braço: Cotovelo circunferência, curvado Elbow circumference, arm is bent. Full measurement description. Cotovelo circunferência, com o braço dobrado. arm_shoulder_tip_to_wrist Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! braço_ombro_ponta_para_pulso Arm: Shoulder Tip to Wrist Full measurement name. Braço: Ombro Ponto para Pulso From Shoulder Tip to Wrist bone, arm straight. Full measurement description. Do Ombro Ponta para osso do Pulso, braço reto. arm_shoulder_tip_to_elbow Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! braço_ombro_ponta_para_cotovelo Arm: Shoulder Tip to Elbow Full measurement name. Braço: Ombro Ponta para Cotovelo From Shoulder tip to Elbow Tip, arm straight. Full measurement description. Do Ombro Ponta para Cotovelo Ponta, braço reto. arm_elbow_to_wrist Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! braço_cotovelo_para_pulso Arm: Elbow to Wrist Full measurement name. Braço: Cotovelo para Pulso From Elbow to Wrist, arm straight. ('Arm: Shoulder Tip to Wrist' - 'Arm: Shoulder Tip to Elbow'). Full measurement description. Do Cotovelo para Pulso, braço reto. ('Braço: Ombro Ponta para Pulso' - 'Braço: Ombro Ponta para Cotovelo'). arm_armpit_to_wrist Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! braço_axila_para_pulso Arm: Armpit to Wrist, inside Full measurement name. Braço: Axila para Pulso, interior From Armpit to ulna Wrist bone, arm straight. Full measurement description. Da Axila para o final do osso ulna no Pulso, braço reto. arm_armpit_to_elbow Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! braço_axila_para_cotovelo Arm: Armpit to Elbow, inside Full measurement name. Braço: Axila para Cotovelo, interior From Armpit to inner Elbow, arm straight. Full measurement description. Da Axila ao Cotovelo interno, braço reto. arm_elbow_to_wrist_inside Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! braço_cotovelo_para_pulso_interno Arm: Elbow to Wrist, inside Full measurement name. Braço: Cotovelo para Pulso, interno From inside Elbow to Wrist. ('Arm: Armpit to Wrist, inside' - 'Arm: Armpit to Elbow, inside'). Full measurement description. Do interior do Cotovelo ao Pulso. ('Braço: Axila para Pulso, interno' - 'Braço: Axila para Cotovelo, interno'). arm_upper_circ Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! braço_superior_circunferência Arm: Upper Arm circumference Full measurement name. Braço: Braço Superior circunferência Arm circumference at Armpit level. Full measurement description. Circunferência do Braço no nível das Axilas. arm_above_elbow_circ Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! circunferência_braço_acima_cotovelo Arm: Above Elbow circumference Full measurement name. Braço: Acima do Cotovelo circunferência Arm circumference at Bicep level. Full measurement description. Circunferência do Braço no nível do Bíceps. arm_elbow_circ Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! braço_cotovelo_circunferência Arm: Elbow circumference Full measurement name. Braço: Cotovelo circunferência Elbow circumference, arm straight. Full measurement description. Circunferência do Cotovelo, braço reto. arm_lower_circ Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! braço_inferior_circunferência Arm: Lower Arm circumference Full measurement name. Braço: Braço Inferior circunferência Arm circumference where lower arm is widest. Full measurement description. arm_wrist_circ Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! arma_pulso_circunferência Arm: Wrist circumference Full measurement name. Braço: Pulso circunferência Wrist circumference. Full measurement description. Pulso circunferência. arm_shoulder_tip_to_armfold_line Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! braço_ombro_ponta_para_dobra_do_braço_linha Arm: Shoulder Tip to Armfold line Full measurement name. Braço: Ombro Ponta para Dobra do Braço em linha From Shoulder Tip down to Armpit level. Full measurement description. Do Ombro Ponta descendo para o nível da Axila. arm_neck_side_to_wrist Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! braço_pescoço_lado_para_pulso Arm: Neck Side to Wrist Full measurement name. Braço: Pescoço Lado para Pulso From Neck Side to Wrist. ('Shoulder Length' + 'Arm: Shoulder Tip to Wrist'). Full measurement description. Do Pescoço Lado para Pulso. ('Ombro comprimento' + 'Braço: Ombro Ponta para Pulso'). arm_neck_side_to_finger_tip Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! braço_pescoço_lado_para_dedo_ponta Arm: Neck Side to Finger Tip Full measurement name. Braço: Lateral do Pescoço para a Ponta dos Dedos From Neck Side down arm to tip of middle finger. ('Shoulder Length' + 'Arm: Shoulder Tip to Wrist' + 'Hand: Length'). Full measurement description. Do Pescoço Lado descendo para até a ponta do dedo médio. ('Ombro Comprimento' + 'Braço: Ombro Ponta para Pulso' + 'Mão: Comprimento'). armscye_circ Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! cava_circunferência Armscye: Circumference Full measurement name. Cava: Cicunferência Let arm hang at side. Measure Armscye circumference through Shoulder Tip and Armpit. Full measurement description. Deixar o braço em posição de lado. Medir a circunferência da Cava através do Ombro Ponta e Axila. armscye_length Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! cava_comprimento Armscye: Length Full measurement name. Cava: Comprimento Vertical distance from Shoulder Tip to Armpit. Full measurement description. Distância vertical do Ombro Ponta para Axila. armscye_width Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! cava_largura Armscye: Width Full measurement name. Cava: Largura Horizontal distance between Armscye Front and Armscye Back. Full measurement description. Distância horizontal entre Cava Frente e Cava Costa. arm_neck_side_to_outer_elbow Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! braço_pescoço_lado_para_exterior_cotovelo Arm: Neck side to Elbow Full measurement name. Braço: Pescoço Lado para Cotovelo From Neck Side over Shoulder Tip down to Elbow. (Shoulder length + Arm: Shoulder Tip to Elbow). Full measurement description. Do Pescoço Lado sobre o Ombro Ponta descendo até o Cotovelo. (Ombro comprimento + Braço: Ombro Ponta para Cotovelo). leg_crotch_to_floor Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! perna_gancho_ao_chão Leg: Crotch to floor Full measurement name. Perna: Gancho ao chão Stand feet close together. Measure from crotch level (touching body, no extra space) down to floor. Full measurement description. Mantenha os pés bem juntos. Medir do nível da virilha (tocando o corpo, sem espaço extra) até o chão. From Waist Side along curve to Hip level then straight down to Knee level. ('Leg: Waist Side to Floor' - 'Height Knee'). Full measurement description. rise_length_side_sitting Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! Vertical distance from Waist side down to Crotch level. Use formula (Height: Waist side - Leg: Crotch to floor). Full measurement description. This information is pulled from pattern charts in some patternmaking systems, e.g. Winifred P. Aldrich's "Metric Pattern Cutting". Full measurement description. leg_waist_side_to_floor Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! perna_cintura_lado_para_chão Leg: Waist Side to floor Full measurement name. Perna: Cintura Lado para chão From Waist Side along curve to Hip level then straight down to floor. Full measurement description. Da Cintura Lado ao longo da curva ao nível do Quadril, em seguida, em linha reta até o chão. leg_thigh_upper_circ Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! perna_coxa_superior_circunferência Leg: Thigh Upper circumference Full measurement name. Perna: Coxa Superior circunferência Thigh circumference at the fullest part of the upper Thigh near the Crotch. Full measurement description. Circunferência da Coxa na parte mais grossa da Coxa superior próximo a Virilha. leg_thigh_mid_circ Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! perna_coxa_meio_circinferência Leg: Thigh Middle circumference Full measurement name. Perna: Coxa Meio circunferência Thigh circumference about halfway between Crotch and Knee. Full measurement description. Circunferência da Coxa a meio caminho entre Virilha e Joelho. leg_knee_circ Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! perna_joelho_circunferência Leg: Knee circumference Full measurement name. Perna: Joelho circunferência Knee circumference with straight leg. Full measurement description. Circunferência do Joelho com perna reta. leg_knee_small_circ Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! perna_joelho_abaixo_circunferência Leg: Knee Small circumference Full measurement name. Perna: Joelho Abaixo circunferência Leg circumference just below the knee. Full measurement description. Circunferência de Perna logo abaixo do joelho. leg_calf_circ Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! perna_panturrilha_circunferência Leg: Calf circumference Full measurement name. Perna: Panturrilha circunferência Calf circumference at the largest part of lower leg. Full measurement description. Circunferência da panturrilha na maior parte da perna na porção inferior da perna. leg_ankle_high_circ Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! Leg: Ankle High circumference Full measurement name. Ankle circumference where the indentation at the back of the ankle is the deepest. Full measurement description. leg_ankle_circ Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! Leg: Ankle circumference Full measurement name. Ankle circumference where front of leg meets the top of the foot. Full measurement description. leg_knee_circ_bent Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! Leg: Knee circumference, bent Full measurement name. Knee circumference with leg bent. Full measurement description. leg_ankle_diag_circ Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! Leg: Ankle diagonal circumference Full measurement name. Ankle circumference diagonal from top of foot to bottom of heel. Full measurement description. leg_crotch_to_ankle Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! Leg: Crotch to Ankle Full measurement name. From Crotch to Ankle. ('Leg: Crotch to Floor' - 'Height: Ankle'). Full measurement description. leg_waist_side_to_ankle Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! Leg: Waist Side to Ankle Full measurement name. From Waist Side to Ankle. ('Leg: Waist Side to Floor' - 'Height: Ankle'). Full measurement description. leg_waist_side_to_knee Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! Leg: Waist Side to Knee Full measurement name. crotch_length Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! Crotch length Full measurement name. Put tape across gap between buttocks at Hip level. Measure from Waist Front down betwen legs and up to Waist Back. Full measurement description. crotch_length_b Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! Crotch length, back Full measurement name. Put tape across gap between buttocks at Hip level. Measure from Waist Back to mid-Crotch, either at the vagina or between testicles and anus). Full measurement description. crotch_length_f Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! Crotch length, front Full measurement name. From Waist Front to start of vagina or end of testicles. ('Crotch length' - 'Crotch length, back'). Full measurement description. Rise length, side, sitting Full measurement name. From Waist Side around hip curve down to surface, while seated on hard surface. Full measurement description. Vertical distance from Waist Back to Crotch level. ('Height: Waist Back' - 'Leg: Crotch to Floor') Full measurement description. Vertical Distance from Waist Front to Crotch level. ('Height: Waist Front' - 'Leg: Crotch to Floor') Full measurement description. rise_length_side Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! Rise length, side Full measurement name. rise_length_diag Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! Rise length, diagonal Full measurement name. Measure from Waist Side diagonally to a string tied at the top of the leg, seated on a hard surface. Full measurement description. rise_length_b Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! Rise length, back Full measurement name. rise_length_f Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! Rise length, front Full measurement name. neck_back_to_waist_front Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! Neck Back to Waist Front Full measurement name. From Neck Back around Neck Side down to Waist Front. Full measurement description. waist_to_waist_halter Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! Waist to Waist Halter, around Neck Back Full measurement name. From Waist level around Neck Back to Waist level. Full measurement description. waist_natural_circ Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! Natural Waist circumference Full measurement name. Torso circumference at men's natural side Abdominal Obliques indentation, if Oblique indentation isn't found then just below the Navel level. Full measurement description. waist_natural_arc_f Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! Natural Waist arc, front Full measurement name. From Side to Side at the Natural Waist level, across the front. Full measurement description. waist_natural_arc_b Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! Natural Waist arc, back Full measurement name. From Side to Side at Natural Waist level, across the back. Calculate as ( Natural Waist circumference - Natural Waist arc (front) ). Full measurement description. waist_to_natural_waist_f Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! Waist Front to Natural Waist Front Full measurement name. Length from Waist Front to Natural Waist Front. Full measurement description. waist_to_natural_waist_b Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! Waist Back to Natural Waist Back Full measurement name. Length from Waist Back to Natural Waist Back. Full measurement description. arm_neck_back_to_elbow_bent Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! Arm: Neck Back to Elbow, high bend Full measurement name. Bend Arm with Elbow out, hand in front. Measure from Neck Back to Elbow Tip. Full measurement description. arm_neck_back_to_wrist_bent Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! Arm: Neck Back to Wrist, high bend Full measurement name. Bend Arm with Elbow out, hand in front. Measure from Neck Back to Elbow Tip to Wrist bone. Full measurement description. arm_neck_side_to_elbow_bent Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! Arm: Neck Side to Elbow, high bend Full measurement name. Bend Arm with Elbow out, hand in front. Measure from Neck Side to Elbow Tip. Full measurement description. arm_neck_side_to_wrist_bent Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! Arm: Neck Side to Wrist, high bend Full measurement name. Bend Arm with Elbow out, hand in front. Measure from Neck Side to Elbow Tip to Wrist bone. Full measurement description. arm_across_back_center_to_elbow_bent Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! Arm: Across Back Center to Elbow, high bend Full measurement name. Bend Arm with Elbow out, hand in front. Measure from Middle of Back to Elbow Tip. Full measurement description. arm_across_back_center_to_wrist_bent Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! Arm: Across Back Center to Wrist, high bend Full measurement name. Bend Arm with Elbow out, hand in front. Measure from Middle of Back to Elbow Tip to Wrist bone. Full measurement description. arm_armscye_back_center_to_wrist_bent Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! Arm: Armscye Back Center to Wrist, high bend Full measurement name. Bend Arm with Elbow out, hand in front. Measure from Armscye Back to Elbow Tip. Full measurement description. neck_back_to_bust_front Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! Neck Back to Bust Front Full measurement name. From Neck Back, over Shoulder, to Bust Front. Full measurement description. neck_back_to_armfold_front Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! Neck Back to Armfold Front Full measurement name. From Neck Back over Shoulder to Armfold Front. Full measurement description. neck_back_to_armfold_front_to_waist_side Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! Neck Back, over Shoulder, to Waist Side Full measurement name. From Neck Back, over Shoulder, down chest to Waist Side. Full measurement description. highbust_back_over_shoulder_to_armfold_front Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! Highbust Back, over Shoulder, to Armfold Front Full measurement name. From Highbust Back over Shoulder to Armfold Front. Full measurement description. highbust_back_over_shoulder_to_waist_front Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! Highbust Back, over Shoulder, to Waist Front Full measurement name. From Highbust Back, over Shoulder touching Neck Side, to Waist Front. Full measurement description. neck_back_to_armfold_front_to_neck_back Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! Neck Back, to Armfold Front, to Neck Back Full measurement name. From Neck Back, over Shoulder to Armfold Front, under arm and return to start. Full measurement description. across_back_center_to_armfold_front_to_across_back_center Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! Across Back Center, circled around Shoulder Full measurement name. From center of Across Back, over Shoulder, under Arm, and return to start. Full measurement description. neck_back_to_armfold_front_to_highbust_back Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! Neck Back, to Armfold Front, to Highbust Back Full measurement name. From Neck Back over Shoulder to Armfold Front, under arm to Highbust Back. Full measurement description. armfold_to_armfold_bust Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! Armfold to Armfold, front, curved through Bust Front Full measurement name. Measure in a curve from Armfold Left Front through Bust Front curved back up to Armfold Right Front. Full measurement description. armfold_to_bust_front Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! Armfold to Bust Front Full measurement name. Measure from Armfold Front to Bust Front, shortest distance between the two, as straight as possible. Full measurement description. highbust_b_over_shoulder_to_highbust_f Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! Highbust Back, over Shoulder, to Highbust level Full measurement name. From Highbust Back, over Shoulder, then aim at Bustpoint, stopping measurement at Highbust level. Full measurement description. armscye_arc Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! Armscye: Arc Full measurement name. From Armscye at Across Chest over ShoulderTip to Armscye at Across Back. Full measurement description. dart_width_shoulder Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! Dart Width: Shoulder Full measurement name. This information is pulled from pattern charts in some patternmaking systems, e.g. Winifred P. Aldrich's "Metric Pattern Cutting". Full measurement description. dart_width_bust Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! Dart Width: Bust Full measurement name. dart_width_waist Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!! Dart Width: Waist Full measurement name.