name: Windows build on: push: branches: - 'master' - 'develop' tags: - 'v*' pull_request: branches: - 'master' - 'develop' defaults: run: shell: cmd env: SOURCE_DIR: ${{ github.workspace }} INSTALL_QT: 6.7.1 QBS_VERSION: 2.4.1 VALENTINA_VERSION: 0_7_53 ACCESS_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.DROPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN }} jobs: Windows_Qt_6_7_MSVC_x64: name: Windows Qt 6.7 (MSVC x64) runs-on: windows-latest env: DEPLOY: 'true' RUN_TESTS: 'true' WITH_CRASH_REPORTING: 'True' steps: - name: Checkout repo uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Fetch tags run: git fetch --prune --unshallow --tags - name: Install Qt uses: jurplel/install-qt-action@v3 with: version: ${{ env.INSTALL_QT }} host: 'windows' target: 'desktop' arch: win64_msvc2019_64 dir: ${{ runner.temp }} modules: 'qtimageformats' cache: true tools: 'tools_cmake tools_opensslv3_x64' setup-python: false - name: Install Python uses: actions/setup-python@v5 with: python-version: '3.x' architecture: "x64" cache: 'pip' cache-dependency-path: '**/requirements-ci.txt' - name: Set up Visual Studio shell uses: egor-tensin/vs-shell@v2 with: arch: x64 - name: Install Python dependencies run: | python --version python -m pip install --upgrade setuptools python -m pip install -r share/requirements-ci.txt - name: Cache Chocolatey uses: actions/cache@v4 with: path: C:\Users\runneradmin\AppData\Local\Temp\chocolatey # This caches the cache, no need to make sure that this is invalidated # chocolatey will do that for us. key: chocolatey-cache - name: Install Chocolatey dependencies run: | choco install qbs -y --version=${{ env.QBS_VERSION }} qbs --version - name: Find cl.exe id: cl-path shell: pwsh run: | function Locate-VSWhere { $path = Get-Command 'vswhere' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($path) { $path.Path } else { Join-Path ${env:ProgramFiles(x86)} 'Microsoft Visual Studio' 'Installer' 'vswhere' } } function Locate-VS { # vswhere doesn't search for Build Tools by default, God knows why. # $products = 'Community','Professional','Enterprise','BuildTools' | %{ "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Product.$_" } $vswhere = Locate-VSWhere & $vswhere -products $products -latest -format json | ConvertFrom-Json } function Locate-CLPath { $vsInfo = Locate-VS if ($vsInfo) { $vsInstallPath = $vsInfo[0].installationPath $clPath = Join-Path $vsInstallPath 'VC\Tools\MSVC' $latestVersion = (Get-ChildItem -Path $clPath | Where-Object { $_.PSIsContainer } | Sort-Object -Property Name -Descending)[0].Name $clPath = Join-Path $clPath $latestVersion $clPath = Join-Path $clPath 'bin\Hostx64\x64\cl.exe' return $clPath } else { Write-Output "Visual Studio not found." return $null } } $clPath = Locate-CLPath echo "Found Cl at $clPath" echo "cl-path=$clPath" >> $env:GITHUB_OUTPUT # To cache Conan 1.x packages in GitHub Actions, you can save the .conan/data directory for every OS like this: - name: Setup path to Conan home folder run: echo CONAN_USER_HOME=${{ runner.temp }} >> ${{ github.env }} - name: Cache Conan packages uses: actions/cache@v4 with: path: ${{ env.CONAN_USER_HOME }}\.conan\data key: conan-packages-${{ runner.os }}-v1-${{ hashFiles('**/') }} restore-keys: conan-packages-${{ runner.os }}- # For Conan 2.0 setting conan_home=./.conan2 in the .conanrc file and saving .conan2/p directory seems to work as well. - name: Before build run: | git fetch --tags qbs-setup-toolchains --detect qbs-setup-qt %Qt6_DIR%\bin\qmake.exe qt6 qbs-config defaultProfile qt6 qbs-setup-toolchains.exe --type msvc "${{ }}" msvc qbs-config.exe profiles.qt6.baseProfile msvc conan config install type ${{ env.CONAN_USER_HOME }}\.conan\settings.yml conan profile new valentina conan profile update settings.build_type=Release valentina conan profile update settings.os=Windows valentina conan profile update settings.arch=x86_64 valentina conan profile update settings.compiler=msvc valentina conan profile update settings.compiler.cppstd=17 valentina conan profile update settings.compiler.runtime=dynamic valentina conan profile update settings.compiler.runtime_type=Release valentina conan profile update settings.compiler.version=192 valentina qbs-config --list profiles conan profile list - name: Build Conan dependencies run: conan install . -s os=Windows --build=missing -o with_crash_reporting=${{ env.WITH_CRASH_REPORTING }} -o with_xerces=True -pr=valentina - name: Build Valentina run: > qbs build -f valentina.qbs -d ${{ runner.temp }}\build config:release qbs.installRoot:${{ runner.temp }}\build\install-root\valentina profile:qt6 project.enableConan:true project.conanWithCrashReporting:${{ env.WITH_CRASH_REPORTING }} project.conanWithXerces:true project.conanProfiles:valentina modules.buildconfig.enablePCH:true modules.windeployqt.compilerRuntime:true modules.windeployqt.noCompilerRuntime:false - name: Tests if: env.RUN_TESTS == 'true' run: qbs -p autotest-runner -d ${{ runner.temp }}\build profile:qt6 config:release - name: Deploy symbols if: env.WITH_CRASH_REPORTING == 'True' shell: pwsh run: | $qmakeOutput = & "$env:Qt6_DIR\bin\qmake.exe" -query QT_VERSION $majorMinorVersion = $qmakeOutput -replace '(\d+)\.(\d+).*', '$1_$2' $env:CRASH_QT_VERSION = $majorMinorVersion $env:CRASH_SHORT_SHA = git log --pretty=format:%h -n 1 ./scripts/install_dump_sysms.ps1 & python ./scripts/ ${{ runner.temp }}\build\install-root\valentina $env:VALENTINA_VERSION g$env:CRASH_SHORT_SHA $env:CRASH_QT_VERSION --clean - name: Create installer if: github.event_name != 'pull_request' && env.DEPLOY == 'true' run: > qbs build -f valentina.qbs -d ${{ runner.temp }}\build -p ValentinaSetup config:release qbs.installRoot:${{ runner.temp }}\build\install-root\valentina profile:qt6 project.enableConan:true project.conanWithCrashReporting:${{ env.WITH_CRASH_REPORTING }} project.conanWithXerces:true project.conanProfiles:valentina modules.buildconfig.enablePCH:true modules.windeployqt.compilerRuntime:true modules.windeployqt.noCompilerRuntime:false - name: Commit hash id: commit if: github.event_name != 'pull_request' && env.DEPLOY == 'true' uses: prompt/actions-commit-hash@v3 - name: Deploy if: github.event_name != 'pull_request' && env.DEPLOY == 'true' shell: pwsh env: VALENTINA_BUILD_FOLDER: ${{ runner.temp }}\build APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER: ${{ env.SOURCE_DIR }} APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH: ${{ github.base_ref || github.ref_name }} APPVEYOR_REPO_COMMIT: ${{ steps.commit.outputs.hash }} PYTHON: ${{ env.Python3_ROOT_DIR }} TARGET_PLATFORM: "Windows10+" ARCH: x64 COMPILER: msvc QT_VERSION: Qt6_7 run: ./scripts/appveyor-deploy.ps1