AddGroup add group AddPatternPiece add pattern piece %1 AddPiece add detail AddToCalc add object CommunityPage Server 服务器 Server name/IP 服务器名/IP地址 Secure connection 安全连接 Proxy settings 代理设置 Use Proxy 使用代理 Proxy address 代理地址 Proxy port 代理端口 Proxy user 代理用户 User settings 用户设置 User Name 用户名 Save password 保存密码 Password 密码 Server name/IP: 服务器名/IP: Proxy address: 代理地址: Proxy port: 代理端口: Proxy user: 代理用户: User Name: 用户名: Password: 密码: ConfigDialog Apply 应用 &Cancel &取消 &Ok &确定 Config Dialog 配置窗口 Configuration 配置窗口 Pattern 样板 Community 社区 Paths 路径 ConfigurationPage Save 保存 min 最小值 Language 语言 GUI language GUI 语言 Default unit 默认单位 Centimeters 公分 Millimiters 毫米 Inches 英寸 Send crash reports 发送软件崩溃报告 Send crash reports (recommended) 发送软件崩溃报告(推荐) Pattern Editing 样板修改 Confirm item deletion 确认删除 Toolbar 工具栏 GUI language: GUI语言: Default unit: 默认单位: Author: 作者: DelGroup delete group DelTool delete tool 删除工具 DeleteDetail delete tool 删除工具 DeletePatternPiece delete pattern piece %1 DeletePiece delete tool 删除工具 DialogAboutApp About Valentina 关于Valentina Valentina version Valentina版本 Contributors Web site : %1 Cannot open your default browser Build revision: Built on %1 at %2 Check For Updates DialogAboutTape About Tape Tape version Build revision: This program is part of Valentina project. Build revision: %1 Web site : %1 Cannot open your default browser Built on %1 at %2 Check For Updates DialogAlongLine Length 长度 <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html> First point 第一点 Second point 第二点 Type of line 线类型 Select second point of line Point at distance along line Line color 线颜色 Edit length 修长度 Length: 长度: Formula wizard Value Calculation 打算 Point label: First point: 第一点: First point of the line Second point: 第二点: Second point of the line Type of line: 线类型: Line color: 线颜色: Unique label Choose unique label. DialogArc Arc <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html> Error 错误 Radius can't be negative Angles equal Color 颜色 Edit radius Edit first angle Edit second angle Radius: 半径: Formula wizard Value Calulation 打算 First angle: Calculation 打算 Second angle: Center point: 中点: Select center point of the arc Color: 颜色: Pen style: DialogArcWithLength Dialog <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html> Length 长度 Color 颜色 Edit radius Edit the first angle Edit the arc length Error 错误 Radius can't be negative Length can't be equal 0 长度不能是0 Radius: 半径: Formula wizard Value Calculation 打算 First angle: Length: 长度: Center point: 中点: Color: 颜色: Pen style: DialogBisector Length 长度 <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html> First point 第一点 Second point 第二点 Type of line 线类型 Select second point of angle Select third point of angle Point along bisector Line color 线颜色 Edit length 修长度 Length: 长度: Formula wizard Value Calculation 打算 Point label: Unique label Choose unique label. First point: 第一点: Second point: 第二点: Third point: Type of line: 线类型: Line color: 线颜色: DialogCubicBezier Color: 颜色: Name: First point: 第一点: Second point: 第二点: Third point: Fourth point: Select the second point of curve Select the third point of curve Select the fourth point of curve Invalid spline Tool cubic bezier Pen Style: DialogCubicBezierPath Point: List of points Color: 颜色: Name: Invalid spline path Tool cubic bezier path Pen style: DialogCurveIntersectAxis <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html> Type of line 线类型 Select axis point Point intersect curve and axis Line color 线颜色 Edit angle Angle: Formula wizard Value Calculation 打算 Axis point: Curve: Point label: Unique label Choose unique label. Type of line: 线类型: Line color: 线颜色: DialogCutArc Length 长度 <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html> Segment an arc Color 颜色 Edit length 修长度 Length: 长度: Formula wizard Value Calculation 打算 Arc: Point label: Unique label Choose unique label. Color: 颜色: DialogCutSpline Length 长度 <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html> Segmenting a simple curve Color 颜色 Edit length 修长度 Length: 长度: Formula wizard Value Calculation 打算 Curve: Point label: Unique label Choose unique label. Color: 颜色: DialogCutSplinePath Length 长度 <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html> Segment a curved path Color 颜色 Edit length 修长度 Length: 长度: Formula wizard Value Calculation 打算 Curve: Point label: Unique label Choose unique label. Color: 颜色: DialogDateTimeFormats Label date time editor Format: Insert a format <empty> DialogDetail Width 宽度 Delete 删除 Width: 宽度: DialogEditLabel Edit label template Clear current and begin new label Import from label template Export label as template Edit Bold Font formating Italic Font formating Aligns with the left edge Centers horizontally in the available space Aligns with the right edge Additional font size. Use to make a line bigger. Text: Line of text Insert placeholders Preview <empty> Create new template Creating new template will overwrite the current, do you want to continue? Label template Export label template template Could not save file Import template Import template will overwrite the current, do you want to continue? File error. Date Time Pattern name Pattern number Company name or designer name Customer name Pattern extension Pattern file name Measurments file name Size 尺码 Height 高度 Measurments extension Piece letter Piece annotation Piece orientation Piece rotation Piece tilt Piece fold position Piece name Quantity Material: Fabric Fabric Material: Lining Lining Material: Interfacing Interfacing Material: Interlining Interlining Word: Cut Cut Word: on fold on fold User material Insert… DialogEditWrongFormula Edit formula Insert variable into formula <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html> Input data Measurements 尺寸 Increments Length of lines Length of curves Angle of lines Hide empty measurements Height 高度 Size 尺码 Line length Curve length Line Angle Radius of arcs Angles of curves Arc radius Curve angle Formula: Value Calculation 打算 Name Full name Functions Lengths to control points Filter list by keyword Preview calculations DialogEllipticalArc Radius1: Formula wizard Value Calulation 打算 <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html> Radius2: First angle: Calculation 打算 Second angle: Rotation angle: Center point: 中点: Select center point of the arc Color: 颜色: Error 错误 Radius can't be negative Angles equal Edit radius1 Edit radius2 Edit first angle Edit second angle Edit rotation angle Elliptical arc Pen style: DialogEndLine Length 长度 <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html> Type of line 线类型 Point at distance and angle Line color 线颜色 Edit angle Edit length 修长度 Length: 长度: Formula wizard Value Calculation 打算 Angle: Base point: Point label: Unique label Choose unique label. Type of line: 线类型: Line color: 线颜色: DialogExportToCSV Export options Export With header Codec: Separator Tab Comma Semicolon Space DialogFinalMeasurements Final measurements Find: Search Name The calculated value Formula Details Name: Calculated value: Formula: Calculation 打算 <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html> Formula wizard Description: Move measurement up Move measurement down measurement Error 错误 Empty field. Edit measurement Empty field Invalid result. Value is infinite or NaN. Please, check your calculations. Value Parser error: %1 DialogFlippingByAxis Origin point: Suffix: Axis type: Select origin point Select origin point that is not part of the list of objects Vertical axis Horizontal axis Flipping by axis DialogFlippingByLine First line point: Suffix: Second line point: Select first line point Select first line point that is not part of the list of objects Select second line point Select second line point that is not part of the list of objects Flipping by line DialogGroup Group Group name: Unique pattern piece name Choose group name New group DialogHeight Type of line 线类型 Select first point of line Select second point of line Perpendicular point along line Line color 线颜色 Point label: Unique label Choose unique label. Base point: First point of line: Second point of line: Type of line: 线类型: Line color: 线颜色: DialogHistory History Tool 工具 Can't create record. %1 - Base point %1_%2 - Line from point %1 to point %2 %3 - Point along line %1_%2 %1 - Point of shoulder %3 - normal to line %1_%2 %4 - bisector of angle %1_%2_%3 %5 - intersection of lines %1_%2 and %3_%4 %4 - point of contact of arc with the center in point %1 and line %2_%3 Point of perpendicular from point %1 to line %2_%3 Triangle: axis %1_%2, points %3 and %4 %1 - point of intersection %2 and %3 %1 - point of intersection line %2_%3 and axis through point %4 %1 - point of intersection curve and axis through point %2 %1 - point of arcs intersection %1 - point of circles intersection %1 - point from circle and tangent %1 - point from arc and tangent Correction the dart %1_%2_%3 %1 - point of curves intersection Curve Cubic bezier curve Arc %1 with length %2 Spline path Cubic bezier curve path %1 - cut %2 arc curve curve path Elliptical arc DialogIncrements Increments Name The calculated value Lines 线 Line 线 Length 长度 Curve Arc Tables of Variables Lines angles Angle Lengths curves Angles curves Radiuses arcs Radius Formula Details Move measurement up Move measurement down Name: Calculated value: Formula: <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html> Description: Error 错误 Empty field. Empty field Value Parser error: %1 Edit increment Unique increment name Calculation 打算 Formula wizard Find: Search Curves control point lengths Invalid result. Value is infinite or NaN. Please, check your calculations. Refresh a pattern with all changes you made Refresh Preview calculations Unique variable name DialogInsertNode Insert node Item: Piece: Uknown DialogKnownMaterials Known materials Material: Name of material User material DialogLayoutProgress Couldn't prepare data for creation layout Several workpieces left not arranged, but none of them match for paper Create a Layout Arranged workpieces: %1 from %2 <html><head/><body><p>Finding best position for workpieces. Please, wait.</p></body></html> DialogLayoutSettings Paper size 纸页尺寸 Templates: Width: 宽度: Height: Rotate workpiece Rotate by degree Three groups: big, middle, small Two groups: big, small Descending area Millimiters 毫米 Centimeters 公分 Inches 英寸 Pixels Create a layout Auto crop unused length Unite pages (if possible) Gap width: Save length of the sheet Letter Legal Roll 24in Roll 30in Roll 36in Roll 42in Roll 44in Paper format Left: Right: Top: Bottom: Custom Wrong fields. Fields go beyond printing. Apply settings anyway? Three groups: big, middle, small = 0; Two groups: big, small = 1; Descending area = 2 Layout options Shift/Offset length: Rule for choosing the next workpiece Divide into strips Multiplier Set multiplier for length of the biggest workpiece in layout. Enabling for sheets that have big height will speed up creating. Printer: None Printer Text Text will be converted to paths Export text as paths Margins Ignore margins DialogLine First point 第一点 Second point 第二点 Type of line 线类型 Select second point Line between points Line color 线颜色 First point: 第一点: Second point: 第二点: Type of line: 线类型: Line color: 线颜色: DialogLineIntersect First line First point 第一点 Second point 第二点 Second line Select second point of first line Select first point of second line Select second point of second line Point at line intersection Point label: Unique label Choose unique label. First point: 第一点: Second point: 第二点: DialogLineIntersectAxis <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html> First point of line Type of line 线类型 Show line from first point to this point Select second point of line Select axis point Point intersect line and axis Axis Point Second point of line Line color 线颜色 Edit angle Angle: Formula wizard Value Calculation 打算 Axis point: First line point: Second line point: Point label: Unique label Choose unique label. Type of line: 线类型: Line color: 线颜色: DialogMDataBase Measurement data base Measurements 尺寸 Direct Height Measurement section Direct Width Measurement section Indentation Measurement section Circumference and Arc Measurement section Vertical Measurement section Horizontal Measurement section Bust Measurement section Balance Measurement section Arm Measurement section Leg Measurement section Crotch and Rise Measurement section Hand Measurement section Foot Measurement section Head Measurement section Men & Tailoring Measurement section Historical & Specialty Measurement section Patternmaking measurements Measurement section Collapse All Expand All Check all Uncheck all DialogMove Angle: Formula wizard Value <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html> Length: 长度: Suffix: Edit angle Edit length 修长度 Calculation 打算 Move DialogNewMeasurements New measurement file Measurement type: Unit: Base size: Base height: Individual Centimeters 公分 Millimiters 毫米 Inches 英寸 Multisize DialogNewPattern Units: Centimeters 公分 Millimiters 毫米 Inches 英寸 Pattern piece name: Unique pattern piece name Choose unique pattern piece name. New pattern DialogNormal Length 长度 <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html> First point 第一点 Second point 第二点 Type of line 线类型 Select second point of line Point along perpendicular Line color 线颜色 Edit length 修长度 Length: 长度: Formula wizard Value Calculation 打算 Point label: Unique label Choose unique label. First point: 第一点: Second point: 第二点: Additional angle degrees: Type of line: 线类型: Line color: 线颜色: DialogPatternMaterials Dialog Placeholder Value DialogPatternProperties Pattern properties Pattern description Heights and Sizes All heights (cm) All sizes (cm) Default height and size Custom Height: Size: Security Open only for read Call context menu for edit No image Delete image Change image Save image to file Show image Image for pattern Images Save File untitled Path: Show in Explorer <Empty> File was not saved yet. Show in Finder Pattern name: Pattern number: Company/Designer name: Customer name: From multisize measurements Pattern 样板 For technical notes Label data Label template: Edit pattern label Edit template Date format: Time format: Save label data. Label data were changed. Do you want to save them before editing label template? Materials Pattern materials: Manage list of pattern materials Manage The customer name from individual measurements DialogPiecePath Piece path tool Path Name: Unnamed path Create name for your path Type: 类型: Piece: Type of pen: Ready! Seam allowance Width: 宽度: Formula wizard Value Calculation 打算 <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html> Nodes Node: Before: Return to default width Default After: Angle: Select main path objects, <b>Shift</b> - reverse direction curve, <b>Enter</b> - finish creation Reverse Delete 删除 Current seam aloowance Edit seam allowance width Edit seam allowance width before Edit seam allowance width after Internal path Custom seam allowance You need more points! First point of <b>custom seam allowance</b> cannot be equal to the last point! You have double points! Passmarks Passmark: One line Two lines Three lines Angle Straightforward Bisector Passmark Marks T mark V mark Please, select a detail to insert into! List of details is empty! Select if need designate the corner point as a passmark Intersection Each point in the <b>custom seam allowance</b> path must be unique! The path is a cut contour Cut on fabric Select if need designate the corner point as a passmark. Show only left passmark. Intersection (only left) Select if need designate the corner point as a passmark. Show only right passmark. Intersection (only right) DialogPin Pin tool Point: Piece: Pin DialogPointFromArcAndTangent Point from arc and tangent Select an arc Point label: Unique label Choose unique label. Tangent point: Arc: Take: DialogPointFromCircleAndTangent Point from circle and tangent <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html> Select a circle center Edit radius Error 错误 Radius can't be negative Radius: 半径: Formula wizard Value Calculation 打算 Point label: Unique label Choose unique label. Center of the circle: Tangent point: Take: DialogPointOfContact <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html> Select point of center of arc Select second point of line Point at intersection of arc and line Edit radius Radius: 半径: Formula wizard Value Calculation 打算 Point label: Unique label Choose unique label. Center of arc: Top of the line: End of the line: DialogPointOfIntersection Point from X and Y of two other points Select point for Y value (horizontal) Point label: Unique label Choose unique label. X: vertical point: Y: horizontal point: DialogPointOfIntersectionArcs Select second an arc Point label: Unique label Choose unique label. First arc: Second arc: Take: Tool point of intersetion arcs DialogPointOfIntersectionCircles <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html> Select second circle center Edit first circle radius Edit second circle radius Error 错误 Radius can't be negative Radius of the first circle: Formula wizard Value Calculation 打算 Radius of the second circle: Point label: Unique label Choose unique label. Center of the first circle: Center of the second circle: Take: Tool point of intersection circles DialogPointOfIntersectionCurves Tool point of intersection curves First curve: Second curve: Point label: Unique label Choose unique label. Vertical correction: Horizontal correction: Select second curve DialogPreferences Preferences Configuration 配置 Pattern 样板 Paths 路径 DialogRotation Rotation Angle: Formula wizard Value <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html> Origin Point: Suffix: Edit angle Select origin point Select origin point that is not part of the list of objects Calculation 打算 DialogSaveLAyout Save Layout File name: Path: File format: Destination folder Select path to destination folder File base name Path to destination folder Binary form Text as paths Browse… DialogSaveLayout Name conflict Folder already contain file with name %1. Rewrite all conflict file names? Example: Select folder PS files (*.ps) PS文件(*.ps) EPS files (*.eps) EPS文件(*.eps) DXF files (*.dxf) DXF文件(*.dxf) Tried to use out of range format number. Selected not present format. The destination directory doesn't exists or is not readable. The base filename does not match a regular expression. files (flat) files Image files DialogSeamAllowance Ready! Value Grainline Select main path objects clockwise, <b>Shift</b> - reverse direction curve, <b>Enter</b> - finish creation Reverse Delete 删除 Options Error. Can't save piece path. Infinite/undefined result Length should be positive Parser error: %1 Current seam allowance Edit seam allowance width Edit seam allowance width before Edit seam allowance width after You need more points! You have to choose points in a clockwise direction! First point cannot be equal to the last point! You have double points! Empty main path custom seam allowance Both Just front Just rear Pins no pin Labels Error 错误 Edit length 修长度 Edit angle Edit height Edit width Paths 路径 Excluded Passmark Each point in the path must be unique! Passmarks To open all detail's features complete creating the main path. Workpiece tool DialogShoulderPoint Length 长度 <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html> First point 第一点 Second point 第二点 Type of line 线类型 Select first point of line Select second point of line Special point on shoulder Line color 线颜色 Edit length 修长度 Length: 长度: Formula wizard Value Calculation 打算 Point label: Unique label Choose unique label. First point: 第一点: Second point: 第二点: Third point: Type of line: 线类型: Line color: 线颜色: DialogSinglePoint Single point Coordinates on the sheet Coordinates Y coordinate X coordinate Point label Unique label Choose unique label. DialogSpline First point 第一点 Second point 第二点 Select last point of curve Simple curve Color 颜色 Color: 颜色: First point: 第一点: Control point Angle: Second point: 第二点: Name: Invalid spline Length: 长度: Formula wizard Value <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html> Edit first control point angle Edit second control point angle Edit first control point length Edit second control point length Error 错误 Length can't be negative Calculation 打算 Pen style: DialogSplinePath Curved path List of points Select point of curve path Color 颜色 Color: 颜色: Point: First control point Angle: Second control point Name: Invalid spline path Length: 长度: Formula wizard Value <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html> Edit first control point angle Edit second control point angle Edit first control point length Edit second control point length Error 错误 Length can't be negative Not used Calculation 打算 Pen style: DialogTapePreferences Preferences Configuration 配置 Paths 路径 DialogTool Error 错误 Empty field Value can't be 0 Value Parser error: %1 First point 第一点 Second point 第二点 Highest point Lowest point Leftmost point Rightmost point by length by points intersetions by first edge symmetry by second edge symmetry by first edge right angle by second edge right angle Invalid result. Value is infinite or NaN. Please, check your calculations. Value can't be less than 0 DialogTriangle First point 第一点 Second point 第二点 Select second point of axis Select first point Select second point Triangle tool Point label: Unique label Choose unique label. First point of axis: Second point of axis: First point: 第一点: Second point: 第二点: DialogTrueDarts True darts Select the second base point Select the first dart point Select the second dart point Select the third dart point First base point: Second base point: First dart point: Second dart point: Third dart point: First new dart point: Unique label Choose unique label. Second new dart point: DialogUndo Broken formula &Undo &Fix formula &Cancel &取消 Error while calculation formula. You can try to undo last operation or fix broken formula. DialogUnionDetails Union tool Select a first point Workpiece should have at least two points and three objects Select a second point Select a unique point Select a detail Select a point on edge <html><head/><body><p>Do you really want to unite details?</p></body></html> Retain original pieces FvUpdateWindow Software Update A new version of %1 is available! %1 %2 is now available - you have %3. Would you like to download it now? Skip This Version Remind Me Later Get Update FvUpdater Cannot open your default browser. Feed download failed: %1. Feed parsing failed: %1 %2. No updates were found. Feed error: invalid "enclosure" with the download link Error 错误 Information 信息 InternalStrings The program is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. MApplication Error parsing file. Program will be terminated. Error bad id. Program will be terminated. Error can't convert value. Program will be terminated. Error empty parameter. Program will be terminated. Error wrong id. Program will be terminated. Something's wrong!! Parser error: %1. Program will be terminated. Exception thrown: %1. Program will be terminated. Valentina's measurements editor. The measurement file. The base height The base size Set pattern file unit: cm, mm, inch. The pattern unit Invalid base size argument. Must be cm, mm or inch. Can't begin to listen for incoming connections on name '%1' Test mode doesn't support openning several files. Please, provide one input file. Open with the base size. Valid values: %1cm. Invalid base height argument. Must be %1cm. Invalid base size argument. Must be %1cm. Open with the base height. Valid values: %1cm. Use for unit testing. Run the program and open a file without showing the main window. Disable high dpi scaling. Call this option if has problem with scaling (by default scaling enabled). Alternatively you can use the %1 environment variable. MainWindow Valentina Tools for creating points. Point Point along perpendicular Perpendicular point along line Point along bisector Point at distance and angle Point at distance along line Tools for creating lines. Line 线 Line between points Point at line intersection Tools for creating curves. Curve Tools for creating arcs. Arc Tools for creating details. Detail &File &Help &Pattern piece Measurements 尺寸 Window Toolbar files ToolBar modes Toolbar pattern Toolbar options Toolbar tools Tool options New &New Create a new pattern Open &Open Open file with pattern Save 保存 &Save Save pattern Save not yet saved pattern Draw Details Pointer tools New pattern piece Add new pattern piece Change the label of pattern piece History About &Qt &About Valentina E&xit Exit the application Preferences Pattern properties Zoom in zoom in Zoom out Zoom fit best Report bug Show online help Pattern piece %1 Select point Select first point Select first point of line Select first point of angle Select first point of first line Select first point curve Select simple curve Select point of center of arc Select point of curve path Select curve path Select base point Select first point of axis Select detail Select arc Select curve About Qt Pattern files (*.val) pattern Save as Could not save file Open file 打开文件 Error parsing file. Error can't convert value. Error empty parameter. Error wrong id. 错误:编码错误. Error parsing file (std::bad_alloc). Bad id. File saved untitled.val The pattern has been modified. Do you want to save your changes? &Undo &Redo Pattern piece: Enter a new label for the pattern piece. This file already opened in another window. 这个文件已经在别的窗李打开的. Wrong units. File error. File loaded Valentina didn't shut down correctly. Do you want reopen files (%1) you had open? Reopen files. Special point on shoulder Triangle tool Point at intersection of arc and line Point from X and Y of two other points Point intersect line and axis Simple curve Curved path Segmenting a simple curve Segment a curved path Point intersect curve and axis Segment an arc Point intersect arc and axis Union tool Last Tool Activate last used tool again Select point for X value (vertical) Mode Pointer Config pattern piece Layout Show Curve Details Show/hide control points and curve direction Point of intersection arcs Point of intersection circles Point from circle and tangent Point from arc and tangent Arc with given length Settings Layout pages Print Print tiled PDF Split and print a layout into smaller pages (for regular printers) Print preview Print preview original layout Export original layout Select first an arc Select point of the center of the arc Select the first base line point Detail mode Layout mode Unsaved changes Measurements loaded You can't export empty scene. Create new Layout Failed to lock. This file already opened in another window. Failed to lock. This file already opened in another window. Expect collissions when run 2 copies of the program. Measurement file contains invalid known measurement(s). Measurement file has unknown format. Measurement file doesn't include all required measurements. Measurement files types have not match. Couldn't sync measurements. Couldn't update measurements. The measurements file '%1' could not be found. Loading measurements file Not supported size value '%1' for this pattern file. Couldn't set size. File wasn't opened. The method %1 does nothing in GUI mode Not supported height value '%1' for this pattern file. Couldn't set height. File wasn't opened. Export error. Please, provide one input file. Print an original layout Preview tiled PDF Print preview tiled layout <html><head/><body><p>Mode for working with pattern pieces. These pattern pieces are base for going to the next stage &quot;Details mode&quot;. Before you will be able to enable the &quot;Details mode&quot; need create at least one detail.</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>Mode for working with details. Before you will be able to enable the &quot;Details mode&quot; need create at least one detail on the stage &quot;Draw mode&quot;. Details created on this stage will be used for creating a layout. </p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>Mode for creating a layout of details. This mode avaliable if was created at least one detail on the stage &quot;Details mode&quot;. The layout can be exported to your prefered file format and saved to your harddirve.</p></body></html> Measurements unloaded Couldn't unload measurements. Some of them are used in the pattern. True darts New pattern Open pattern Create/Edit measurements Save... 保存... Don't Save 不保存 Locking file This file already opened in another window. Ignore if you want to continue (not recommended, can cause a data corruption). The lock file could not be created, for lack of permissions. Ignore if you want to continue (not recommended, can cause a data corruption). Unknown error happened, for instance a full partition prevented writing out the lock file. Ignore if you want to continue (not recommended, can cause a data corruption). The lock file could not be created, for lack of permissions. Unknown error happened, for instance a full partition prevented writing out the lock file. Point intersection curves Select first curve Curve tool which uses point as control handle Select first curve point Select point of cubic bezier path Operations Create new group Rotate objects Close pattern Tool pointer Midpoint between two points Group Contains all visibility groups Show which details will go in layout Original zoom Select first circle center Select point on tangent Pattern Piece: Height: Size: The measurements file <br/><br/> <b>%1</b> <br/><br/> could not be found. Do you want to update the file location? Flipping objects by line Flipping objects by axis Move objects Measurements were changed. Do you want to sync measurements now? Gradation doesn't support inches Measurements have been synced Tools for creating elliptical arcs. Elliptical Arc Select point of center of elliptical arc Select main path objects clockwise. Select path objects, <b>Shift</b> - reverse direction curve The document has no write permissions. Cannot set permissions for %1 to writable. Could not save the file. Could not save the file read only Variables Table Contains information about increments and internal variables Load Individual Load Individual measurements file Load Multisize Load multisize measurements file Open Tape Edit Current Edit linked to the pattern measurements Sync Synchronize linked to the pattern measurements after change Unload Current Unload measurements if they were not used in a pattern file Individual measurements Multisize measurements Pattern files Pin tool Select pin point Insert node tool Select an item to insert Wiki Forum Select one or more objects, hold <b>%1</b> - for multiple selection, <b>Enter</b> - finish creation Select one or more objects, hold <b>%1</b> - for multiple selection, <b>Enter</b> - confirm selection Open Tape app for creating or editing measurements file Export increments to CSV Name The calculated value Formula You can't use Detail mode yet. Please, create at least one workpiece. You can't use Layout mode yet. Please, create at least one workpiece. You can't use Layout mode yet. Please, include at least one detail in layout. You can't use Layout mode yet. Zoom fit best current zoom fit best current pattern piece Export details skiping the Layout stage Application doesn't support multisize table with inches. You don't have enough details to export. Please, include at least one detail in layout. Export details Can't export details. Couldn't set size. Need a file with multisize measurements. Couldn't set height. Need a file with multisize measurements. Please, additionally provide: %1 Label template editor Workpiece tool Internal path tool Save &As… Report Bug… Export As… Save… Final measurements Export Final Measurements to CSV You can't export empty scene. Please, include at least one detail in layout. Export final measurements error. Destination path is empty. MainWindowsNoGUI Creating file '%1' failed! %2 Critical error! Print error Cannot proceed because there are no available printers in your system. unnamed The layout is stale. The layout was not updated since last pattern modification. Do you want to continue? Couldn't prepare data for creation layout Several workpieces left not arranged, but none of them match for paper Can't open printer %1 For previewing multipage document all sheet should have the same size. For printing multipages document all sheet should have the same size. Pages will be cropped because they do not fit printer paper size. Cannot set printer margins Can't create a path Pattern 样板 Name Value Export final measurements error. Value in line %1 is infinite or NaN. Please, check your calculations. Parser error at line %1: %2. File error %1. MoveDoubleLabel move the first dart label move the second dart label MoveLabel move point label MoveSPoint move single point MoveSpline move spline MoveSplinePath move spline path OperationMoveLabel move point label OperationShowLabel toggle label PathPage Standard measurements 标准尺寸 Templates 草稿 PatternPage User name: 用户名: PreferencesConfigurationPage Save 保存 Auto-save modified pattern Interval: min 最小值 Language 语言 GUI language: GUI语言: Decimal separator parts: Default unit: 默认单位: Label language: Pattern making system Pattern making system: Author: 作者: Book: Pattern editing Reset warnings Toolbar 工具栏 The text appears under the icon (recommended for beginners). With OS options The Default unit has been updated and will be used as the default for the next pattern you create. Centimeters 公分 Millimiters 毫米 Inches 英寸 PreferencesPathPage Paths that Valentina uses Type Path Default Edit Open Directory My Individual Measurements My Multisize Measurements My Patterns My Layouts My Templates My label templates PreferencesPatternPage Graphical output Use antialiasing Undo Count steps (0 - no limit): Workpiece Forbid flipping Show a passmark both in the seam allowance and on the seam line. Show second passmark on seam line By default forbid flipping for all new created workpieces By default hide the main path if the seam allowance was enabled Hide main path Label font: Seam allowance Default value: Label data/time format Date: Edit formats Time: Materials Known materials: Manage list of known materials Manage When manage pattern materials save them to known materials list Remeber pattern materials QCoreApplication Based on Qt %1 (%2, %3 bit) QObject Create new pattern piece to start working. mm cm inch Property The text that appears in the first column header Value The text that appears in the second column header px add node move detail Changes applied. Wrong tag name '%1'. Can't convert toUInt parameter Can't convert toBool parameter Got empty parameter Can't convert toDouble parameter Got wrong parameter id. Need only id > 0. United detail Fabric Lining Interfacing Interlining Cut on fold QmuParser too few arguments for function sum. parser error message too few arguments for function min. parser error message QmuParserErrorMsg Unexpected token "$TOK$" found at position $POS$. Math parser error messages. Left untouched "$TOK$" and $POS$ Internal error Math parser error messages. Invalid function-, variable- or constant name: "$TOK$". Math parser error messages. Left untouched "$TOK$" Invalid binary operator identifier: "$TOK$". Math parser error messages. Left untouched "$TOK$" Invalid infix operator identifier: "$TOK$". Math parser error messages. Left untouched "$TOK$" Invalid postfix operator identifier: "$TOK$". Math parser error messages. Left untouched "$TOK$" Invalid pointer to callback function. Math parser error messages. Expression is empty. Math parser error messages. Invalid pointer to variable. Math parser error messages. Unexpected operator "$TOK$" found at position $POS$ Math parser error messages. Left untouched "$TOK$" and $POS$ Unexpected end of expression at position $POS$ Math parser error messages. Left untouched $POS$ Unexpected argument separator at position $POS$ Math parser error messages. Left untouched $POS$ Unexpected parenthesis "$TOK$" at position $POS$ Math parser error messages. Left untouched "$TOK$" and $POS$ Unexpected function "$TOK$" at position $POS$ Math parser error messages. Left untouched "$TOK$" and $POS$ Unexpected value "$TOK$" found at position $POS$ Math parser error messages. Left untouched "$TOK$" and $POS$ Unexpected variable "$TOK$" found at position $POS$ Math parser error messages. Left untouched "$TOK$" and $POS$ Function arguments used without a function (position: $POS$) Math parser error messages. Left untouched $POS$ Missing parenthesis Math parser error messages. Too many parameters for function "$TOK$" at expression position $POS$ Math parser error messages. Left untouched "$TOK$" and $POS$ Too few parameters for function "$TOK$" at expression position $POS$ Math parser error messages. Left untouched "$TOK$" and $POS$ Divide by zero Math parser error messages. Domain error Math parser error messages. Name conflict Math parser error messages. Invalid value for operator priority (must be greater or equal to zero). Math parser error messages. user defined binary operator "$TOK$" conflicts with a built in operator. Math parser error messages. Left untouched "$TOK$" Unexpected string token found at position $POS$. Math parser error messages. Left untouched $POS$ Unterminated string starting at position $POS$. Math parser error messages. Left untouched $POS$ String function called with a non string type of argument. Math parser error messages. String value used where a numerical argument is expected. Math parser error messages. No suitable overload for operator "$TOK$" at position $POS$. Math parser error messages. Left untouched "$TOK$" and $POS$ Function result is a string. Math parser error messages. Parser error. Math parser error messages. Decimal separator is identic to function argument separator. Math parser error messages. The "$TOK$" operator must be preceeded by a closing bracket. Math parser error messages. Left untouched "$TOK$" If-then-else operator is missing an else clause Math parser error messages. Do not translate operator name. Misplaced colon at position $POS$ Math parser error messages. Left untouched $POS$ RenamePP rename pattern piece SavePieceOptions save detail option SavePiecePathOptions save path options SaveToolOptions save tool option ShowDoubleLabel toggle the first dart label togggle the second dart label ShowLabel toggle label TMainWindow <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:18pt;">Select New for creation measurement file.</span></p></body></html> Name Calculated value Formula Base value In sizes In heights Details Name: Formula: <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html> Base value: In sizes: In heights: Description: Move measurement up Move measurement down Calculated value: Full name: Information 信息 Type: 类型: Measurement type Path: Show in Explorer Base size: Base size value Base height: Base height value Birth date: yyyy-MM-dd 年年年年-月月-日日 Email: 邮箱: Notes: 备注: File Window Help 帮助 Measurements 尺寸 Menu Gradation 退吗 Save 保存 Quit About &Qt About Tape New Add known Add custom Read only Open template Database 资料库 Show information about all known measurement Preferences untitled %1 This file already opened in another window. 这个文件已经在别的窗李打开的. File error. Could not save file measurements Save as &New Window Edit measurement Error 错误 Empty field. Parser error: %1 Standard measurements 标准尺寸 Individual measurements Unsaved changes Measurements have been modified. Do you want to save your changes? Empty field Value Open file 打开文件 Import from a pattern Pattern files (*.val) Pattern unit: Find: Find Previous Ctrl+Shift+G Find Next Ctrl+G Failed to lock. This file already opened in another window. Failed to lock. This file already opened in another window. Expect collissions when run 2 copies of the program. File contains invalid known measurement(s). File has unknown format. Full name File '%1' doesn't exist! The name of known measurement forbidden to change. Can't find measurement '%1'. The full name of known measurement forbidden to change. Function Wizard Move measurement top Move measurement bottom Delete measurement unknown gender male gender female gender Gender: PM system: Create from existing file Select file Measurement diagram <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:340pt;">?</span></p><p align=\"center\">Unknown measurement</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:340pt;">?</span></p><p align="center">Unknown measurement</p></body></html> About Qt File was not saved yet. Search Measurement's name in a formula Measurement's name in a formula. Measurement's human-readable name. Save... 保存... Don't Save 不保存 Locking file This file already opened in another window. Ignore if you want to continue (not recommended, can cause a data corruption). The lock file could not be created, for lack of permissions. Ignore if you want to continue (not recommended, can cause a data corruption). Unknown error happened, for instance a full partition prevented writing out the lock file. Ignore if you want to continue (not recommended, can cause a data corruption). The lock file could not be created, for lack of permissions. Unknown error happened, for instance a full partition prevented writing out the lock file. Export to CSV Show in Finder Customer's name Customer's email address Height: Size: All files The measurements document has no write permissions. Cannot set permissions for %1 to writable. Could not save the file. Could not save the file read only Multisize measurements Invalid result. Value is infinite or NaN. Please, check your calculations. Empty Export from multisize measurements is not supported. Customer name: Open individual … Save As … Open multisize … Create from existing … Save… TabGrainline Grainline visible Rotation: Formula wizard Value Calculation 打算 <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html> Length: 长度: Center pin: Top pin: Bottom pin: Arrows: TabLabels Piece label data Letter: Letter of pattern piece Name of detail: Detail Name can't be empty Placement: Labels Detail label visible Width: 宽度: Formula wizard Value Calculation 打算 <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html> Height: Center pin: Top left pin: Bottom right pin: Angle: Pattern label visible Label template: Edit pattern label Edit template Label data Quantity: on fold Annotation: A text field to add comments in Orientation: Rotation: Tilt: Fold position: TabPassmarks Passmark: One line Two lines Three lines T mark V mark Angle Straightforward Bisector Marks Select if need designate the corner point as a passmark Intersection Show the second passmark on seam line This option has effect only if the second passmark on seam line enabled in global preferences. The option helps disable the second passmark for this passmark only. Select if need designate the corner point as a passmark. Show only left passmark. Intersection (only left) Select if need designate the corner point as a passmark. Show only right passmark. Intersection (only right) TabPaths Main path All objects in path should follow in clockwise direction. Forbid piece be mirrored in a layout. Forbid flipping Ready! Seam allowance Automatic Width: 宽度: Formula wizard Value Calculation 打算 <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html> Nodes Node: Before: Return to default width Default After: Angle: Custom Start point: End point: Include as: Internal paths The seam allowance is part of main path Built in Hide the main path if the seam allowance is enabled Hide main path TapeConfigDialog Apply 应用 &Cancel &取消 &Ok &确定 Config Dialog 配置窗口 Configuration 配置 Paths 路径 TapeConfigurationPage Language 语言 GUI language GUI 语言 Author: 作者: GUI language: GUI语言: TapePathPage Standard measurements 标准尺寸 Templates 草稿 TapePreferencesConfigurationPage Language 语言 GUI language: GUI语言: Decimal separator parts: Pattern making system Pattern making system: Author: 作者: Book: Measurements editing Reset warnings Toolbar 工具栏 The text appears under the icon (recommended for beginners). Default height and size Default height: Default size: With OS options TapePreferencesPathPage Paths that Valentina uses Type Path Default Edit Open Directory My Individual Measurements My Multisize Measurements My Templates TogglePieceInLayout detail in layout list Utils::CheckableMessageBox Do not ask again Do not &ask again Do not &show again VAbstractConverter Couldn't get version information. Too many tags <%1> in file. Version "%1" invalid. Version "0.0.0" invalid. Invalid version. Minimum supported version is %1 Invalid version. Maximum supported version is %1 Error no unique id. Could not change version. Error creating a reserv copy: %1. Unexpected version "%1". Error openning a temp file: %1. VAbstractCubicBezierPath Can't cut this spline VAbstractOperation Label Length 长度 VAbstractPattern Can't find tool in table. Error creating or updating group New group measurement VAbstractPieceData Detail VAbstractSpline Length 长度 Label VAbstractTool black 黑色 green 绿色 blue 蓝色 dark red 深红 dark green 深绿 dark blue 深蓝 yellow 黄色 Confirm deletion Do you really want to delete? light salmon orange deep pink violet dark violet medium sea green lime deep sky blue corn flower blue Edit wrong formula goldenrod VApplication Error parsing file. Program will be terminated. Error bad id. Program will be terminated. Error can't convert value. Program will be terminated. Error empty parameter. Program will be terminated. Error wrong id. Program will be terminated. Something's wrong!! Parser error: %1. Program will be terminated. Exception thrown: %1. Program will be terminated. VComboBoxDelegate Select material VCommandLine Path to custom measure file (export mode). The measure file Format number Template number The page width The measure unit Angle Auto crop unused length (export mode). Layout units (as paper's one except px, export mode). The unit The gap width Grouping type Cannot use pageformat and page explicit size/units together. Page height, width, units must be used all 3 at once. Invalid rotation value. That must be one of predefined values. Unknown page templated selected. Unsupported paper units. Unsupported layout units. Export options can be used with single input file only. Test option can be used with single input file only. The base filename of exported layout files. Use it to enable console export mode. The base filename of layout files The destination folder The size value The height value Page width in current units like 12.0 (cannot be used with "%1", export mode). Page height in current units like 12.0 (cannot be used with "%1", export mode). Invalid gradation size value. Invalid gradation height value. Pattern making program. Pattern file. Gap width must be used together with shift units. Left margin must be used together with page units. Right margin must be used together with page units. Top margin must be used together with page units. Bottom margin must be used together with page units. The path to output destination folder. By default the directory at which the application was started. Page height/width measure units (cannot be used with "%1", export mode). Valid values: %2. Ignore margins printing (export mode). Disable value keys: "%1", "%2", "%3", "%4". Set all margins to 0. Page left margin in current units like 3.0 (export mode). If not set will be used value from default printer. Or 0 if none printers was found. Value will be ignored if key "%1" is used. Page right margin in current units like 3.0 (export mode). If not set will be used value from default printer. Or 0 if none printers was found. Value will be ignored if key "%1" is used. Page top margin in current units like 3.0 (export mode). If not set will be used value from default printer. Or 0 if none printers was found. Value will be ignored if key "%1" is used. Page bottom margin in current units like 3.0 (export mode). If not set will be used value from default printer. Or 0 if none printers was found. Value will be ignored if key "%1" is used. Rotation in degrees (one of predefined, export mode). Default value is 180. 0 is no-rotate. Valid values: %1. Each value show how many times details will be rotated. For example 180 mean two times (360/180=2) by 180 degree. Unite pages if possible (export mode). Maximum value limited by QImage that supports only a maximum of 32768x32768 px images. Save length of the sheet if set (export mode). The option tells the program to use as much as possible width of sheet. Quality of a layout can be worse when this option was used. The layout gap width x2, measured in layout units (export mode). Set distance between details and a detail and a sheet. Sets layout groupping cases (export mode): %1. Run the program in a test mode. The program in this mode loads a single pattern file and silently quit without showing the main window. The key have priority before key '%1'. Shift/Offset layout length measured in layout units (export mode). The option show how many points along edge will be used in creating a layout. Shift/Offset length Shift/Offset length must be used together with shift units. Number corresponding to output format (default = 0, export mode): Number corresponding to page template (default = 0, export mode): Disable high dpi scaling. Call this option if has problem with scaling (by default scaling enabled). Alternatively you can use the %1 environment variable. Export dxf in binary form. Export text as paths. Export only details. Export details as they positioned in the details mode. Any layout related options will be ignored. Set size value a pattern file, that was opened with multisize measurements (export mode). Valid values: %1cm. Set height value a pattern file, that was opened with multisize measurements (export mode). Valid values: %1cm. Export only details that match a piece name regex. The name regex Export to csv with header. By default disabled. Specify codec that will be used to save data. List of supported codecs provided by Qt. Default value depend from system. On Windows, the codec will be based on a system locale. On Unix systems, the codec will might fall back to using the iconv library if no builtin codec for the locale can be found. Valid values for this installation: Codec name Specify csv separator character. Default value is '%1'. Valid characters: Separator character Calling this command enable exporting final measurements. Specify path to csv file with final measurements. The path must contain path to directory and name of file. It can be absolute or relatetive. In case of relative path will be used current working directory to calc a destination path. Path to csv file VCommonSettings measurements individual multisize templates label templates VContainer Can't find object Can't cast object Can't find object. Type mismatch. Number of free id exhausted. Can't create a curve with type '%1' VCubicBezierPath Not enough points to create the spline. This spline does not exist. VDomDocument Can't open file %1: %2. Can't open schema file %1: %2. Validation error file %3 in line %1 column %2 Parsing error file %3 in line %1 column %2 Couldn't get node Could not load schema file '%1'. Fail to write Canonical XML. <empty> VDrawTool Options Delete 删除 Show label VException Exception: %1 VFormula Error 错误 VFormulaProperty Formula VLayoutPiece Piece %1 doesn't have shape. VMeasurements Can't find measurement '%1' The measurement name is empty! VPE::VBoolProperty True False VPE::VFileEditWidget Directory 文件夹 Open File 打开文件 VPattern Error parsing file. Error can't convert value. Error empty parameter. Error wrong id. 错误:编码错误. Error parsing file (std::bad_alloc). Error creating or updating detail Error creating or updating single point Error creating or updating point of end line Error creating or updating point along line Error creating or updating point of shoulder Error creating or updating point of normal Error creating or updating point of bisector Error creating or updating point of contact Error creating or updating modeling point Error creating or updating height Error creating or updating triangle Error creating or updating point of intersection Error creating or updating cut spline point Error creating or updating cut spline path point Error creating or updating cut arc point Error creating or updating point of intersection line and axis Error creating or updating point of intersection curve and axis Error creating or updating line Error creating or updating simple curve Error creating or updating curve path Error creating or updating modeling simple curve Error creating or updating modeling curve path Error creating or updating simple arc Error creating or updating modeling arc Error creating or updating union details Error creating or updating point of intersection arcs Error creating or updating point of intersection circles Error creating or updating point from circle and tangent Error creating or updating point from arc and tangent Error creating or updating true darts Wrong tag name '%1'. Unknown point type '%1'. Unknown spline type '%1'. Unknown arc type '%1'. Unknown tools type '%1'. Error not unique id. Error creating or updating point of intersection curves Error creating or updating simple interactive spline Error creating or updating interactive spline path Error creating or updating cubic bezier curve Error creating or updating cubic bezier path curve Error creating or updating operation of rotation Unknown operation type '%1'. Error creating or updating operation of flipping by line Error creating or updating operation of flipping by axis Error creating or updating operation of moving Error creating or updating point of line intersection Error creating or updating simple elliptical arc Unknown elliptical arc type '%1'. Error creating or updating modeling elliptical arc Detail Unnamed path Error creating or updating a piece path Error creating or updating pin point VPoster Grid ( %1 , %2 ) Page %1 of %2 Sheet %1 of %2 VSettings patterns layouts VSplinePath Not enough points to create the spline. This spline does not exist. VToolAlongLine Length 长度 Angle Label VToolArc Length 长度 Radius Start angle End angle Label VToolArcWithLength Length 长度 Radius Start angle End angle Label VToolBasePoint Label VToolCutArc Arc length start angle end angle radius label VToolCutSpline Curve length label VToolCutSplinePath Curve length label VToolDetail Delete 删除 VToolDoublePoint Label VToolEllipticalArc Length 长度 Radius Start angle End angle Label VToolFlippingByAxis Origin point VToolFlippingByLine First line point Second line point VToolHeight Length 长度 Angle Label VToolLine Length 长度 Angle VToolLineIntersect Label VToolLineIntersectAxis Length 长度 Angle Label VToolLinePoint Length 长度 Angle Label VToolMove Rotation angle Length 长度 VToolOptionsPropertyBrowser Base point Point at distance and angle Length 长度 Point at distance along line Arc Point along bisector Cut arc tool Tool for segmenting a curve Tool segment a pathed curve Perpendicular point along line Line between points Point at line intersection Point along perpendicular Point at intersection of arc and line Tool to make point from x & y of two other points Special point on shoulder Curve tool Tool for path curve Tool triangle Point intersection line and axis Line color 线颜色 Color 颜色 Point intersection curve and axis First point 第一点 Second point 第二点 Arc with given length True darts Tool to make point from intersection two arcs Tool to make point from intersection two circles Tool to make point from circle and tangent Tool to make point from arc and tangent Highest point Lowest point Leftmost point Rightmost point Tool to make point from intersection two curves Cubic bezier curve Tool cubic bezier curve Tool rotation Vertical axis Horizontal axis Tool move Tool flipping by line Tool flipping by axis Elliptical arc Point label: Position: Base point: Line type: Line color: 线颜色: Length: 长度: Angle: First point: 第一点: Second point: 第二点: Center point: 中点: Radius: 半径: First angle: Second angle: Color: 颜色: Third point: Point 1 label: Point 2 label: First base point: Second base point: First dart point: Arc: Curve: First line point: Second line point: First line (first point): First line (second point): Second line (first point): Second line (second point): Additional angle degrees: Center of arc: Top of the line: End of the line: X: vertical point: Y: horizontal point: First arc: Second arc: Take: Center of the first circle: Center of the second circle: First circle radius: Second circle radius: First curve: Second curve: Vertical correction: Horizontal correction: Center of the circle: Tangent point: Circle radius: Name: C1: angle: C1: length: C2: angle: C2: length: First point of axis: Second point of axis: Axis point: Suffix: Origin point: Axis type: Rotation angle: Fourth point: Pen style: VToolPointOfContact Length 长度 Angle Label VToolRotation Origin point Rotation angle VToolSeamAllowance Current seam allowance move pattern piece label resize pattern piece label rotate pattern piece label move pattern info label resize pattern info label rotate pattern info label move grainline resize grainline rotate grainline Options In layout Delete 删除 VToolShoulderPoint Length 长度 Angle Label VToolUnionDetails union details VTranslateVars Bunka System name Bunka Fashion College Author name Fundamentals of Garment Design Book name Barnfield and Richard System name Jo Barnfield and Andrew Richards Author name Pattern Making Primer Book name Friendship/Women System name Elizabeth Friendship Author name Creating Historical Clothes - Pattern Cutting from the 16th to the 19th Centuries Book name Morris, K. System name Karen Morris Author name Sewing Lingerie that Fits Book name Castro System name Lucia Mors de Castro Author name Patternmaking in Practic Book name Kim & Uh System name Injoo Kim and Mykyung Uh Author name Apparel Making in Fashion Design Book name Waugh System name Norah Waugh Author name Corsets and Crinolines Book name Grimble System name Frances Grimble Author name Fashions of the Gilded Age Book name Thornton's International System System name ed. R. L. Shep Author name The Great War: Styles and Patterns of the 1910s Book name Hillhouse & Mansfield System name Marion S. Hillhouse and Evelyn A. Mansfield Author name Dress Design: Draping and Flat Pattern Making Book name Pivnick System name Esther Kaplan Pivnick Author name How to Design Beautiful Clothes: Designing and Pattern Making Book name Minister & Son System name Edward Minister & Son, ed. R. L. Shep Author name The Complete Guide to Practical Cutting (1853) Book name Strickland System name Gertrude Strickland Author name A Tailoring Manual Book name Loh & Lewis System name May Loh and Diehl Lewis Author name Patternless Fashion Design Book name Morris, F. R. System name F. R. Morris Author name Ladies Garment Cutting and Making Book name Mason System name Gertrude Mason Author name Gertrude Mason's Patternmaking Book Book name Kimata System name K. Kimata Author name K.Kimata's Simplified Drafting Book for Dressmaking Book name Master Designer System name The Master Designer (Chicago, IL) Author name Master Designer's System of Designing, Cutting and Grading Book name Kopp System name Ernestine Kopp, Vittorina Rolfo, Beatrice Zelin, Lee Gross Author name How to Draft Basic Patterns Book name Ekern System name Doris Ekern Author name Slacks Cut-to-Fit for Your Figure Book name Doyle System name Sarah J. Doyle Author name Sarah's Key to Pattern Drafting Book name Shelton System name Karla J. Shelton Author name Design and Sew Jeans Book name Lady Boutique System name Lady Boutique Author name Lady Boutique magazine (Japan) Book name Rohr System name M. Rohr Author name Pattern Drafting and Grading: Women's nd Misses' Garment Design Book name Moore System name Dorothy Moore Author name Dorothy Moore's Pattern Drafting and Dressmaking Book name Abling System name Bina Abling Author name Integrating Draping, Drafting and Drawing Book name Fukomoto System name Sue S. Fukomoto Author name Scientific Pattern Drafting as taught at Style Center School of Costume Design, Dressmaking and Millinery Book name Dressmaking International System name Dressmaking International Author name Dressmaking International magazine (Japan) Book name Erwin System name Mabel D. Erwin Author name Practical Dress Design Book name Gough System name E. L. G. Gough Author name Principles of Garment Cutting Book name Allemong System name Elizabeth M. Allemong Author name European Cut Book name McCunn System name Donald H. McCunn Author name How to Make Your Own Sewing Patterns Book name Zarapkar System name Shri K. R. Zarapkar and Shri Arvind K. Zarapkar Author name Zarapkar System of Cutting Book name Kunick System name Philip Kunick Author name Sizing, Pattern Construction and Grading for Women's and Children's Garments Book name Handford System name Jack Handford Author name Professional Patternmaking for Designers: Women's Wear, Men's Casual Wear Book name Davis System name R. I. Davis Author name Men's 17th & 18th Century Costume, Cut & Fashion Book name MacLochlainn System name Jason MacLochlainn Author name The Victorian Tailor: An Introduction to Period Tailoring Book name Joseph-Armstrong System name Helen Joseph-Armstrong Author name Patternmaking for Fashion Design Book name Supreme System System name Frederick T. Croonberg Author name The Blue Book of Men's Tailoring, Grand Edition of Supreme System for Producing Mens Garments (1907) Book name Sugino System name Dressmaking Author name Pattern Drafting Vols. I, II, III (Japan) Book name Centre Point System System name Louis Devere Author name The Handbook of Practical Cutting on the Centre Point System Book name Aldrich/Men System name Winifred Aldrich Author name Metric Pattern Cutting for Menswear Book name Aldrich/Women System name Metric Pattern Cutting for Women's Wear Book name Kershaw System name Gareth Kershaw Author name Patternmaking for Menswear Book name Gilewska System name Teresa Gilewska Author name Pattern-Drafting for Fashion: The Basics Book name Lo System name Dennic Chunman Lo Author name Pattern Cutting Book name Bray System name Natalie Bray Author name Dress Pattern Designing: The Basic Principles of Cut and Fit Book name Knowles/Men System name Lori A. Knowles Author name The Practical Guide to Patternmaking for Fashion Designers: Menswear Book name Friendship/Men System name Pattern Cutting for Men's Costume Book name Brown System name P. Clement Brown Author name Art in Dress Book name Mitchell System name Jno. J. Mitchell Author name "Standard" Work on Cutting (Men's Garments) 1886: The Art and Science of Garment Cutting Book name GOST 17917-86 System name Ministry of consumer industry of the USSR Author name Standard figure boys Book name Eddy System name Josephine F. Eddy and Elizabeth C. B. Wiley Author name Pattern and Dress Design Book name Knowles/Women System name Practical Guide to Patternmaking for Fashion Designers: Juniors, Misses, and Women Book name American Garment Cutter System name None System name Valentina team Author name Valentina团队 Valentina's internal standard Book name sinh hyperbolic sine function cosh hyperbolic cosine tanh hyperbolic tangens function asinh hyperbolic arcus sine function atanh hyperbolic arcur tangens function log2 logarithm to the base 2 log10 logarithm to the base 10 log logarithm to the base 10 ln logarithm to base e (2.71828...) exp e raised to the power of x sqrt square root of a value sign sign function -1 if x<0; 1 if x>0 rint round to nearest integer abs absolute value min min of all arguments 最小值 max max of all arguments 最大值 sum sum of all arguments 总共 avg mean value of all arguments fmod Returns the floating-point remainder of numer/denom (rounded towards zero) cm centimeter mm millimeter in inch Line_ Left symbol _ in the name AngleLine_ Left symbol _ in the name Arc_ Left symbol _ in the name Spl_ Left symbol _ in the name SplPath Do not add symbol _ to the end of the name RadiusArc_ Left symbol _ in the name Angle1Arc_ Left symbol _ in the name Angle2Arc_ Left symbol _ in the name Angle1Spl_ Left symbol _ in the name Angle2Spl_ Left symbol _ in the name Angle1SplPath Do not add symbol _ to the end of the name Angle2SplPath Do not add symbol _ to the end of the name Seg_ Segment. Left symbol _ in the name CurrentLength Do not add space between words acosh hyperbolic arcus cosine function size placeholder height placeholder C1LengthSpl_ Left symbol _ in the name C2LengthSpl_ Left symbol _ in the name C1LengthSplPath Do not add symbol _ to the end of the name C2LengthSplPath Do not add symbol _ to the end of the name CurrentSeamAllowance Do not add space between words degTorad converts degrees to radian radTodeg converts radian to degrees sin sine function working with radians cos cosine function working with radians tan tangens function working with radians asin arcus sine function working with radians acos arcus cosine function working with radians atan arcus tangens function working with radians sinD sine function working with degrees cosD cosine function working with degrees tanD tangens function working with degrees asinD arcus sine function working with degrees acosD arcus cosine function working with degrees atanD arcus tangens function working with degrees M_ Left symbol _ in the name Increment_ Left symbol _ in the name ElArc_ Left symbol _ in the name Radius1ElArc_ Left symbol _ in the name Radius2ElArc_ Left symbol _ in the name Angle1ElArc_ Left symbol _ in the name Angle2ElArc_ Left symbol _ in the name date placeholder time placeholder patternName placeholder patternNumber placeholder author placeholder customer placeholder pExt placeholder pFileName placeholder mFileName placeholder mExt placeholder pLetter placeholder pAnnotation placeholder pOrientation placeholder pRotation placeholder pTilt placeholder pFoldPosition placeholder pName placeholder pQuantity placeholder mFabric placeholder mLining placeholder mInterfacing placeholder mInterlining placeholder wCut placeholder wOnFold placeholder userMaterial placeholder r2cm round to up to 1 decimal VWidgetDetails Form Unnamed Select all Select none select all details select none details Invert selection invert selection VWidgetGroups Rename Delete 删除 VisToolCubicBezierPath <b>Curved path</b>: select seven or more points <b>Curved path</b>: select seven or more points, <b>Enter</b> - finish creation <b>Curved path</b>: select more points for complete segment VisToolCurveIntersectAxis <b>Intersection curve and axis</b>: angle = %1°; <b>Shift</b> - sticking angle, <b>Enter</b> - finish creation VisToolEndLine <b>Point at distance and angle</b>: angle = %1°, length = %2%3; <b>Shift</b> - sticking angle, <b>Enter</b> - finish creation VisToolLineIntersectAxis <b>Intersection line and axis</b>: angle = %1°; <b>Shift</b> - sticking angle, <b>Enter</b> - finish creation VisToolMove Length = %1%2, angle = %3°, <b>Shift</b> - sticking angle, <b>Mouse click</b> - finish creation VisToolRotation Rotating angle = %1°, <b>Shift</b> - sticking angle, <b>Mouse click</b> - finish creation VisToolSpline Use <b>Shift</b> for sticking angle! VisToolSplinePath <b>Curved path</b>: select three or more points <b>Curved path</b>: select three or more points, <b>Enter</b> - finish creation Use <b>Shift</b> for sticking angle! mNoisyHandler DEBUG: BUG: WARNING: 警告: CRITICAL: FATAL: INFO: 信息: Warning. 警告. Information. 信息. Warning Critical error Fatal error Information 信息 vNoisyHandler DEBUG: BUG: WARNING: 警告: CRITICAL: FATAL: INFO: 信息: Warning. 警告. Critical error. Fatal error. Information. 信息.