/************************************************************************ ** ** @file tst_valentinacommandline.cpp ** @author Roman Telezhynskyi ** @date 4 10, 2015 ** ** @brief ** @copyright ** This source code is part of the Valentine project, a pattern making ** program, whose allow create and modeling patterns of clothing. ** Copyright (C) 2015 Valentina project ** All Rights Reserved. ** ** Valentina is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** Valentina is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with Valentina. If not, see . ** *************************************************************************/ #include "tst_valentinacommandline.h" #include "../vmisc/vsysexits.h" #include const QString tmpTestFolder = QStringLiteral("tst_valentina_tmp"); TST_ValentinaCommandLine::TST_ValentinaCommandLine(QObject *parent) :AbstractTest(parent) { } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // cppcheck-suppress unusedFunction void TST_ValentinaCommandLine::init() { QDir tmpDir(tmpTestFolder); if (not tmpDir.removeRecursively()) { QFAIL("Fail to remove temp directory."); } if (not CopyRecursively(QApplication::applicationDirPath() + QLatin1Char('/') + QLatin1Literal("tst_valentina"), QApplication::applicationDirPath() + QLatin1Char('/') + tmpTestFolder)) { QFAIL("Fail to prepare files for testing."); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // cppcheck-suppress unusedFunction void TST_ValentinaCommandLine::OpenPatterns_data() const { QTest::addColumn("file"); QTest::addColumn("result"); QTest::addColumn("exitCode"); // The file doesn't exist! QTest::newRow("Send wrong path to a file") << "wrongPath.val" << false << V_EX_NOINPUT; QTest::newRow("Measurement independent empty file") << "empty.val" << true << V_EX_OK; QTest::newRow("File with invalid object type") << "wrong_obj_type.val" << false << V_EX_NOINPUT; QTest::newRow("Empty text VAL file") << "txt.val" << false << V_EX_NOINPUT; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // cppcheck-suppress unusedFunction void TST_ValentinaCommandLine::OpenPatterns() { QFETCH(QString, file); QFETCH(bool, result); QFETCH(int, exitCode); int exit; const bool res = Run(result, exitCode, exit, ValentinaPath(), QStringList() << "--test" << QApplication::applicationDirPath() + QLatin1Char('/') + tmpTestFolder + QLatin1Char('/') + file); QCOMPARE(res, result); QCOMPARE(exit, exitCode); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // cppcheck-suppress unusedFunction void TST_ValentinaCommandLine::ExportMode_data() const { QTest::addColumn("file"); QTest::addColumn("arguments"); QTest::addColumn("result"); QTest::addColumn("exitCode"); const QString tmp = QApplication::applicationDirPath() + QLatin1Char('/') + tmpTestFolder; QTest::newRow("Issue #372")<< "issue_372.val" << QString("-p;;0;;-d;;%1;;-b;;output").arg(tmp) << true << V_EX_OK; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // cppcheck-suppress unusedFunction void TST_ValentinaCommandLine::ExportMode() { QFETCH(QString, file); QFETCH(QString, arguments); QFETCH(bool, result); QFETCH(int, exitCode); int exit; const QStringList arg = QStringList() << QApplication::applicationDirPath() + QLatin1Char('/') + tmpTestFolder + QLatin1Char('/') + file << arguments.split(";;"); const bool res = Run(result, exitCode, exit, ValentinaPath(), arg); QCOMPARE(res, result); QCOMPARE(exit, exitCode); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // cppcheck-suppress unusedFunction void TST_ValentinaCommandLine::cleanup() { QDir tmpDir(tmpTestFolder); if (not tmpDir.removeRecursively()) { QWARN("Fail to remove temp directory."); } }