Documentation for VDetail class.

branch : develop
This commit is contained in:
dismine 2014-01-21 15:51:41 +02:00
parent b5731ebc04
commit 0bf384f1e3
6 changed files with 148 additions and 81 deletions

View file

@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ QPainterPath VContainer::ContourPath(qint64 idDetail) const
const VPointF *point = GeometricObject<const VPointF*>(;
if (detail.getSupplement() == true)
if (detail.getSeamAllowance() == true)
QPointF pEkv = point->toQPointF();
@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ QPainterPath VContainer::ContourPath(qint64 idDetail) const
if (len1 <= lenReverse)
points << arc->GetPoints();
if (detail.getSupplement() == true)
if (detail.getSeamAllowance() == true)
pointsEkv << biasPoints(arc->GetPoints(),,;
@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ QPainterPath VContainer::ContourPath(qint64 idDetail) const
points << GetReversePoint(arc->GetPoints());
if (detail.getSupplement() == true)
if (detail.getSeamAllowance() == true)
pointsEkv << biasPoints(GetReversePoint(arc->GetPoints()),,;
@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ QPainterPath VContainer::ContourPath(qint64 idDetail) const
if (len1 <= lenReverse)
points << spline->GetPoints();
if (detail.getSupplement() == true)
if (detail.getSeamAllowance() == true)
pointsEkv << biasPoints(spline->GetPoints(),,;
@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ QPainterPath VContainer::ContourPath(qint64 idDetail) const
points << GetReversePoint(spline->GetPoints());
if (detail.getSupplement() == true)
if (detail.getSeamAllowance() == true)
pointsEkv << biasPoints(GetReversePoint(spline->GetPoints()),,;
@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ QPainterPath VContainer::ContourPath(qint64 idDetail) const
if (len1 <= lenReverse)
points << splinePath->GetPathPoints();
if (detail.getSupplement() == true)
if (detail.getSeamAllowance() == true)
pointsEkv << biasPoints(splinePath->GetPathPoints(),,;
@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ QPainterPath VContainer::ContourPath(qint64 idDetail) const
points << GetReversePoint(splinePath->GetPathPoints());
if (detail.getSupplement() == true)
if (detail.getSeamAllowance() == true)
pointsEkv << biasPoints(GetReversePoint(splinePath->GetPathPoints()),,;
@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ QPainterPath VContainer::ContourPath(qint64 idDetail) const
pointsEkv = CorrectEquidistantPoints(pointsEkv);
if (detail.getSupplement() == true)
if (detail.getSeamAllowance() == true)
QPainterPath ekv;
if (detail.getClosed() == true)

View file

@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ void DialogDetail::DialogAccepted()
emit ToolTip("");
emit DialogClosed(QDialog::Accepted);
@ -166,10 +166,10 @@ void DialogDetail::setDetails(const VDetail &value)

View file

@ -29,11 +29,11 @@
#include "vdetail.h"
:_id(0), nodes(QVector<VNodeDetail>()), name(QString()), mx(0), my(0), supplement(true), closed(true),
:_id(0), nodes(QVector<VNodeDetail>()), name(QString()), mx(0), my(0), seamAllowance(true), closed(true),
VDetail::VDetail(const QString &name, const QVector<VNodeDetail> &nodes)
:_id(0), nodes(QVector<VNodeDetail>()), name(name), mx(0), my(0), supplement(true), closed(true),
:_id(0), nodes(QVector<VNodeDetail>()), name(name), mx(0), my(0), seamAllowance(true), closed(true),
this->nodes = nodes;
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ VDetail::VDetail(const QString &name, const QVector<VNodeDetail> &nodes)
VDetail::VDetail(const VDetail &detail)
:_id(0), nodes(detail.getNodes()), name(detail.getName()), mx(detail.getMx()), my(detail.getMy()),
supplement(detail.getSupplement()), closed(detail.getClosed()), width(detail.getWidth()){}
seamAllowance(detail.getSeamAllowance()), closed(detail.getClosed()), width(detail.getWidth()){}
VDetail &VDetail::operator =(const VDetail &detail)
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ VDetail &VDetail::operator =(const VDetail &detail)
name = detail.getName();
mx = detail.getMx();
my = detail.getMy();
supplement = detail.getSupplement();
seamAllowance = detail.getSeamAllowance();
closed = detail.getClosed();
width = detail.getWidth();
return *this;
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ void VDetail::Clear()
mx = 0;
my = 0;
supplement = true;
seamAllowance = true;
closed = true;
width = 10;

View file

@ -37,13 +37,15 @@
namespace Detail
* @brief The Contour enum
* @brief The Contour enum OpenContour - first and last points contour don't match,
* CloseContour - first and last points contour match.
enum Contour { OpenContour, CloseContour };
Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(Contours, Contour)
* @brief The Equidistant enum
* @brief The Equidistant enum OpenEquidistant - first and last points equidistant don't match,
* CloseEquidistant - first and last points equidistant match.
enum Equidistant { OpenEquidistant, CloseEquidistant };
Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(Equidistants, Equidistant)
@ -52,169 +54,234 @@ Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS(Detail::Contours)
* @brief The VDetail class
* @brief The VDetail class for path of object (points, arcs, splines).
class VDetail
* @brief VDetail
* @brief VDetail default contructor. Create empty detail.
* @brief VDetail
* @param name
* @param nodes
* @brief VDetail constructor.
* @param name detail name.
* @param nodes list of nodes.
VDetail(const QString &name, const QVector<VNodeDetail> &nodes);
* @brief VDetail
* @param detail
* @brief VDetail copy constructor.
* @param detail detail.
VDetail(const VDetail &detail);
* @brief operator =
* @param detail
* @return
* @brief operator = assignment operator.
* @param detail detail.
* @return new detail.
VDetail &operator=(const VDetail &detail);
* @brief append
* @param node
* @brief append append in the end of list node.
* @param node new node.
inline void append(const VNodeDetail &node) {nodes.append(node);}
* @brief Clear
* @brief Clear detail full clear.
void Clear();
* @brief ClearNodes clear list of nodes.
void ClearNodes();
* @brief CountNode
* @return
* @brief CountNode return count nodes.
* @return count.
inline qint32 CountNode() const {return nodes.size();}
* @brief Containes
* @param id
* @return
* @brief Containes check if detail containe this id.
* @param id object id.
* @return true if containe.
bool Containes(const qint64 &id)const;
* @brief operator []
* @param indx
* @return
* @brief operator [] find node by index in list.
* @param indx index node in list.
* @return node
VNodeDetail & operator[](ptrdiff_t indx);
* @brief at find node by index in list.
* @param indx index node in list.
* @return const node.
const VNodeDetail & at ( ptrdiff_t indx ) const;
* @brief getName
* @return
* @brief getName return detail name.
* @return name.
inline QString getName() const {return name;}
* @brief setName
* @param value
* @brief setName set detail name.
* @param value new name.
inline void setName(const QString &value) {name = value;}
* @brief getMx
* @return
* @brief getMx return bias for X axis.
* @return x bias.
inline qreal getMx() const {return mx;}
* @brief setMx
* @param value
* @brief setMx set bias for X axis.
* @param value new x bias.
inline void setMx(const qreal &value) {mx = value;}
* @brief getMy
* @return
* @brief getMy get bias for y axis.
* @return y axis.
inline qreal getMy() const {return my;}
* @brief setMy
* @param value
* @brief setMy set bias for y axis.
* @param value new y bias.
inline void setMy(const qreal &value) {my = value;}
* @brief getSupplement
* @return
* @brief getSeamAllowance keep status for seam allowance detail.
* @return true - need seam allowance, false - no need seam allowance.
inline bool getSupplement() const {return supplement;}
inline bool getSeamAllowance() const {return seamAllowance;}
* @brief setSupplement
* @param value
* @brief setSeamAllowance set status for seam allowance detail.
* @param value true - need seam allowance, false - no need seam allowance.
inline void setSupplement(bool value) {supplement = value;}
inline void setSeamAllowance(bool value) {seamAllowance = value;}
* @brief getClosed
* @return
* @brief getClosed keep close status for detail equdistant.
* @return true - close equdistant, false - don't close equdistant.
inline bool getClosed() const {return closed;}
* @brief setClosed
* @param value
* @brief setClosed set close status for detail equdistant.
* @param value true - close equdistant, false - don't close equdistant.
inline void setClosed(bool value) {closed = value;}
* @brief getWidth
* @return
* @brief getWidth return value detail seam allowance.
* @return value in mm.
inline qreal getWidth() const {return width;}
* @brief setWidth
* @param value
* @brief setWidth set value detail seam allowance.
* @param value width in mm.
inline void setWidth(const qreal &value) {width = value;}
* @brief getNodes
* @return
* @brief getNodes return list of nodes.
* @return list of nodes.
inline QVector<VNodeDetail> getNodes() const {return nodes;}
* @brief setNodes
* @param value
* @brief setNodes set list of nodes
* @param value list of nodes
inline void setNodes(const QVector<VNodeDetail> &value) {nodes = value;}
* @brief indexOfNode return index in list node using id object.
* @param id object (arc, point, spline, splinePath) id.
* @return index in list or -1 id can't find.
ptrdiff_t indexOfNode(const qint64 &id) const;
* @brief id return id detail in list data.
* @return id.
qint64 id() const;
* @brief setId set id detail in list data.
* @param id detail id.
void setId(const qint64 &id);
* @brief OnEdge checks if two poins located on the edge. Edge is line between two points. If between two points
* located arcs or splines ignore this.
* @param p1 id first point.
* @param p2 id second point.
* @return true - on edge, false - no.
bool OnEdge(const qint64 &p1, const qint64 &p2)const;
* @brief Edge return edge index in detail. Edge is line between two points. If between two points
* located arcs or splines ignore this.
* @param p1 id first point.
* @param p2 id second point.
* @return edge index or -1 if points don't located on edge
ptrdiff_t Edge(const qint64 &p1, const qint64 &p2)const;
* @brief NodeOnEdge return nodes located on edge with index.
* @param index index of edge.
* @param p1 first node.
* @param p2 second node.
void NodeOnEdge(const ptrdiff_t &index, VNodeDetail &p1, VNodeDetail &p2)const;
* @brief RemoveEdge return detail without edge with index.
* @param index idex of edge.
* @return
VDetail RemoveEdge(const ptrdiff_t &index) const;
* @brief Missing find missing ids in detail. When we deleted object in detail and return this detail need
* understand, what nodes need make invisible.
* @param det changed detail.
* @return list with missing detail.
QList<qint64> Missing(const VDetail &det) const;
* @brief _id id detail.
qint64 _id;
* @brief nodes
* @brief nodes list detail nodes.
QVector<VNodeDetail> nodes;
* @brief name
* @brief name detail name.
QString name;
* @brief mx
* @brief mx bias x axis.
qreal mx;
* @brief my
* @brief my bias y axis.
qreal my;
* @brief supplement
* @brief seamAllowance status seamAllowance detail.
bool supplement;
bool seamAllowance;
* @brief closed
* @brief closed status equdistant detail.
bool closed;
* @brief width
* @brief width value seamAllowance in mm.
qreal width;
* @brief listNodePoint return list nodes only with points.
* @return list points node.
QVector<VNodeDetail> listNodePoint()const;
* @brief indexOfNode return index in list node using id object.
* @param list list nodes detail.
* @param id object (arc, point, spline, splinePath) id.
* @return index in list or -1 id can't find.
ptrdiff_t indexOfNode(const QVector<VNodeDetail> &list, const qint64 &id) const;

View file

@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ void VToolDetail::FullUpdateFromGui(int result)
VDetail det = dialogDetail->getDetails();
SetAttribute(domElement, AttrName, det.getName());
SetAttribute(domElement, AttrSupplement, QString().setNum(det.getSupplement()));
SetAttribute(domElement, AttrSupplement, QString().setNum(det.getSeamAllowance()));
SetAttribute(domElement, AttrClosed, QString().setNum(det.getClosed()));
SetAttribute(domElement, AttrWidth, QString().setNum(det.getWidth()));
@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ void VToolDetail::AddToFile()
SetAttribute(domElement, AttrName, detail.getName());
SetAttribute(domElement, AttrMx, toMM(detail.getMx()));
SetAttribute(domElement, AttrMy, toMM(detail.getMy()));
SetAttribute(domElement, AttrSupplement, detail.getSupplement());
SetAttribute(domElement, AttrSupplement, detail.getSeamAllowance());
SetAttribute(domElement, AttrClosed, detail.getClosed());
SetAttribute(domElement, AttrWidth, detail.getWidth());
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ void VToolDetail::RefreshDataInFile()
VDetail det = VAbstractTool::data.GetDetail(id);
SetAttribute(domElement, AttrName, det.getName());
SetAttribute(domElement, AttrSupplement, QString().setNum(det.getSupplement()));
SetAttribute(domElement, AttrSupplement, QString().setNum(det.getSeamAllowance()));
SetAttribute(domElement, AttrClosed, QString().setNum(det.getClosed()));
SetAttribute(domElement, AttrWidth, QString().setNum(det.getWidth()));

View file

@ -637,7 +637,7 @@ void VDomDocument::ParseDetailElement(VMainGraphicsScene *sceneDetail, const QDo
detail.setName(GetParametrString(domElement, VAbstractTool::AttrName, ""));
detail.setMx(toPixel(GetParametrDouble(domElement, VAbstractTool::AttrMx, "0.0")));
detail.setMy(toPixel(GetParametrDouble(domElement, VAbstractTool::AttrMy, "0.0")));
detail.setSupplement(GetParametrLongLong(domElement, VToolDetail::AttrSupplement, "1"));
detail.setSeamAllowance(GetParametrLongLong(domElement, VToolDetail::AttrSupplement, "1"));
detail.setWidth(GetParametrDouble(domElement, VToolDetail::AttrWidth, "10.0"));
detail.setClosed(GetParametrLongLong(domElement, VToolDetail::AttrClosed, "1"));