
131 lines
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2023-02-13 18:59:07 +01:00
import qbs.File
import qbs.FileInfo
import qbs.TextFile
2024-03-12 15:39:44 +01:00
import "utils.js" as Utils
2023-02-13 18:59:07 +01:00
ModuleProvider {
relativeSearchPaths: {
var conanPackageDir = FileInfo.cleanPath(FileInfo.joinPaths(outputBaseDir, "../../..", "genconan"));
var dirs = File.directoryEntries(conanPackageDir, File.AllDirs | File.NoDotAndDotDot);
var packageVersions = {};
* The generated conanbuildinfo.json files are inside of the 'genconan' folder in the build directory.
* Since there might be more than one, they're placed inside of folders with a hashed name to avoid conflicts.
* Here we have to iterate over those folders and process the json files within.
for(d in dirs) {
var conanbuildinfo = FileInfo.joinPaths(conanPackageDir, dirs[d], "conanbuildinfo.json");
if(!File.exists(conanbuildinfo)) {
var file = new TextFile(conanbuildinfo, TextFile.ReadOnly);
var fileContent = JSON.parse(file.readAll());
var deps = fileContent.dependencies;
for(i in deps){
if(packageVersions[deps[i].name]) {
if(deps[i].version != packageVersions[deps[i].name]) {
console.error("Conan package '" + deps[i].name + "' found in multiple conanfile.txt's with different versions: " +
packageVersions[deps[i].name] + " and " + deps[i].version);
return [];
}"Already generated module for conan package '" + deps[i].name + "', skipping...")
}"Generating module for conan package '" + deps[i].name + "'");
packageVersions[deps[i].name] = deps[i].version;
// module name can be invalid for Javascrip. Search for alternative names for cmake.
var moduleName = deps[i].name;
2024-03-12 15:39:44 +01:00
if (!Utils.isValidAttributeName(moduleName) && deps[i].hasOwnProperty("names"))
2023-02-13 18:59:07 +01:00
if (deps[i].names.hasOwnProperty("cmake_find_package"))
moduleName = deps[i].names.cmake_find_package;
2024-03-12 15:39:44 +01:00
else if (deps[i].names.hasOwnProperty("cmake_find_package_multi"))
2023-02-13 18:59:07 +01:00
moduleName = deps[i].names.cmake_find_package_multi;
var moduleDir = FileInfo.joinPaths(outputBaseDir, "modules", name, moduleName);
var moduleFile = new TextFile(FileInfo.joinPaths(moduleDir, moduleName + ".qbs"), TextFile.WriteOnly);
var shared = false;
2024-03-12 15:39:44 +01:00
if (fileContent.options.hasOwnProperty(deps[i].name) && fileContent.options[deps[i].name].hasOwnProperty("shared"))
2023-02-13 18:59:07 +01:00
shared = (fileContent.options[deps[i].name].shared === 'True');
var cppLibraries = shared ? "\tcpp.dynamicLibraries: " : "\tcpp.staticLibraries: ";
2024-03-12 15:39:44 +01:00
var cppLibrariesTag = shared ? "dynamiclibrary" : "staticlibrary";
var cppLibrarySuffix = shared ? "cpp.dynamicLibrarySuffix" : "cpp.staticLibrarySuffix";
2023-02-13 18:59:07 +01:00
moduleFile.write("import qbs\n" +
"Module {\n" +
2024-03-12 15:39:44 +01:00
"\tDepends { name: \"cpp\" }\n\n" +
2023-02-13 18:59:07 +01:00
"\tproperty bool installBin: false\n" +
"\tproperty bool installLib: false\n" +
"\tproperty bool installRes: false\n" +
"\tproperty bool installInclude: false\n" +
"\tproperty string binInstallDir: \"bin\"\n" +
"\tproperty string libInstallDir: \"lib\"\n" +
"\tproperty string resInstallDir: \"res\"\n" +
"\tproperty string includeInstallDir: \"include\"\n" +
"\tproperty stringList binFilePatterns: [\"**/*\"]\n" +
2024-03-12 15:39:44 +01:00
"\tproperty stringList libFilePatterns: [\"**/*\" + " + cppLibrarySuffix + "]\n" +
2023-02-13 18:59:07 +01:00
"\tproperty stringList resFilePatterns: [\"**/*\"]\n" +
"\tproperty stringList includeFilePatterns: [\"**/*\"]\n\n" +
"\tcpp.includePaths: " + JSON.stringify(deps[i].include_paths) + "\n" +
"\tcpp.systemIncludePaths: " + JSON.stringify(deps[i].include_paths) + "\n" +
"\tcpp.libraryPaths: " + JSON.stringify(deps[i].lib_paths) + "\n" +
cppLibraries + JSON.stringify(deps[i].libs) + "\n" +
"\tcpp.defines: " + JSON.stringify(deps[i].defines) + "\n\n");
function writeGroups(file, moduleName, prefix, pathList, install) {
for(j in pathList) {
file.write("\tGroup {\n" +
2024-03-12 15:39:44 +01:00
"\t\tname: \"" + prefix + (j > 0 ? j : "") + "\"\n" +
"\t\tprefix: \"" + FileInfo.fromNativeSeparators(pathList[j]) + "/\"\n" +
"\t\tfilesAreTargets: true\n");
2023-02-13 18:59:07 +01:00
if (install)
file.write("\t\tqbs.install: product.conan." + moduleName + ".install" + (prefix.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + prefix.substring(1)) + "\n" +
"\t\tqbs.installPrefix: \"\"\n" +
"\t\tqbs.installDir: product.conan." + moduleName + "." + prefix + "InstallDir\n" +
"\t\tqbs.installSourceBase: \"" + FileInfo.fromNativeSeparators(pathList[j]) + "\"\n");
2024-03-12 15:39:44 +01:00
file.write("\t\tfiles: product.conan." + moduleName + "." + prefix + "FilePatterns\n");
if (prefix === "lib")
file.write("\t\tfileTags: [\"" + cppLibrariesTag + "\"]\n");
2023-02-13 18:59:07 +01:00
writeGroups(moduleFile, moduleName, "bin", deps[i].bin_paths, true);
writeGroups(moduleFile, moduleName, "lib", deps[i].lib_paths, shared);
writeGroups(moduleFile, moduleName, "res", deps[i].res_paths, true);
2024-03-12 15:39:44 +01:00
writeGroups(moduleFile, moduleName, "include", Utils.filterUniqueRootPaths(deps[i].include_paths), shared);
2023-02-13 18:59:07 +01:00
return [""];