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Raw Normal View History

** @file vlayoutdetail.h
** @author Roman Telezhynskyi <dismine(at)>
** @date 2 1, 2015
** @brief
** @copyright
** This source code is part of the Valentina project, a pattern making
** program, whose allow create and modeling patterns of clothing.
** Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Valentina project
** <> All Rights Reserved.
** Valentina is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** Valentina is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with Valentina. If not, see <>.
#include <qcompilerdetection.h>
#include <QDate>
#include <QLineF>
2015-01-07 17:54:43 +01:00
#include <QMatrix>
#include <QPointF>
#include <QRectF>
#include <QSharedDataPointer>
#include <QString>
#include <QTypeInfo>
#include <QVector>
#include <QtGlobal>
2015-01-07 17:54:43 +01:00
#include "../ifc/xml/vabstractpattern.h"
#include "../vpatterndb/floatItemData/vpatternlabeldata.h"
#include "../vpatterndb/floatItemData/vpiecelabeldata.h"
#include "../vpatterndb/vcontainer.h"
#include "vabstractpiece.h"
#include "../vgeometry/vgeometrydef.h"
class VLayoutPieceData;
class VLayoutPiecePath;
class QGraphicsItem;
class QGraphicsPathItem;
class VTextManager;
2015-01-07 17:54:43 +01:00
class VLayoutPiece :public VAbstractPiece
VLayoutPiece(const VLayoutPiece &detail);
virtual ~VLayoutPiece() override;
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VLayoutPiece &operator=(const VLayoutPiece &detail);
VLayoutPiece &operator=(VLayoutPiece &&detail) Q_DECL_NOTHROW { Swap(detail); return *this; }
inline void Swap(VLayoutPiece &detail) Q_DECL_NOTHROW
{ VAbstractPiece::Swap(detail); std::swap(d, detail.d); }
static VLayoutPiece Create(const VPiece &piece, const VContainer *pattern);
QVector<QPointF> GetMappedContourPoints() const;
QVector<QPointF> GetContourPoints() const;
void SetCountourPoints(const QVector<QPointF> &points, bool hideMainPath = false);
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QVector<QPointF> GetMappedSeamAllowancePoints() const;
QVector<QPointF> GetSeamAllowancePoints() const;
void SetSeamAllowancePoints(const QVector<QPointF> &points, bool seamAllowance = true,
bool seamAllowanceBuiltIn = false);
2015-01-07 17:54:43 +01:00
QVector<QPointF> GetLayoutAllowancePoints() const;
void SetLayoutAllowancePoints();
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QVector<VLayoutPassmark> GetPassmarks() const;
void SetPassmarks(const QVector<VLayoutPassmark> &passmarks);
QVector<VLayoutPlaceLabel> GetPlaceLabels() const;
void SetPlaceLabels(const QVector<VLayoutPlaceLabel> &labels);
QVector<QVector<QPointF>> InternalPathsForCut(bool cut) const;
QVector<VLayoutPiecePath> GetInternalPaths() const;
void SetInternalPaths(const QVector<VLayoutPiecePath> &internalPaths);
QPointF GetPieceTextPosition() const;
QStringList GetPieceText() const;
void SetPieceText(const QString &qsName, const VPieceLabelData& data, const QFont& font, const VContainer *pattern);
QPointF GetPatternTextPosition() const;
QStringList GetPatternText() const;
void SetPatternInfo(VAbstractPattern *pDoc, const VPatternLabelData& geom, const QFont& font,
const VContainer *pattern);
void SetGrainline(const VGrainlineData& geom, const VContainer *pattern);
QVector<QPointF> GetGrainline() const;
bool IsGrainlineEnabled() const;
qreal GrainlineAngle() const;
ArrowType GrainlineArrowType() const;
QTransform GetMatrix() const;
void SetMatrix(const QTransform &matrix);
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qreal GetLayoutWidth() const;
void SetLayoutWidth(qreal value);
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bool IsMirror() const;
void SetMirror(bool value);
void Translate(qreal dx, qreal dy);
void Rotate(const QPointF &originPoint, qreal degrees);
void Mirror(const QLineF &edge);
void Mirror();
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int DetailEdgesCount() const;
int LayoutEdgesCount() const;
QLineF DetailEdge(int i) const;
QLineF LayoutEdge(int i) const;
int DetailEdgeByPoint(const QPointF &p1) const;
int LayoutEdgeByPoint(const QPointF &p1) const;
QRectF DetailBoundingRect() const;
QRectF LayoutBoundingRect() const;
qreal Diagonal() const;
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static QRectF BoundingRect(QVector<QPointF> points);
bool isNull() const;
qint64 Square() const;
QPainterPath ContourPath() const;
QPainterPath LayoutAllowancePath() const;
static QPainterPath PainterPath(const QVector<QPointF> &points);
Q_REQUIRED_RESULT QGraphicsItem *GetItem(bool textAsPaths) const;
bool IsLayoutAllowanceValid() const;
qreal BiggestEdge() const;
friend QDataStream& operator<< (QDataStream& dataStream, const VLayoutPiece& piece);
friend QDataStream& operator>> (QDataStream& dataStream, VLayoutPiece& piece);
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QSharedDataPointer<VLayoutPieceData> d;
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QVector<QPointF> DetailPath() const;
Q_REQUIRED_RESULT QGraphicsPathItem *GetMainItem() const;
Q_REQUIRED_RESULT QGraphicsPathItem *GetMainPathItem() const;
void CreateLabelStrings(QGraphicsItem *parent, const QVector<QPointF> &labelShape, const VTextManager &tm,
bool textAsPaths) const;
void CreateGrainlineItem(QGraphicsItem *parent) const;
template <class T>
QVector<T> Map(QVector<T> points) const;
QLineF Edge(const QVector<QPointF> &path, int i) const;
int EdgeByPoint(const QVector<QPointF> &path, const QPointF &p1) const;