The only thing that is not working right now, is when I float a window (C-t) and make it sticky (C-s) and use on another window (like a browser) passmenu or albert (C-<space>)
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508 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards, ParallelListComp, DeriveDataTypeable, FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts, MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeSynonymInstances #-}
-- |
-- Module : XMonad.Layout.SubLayouts
-- Copyright : (c) 2009 Adam Vogt
-- License : BSD-style (see xmonad/LICENSE)
-- Maintainer : vogt.adam@gmail.com
-- Stability : unstable
-- Portability : unportable
-- A layout combinator that allows layouts to be nested.
-- had to copy it because
-- * uses the wrong Boring Windows library
module SubLayouts (
-- * Usage
-- $usage
pushGroup, pullGroup,
pushWindow, pullWindow,
onGroup, toSubl, mergeDir,
-- * Screenshots
-- $screenshots
-- * Todo
-- $todo
import XMonad.Layout.Circle () -- so haddock can find the link
import XMonad.Layout.Decoration(Decoration, DefaultShrinker)
import XMonad.Layout.LayoutModifier(LayoutModifier(handleMess, modifyLayout,
import XMonad.Layout.Simplest(Simplest(..))
import XMonad.Layout.Tabbed(shrinkText,
TabbedDecoration, addTabs)
import XMonad.Layout.WindowNavigation(Navigate(Apply))
import XMonad.Util.Invisible(Invisible(..))
import XMonad.Util.Types(Direction2D(..))
import XMonad hiding (def)
import Control.Applicative((<$>),(<*))
import Control.Arrow(Arrow(second, (&&&)))
import Control.Monad(MonadPlus(mplus), foldM, guard, when, join)
import Data.Function(on)
import Data.List(nubBy, (\\), find)
import Data.Maybe(isNothing, fromMaybe, listToMaybe, mapMaybe)
import Data.Traversable(sequenceA)
import qualified BoringWindows as B
import qualified XMonad as X
import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Map(Map)
-- $screenshots
-- <<http://haskell.org/sitewiki/images/thumb/8/8b/Xmonad-SubLayouts-xinerama.png/480px-Xmonad-SubLayouts-xinerama.png>>
-- Larger version: <http://haskell.org/sitewiki/images/8/8b/Xmonad-SubLayouts-xinerama.png>
-- $todo
-- /Issue 288/
-- "XMonad.Layout.ResizableTile" assumes that its environment
-- contains only the windows it is running: sublayouts are currently run with
-- the stack containing only the windows passed to it in its environment, but
-- any changes that the layout makes are not merged back.
-- Should the behavior be made optional?
-- /Features/
-- * suggested managehooks for merging specific windows, or the apropriate
-- layout based hack to find out the number of groups currently showed, but
-- the size of current window groups is not available (outside of this
-- growing module)
-- /SimpleTabbed as a SubLayout/
-- 'subTabbed' works well, but it would be more uniform to avoid the use of
-- addTabs, with the sublayout being Simplest (but
-- 'XMonad.Layout.Tabbed.simpleTabbed' is this...). The only thing to be
-- gained by fixing this issue is the ability to mix and match decoration
-- styles. Better compatibility with some other layouts of which I am not
-- aware could be another benefit.
-- 'simpleTabbed' (and other decorated layouts) fail horribly when used as
-- subLayouts:
-- * decorations stick around: layout is run after being told to Hide
-- * mouse events do not change focus: the group-ungroup does not respect
-- the focus changes it wants?
-- * sending ReleaseResources before running it makes xmonad very slow, and
-- still leaves borders sticking around
-- $usage
-- You can use this module with the following in your @~\/.xmonad\/xmonad.hs@:
-- > import XMonad.Layout.SubLayouts
-- > import XMonad.Layout.WindowNavigation
-- Using "XMonad.Layout.BoringWindows" is optional and it allows you to add a
-- keybinding to skip over the non-visible windows.
-- > import XMonad.Layout.BoringWindows
-- Then edit your @layoutHook@ by adding the 'subTabbed' layout modifier:
-- > myLayout = windowNavigation $ subTabbed $ boringWindows $
-- > Tall 1 (3/100) (1/2) ||| etc..
-- > main = xmonad def { layoutHook = myLayout }
-- "XMonad.Layout.WindowNavigation" is used to specify which windows to merge,
-- and it is not integrated into the modifier because it can be configured, and
-- works best as the outer modifier.
-- Then to your keybindings add:
-- > , ((modm .|. controlMask, xK_h), sendMessage $ pullGroup L)
-- > , ((modm .|. controlMask, xK_l), sendMessage $ pullGroup R)
-- > , ((modm .|. controlMask, xK_k), sendMessage $ pullGroup U)
-- > , ((modm .|. controlMask, xK_j), sendMessage $ pullGroup D)
-- >
-- > , ((modm .|. controlMask, xK_m), withFocused (sendMessage . MergeAll))
-- > , ((modm .|. controlMask, xK_u), withFocused (sendMessage . UnMerge))
-- >
-- > , ((modm .|. controlMask, xK_period), onGroup W.focusUp')
-- > , ((modm .|. controlMask, xK_comma), onGroup W.focusDown')
-- These additional keybindings require the optional
-- "XMonad.Layout.BoringWindows" layoutModifier. The focus will skip over the
-- windows that are not focused in each sublayout.
-- > , ((modm, xK_j), focusDown)
-- > , ((modm, xK_k), focusUp)
-- A 'submap' can be used to make modifying the sublayouts using 'onGroup' and
-- 'toSubl' simpler:
-- > ,((modm, xK_s), submap $ defaultSublMap conf)
-- /NOTE:/ is there some reason that @asks config >>= submap . defaultSublMap@
-- could not be used in the keybinding instead? It avoids having to explicitly
-- pass the conf.
-- For more detailed instructions, see:
-- "XMonad.Doc.Extending#Editing_the_layout_hook"
-- "XMonad.Doc.Extending#Adding_key_bindings"
-- | The main layout modifier arguments:
-- @subLayout advanceInnerLayouts innerLayout outerLayout@
-- [@advanceInnerLayouts@] When a new group at index @n@ in the outer layout
-- is created (even with one element), the @innerLayout@ is used as the
-- layout within that group after being advanced with @advanceInnerLayouts !!
-- n@ 'NextLayout' messages. If there is no corresponding element in the
-- @advanceInnerLayouts@ list, then @innerLayout@ is not given any 'NextLayout'
-- messages.
-- [@innerLayout@] The single layout given to be run as a sublayout.
-- [@outerLayout@] The layout that determines the rectangles given to each
-- group.
-- Ex. The second group is 'Tall', the third is 'Circle', all others are tabbed
-- with:
-- > myLayout = addTabs shrinkText def
-- > $ subLayout [0,1,2] (Simplest ||| Tall 1 0.2 0.5 ||| Circle)
-- > $ Tall 1 0.2 0.5 ||| Full
subLayout :: [Int] -> subl a -> l a -> ModifiedLayout (Sublayout subl) l a
subLayout nextLayout sl x = ModifiedLayout (Sublayout (I []) (nextLayout,sl) []) x
-- | @subTabbed@ is a use of 'subLayout' with 'addTabs' to show decorations.
subTabbed :: (Eq a, LayoutModifier (Sublayout Simplest) a, LayoutClass l a) =>
l a -> ModifiedLayout (Decoration TabbedDecoration DefaultShrinker)
(ModifiedLayout (Sublayout Simplest) l) a
subTabbed x = addTabs shrinkText X.def $ subLayout [] Simplest x
-- | @defaultSublMap@ is an attempt to create a set of keybindings like the
-- defaults ones but to be used as a 'submap' for sending messages to the
-- sublayout.
defaultSublMap :: XConfig l -> Map (KeyMask, KeySym) (X ())
defaultSublMap (XConfig { modMask = modm }) = M.fromList
[((modm, xK_space), toSubl NextLayout),
((modm, xK_j), onGroup W.focusDown'),
((modm, xK_k), onGroup W.focusUp'),
((modm, xK_h), toSubl Shrink),
((modm, xK_l), toSubl Expand),
((modm, xK_Tab), onGroup W.focusDown'),
((modm .|. shiftMask, xK_Tab), onGroup W.focusUp'),
((modm, xK_m), onGroup focusMaster'),
((modm, xK_comma), toSubl $ IncMasterN 1),
((modm, xK_period), toSubl $ IncMasterN (-1)),
((modm, xK_Return), onGroup swapMaster')
-- should these go into XMonad.StackSet?
focusMaster' st = let (f:fs) = W.integrate st
in W.Stack f [] fs
swapMaster' (W.Stack f u d) = W.Stack f [] $ reverse u ++ d
data Sublayout l a = Sublayout
{ delayMess :: Invisible [] (SomeMessage,a)
-- ^ messages are handled when running the layout,
-- not in the handleMessage, I'm not sure that this
-- is necessary
, def :: ([Int], l a) -- ^ how many NextLayout messages to send to newly
-- populated layouts. If there is no corresponding
-- index, then don't send any.
, subls :: [(l a,W.Stack a)]
-- ^ The sublayouts and the stacks they manage
deriving (Read,Show)
-- | Groups assumes this invariant:
-- M.keys gs == map W.focus (M.elems gs) (ignoring order)
-- All windows in the workspace are in the Map
-- The keys are visible windows, the rest are hidden.
-- This representation probably simplifies the internals of the modifier.
type Groups a = Map a (W.Stack a)
-- | GroupMsg take window parameters to determine which group the action should
-- be applied to
data GroupMsg a
= UnMerge a -- ^ free the focused window from its tab stack
| UnMergeAll a
-- ^ separate the focused group into singleton groups
| Merge a a -- ^ merge the first group into the second group
| MergeAll a
-- ^ make one large group, keeping the parameter focused
| Migrate a a
-- ^ used to the window named in the first argument to the
-- second argument's group, this may be replaced by a
-- combination of 'UnMerge' and 'Merge'
| WithGroup (W.Stack a -> X (W.Stack a)) a
| SubMessage SomeMessage a
-- ^ the sublayout with the given window will get the message
deriving (Typeable)
-- | merge the window that would be focused by the function when applied to the
-- W.Stack of all windows, with the current group removed. The given window
-- should be focused by a sublayout. Example usage: @withFocused (sendMessage .
-- mergeDir W.focusDown')@
mergeDir :: (W.Stack Window -> W.Stack Window) -> Window -> GroupMsg Window
mergeDir f w = WithGroup g w
where g cs = do
let onlyOthers = W.filter (`notElem` W.integrate cs)
flip whenJust (sendMessage . Merge (W.focus cs) . W.focus . f)
=<< fmap (onlyOthers =<<) currentStack
return cs
data Broadcast = Broadcast SomeMessage -- ^ send a message to all sublayouts
deriving (Typeable)
instance Message Broadcast
instance Typeable a => Message (GroupMsg a)
-- | @pullGroup@, @pushGroup@ allow you to merge windows or groups inheriting
-- the position of the current window (pull) or the other window (push).
-- @pushWindow@ and @pullWindow@ move individual windows between groups. They
-- are less effective at preserving window positions.
pullGroup,pushGroup,pullWindow,pushWindow :: Direction2D -> Navigate
pullGroup = mergeNav (\o c -> sendMessage $ Merge o c)
pushGroup = mergeNav (\o c -> sendMessage $ Merge c o)
pullWindow = mergeNav (\o c -> sendMessage $ Migrate o c)
pushWindow = mergeNav (\o c -> sendMessage $ Migrate c o)
mergeNav :: (Window -> Window -> X ()) -> Direction2D -> Navigate
mergeNav f = Apply (\o -> withFocused (f o))
-- | Apply a function on the stack belonging to the currently focused group. It
-- works for rearranging windows and for changing focus.
onGroup :: (W.Stack Window -> W.Stack Window) -> X ()
onGroup f = withFocused (sendMessage . WithGroup (return . f))
-- | Send a message to the currently focused sublayout.
toSubl :: (Message a) => a -> X ()
toSubl m = withFocused (sendMessage . SubMessage (SomeMessage m))
instance (Read (l Window), Show (l Window), LayoutClass l Window) => LayoutModifier (Sublayout l) Window where
modifyLayout (Sublayout { subls = osls }) (W.Workspace i la st) r = do
let gs' = updateGroup st $ toGroups osls
st' = W.filter (`elem` M.keys gs') =<< st
updateWs gs'
oldStack <- gets $ W.stack . W.workspace . W.current . windowset
setStack st'
runLayout (W.Workspace i la st') r <* setStack oldStack
-- FIXME: merge back reordering, deletions?
redoLayout (Sublayout { delayMess = I ms, def = defl, subls = osls }) _r st arrs = do
let gs' = updateGroup st $ toGroups osls
sls <- fromGroups defl st gs' osls
let newL :: LayoutClass l Window => Rectangle -> WorkspaceId -> (l Window) -> Bool
-> (Maybe (W.Stack Window)) -> X ([(Window, Rectangle)], l Window)
newL rect n ol isNew sst = do
orgStack <- currentStack
let handle l (y,_)
| not isNew = fromMaybe l <$> handleMessage l y
| otherwise = return l
kms = filter ((`elem` M.keys gs') . snd) ms
setStack sst
nl <- foldM handle ol $ filter ((`elem` W.integrate' sst) . snd) kms
result <- runLayout (W.Workspace n nl sst) rect
setStack orgStack -- FIXME: merge back reordering, deletions?
return $ fromMaybe nl `second` result
(urls,ssts) = unzip [ (newL gr i l isNew sst, sst)
| (isNew,(l,_st)) <- sls
| i <- map show [ 0 :: Int .. ]
| (k,gr) <- arrs, let sst = M.lookup k gs' ]
arrs' <- sequence urls
sls' <- return . Sublayout (I []) defl . map snd <$> fromGroups defl st gs'
[ (l,s) | (_,l) <- arrs' | (Just s) <- ssts ]
return (concatMap fst arrs', sls')
handleMess (Sublayout (I ms) defl sls) m
| Just (SubMessage sm w) <- fromMessage m =
return $ Just $ Sublayout (I ((sm,w):ms)) defl sls
| Just (Broadcast sm) <- fromMessage m = do
ms' <- fmap (zip (repeat sm) . W.integrate') currentStack
return $ if null ms' then Nothing
else Just $ Sublayout (I $ ms' ++ ms) defl sls
| Just B.UpdateBoring <- fromMessage m = do
let bs = concatMap unfocused $ M.elems gs
ws <- gets (W.workspace . W.current . windowset)
flip sendMessageWithNoRefresh ws $ B.Replace "Sublayouts" bs
return Nothing
| Just (WithGroup f w) <- fromMessage m
, Just g <- M.lookup w gs = do
g' <- f g
let gs' = M.insert (W.focus g') g' $ M.delete (W.focus g) gs
when (gs' /= gs) $ updateWs gs'
when (w /= W.focus g') $ windows (W.focusWindow $ W.focus g')
return Nothing
| Just (MergeAll w) <- fromMessage m =
let gs' = fmap (M.singleton w)
$ (focusWindow' w =<<) $ W.differentiate
$ concatMap W.integrate $ M.elems gs
in maybe (return Nothing) fgs gs'
| Just (UnMergeAll w) <- fromMessage m =
let ws = concatMap W.integrate $ M.elems gs
_ = w :: Window
mkSingleton f = M.singleton f (W.Stack f [] [])
in fgs $ M.unions $ map mkSingleton ws
| Just (Merge x y) <- fromMessage m
, Just (W.Stack _ xb xn) <- findGroup x
, Just yst <- findGroup y =
let zs = W.Stack x xb (xn ++ W.integrate yst)
in fgs $ M.insert x zs $ M.delete (W.focus yst) gs
| Just (UnMerge x) <- fromMessage m =
fgs . M.fromList . map (W.focus &&& id) . M.elems
$ M.mapMaybe (W.filter (x/=)) gs
-- XXX sometimes this migrates an incorrect window, why?
| Just (Migrate x y) <- fromMessage m
, Just xst <- findGroup x
, Just (W.Stack yf yu yd) <- findGroup y =
let zs = W.Stack x (yf:yu) yd
nxsAdd = maybe id (\e -> M.insert (W.focus e) e) $ W.filter (x/=) xst
in fgs $ nxsAdd $ M.insert x zs $ M.delete yf gs
| otherwise = fmap join $ sequenceA $ catchLayoutMess <$> fromMessage m
where gs = toGroups sls
fgs gs' = do
st <- currentStack
Just . Sublayout (I ms) defl . map snd <$> fromGroups defl st gs' sls
findGroup z = mplus (M.lookup z gs) $ listToMaybe
$ M.elems $ M.filter ((z `elem`) . W.integrate) gs
-- catchLayoutMess :: LayoutMessages -> X (Maybe (Sublayout l Window))
-- This l must be the same as from the instance head,
-- -XScopedTypeVariables should bring it into scope, but we are
-- trying to avoid warnings with ghc-6.8.2 and avoid CPP
catchLayoutMess x = do
let m' = x `asTypeOf` (undefined :: LayoutMessages)
ms' <- zip (repeat $ SomeMessage m') . W.integrate'
<$> currentStack
return $ do guard $ not $ null ms'
Just $ Sublayout (I $ ms' ++ ms) defl sls
currentStack :: X (Maybe (W.Stack Window))
currentStack = gets (W.stack . W.workspace . W.current . windowset)
-- | update Group to follow changes in the workspace
updateGroup :: Ord a => Maybe (W.Stack a) -> Groups a -> Groups a
updateGroup mst gs =
let flatten = concatMap W.integrate . M.elems
news = W.integrate' mst \\ flatten gs
deads = flatten gs \\ W.integrate' mst
uniNew = M.union (M.fromList $ map (\n -> (n,single n)) news)
single x = W.Stack x [] []
-- pass through a list to update/remove keys
remDead = M.fromList . map (\w -> (W.focus w,w))
. mapMaybe (W.filter (`notElem` deads)) . M.elems
-- update the current tab group's order and focus
followFocus hs = fromMaybe hs $ do
f' <- W.focus `fmap` mst
xs <- find (elem f' . W.integrate) $ M.elems hs
xs' <- W.filter (`elem` W.integrate xs) =<< mst
return $ M.insert f' xs' $ M.delete (W.focus xs) hs
in remDead $ uniNew $ followFocus gs
-- | rearrange the windowset to put the groups of tabs next to eachother, so
-- that the stack of tabs stays put.
updateWs :: Groups Window -> X ()
updateWs = windowsMaybe . updateWs'
updateWs' :: Groups Window -> WindowSet -> Maybe WindowSet
updateWs' gs ws = do
f <- W.peek ws
let w = W.index ws
nes = concatMap W.integrate $ mapMaybe (flip M.lookup gs) w
ws' = W.focusWindow f $ foldr W.insertUp (foldr W.delete' ws nes) nes
guard $ W.index ws' /= W.index ws
return ws'
-- | focusWindow'. focus an element of a stack, is Nothing if that element is
-- absent. See also 'W.focusWindow'
focusWindow' :: (Eq a) => a -> W.Stack a -> Maybe (W.Stack a)
focusWindow' w st = do
guard $ not $ null $ filter (w==) $ W.integrate st
if W.focus st == w then Just st
else focusWindow' w $ W.focusDown' st
-- update only when Just
windowsMaybe :: (WindowSet -> Maybe WindowSet) -> X ()
windowsMaybe f = do
xst <- get
ws <- gets windowset
let up fws = put xst { windowset = fws }
maybe (return ()) up $ f ws
unfocused :: W.Stack a -> [a]
unfocused x = W.up x ++ W.down x
toGroups :: (Ord a) => [(a1, W.Stack a)] -> Map a (W.Stack a)
toGroups ws = M.fromList . map (W.focus &&& id) . nubBy (on (==) W.focus)
$ map snd ws
-- | restore the default layout for each group. It needs the X monad to switch
-- the default layout to a specific one (handleMessage NextLayout)
fromGroups :: (LayoutClass layout a, Ord k) =>
([Int], layout a)
-> Maybe (W.Stack k)
-> Groups k
-> [(layout a, b)]
-> X [(Bool,(layout a, W.Stack k))]
fromGroups (skips,defl) st gs sls = do
defls <- mapM (iterateM nextL defl !!) skips
return $ fromGroups' defl defls st gs (map fst sls)
where nextL l = fromMaybe l <$> handleMessage l (SomeMessage NextLayout)
iterateM f = iterate (>>= f) . return
fromGroups' :: (Ord k) => a -> [a] -> Maybe (W.Stack k) -> Groups k -> [a]
-> [(Bool,(a, W.Stack k))]
fromGroups' defl defls st gs sls =
[ (isNew,fromMaybe2 (dl, single w) (l, M.lookup w gs))
| l <- map Just sls ++ repeat Nothing, let isNew = isNothing l
| dl <- defls ++ repeat defl
| w <- W.integrate' $ W.filter (`notElem` unfocs) =<< st ]
where unfocs = unfocused =<< M.elems gs
single w = W.Stack w [] []
fromMaybe2 (a,b) (x,y) = (fromMaybe a x, fromMaybe b y)
-- this would be much cleaner with some kind of data-accessor
setStack :: Maybe (W.Stack Window) -> X ()
setStack x = modify (\s -> s { windowset = (windowset s)
{ W.current = (W.current $ windowset s)
{ W.workspace = (W.workspace $ W.current $ windowset s) { W.stack = x }}}})