
272 lines
6.8 KiB

{ pkgs, config, lib, ... }:
let unstablePkgs = import <nixpkgs-unstable> { };
in {
imports = [
services.homeAssistantConfig = {
# turn on to edit GUI
lovelace = { };
homeassistant = {
name = "Home";
latitude = 51.444847;
longitude = 6.967006;
elevation = 116;
unit_system = "metric";
time_zone = config.time.timeZone;
auth_providers = [{
type = "trusted_networks";
trusted_networks =
["private".networkSubnet ];
# needed, don't know why
default_config = { };
config = { };
# to grab metrics via prometheus
prometheus.namespace = "hass";
# manual state
# ------------
# all scenes
input_select.scene = {
icon = "mdi:brightness-auto";
options = [ "default" "night" "outside" "cooking" ];
# scenes controlled by buttons
input_select.scene_button = {
icon = "mdi:brightness-auto";
options = [ "default" "night" ];
input_boolean.situation_toggle.icon = "mdi:toggle-switch";
automation = [
alias = "set light-control scene";
trigger = {
platform = "state";
entity_id = "input_select.scene";
action = {
service = "mqtt.publish";
data_template = {
topic = "control/lights/set";
payload_template =
''{"scene":"{{ states('input_select.scene')}}"}'';
# control situation with buttons
alias = "Button -> Change Scene";
trigger = {
platform = "state";
entity_id = "input_boolean.situation_toggle";
condition = {
condition = "template";
value_template =
''{{ states.input_select.scene.state != "outside" }}'';
action = {
service = "input_select.select_next";
data.entity_id = "input_select.scene_button";
alias = "Button -> Default Scene";
trigger = {
platform = "state";
entity_id = "input_boolean.situation_toggle";
condition = {
condition = "template";
value_template =
''{{ states.input_select.scene.state == "outside" }}'';
action = [
service = "input_select.select_option";
data = {
entity_id = "input_select.scene_button";
option = "default";
service = "input_select.select_option";
data = {
entity_id = "input_select.scene";
option = "default";
alias = "Button Scene -> Scene";
trigger = {
platform = "state";
entity_id = "input_select.scene_button";
action = {
service = "input_select.select_option";
data_template = {
entity_id = "input_select.scene";
option = "{{ states('input_select.scene_button') }}";
alias = "Set Scene To Outside when opening door";
trigger = [
platform = "state";
# todo : groups are not working right now
entity_id = "binary_sensor.door_sensor_2";
from = "off";
to = "on";
platform = "state";
# todo : groups are not working right now
entity_id = "binary_sensor.door_sensor_2";
from = "on";
to = "off";
action = {
service = "input_select.select_option";
data = {
entity_id = "input_select.scene";
option = "outside";
group = let
create_room = { name, description }: {
"${name}" = {
name = "${description}";
entities = [ ];
create_rooms = rooms:
lib.foldr (a: b: a // b) { } (map create_room rooms);
# rooms
# -----
in (create_rooms [
name = "floor_room";
description = "Flur";
name = "bed_room";
description = "Schlafzimmer";
name = "living_room";
description = "Wohnzimmer";
name = "kitchen_room";
description = "Küche";
name = "bath_room";
description = "Klo";
]) // {
# overview
# --------
all_sensors = { name = "Alle Sensoren"; };
today = {
name = "Today";
entities = [ "input_select.scene" ];
# other stuff
# -----------
tv = { name = "TV"; };
all_lights = { name = "Alle Lampen"; };
unknown = {
name = "Not Used";
entities = [ ];
services.home-assistant = {
enable = true;
#package = unstablePkgs.home-assistant.override {
# python3 = unstablePkgs.python37;
# extraPackages = python: [
# # todo : check which is still needed
# python.netdisco
# python.xmltodict
# python.mpd2
# # for mqtt
# python.hbmqtt
# python.paho-mqtt
# # needed for platform workday
# #(python.buildPythonPackage rec {
# # pname = "holidays";
# # version = "0.9.10";
# # src = python.fetchPypi {
# # inherit pname version;
# # sha256 =
# # "9f06d143eb708e8732230260636938f2f57114e94defd8fa2082408e0d422d6f";
# # };
# # doCheck = false;
# # buildInputs = [ pkgs.dateutils ];
# # propagatedBuildInputs = [ python."python-dateutil" python."six" ];
# # meta = with pkgs.stdenv.lib; {
# # homepage = "";
# # license =;
# # description = "Generate and work with holidays in Python";
# # maintainers = with maintainers; [ mrVanDalo ];
# # };
# #})
# ];
# host nginx setup
services.nginx = {
enable = true;
recommendedProxySettings = true;
virtualHosts = {
"iot.pepe.private" = {
serverAliases = [ "hass.pepe.private" "home.pepe.private" ];
locations."/" = { proxyPass = "http://pepe.private:8123"; };