{ lib, config, pkgs, ... }: { imports = [ ../../system/server ./hardware-configuration.nix ./mail-fetcher.nix #./transmission.nix ./nextcloud.nix ./borg.nix ./finance.nix ./gogs.nix ./grafana.nix ./graylog.nix #./jenkins.nix #./kibana.nix ./mysql.nix ./packages.nix ./prometheus.nix ./syncthing.nix ./taskserver.nix ./tinc.nix ./weechat.nix #./property.nix # flask sucks, find something else ]; sops.defaultSopsFile = ../../secrets/workhorse.yaml; nixpkgs.config.permittedInsecurePackages = [ "gogs-0.11.91" ]; # todo: add this to each file instead summing that here #on-failure.plans = { # gogs.name = "gogs"; # jenkins.name = "jenkins"; # graylog.name = "graylog"; # prometheus.name = "prometheus"; # taskserver.name = "taskserver"; # weechat.name = "weechat"; # transmission.name = "transmission"; # mail-fetcher.name = "fetchmail"; #}; networking.hostName = "workhorse"; # font # ---- programs.custom.urxvt.fontSize = 17; programs.custom.xterm.fontSize = 17; system.custom.fonts.dpi = 140; # enable initrd ssh configuration.init-ssh = { enable = "enabled"; kernelModules = [ "r8169" ]; hostKey = "/etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key"; }; # nix-shell -p speedtest_cli --run speedtest configuration.fireqos = { enable = true; interface = "enp2s0f1"; input = 45000; output = 8000; balance = false; }; virtualisation = { docker.enable = false; }; services.printing.enable = false; services.smartd.enable = true; }