{ pkgs, lib, config, ... }: let user = "mainUser"; userName = config.users.users.mainUser.name; home = config.users.users.mainUser.home; fontSize = config.programs.custom.urxvt.fontSize; startupBanner = pkgs.fetchurl{ url = "https://github.com/NixOS/nixos-homepage/raw/master/logo/nix-wiki.png"; sha256 = "1hrz7wr7i0b2bips60ygacbkmdzv466lsbxi22hycg42kv4m0173"; }; ticks = "\"''\""; unstable = import {}; in { environment.systemPackages = [ # needed for the SPC p g pkgs.universal-ctags pkgs.nodePackages.tern #unstable.emacs pkgs.emacs ]; # download git repositories into the home folder systemd.services = let clone = repository: folder: branch: { enable = true; wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ]; description = "clone ${repository} to ${folder}"; serviceConfig.User = userName; unitConfig.ConditionPathExists = "!${folder}"; script = '' ${pkgs.git}/bin/git clone ${repository} --branch ${branch} ${folder} ''; }; in { spacemacs-pull = clone "https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs" "${home}/.emacs.d" "master"; # todo move this to spacevim.nix spacevim-pull = clone "https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim.git" "${home}/.SpaceVim" "master"; }; home-manager.users."${user}" = { # a file which needs to be included at the end home.file.".spacemacs.d/hook-init.el".text = '' ;; -*- mode: emacs-lisp -*- ;; just add (load "~/.spacemacs.d/hook-init.el") in your dotspacemacs/init function ;; overrides of dotspacemacs/init () (setq ;; List of themes, the first of the list is loaded when spacemacs starts. ;; Press T n to cycle to the next theme in the list (works great ;; with 2 themes variants, one dark and one lixft:inconsolata:pixelsizeght) dotspacemacs-themes '(solarized-light solarized-dark) ;; Specify the startup banner. Default value is `official', it displays ;; the official spacemacs logo. An integer value is the index of text ;; banner, `random' chooses a random text banner in `core/banners' ;; directory. A string value must be a path to an image format supported ;; by your Emacs build. ;; If the value is nil then no banner is displayed. (default 'official) dotspacemacs-startup-banner "${startupBanner}" ;; Default font, or prioritized list of fonts. `powerline-scale' allows to ;; quickly tweak the mode-line size to make separators look not too crappy. dotspacemacs-default-font '("Terminus" :size ${toString fontSize} :weight normal :width normal :powerline-scale 1.1) ) ;; eof ''; home.file.".spacemacs.d/hook-layers.el".text = '' ;; -*- mode: emacs-lisp -*- ;; just add (load "~/.spacemacs.d/hook-layers.el") in your dotspacemacs/layers function (let ((user-layers dotspacemacs-configuration-layers)) (setq dotspacemacs-configuration-layers (append user-layers '( python ansible rust windows-scripts javascript typescript html yaml auto-completion git markdown restclient emacs-lisp nixos spell-checking syntax-checking systemd lua terraform graphviz c-c++ (haskell :variables haskell-enable-hindent t haskell-completion-backend 'lsp haskell-enable-hindent-style "gibiansky" haskell-process-type 'cabal-new-repl) )))) (let ((user-packages dotspacemacs-additional-packages )) (setq dotspacemacs-additional-packages (append user-packages '( lsp-mode lsp-ui lsp-haskell direnv )))) ''; # a file which needs to be included at the end home.file.".spacemacs.d/hook-user-config.el".text = '' ;; -*- mode: emacs-lisp -*- ;; just add (load "~/.spacemacs.d/hook-user-config.el") in your dotspacemacs/user-config function (let ((n 2)) (setq coffee-tab-width n) (setq javascript-indent-level n) (setq js-indent-level n) (setq js2-basic-offset n) (setq web-mode-markup-indent-offset n) (setq web-mode-css-indent-offset n) (setq web-mode-code-indent-offset n) (setq css-indent-offset n)) ;; configure indent function correctly (add-hook 'nix-mode-hook '(lambda () (setq indent-tabs-mode nil) (setq tab-width 2) (setq indent-line-function (quote nix-indent-line)))) ;; lsp setup for haskell ;; hie-wrapper must be configured in the direnv setup ;; make sure cabal update was executed once on the machine (setq lsp-haskell-process-path-hie "hie-wrapper") (setq lsp-response-timeout 60) (require 'lsp-haskell) ;; (add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook #'lsp) (add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook #'direnv-update-environment) ;; setup run-assoc ;; in dired mode use C- to open file in associated program (load "~/.spacemacs.d/run-assoc.el") (setq associated-program-alist '( ("${pkgs.evince}/bin/evince" "\\.pdf$") ("${pkgs.libreoffice}/bin/libreoffice" "\\.odt$") ${ let suffixes = ["jpg" "jpeg" "png"]; rule = suffix: ''("${pkgs.feh}/bin/feh --auto-rotate --auto-zoom" "\\.${suffix}$")''; in lib.concatStringsSep "\n " (builtins.map rule suffixes)} ) ) ''; home.file.".spacemacs.d/run-assoc.el".source = pkgs.fetchurl { url = "https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/download/run-assoc.el"; sha256 = "1rg0pa09zfslgqnhbqvaa6vdi2fmanrpyzq67ppiin0h1kdgs4im"; }; home.file.".ctags.d/terraform.ctags".text = '' --langdef=terraform --langmap=terraform:.tf.tfvars --regex-terraform=/^[[:space:]]*resource[[:space:]]*"([^"]*)"[[:space:]]*"([^"]*)"/\1.\2/r,Resource/ --regex-terraform=/^[[:space:]]*data[[:space:]]*"([^"]*)"[[:space:]]*"([^"]*)"/\1.\2/d,Data/ --regex-terraform=/^[[:space:]]*variable[[:space:]]*"([^"]*)"/\1/v,Variable/ --regex-terraform=/^[[:space:]]*provider[[:space:]]*"([^"]*)"/\1/p,Provider/ --regex-terraform=/^[[:space:]]*module[[:space:]]*"([^"]*)"/\1/m,Module/ --regex-terraform=/^[[:space:]]*output[[:space:]]*"([^"]*)"/\1/o,Output/ --regex-terraform=/^([a-z0-9_]+)[[:space:]]*=/\1/f,TFVar/ ''; home.file.".spacemacs.d/old/polymode.el".text = '' ;; not used at the moment (define-hostmode poly-nix-hostmode :mode 'nix-mode) (define-innermode poly-nix-lisp-metadata-innermode :mode 'emacs-lisp-mode :head-matcher (rx "/* lisp */" (one-or-more space) ${ticks} (zero-or-more space) line-end) :tail-matcher (rx ${ticks} (zero-or-more space) ";" (zero-or-more space) line-end) :head-mode 'host :tail-mode 'host) (define-innermode poly-nix-shell-metadata-innermode :mode 'shell-script-mode :head-matcher (rx "/* sh */" (one-or-more space) ${ticks} (zero-or-more space) line-end) :tail-matcher (rx ${ticks} (zero-or-more space) ";" (zero-or-more space) line-end) :head-mode 'host :tail-mode 'host) (define-innermode poly-nix-python-metadata-innermode :mode 'python-mode :head-matcher (rx "/* python */" (one-or-more space) ${ticks} (zero-or-more space) line-end) :tail-matcher (rx ${ticks} (zero-or-more space) ";" (zero-or-more space) line-end) :head-mode 'host :tail-mode 'host) (define-innermode poly-nix-haskell-metadata-innermode :mode 'haskell-mode :head-matcher (rx "/* haskell */" (one-or-more space) ${ticks} (zero-or-more space) line-end) :tail-matcher (rx ${ticks} (zero-or-more space) ";" (zero-or-more space) line-end) :head-mode 'host :tail-mode 'host) (define-polymode poly-nix-mode :hostmode 'poly-nix-hostmode :innermodes '(poly-nix-lisp-metadata-innermode poly-nix-shell-metadata-innermode poly-nix-haskell-metadata-innermode poly-nix-python-metadata-innermode)) ;; remove nix-mode from auto load and replace it with poly-nix-mode (setq auto-mode-alist (rassq-delete-all 'nix-mode auto-mode-alist)) (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.nix\\'" . poly-nix-mode)) ''; }; }