# NixOS Server Example with plops This setup shows: * how to use a terranix module * how to use 3rd party provision software after terraform. * how to run terranix and terraform Setup containing opinionated modules to deploy [NixOS servers](https://nixos.org/) on [hcloud](https://www.hetzner.com/cloud) using [nixos-infect](https://github.com/elitak/nixos-infect) with my [plops](https://github.com/mrVanDalo/plops) provisioning tool for NixOS, which is an overlay on [krops](https://cgit.krebsco.de/krops/about/). After server creation, the initial provisioning uploads the nixos-infect script and applys it. After server creation and initialization terranix/terraform generates files used for the "real" provisioning done by plops. Of course instead of plops you can use every provsioning tool you like here (e.g. NixOps, Ansible, ... ) # How to Run ## What you need * a setup [passwordstore](https://www.passwordstore.org/). * a [hcloud token](https://docs.hetzner.cloud/#overview-getting-started) stored under `development/hetzner.com/api-token` ## Steps * `example-prepare`: to create ssh keys. * `example-ssh`: to run terranix and terraform do create server. * `example-cleanup`: to delete server, ssh keys and terraform data. (don't forget that step, or else it gets costly)