{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: let cfg = config.home-manager.users.mainUser.xsession.windowManager.i3; colorTheme = let theme = (import ../../../library/colorThemes.nix).solarized.light.hex; in theme // { forground = theme.base3; background = theme.base03; }; in { home-manager.users.mainUser = { programs.i3status-rust.enable = true; xsession.windowManager.i3 = { enable = true; config = { modifier = "Mod4"; startup = [ { command = "${pkgs.albert}/bin/albert"; always = true; } # { command = "systemctl --user restart polybar"; always = true; notification = false; } ]; bars = [{ mode = "hide"; hiddenState = "hide"; #modifier = "Mod4"; position = "bottom"; workspaceButtons = true; workspaceNumbers = true; statusCommand = "${pkgs.i3status-rust}/bin/i3status-rs ${config.users.users.mainUser.home}/.config/i3status-rust/config-default.toml"; fonts = { names = [ "monospace" ]; size = 8.0; }; trayOutput = "primary"; colors = { background = "#000000"; statusline = "#ffffff"; separator = "#666666"; focusedWorkspace = { border = "#4c7899"; background = "#285577"; text = "#ffffff"; }; activeWorkspace = { border = "#333333"; background = "#5f676a"; text = "#ffffff"; }; inactiveWorkspace = { border = "#333333"; background = "#222222"; text = "#888888"; }; urgentWorkspace = { border = "#2f343a"; background = "#900000"; text = "#ffffff"; }; bindingMode = { border = "#2f343a"; background = "#900000"; text = "#ffffff"; }; }; }]; keybindings = { "${cfg.config.modifier}+Return" = "exec ${cfg.config.terminal}"; "${cfg.config.modifier}+Shift+q" = "kill"; "${cfg.config.modifier}+Left" = "focus left"; "${cfg.config.modifier}+Down" = "focus down"; "${cfg.config.modifier}+Up" = "focus up"; "${cfg.config.modifier}+Right" = "focus right"; "${cfg.config.modifier}+j" = "focus next"; "${cfg.config.modifier}+k" = "focus prev"; "${cfg.config.modifier}+Shift+Left" = "move left"; "${cfg.config.modifier}+Shift+Down" = "move down"; "${cfg.config.modifier}+Shift+Up" = "move up"; "${cfg.config.modifier}+Shift+Right" = "move right"; "${cfg.config.modifier}+h" = "split h"; "${cfg.config.modifier}+v" = "split v"; "${cfg.config.modifier}+f" = "fullscreen toggle"; "${cfg.config.modifier}+s" = "layout stacking"; "${cfg.config.modifier}+w" = "layout tabbed"; "${cfg.config.modifier}+e" = "layout toggle split"; #"${cfg.config.modifier}+Shift+space" = "floating toggle"; #"${cfg.config.modifier}+space" = "focus mode_toggle"; "${cfg.config.modifier}+a" = "focus parent"; "${cfg.config.modifier}+Shift+minus" = "move scratchpad"; "${cfg.config.modifier}+minus" = "scratchpad show"; "${cfg.config.modifier}+1" = "workspace number 1"; "${cfg.config.modifier}+2" = "workspace number 2"; "${cfg.config.modifier}+3" = "workspace number 3"; "${cfg.config.modifier}+4" = "workspace number 4"; "${cfg.config.modifier}+5" = "workspace number 5"; "${cfg.config.modifier}+6" = "workspace number 6"; "${cfg.config.modifier}+7" = "workspace number 7"; "${cfg.config.modifier}+8" = "workspace number 8"; "${cfg.config.modifier}+9" = "workspace number 9"; "${cfg.config.modifier}+0" = "workspace number 10"; "${cfg.config.modifier}+Escape" = "workspace back_and_forth"; "${cfg.config.modifier}+Shift+1" = "move container to workspace number 1"; "${cfg.config.modifier}+Shift+2" = "move container to workspace number 2"; "${cfg.config.modifier}+Shift+3" = "move container to workspace number 3"; "${cfg.config.modifier}+Shift+4" = "move container to workspace number 4"; "${cfg.config.modifier}+Shift+5" = "move container to workspace number 5"; "${cfg.config.modifier}+Shift+6" = "move container to workspace number 6"; "${cfg.config.modifier}+Shift+7" = "move container to workspace number 7"; "${cfg.config.modifier}+Shift+8" = "move container to workspace number 8"; "${cfg.config.modifier}+Shift+9" = "move container to workspace number 9"; "${cfg.config.modifier}+Shift+0" = "move container to workspace number 10"; "${cfg.config.modifier}+Shift+c" = "reload"; "${cfg.config.modifier}+Shift+r" = "restart"; "${cfg.config.modifier}+Shift+e" = "exec i3-nagbar -t warning -m 'Do you want to exit i3?' -b 'Yes' 'i3-msg exit'"; "${cfg.config.modifier}+r" = "mode resize"; # hide and show polybar # enable-ipc = true; <-- is needed for this command #"${cfg.config.modifier}+grave" = "exec ${pkgs.polybar}/bin/polybar-msg cmd toggle"; #"${cfg.config.modifier}+equal" = "exec ${pkgs.polybar}/bin/polybar-msg cmd toggle"; }; }; }; # polybar services.polybar = { enable = false; #package = pkgs.polybar.override { # i3Support = true; # #alsaSupport = true; # iwSupport = true; # pulseSupport = true; # #githubSupport = true; #}; package = pkgs.polybarFull; config = { "bar/top" = { # needed for polybar-msg cmd toggle enable-ipc = true; width = "100%"; # Background ARGB color (e.g. #f00, #ff992a, #ddff1023) background = colorTheme.background; # Foreground ARGB color (e.g. #f00, #ff992a, #ddff1023) foreground = colorTheme.forground; radius = 0; overline-size = 0; overline-color = colorTheme.background; underline-size = 3; underline-color = colorTheme.background; border-size = 0; # Padding (number of spaces, pixels, or points) to add at the beginning/end of # the bar padding = 0; module-margin = 1; modules-center = "date battery"; modules-left = "i3"; tray-position = "right"; }; "module/i3" = { type = "internal/i3"; # Available tokens: # %mode% label-mode = "%mode%"; label-mode-background = colorTheme.red; label-mode-padding = 2; # Available tokens: # %name% # %icon% # %index% # %output% label-focused = "%index%"; label-focused-underline = colorTheme.red; label-focused-padding = 1; # Available tokens: # %name% # %icon% # %index% # %output% label-unfocused = "%index%"; label-unfocused-padding = 1; # Available tokens: # %name% # %icon% # %index% # %output% label-visible = "%index%"; label-visible-underline = colorTheme.yellow; label-visible-padding = 1; # Available tokens: # %name% # %icon% # %index% # %output% label-urgent = "%index%"; label-urgent-padding = 1; }; "module/date" = { type = "internal/date"; internal = 5; date = "%Y-%m-%d"; time = "%H:%M"; label = "%date% %time%"; }; "module/battery" = { type = "internal/battery"; # This is useful in case the battery never reports 100% charge # Default: 100 full-at = 99; # format-low once this charge percentage is reached # Default: 10 # New in version 3.6.0 low-at = 5; # Use the following command to list batteries and adapters: # $ ls -1 /sys/class/power_supply/ battery = "BAT0"; adapter = "AC"; # If an inotify event haven't been reported in this many # seconds, manually poll for new values. # # Needed as a fallback for systems that don't report events # on sysfs/procfs. # # Disable polling by setting the interval to 0. # # Default: 5 poll-interval = 5; }; }; script = '' polybar top & ''; }; }; }