{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: with lib; let cfg = config.programs.custom.ffmpeg; ffmpegTemplate = name: { profile, preset, tune ? null, width ? 1280, height ? 720 , resolution ? "720p" }: pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "ffmpeg-${name}" '' if [ $# -eq 0 ] then cat <---${resolution} profiles = "baseline" - Primarily for low-cost applications that require additional data loss robustness "main" - This profile is used for standard-definition digital TV broadcasts that use the MPEG-4 format as defined in the DVB standard. "high" - The primary profile for broadcast and disc storage applications, particularly for high-definition television applications presets = "ultrafast" "superfast" "veryfast" "faster" "fast" "medium" "slow" "slower" "veryslow" tunes = (optional) "film" - use for high quality movie content; lowers deblockin "animation" - good for cartoons; uses higher deblocking and more reference frames "grain" - preserves the grain structure in old, grainy film material "stillimage" - good for slideshow-like content "fastdecode" - allows faster decoding by disabling certain filters EOF exit 0 fi if [ $# -ne 2 ] then echo "ffmpeg-${name} " exit 1 fi input=$1 output=$2 if [ ! -f "$input" ] then echo "input does not exist $input" exit 1 fi # do it stereo # -ac 2 # do it sample rate 44100 # -ar 44100 exec ${pkgs.ffmpeg}/bin/ffmpeg \ -i "$input" \ -filter:v scale=h='min(${toString height}\,ih)':w='min(${ toString width }\,iw)' \ -vcodec libx264 \ -preset ${preset} \ -profile:v ${profile} \ ${optionalString (tune != null) "-tune ${tune}"} \ -acodec aac \ -ac 2 \ -ar 44100 \ "$output" \ -hide_banner ''; # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H.264/MPEG-4_AVC#Profiles profiles = [ "baseline" "main" "high" #"high10" #"high422" #"high44" ]; presets = [ #"ultrafast" #"superfast" #"veryfast" #"faster" "fast" "medium" "slow" #"slower" "veryslow" ]; tunes = [ "film" "animation" "grain" "stillimage" "fastdecode" ]; ffmpegs = let configurations = lib.cartesianProductOfSets { profile = profiles; preset = presets; }; p720 = { profile, preset }: ffmpegTemplate "${profile}-${preset}-720p" { inherit profile preset; }; p1080 = { profile, preset }: ffmpegTemplate "${profile}-${preset}-1080p" { inherit profile preset; height = 1080; width = 1920; resolution = "1080p"; }; in (map p720 configurations) ++ (map p1080 configurations); ffmpegsTune = let configurations = lib.cartesianProductOfSets { profile = profiles; preset = presets; tune = tunes; }; p720 = { profile, preset, tune }: ffmpegTemplate "${profile}-${preset}-${tune}-720p" { inherit profile preset tune; }; p1080 = { profile, preset, tune }: ffmpegTemplate "${profile}-${preset}-${tune}-1080p" { inherit profile preset tune; height = 1080; width = 1920; resolution = "1080p"; }; in (map p720 configurations) ++ (map p1080 configurations); in { options.programs.custom.ffmpeg = { enable = mkEnableOption "enable programs.custom.ffmpeg"; }; config = mkIf cfg.enable { environment.systemPackages = ffmpegs ++ ffmpegsTune; }; }