remote_state { backend = "s3" generate = { path = "" if_exists = "overwrite" } config = { bucket = "terraform-state-terranix-website" key = "${path_relative_to_include()}/terraform.tfstate" region = "home" encrypt = false endpoint = "http://s3.chungus.private" iam_endpoint = "http://s3.chungus.private" sts_endpoint = "http://s3.chunugs.private" force_path_style = true enable_lock_table_ssencryption = false skip_s3_checksum = true skip_bucket_public_access_blocking = true skip_bucket_enforced_tls = true skip_credentials_validation = true skip_bucket_root_access = true # use only if the AWS account root user should not have access to the remote state bucket for some reason skip_bucket_versioning = true # use only if the object store does not support versioning skip_bucket_ssencryption = true # use only if non-encrypted Terraform State is required and/or the object store does not support server-side encryption skip_metadata_api_check = true skip_region_validation = true skip_requesting_account_id = true } }