/* # use this nginx configuration # to send data to these inputs log_format graylog2_json escape=json '{ "timestamp": "$time_iso8601", ' '"facility": "nginx", ' '"src_addr": "$remote_addr", ' '"body_bytes_sent": $body_bytes_sent, ' '"request_time": $request_time, ' '"response_status": $status, ' '"request": "$request", ' '"request_method": "$request_method", ' '"host": "$host",' '"upstream_cache_status": "$upstream_cache_status",' '"upstream_addr": "$upstream_addr",' '"http_x_forwarded_for": "$http_x_forwarded_for",' '"http_referrer": "$http_referer", ' '"http_user_agent": "$http_user_agent" }'; access_log syslog:server=${access_log_input} graylog2_json; error_log syslog:server=${error_log_input}; */ with builtins; { resource = { graylog_input = { nginx_access_logs = { title = "nginx access log"; # https://javadoc.io/doc/org.graylog2/graylog2-inputs/latest/index.html type = "org.graylog2.inputs.syslog.udp.SyslogUDPInput"; global = true; attributes = toJSON ({ allow_override_date = true; bind_address = ""; expand_structured_data = false; force_rdns = false; number_worker_threads = 4; port = 12304; recv_buffer_size = 1048576; store_full_message = false; }); }; nginx_error_logs = { title = "nginx error log"; # https://javadoc.io/doc/org.graylog2/graylog2-inputs/latest/index.html type = "org.graylog2.inputs.syslog.udp.SyslogUDPInput"; global = true; attributes = toJSON ({ allow_override_date = true; bind_address = ""; expand_structured_data = false; force_rdns = false; number_worker_threads = 4; port = 12305; recv_buffer_size = 1048576; store_full_message = false; }); }; }; graylog_extractor = { # nginx error nginx_error_timestamp = { input_id = "\${graylog_input.nginx_error_logs.id}"; order = 0; title = "Timestamp"; type = "regex"; extractor_config = toJSON ({ regex_value = "^.*:\\s(\\d\\d\\d\\d/\\d\\d/\\d\\d\\s\\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d)\\s.*$"; }); target_field = "timestamp"; source_field = "message"; cursor_strategy = "copy"; condition_type = "none"; converters = { config = toJSON ({ date_format = "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss "; }); type = "date"; }; }; nginx_error_server = { input_id = "\${graylog_input.nginx_error_logs.id}"; type = "regex"; source_field = "message"; cursor_strategy = "copy"; condition_type = "string"; condition_value = "server"; extractor_config = toJSON ({ regex_value = "server:\\s(.+?)(,|$)"; }); order = 1; target_field = "server"; title = "server"; }; nginx_error_remote_addr = { input_id = "\${graylog_input.nginx_error_logs.id}"; type = "regex"; source_field = "message"; cursor_strategy = "copy"; condition_type = "string"; condition_value = "client"; extractor_config = toJSON ({ regex_value = "client:\\s(.+?)(,|$)"; }); order = 2; target_field = "remote_addr"; title = "remote_addr/client"; }; nginx_error_host = { input_id = "\${graylog_input.nginx_error_logs.id}"; type = "regex"; source_field = "message"; cursor_strategy = "copy"; condition_type = "string"; condition_value = "host"; extractor_config = toJSON ({ regex_value = ''host:\s"(.+?)"(,|$)''; }); order = 3; target_field = "host"; title = "host"; }; nginx_error_request_path = { input_id = "\${graylog_input.nginx_error_logs.id}"; type = "regex"; source_field = "message"; cursor_strategy = "copy"; condition_type = "string"; condition_value = "request"; extractor_config = toJSON ({ regex_value = ''request:\s"(.+?)"(,|$)''; }); order = 4; target_field = "request_path"; title = "request_path/request"; }; nginx_error_request_verb = { input_id = "\${graylog_input.nginx_error_logs.id}"; type = "regex"; source_field = "message"; cursor_strategy = "copy"; condition_type = "string"; condition_value = "request"; extractor_config = toJSON ({ regex_value = '' request:\s"(GET|HEAD|POST|PUT|DELETE|TRACE|OPTIONS|CONNECT|PATCH).+"(,|$)''; }); order = 5; target_field = "request_verb"; title = "request_verb"; }; # nginx access nginx_access_json_from_syslog = { input_id = "\${graylog_input.nginx_access_logs.id}"; title = "Get JSON from syslog message"; type = "regex"; cursor_strategy = "copy"; condition_type = "none"; source_field = "message"; target_field = "json"; order = 0; extractor_config = toJSON ({ regex_value = "nginx:\\s+(.*)"; }); }; nginx_access_extract_json = { input_id = "\${graylog_input.nginx_access_logs.id}"; title = "Extract JSON fields"; order = 1; source_field = "json"; type = "json"; cursor_strategy = "copy"; condition_type = "none"; extractor_config = toJSON ({ flatten = true; list_separator = ", "; kv_separator = "="; key_prefix = ""; key_separator = "_"; replace_key_whitespace = false; key_whitespace_replacement = "_"; }); }; nginx_access_empty_json = { input_id = "\${graylog_input.nginx_access_logs.id}"; order = 2; title = "Empty JSON field"; type = "regex_replace"; extractor_config = toJSON ({ regex = ".*"; replacement = "-"; }); target_field = "json"; source_field = "json"; cursor_strategy = "copy"; condition_type = "none"; }; nginx_access_reduce_message = { input_id = "\${graylog_input.nginx_access_logs.id}"; order = 3; title = "Reduced message to path"; type = "regex_replace"; extractor_config = toJSON ({ regex = ''.*request": "(.*?)".*''; replacement = "$1"; }); target_field = "message"; source_field = "message"; cursor_strategy = "copy"; condition_type = "none"; }; }; graylog_input_static_fields = { nginx_access_logs = { input_id = "\${graylog_input.nginx_access_logs.id}"; fields = { from_nginx = true; nginx_error = false; nginx_access = true; }; }; nginx_error_logs = { input_id = "\${graylog_input.nginx_error_logs.id}"; fields = { from_nginx = true; nginx_error = true; nginx_access = false; }; }; }; graylog_stream = { nginx5xx = { title = "nginx 5xx"; description = "all requests answered with a 5xx response"; index_set_id = "\${graylog_index_set.default.id}"; disabled = false; matching_type = "AND"; }; nginx4xx = { title = "nginx 4xx"; description = "all requests answered with a 4xx response"; index_set_id = "\${graylog_index_set.default.id}"; disabled = false; matching_type = "AND"; }; nginx2xx = { title = "nginx 2xx"; description = "all requests answered with a 2xx response"; index_set_id = "\${graylog_index_set.default.id}"; disabled = false; matching_type = "AND"; }; nginx_access = { title = "nginx access"; description = "all requests"; index_set_id = "\${graylog_index_set.default.id}"; disabled = false; matching_type = "AND"; }; nginx_error = { title = "nginx error"; description = "all errors"; index_set_id = "\${graylog_index_set.default.id}"; disabled = false; matching_type = "AND"; }; }; graylog_stream_rule = let nq_stream_rule = field: value: stream_id: { inherit field value stream_id; type = 1; inverted = true; }; eq_stream_rule = field: value: stream_id: { inherit field value stream_id; type = 1; inverted = false; }; gt_stream_rule = field: value: stream_id: { inherit field value stream_id; type = 3; inverted = false; }; lt_stream_rule = field: value: stream_id: { inherit field value stream_id; type = 4; inverted = false; }; between = min: max: stream_id: { "is_nginx_access_${min}_${max}" = (eq_stream_rule "nginx_access" true stream_id); "nginx_above${min}" = (gt_stream_rule "response_status" min stream_id); "nginx_below${max}" = (lt_stream_rule "response_status" max stream_id); }; in (between "499" "600" "\${graylog_stream.nginx5xx.id}") // (between "399" "500" "\${graylog_stream.nginx4xx.id}") // (between "199" "300" "\${graylog_stream.nginx2xx.id}") // { is_nginx_access = (eq_stream_rule "nginx_access" true "\${graylog_stream.nginx_access.id}"); is_nginx_error = (eq_stream_rule "nginx_error" true "\${graylog_stream.nginx_error.id}"); }; }; }