{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }: { imports = [ ../../components ./hardware-configuration.nix ../../system/server ./disko-config.nix ./disko-syncoid.nix ./packages.nix ./network-wireguard.nix ./network-tinc.nix ./network-tinc-retiolum.nix # make sure no service is open for this vpn! ./hass.nix ./hass-zigbee2mqtt.nix ./hass-mqtt.nix #./hass-wifi.nix #./mail-fetcher.nix #./borg.nix ./taskwarrior-autotag.nix ./media-share.nix ./media-audiobookshelf.nix #./media-tdarr.nix ./media-jellyfin.nix ./media-youtube.nix ./media-castget.nix ./media-curl.nix # logging ./loki.nix ./loki-promtail.nix ./prometheus.nix ./grafana.nix ./telegraf.nix ./telegraf-smart.nix #./home-display.nix ./rbackup.nix ./sync-torrent.nix ./sync-script.nix ./syncthing.nix ./services-s3.nix #./kiosk.nix ./trilium.nix ./gitea.nix #./atuin.nix ./cache.nix ]; components.gui.enable = false; components.mainUser.enable = true; components.media.tts-server.enable = false; components.network.enable = true; components.network.wifi.enable = false; components.terminal.enable = true; services.printing.enable = false; boot.loader.systemd-boot.enable = true; boot.loader.efi.canTouchEfiVariables = true; boot.tmp.useTmpfs = true; # make /tmp a tmpfs (performance!) boot.supportedFilesystems = [ "zfs" ]; # head -c4 /dev/urandom | od -A none -t x4 networking.hostId = "e439b116"; services.zfs.autoSnapshot.enable = true; #virtualisation.containers.storage.settings = { # # fixes: Error: 'overlay' is not supported over zfs, a mount_program is required: backing file system is unsupported for this graph driver # storage.options.mount_program = "${pkgs.fuse-overlayfs}/bin/fuse-overlayfs"; #}; virtualisation.podman.extraPackages = [ pkgs.zfs ]; # make sure /var/lib/containers/storage is a zfs dataset sops.defaultSopsFile = ../../secrets/chungus.yaml; networking.hostName = "chungus"; users.users.root.shell = pkgs.zsh; # todo : rename to component.init.ssh # todo : make tor optional configuration.init-ssh = { enable = "enabled"; kernelModules = [ "e1000e" ]; }; hardware.opengl = { enable = true; extraPackages = with pkgs; [ intel-media-driver # LIBVA_DRIVER_NAME=iHD vaapiIntel # LIBVA_DRIVER_NAME=i965 (older but works better for Firefox/Chromium) vaapiVdpau libvdpau-va-gl ]; }; # just enable lan #networking.dhcpcd.allowInterfaces = [ "enp0s25" ]; # nix-shell -p speedtest_cli --run speedtest #configuration.fireqos = { # enable = false; # interface = "enp0s25"; # input = 200000; # output = 2000; # balance = false; #}; }