A setup to test tinc on a hetzner box

# steps

## OPTIONAL: generate fresh ssh keys

ssh-keygen -P "" -f sshkey

## OPTIONAL: generate new tinc keys

nix-shell -p tinc_pre --run "tinc --config . generate-keys 4096"
cat *.pub host_file
rm *.pub

## generate machine

cd ./01-terranix
nix-shell --run "create"

## provision machine

cd ./02-build
nix-shell --run deploy-server

## tracking and collecting

dumpcap \
  -i ens3 \
  -w /root/hardware-device_working.dcap
dumpcap \
  -i tinc.test \
  -w /root/tinc-device_working.dcap

and for the not working experiment

dumpcap \
  -i ens3 \
  -w /root/hardware-device_not-working.dcap
dumpcap \
  -i tinc.test \
  -w /root/tinc-device_not-working.dcap


systemctl --from "2020-01-04 15:00" --until "2020-01-04 16:00" -o json > working-logs.json
systemctl --from "2020-01-04 17:00" --until "2020-01-04 18:00" -o json > nog-working-logs.json

and setup

tar cvzf etc.tgz /etc/tinc

## cleanup

cd ./01-terranix
nix-shell --run "clean"