# nix run github:nix-community/nixos-anywhere -- --copy-host-keys --disk-encryption-keys /run/secret.key /home/palo/orbi/run/secret.key --flake .#orbi root@
{ config, lib, ... }:
  disks = [
  disko.devices = {
    disk = lib.genAttrs disks (disk: {
      type = "disk";
      device = "/dev/${disk}";
      content = {
        type = "gpt";
        partitions = {
          boot = {
            priority = 0;
            size = "1M";
            type = "EF02"; # for grub MBR
          ESP = {
            priority = 1;
            size = "500M";
            type = "EF00";
            content = {
              type = "filesystem";
              format = "vfat";
              mountpoint = if disk == "sda" then "/boot" else "/boot_${disk}";
              mountOptions = [ "defaults" ];
          root = {
            priority = 10;
            size = "500G";
            content = {
              type = "luks";
              name = "root_${disk}";
              # if you want to use the key for interactive login be sure there is no trailing newline
              # for example use `echo -n "password" > /run/secret.key`
              # for example use `pass show hetzner/orbi/master_password | head -c -1 > /run/secret.key`
              # or use nixos-anywhere --disk-encryption-keys /run/secret.key <local-path>
              passwordFile = "/run/secret.key";
              settings = {
                allowDiscards = true;
              content = {
                type = "zfs";
                pool = "zroot";
          media = {
            priority = 50;
            size = "100%";
            content = {
              type = "luks";
              # if you want to use the key for interactive login be sure there is no trailing newline
              # for example use `echo -n "password" > /run/secret.key`
              # for example use `pass show hetzner/orbi/master_password | head -c -1 > /run/secret.key`
              # or use nixos-anywhere --disk-encryption-keys /run/secret.key <local-path>
              passwordFile = "/run/secret.key";
              settings = {
                allowDiscards = true;
              name = "media_${disk}";
              content = {
                type = "zfs";
                pool = "zmedia";

    zpool = {

      zroot = {
        type = "zpool";
        mode = "mirror";
        rootFsOptions = {
          mountpoint = "none";
          canmount = "off";
          compression = "lz4";
        datasets = {
          "root" = {
            type = "zfs_fs";
            mountpoint = "/";
            options = {
              mountpoint = "legacy";
              compression = "lz4";
          "store" = {
            type = "zfs_fs";
            mountpoint = "/nix/store";
            options = {
              mountpoint = "legacy";
              compression = "lz4";
          "nextcloud" = {
            type = "zfs_fs";
            mountpoint = "/var/lib/nixos-containers/nextcloud";
            options = {
              mountpoint = "legacy";
              compression = "lz4";
              "com.sun:auto-snapshot:hourly" = toString true;
              "com.sun:auto-snapshot:daily" = toString true;
              # "com.sun:auto-snapshot:weekly" = toString true;
              # "com.sun:auto-snapshot:monthly" = toString true;
          "matrix-terranix" = {
            type = "zfs_fs";
            mountpoint = "/var/lib/nixos-containers/matrix-terranix";
            options = {
              mountpoint = "legacy";
              compression = "lz4";
              "com.sun:auto-snapshot:hourly" = toString true;
              "com.sun:auto-snapshot:daily" = toString true;
              # "com.sun:auto-snapshot:weekly" = toString true;
              # "com.sun:auto-snapshot:monthly" = toString true;
          "surrealdb" = {
            type = "zfs_fs";
            mountpoint = "/var/lib/nixos-containers/surrealdb";
            options = {
              mountpoint = "legacy";
              compression = "lz4";
              "com.sun:auto-snapshot:hourly" = toString true;
              #"com.sun:auto-snapshot:daily" = toString true;
              #"com.sun:auto-snapshot:weekly" = toString true;
              #"com.sun:auto-snapshot:monthly" = toString true;
          "forgejo" = {
            type = "zfs_fs";
            mountpoint = "/var/lib/nixos-containers/forgejo";
            options = {
              mountpoint = "legacy";
              compression = "lz4";
              "com.sun:auto-snapshot:hourly" = toString true;
              "com.sun:auto-snapshot:daily" = toString true;
              #"com.sun:auto-snapshot:weekly" = toString true;
              #"com.sun:auto-snapshot:monthly" = toString true;
          "taskchampion" = {
            type = "zfs_fs";
            mountpoint = config.services.taskchampion-sync-server.dataDir;
            # "/var/lib/taskchampion-sync-server";
            options = {
              mountpoint = "legacy";
              compression = "lz4";
              "com.sun:auto-snapshot:hourly" = toString true;
              "com.sun:auto-snapshot:daily" = toString true;
              #"com.sun:auto-snapshot:weekly" = toString true;
              #"com.sun:auto-snapshot:monthly" = toString true;

      # `zpool import -f zraid` once on the first boot and reboot
      zmedia = {
        type = "zpool";
        rootFsOptions = {
          mountpoint = "none";
          canmount = "off";
        datasets = {
          media = {
            type = "zfs_fs";
            mountpoint = "/media";
            options = {
              mountpoint = "legacy";
              compression = "lz4";
          photoprism = {
            type = "zfs_fs";
            mountpoint = "/var/lib/nixos-containers/photoprism";
            options = {
              mountpoint = "legacy";
              compression = "lz4";
              "com.sun:auto-snapshot:hourly" = toString true;
              "com.sun:auto-snapshot:daily" = toString true;

