#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e PROJECTS_FOLDER=~/music-projects/Rendered-Projects # file separator (needed to handle files with spaces) IFS=" " function info_log(){ echo -n ">>> [ " echo -n $@ echo " ]" } function run_ffmpeg(){ local input=$1 local output=$2 info_log "ffmpeg : ${output}" ffmpeg \ -i "${input}" \ -f mp3 \ -codec:a libmp3lame \ -qscale:a 5 \ -ar 44100 \ -loglevel error \ -af loudnorm \ "${output}" } function delete(){ local input=$1 if [[ -e "${input}" ]] then info_log "delete : ${input}" rm "${input}" fi } for file in `ls ${PROJECTS_FOLDER} | grep wav$` do filename=`basename ${file} .wav` mp3="${filename}.mp3" info_log ${filename} delete "${PROJECTS_FOLDER}/${mp3}" run_ffmpeg "${PROJECTS_FOLDER}/${file}" "${PROJECTS_FOLDER}/${mp3}" delete "${PROJECTS_FOLDER}/${file}" done