{ pkgs, config, lib, ... }: with lib; with types; let cfg = config.components.monitor.opentelemetry; in { options.components.monitor.opentelemetry = { receiver.endpoint = mkOption { type = nullOr str; default = null; description = "endpoint to receive the opentelementry data from other collectors"; }; exporter.endpoint = mkOption { type = nullOr str; default = null; description = "endpoint to ship opentelementry data too"; }; exporter.debug = mkOption { type = nullOr (enum [ "logs" "metrics" ]); default = null; description = "enable debug exporter."; }; metrics.endpoint = mkOption { type = str; default = ""; description = "endpoint on where to provide opentelementry metrics"; }; }; config = mkMerge [ (mkIf config.components.monitor.enable { services.opentelemetry-collector = { enable = true; package = pkgs.unstable.opentelemetry-collector-contrib; }; }) # add default tags to metrics # todo : make sure we filter out metrics from otlp receivers (mkIf config.components.monitor.enable { services.opentelemetry-collector.settings = { service.pipelines.metrics.processors = [ "metricstransform" "resourcedetection/system" ]; service.pipelines.logs.processors = [ "resourcedetection/system" ]; processors = { # https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector-contrib/blob/main/processor/resourcedetectionprocessor/README.md "resourcedetection/system" = { detectors = [ "system" ]; override = false; system.hostname_sources = [ "os" ]; }; metricstransform.transforms = [ { include = ".*"; match_type = "regexp"; action = "update"; operations = [{ action = "add_label"; new_label = "machine"; new_value = config.networking.hostName; }]; } ]; }; }; }) (mkIf (config.components.monitor.opentelemetry.exporter.debug != null) { services.opentelemetry-collector.settings = { exporters.debug = { verbosity = "detailed"; sampling_initial = 5; sampling_thereafter = 200; }; service.pipelines.${config.components.monitor.opentelemetry.exporter.debug} = { exporters = [ "debug" ]; }; }; }) # ship to next instance (mkIf (config.components.monitor.opentelemetry.exporter.endpoint != null) { services.opentelemetry-collector.settings = { exporters.otlp = { endpoint = cfg.exporter.endpoint; tls.insecure = true; }; service = { pipelines.metrics = { exporters = [ "otlp" ]; }; pipelines.logs = { exporters = [ "otlp" ]; }; }; }; }) # ship from other instance (mkIf (config.components.monitor.opentelemetry.receiver.endpoint != null) { services.opentelemetry-collector.settings = { receivers.otlp.protocols.grpc.endpoint = cfg.receiver.endpoint; service = { pipelines.metrics = { receivers = [ "otlp" ]; }; pipelines.logs = { receivers = [ "otlp" ]; }; }; }; }) # scrape opentelemetry-colectors metrics # todo: this should be collected another way (opentelemetry internal?) (mkIf config.components.monitor.enable { services.opentelemetry-collector.settings = { receivers = { prometheus.config.scrape_configs = [ { job_name = "otelcol"; scrape_interval = "10s"; static_configs = [{ targets = [ cfg.metrics.endpoint ]; }]; metric_relabel_configs = [ { source_labels = [ "__name__" ]; regex = ".*grpc_io.*"; action = "drop"; } ]; } ]; }; service = { pipelines.metrics = { receivers = [ "prometheus" ]; }; # todo : this should be automatically be collected # open telemetries own metrics? telemetry.metrics.address = cfg.metrics.endpoint; }; }; }) ]; }