{ pkgs, config, lib, ... }: with lib; let # desktop file # ------------ # makes it possible to be used by other programs desktopFile = name: bin: pkgs.writeTextFile { name = "${name}.desktop"; destination = "/share/applications/${name}.desktop"; text = '' [Desktop Entry] Categories=Application;Utility; Comment=password dialog Encoding=UTF-8 Exec=${bin} Icon=gnome-lockscreen Name=${name} Terminal=false Type=Application ''; }; in { options.components.gui.pass.enable = mkOption { type = lib.types.bool; default = config.components.gui.enable; }; config = mkIf (config.components.gui.pass.enable) { environment.systemPackages = [ (pkgs.pass.withExtensions (ext: [ ext.pass-otp ])) # todo : use upstream desktop file creator (desktopFile "passmenu" "${ pkgs.pass.withExtensions (ext: [ ext.pass-otp ]) }/bin/passmenu --type -l 10") pkgs.otpmenu # todo ein script machen was hier tut # zbarimg -q --raw 2018-12-18-114509.png | pass otp insert mindcurv/cloudamqp/otp pkgs.zbar pkgs.ctmg pkgs.pinentry pkgs.pinentry-curses ]; }; }