{ pkgs, lib, config, ... }: let unstable = import { }; networkStatus = let q-online = '' if ${pkgs.curl}/bin/curl -s google.com >/dev/null; then echo 'status: online' else echo 'status: offline ' fi ''; q-wireless = '' for dev in $( ${pkgs.iw}/bin/iw dev \ | ${pkgs.gnused}/bin/sed -n 's/^\s*Interface\s\+\([0-9a-z]\+\)$/\1/p' ); do inet=$(${pkgs.iproute}/bin/ip addr show $dev \ | ${pkgs.gnused}/bin/sed -n 's/.*inet \([0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\).*/\1/p') \ || unset inet ssid=$(${pkgs.iw}/bin/iw dev $dev link \ | ${pkgs.gnused}/bin/sed -n 's/.*\tSSID: \(.*\)/\1/p' \ | ${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/tr -d '\r') \ || unset ssid printf '%s: %s %s\n' $dev ''${inet+ $inet} ''${ssid+ $ssid} done ''; in pkgs.writers.writeBash "network-status" '' ${q-wireless} ${q-online} ${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/uptime ''; taskNextWeek = pkgs.writers.writeDash "taskweek" '' ${pkgs.taskwarrior}/bin/task \ export \ status:pending and \( due.before:7days and due.after:today \) \ | ${pkgs.jq}/bin/jq '[.[] | { Day: .due, ID: .id, Description: .description | sub("\n.*";"")} ] | sort_by(.Day)' \ | ${pkgs.miller}/bin/mlr --ijson --opprint put '$Day = strftime(strptime($Day,"%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ")'$(date +%z)'00,"%a")' ''; activeTasks = pkgs.writers.writeBash "active-tasks" '' ${pkgs.taskwarrior}/bin/task export +checklist status:pending +READY | \ ${pkgs.jq}/bin/jq \ --raw-output ' sort_by(.description) | reverse | .[] | "[ \( .id ) ] \( .description )" ' echo ${pkgs.taskwarrior}/bin/task export \ +ACTIVE status:pending \ | ${pkgs.jq}/bin/jq --raw-output '.[] | "⇒ \(.id) \(.description)"' ''; userHighlight = map ({ user, ... }: user) (builtins.attrValues config.programs.custom.browser.configList); activeUsers = pkgs.writers.writeBash "active-users" '' ${pkgs.procps}/bin/ps -eo user \ | ${pkgs.gnused}/bin/sed '1 d' \ | ${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/sort \ | ${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/uniq \ | ${pkgs.gnugrep}/bin/egrep --color=always '(${ pkgs.lib.concatStringsSep "|" userHighlight })|$' ''; # default settings wtfModule = args@{ height ? 1, width ? 1, top, left, enabled ? true, type, ... }: { enabled = enabled; focusable = false; position.top = top; position.left = left; position.height = height; position.width = width; } // (lib.filterAttrs (key: _: lib.all (x: x != key) [ "height" "width" "top" "left" ]) args); # command runner module cmdRunner = args@{ cmd, ... }: wtfModule ({ type = "cmdrunner"; focusable = false; refreshInterval = 300; } // args); modules = { inherit cmdRunner; # not working: had no time to investigate #digitalclock = args@{ top, left, ... }: # wtfModule ({ # type = "digitalclock"; # title = ""; # color = "white"; # font = "bigfont"; # hourFormat = 24; # refreshInterval = 1; # } // args); digitalclock = args@{ top, left, ... }: cmdRunner ({ cmd = pkgs.writers.writeDash "clock" '' ${pkgs.toilet}/bin/toilet --font future `${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/date +"%a %H:%M"` ${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/date +"%B %d %Y" ''; title = ""; refreshInterval = 30; } // args); clocks = args@{ top, left, ... }: wtfModule ({ type = "clocks"; title = ""; border = false; colors.rows = { even = "white"; odd = "white"; }; locations = { Berlin = "Europe/Berlin"; Wellington = "Pacific/Auckland"; }; sort = "alphabetical"; refreshInterval = 60; } // args); resourceusage = args@{ top, left, ... }: wtfModule ({ type = "resourceusage"; title = ""; cpuCombined = false; refreshInterval = 5; } // args); power = args@{ top, left, ... }: wtfModule ({ type = "power"; title = ""; refreshInterval = 100; } // args); prettyweather = args@{ top, left, ... }: wtfModule ({ type = "prettyweather"; title = ""; city = "Wellington"; unit = "m"; view = 0; language = "en"; refreshInterval = 3600; } // args); feedreader = args@{ top, left, feeds, ... }: wtfModule ({ type = "feedreader"; title = ""; refreshInterval = 3600; focusable = true; #feedLimit = 10; colors.rows = { even = "white"; odd = "white"; }; } // args); github = args@{ top, left, username, apiKey, ... }: wtfModule ({ type = "github"; title = ""; refreshInterval = 3600; feedlimit = 10; enableStatus = true; # customQueries: # othersPRs: # title: "Others Pull Requests" # filter: "is:open is:pr -author:wtfutil" # repositories: # - "wtfutil/wtf" # - "wtfutil/docs" # - "umbrella-corp/wesker-api" } // args); }; newsJson = { wtf = { term = "rxvt-unicode-256color"; colors.border = { focusable = "darkslateblue"; focused = "orange"; normal = "green"; }; grid = { columns = [ 28 0 0 ]; rows = [ 9 9 9 9 9 9 0 ]; }; refreshInterval = 1; mods = with modules; { clock = digitalclock { top = 0; left = 0; }; weather = prettyweather { top = 1; left = 0; }; # feeds hackernews = feedreader { title = "Hacker News"; top = 0; left = 1; height = 3; feeds = [ "https://news.ycombinator.com/rss" ]; }; lopster = feedreader { title = "Lopsters"; top = 0; left = 2; height = 3; feeds = [ "https://lobste.rs/rss" ]; }; hackernews_tools = feedreader { title = "Hacker News Tools"; top = 4; left = 1; height = 1; feeds = [ "https://latesthackingnews.com/category/hacking-tools/feed/" ]; }; nixos = feedreader { title = "NixOS Weekly"; top = 3; left = 1; height = 1; feeds = [ "https://weekly.nixos.org/feeds/all.rss.xml" ]; }; taskwarrior = feedreader { title = "Taskwarrior"; top = 3; left = 2; height = 1; feeds = [ "https://taskwarrior.org/feed.rss" ]; }; #github = github { # username = "mrVanDalo"; # apiKey = ""; # repositories = [ # "nixos/nixpkgs" # ]; #}; }; }; }; qJson = { wtf = { term = "rxvt-unicode-256color"; colors.border = { focusable = "darkslateblue"; focused = "orange"; normal = "green"; }; grid = { columns = [ 33 12 28 36 0 ]; rows = [ 9 3 7 6 0 ]; }; refreshInterval = 1; mods = with modules; { digitalclock = digitalclock { top = 0; left = 0; }; clocks = clocks { top = 1; left = 0; }; top = resourceusage { top = 0; left = 1; width = 2; }; power = power { top = 2; left = 0; }; rates = wtfModule { type = "exchangerates"; top = 3; left = 0; title = "rates"; rates.SGD = [ "EUR" ]; rates.EUR = [ "SGD" ]; refreshInterval = 3600; }; weather = prettyweather { top = 0; left = 3; }; calendar = cmdRunner { title = ""; args = [ "-3" "--monday" "--color=never" "-w" ]; cmd = "cal"; top = 1; left = 1; height = 2; width = 3; refreshInterval = 3600; }; active-users = cmdRunner { title = "users"; cmd = activeUsers; top = 0; left = 4; height = 4; width = 1; refreshInterval = 30; }; active-tasks = cmdRunner { title = "active tasks"; cmd = activeTasks; top = 4; left = 2; height = 1; width = 3; refreshInterval = 60; }; next-week-tasks = cmdRunner { title = "upcoming"; cmd = taskNextWeek; top = 4; left = 0; height = 1; width = 2; refreshInterval = 60; }; network-status = cmdRunner { title = "network status"; cmd = networkStatus; top = 3; left = 1; height = 1; width = 3; refreshInterval = 60; }; uptime = cmdRunner { enabled = false; title = "uptime"; cmd = "uptime"; top = 3; left = 1; height = 1; width = 3; }; }; }; }; createDashboard = { json, name }: let configuration = pkgs.writeText "config.yml" (builtins.toJSON json); in pkgs.writers.writeBashBin name '' ${unstable.wtf}/bin/wtfutil --config=${toString configuration} ''; in { services.upower.enable = true; environment.systemPackages = [ unstable.wtf (createDashboard { json = qJson; name = "q"; }) (createDashboard { json = newsJson; name = "news"; }) #activeUsers #activeTasks pkgs.upower ]; }