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2023-05-03 21:20:51 +02:00
{ lib, pkgs, config, ... }:
uiPort = 9099;
2023-05-04 10:12:52 +02:00
containers.sync-torrent = {
2023-05-03 21:20:51 +02:00
# mount host folders
bindMounts = {
media = {
2023-05-04 10:12:52 +02:00
hostPath = "/media/new";
2023-05-03 21:20:51 +02:00
mountPoint = "/media"; # must be here otherwise transmission can't see the folder
isReadOnly = false;
lib = {
2023-05-04 10:12:52 +02:00
hostPath = "/srv/sync-torrent";
2023-05-03 21:20:51 +02:00
mountPoint = "/var/lib/transmission";
isReadOnly = false;
autoStart = true;
config = { config, pkgs, lib, ... }: {
system.stateVersion = "22.11";
services.journald.extraConfig = "SystemMaxUse=1G";
services.transmission = {
enable = true;
settings = {
download-dir = "/media";
2023-05-04 10:12:52 +02:00
incomplete-dir = "/var/lib/transmission/incomplete"; # todo put this somewhere with frequent snapshots but low keep.
2023-05-03 21:20:51 +02:00
incomplete-dir-enabled = true;
message-level = 1;
umask = 2;
rpc-whitelist-enabled = false;
rpc-host-whitelist-enabled = false;
rpc-port = uiPort;
rpc-enable = true;
rpc-bind-address = "";
# "normal" speed limits
speed-limit-down-enabled = false;
speed-limit-down = 800;
speed-limit-up-enabled = true;
speed-limit-up = 3000;
upload-slots-per-torrent = 8;
# Queuing
# When true, Transmission will only download
# download-queue-size non-stalled torrents at once.
download-queue-enabled = true;
download-queue-size = 3;
# When true, torrents that have not shared data for
# queue-stalled-minutes are treated as 'stalled'
# and are not counted against the queue-download-size
# and seed-queue-size limits.
queue-stalled-enabled = true;
queue-stalled-minutes = 60;
# When true. Transmission will only seed seed-queue-size
# non-stalled torrents at once.
seed-queue-enabled = false;
seed-queue-size = 10;
# Enable UPnP or NAT-PMP.
peer-port = 51413;
port-forwarding-enabled = false;
# Start torrents as soon as they are added
start-added-torrents = true;
# open ports for logging
#networking.firewall.interfaces."ve-torrent".allowedTCPPorts =
# [ 5044 12304 12305 ];
#networking.firewall.interfaces."ve-torrent".allowedUDPPorts =
# [ 5044 12304 12305 ];
# host nginx setup
# ----------------
2023-05-04 10:12:52 +02:00
# curl -H "Host: sync.robi.private" https://robi.private/ < will work
# curl -H "Host: sync.robi.private" < wont work
2023-05-03 21:20:51 +02:00
services.nginx = {
enable = true;
recommendedProxySettings = true;
virtualHosts = {
"sync.${config.networking.hostName}.private" = {
extraConfig = ''
allow ${config.tinc.private.subnet};
deny all;
locations."/" = {
proxyPass = "${toString uiPort}";