# How to create proper recordings (with Zoom H5) * Select an Empty folder (Stereo is recommended) * Press (Record) and start createing a Note * Press (Play) and (Play) again to Speak the whole Note again, if you made a mistake (this will create Markers) * Press (Record) to finish the Note * Once the Topic is done (which is a collection of Notes) * Got though the the list of Samples and trim the beginnings way to the last marker (only if markers in the files exist) * **Menu** -> **Edit** -> **Trim** * (>>) and (<<) to jump between markers * (Record) to execute Deletion Now you have a bunch of already cut Recordings, which can be merged to a proper Topic with the `script.sh` # How to create final MP3s * Create folder for a topic/note-session * move all wav files in there * cd in that folder * run ```shell bash ../script.sh ``` * Now you have a mp3 with the name of the folder